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Questions tagged [ganache]

For questions about using the Ganache personal blockchain testing environment.

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Ganache-UI connection with Remix IDE [duplicate]

I connected Ganache-UI with Remix and able to view all the accounts and balances, but upon deploying a basic contract, I get such message: Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below)....
Yash Madhwal's user avatar
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Can't call POOL.flashLoan provided by Aave

I'm trying to call POOL.flashLoan provided by Aave core v3. This is for a test and done on forked mainnet using ganache/truffle. contract FlashLoanArbitrage { IPool public POOL; ...
Utatistics's user avatar
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i have an error to bulid web app react by blockchain solidity, truffle, ganache, metamask:the solution for frequency error please give me the solutio

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { BrowserRouter as Router, Routes, Route, Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import Web3 from 'web3'; import HomePage from './HomePage'; import ...
razan alkhaluqi's user avatar
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when using call function in im getting error

Error: Could not transact with/call contract function, is contract deployed correctly and chain synced? import streamlit as st from web3 import Web3 import hashlib import json # Connect to local ...
Asta's user avatar
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Truffle Test Error: UnhandledRejections detected VM Exception while processing transaction: revert code: -32000

I am still learning solidity and using Ganache. Below is the contract I am trying to execute: // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 pragma solidity ^0.8.4; contract FundMe { address payable public ...
sanister's user avatar
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Copying of type struct ECommerceMarketplace.OrderItem memory[] memory to storage not yet supported

I am working on creating an E-Commerce Smart Contract. But when I run the migrate command, I'm getting this error: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; contract ...
Jayson's user avatar
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Bootnode return ip="invalid IP" udp=0 tcp=0 on local environment?

I'm learning and the process i found limitations with Ganache. First with alternatives i have ? Trying to create my own private block with geth i got this issue: I try to create two nodes with ...
Bakhouche Akram's user avatar
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Why is VSCode not fetching the details that are given to the contract after the deployment to the Remix IDE?

Why is VSCode not fetching the details that are given to the contract after the deployment to the Remix IDE? import React, {useEffect, useState} from 'react' import { FaDonate } from 'react-icons/fa'; ...
Sravya's user avatar
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Smart contract is compiled but not deployed to ganache

I am developing a DAO Dapp, but when I run truffle migrate --reset, the contract compiles but does not get deployed to Ganache. There are no deployment details shown in the console, and the contract ...
Ahmad Faraz's user avatar
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Call to view function, which returns a bytes value, got error: VM Exception while processing transaction: invalid opcode

I have this test smart contract // SPDX-License-Identifier: SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE pragma solidity 0.8.26; contract TestSomething { bytes state; bytes32 state32; constructor() {} ...
Trong-Hieu Nguyen's user avatar
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Ganache alternative in docker

After the Sunset of Truffle and Ganache . Are they already some alternative to the Ganache docker image with enabled persistent data for local development ...
Majd TL's user avatar
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How can I create new accounts and interact with the blockchain using Ganache (or other testnets)?

I am developing an Android app with kotlin and I want to create new accounts in the blockchain. I am using Ganache as a testnet. I am creating a new Bip32ECKeyPair for every user in the app and I want ...
Nacho's user avatar
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Storing MQTT on Ethereum Chain or is there a better way?

I'm working on a college project where we are using IoT sensors (raspberry pi) to monitor the supply chain conditions, think temp, pressure, humidity etc. This data is being transmitted via MQTT to a ...
howtomqttblockchain's user avatar
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When I try to deploy my smart contract with ganache and try yo conect to the virtual blockchain, this message pop up in the terminal of visual studio

When I try to deploy my smart contract with ganache and try yo conect to the virtual blockchain, this message pop up in the terminal of visual studio. Why? I hope somebody give my a response please. I'...
SeekeyeLobster's user avatar
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Web3.js => _data.trim() is not a function?

Trying to deploy to ganache but keeps giving this error. Error : TypeError: _data.trim is not a function at ContractBuilder.deploy (C:\Users\user\Desktop\lotteryv2\node_modules\web3-eth-contract\lib\...
seojunchian's user avatar
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DNS using blockchain (how can i hashed my domain name ) in the code below help me to complete this code

import Web3 from "web3"; import Registry from "./contracts/Registry.json"; import Resolver from "./contracts/Resolver.json"; import Cache from "./contracts/Cache....
Zain Alramahi's user avatar
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Missing Revert Data (Hardhat/Ganache)

shortMessage: 'missing revert data', info: { error: { message: 'VM Exception while processing transaction: invalid opcode', stack: 'RuntimeError: VM Exception while processing ...
Kishor Kumar Paroi's user avatar
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Truffle ganache debug not working

I have installed truffle and ganache and the @ganache/console.log library. Furthermore, I have the following contract from an online course which serves as an example to demostrate the debug mode of ...
TheDude's user avatar
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Hyperledger-caliper Ethereum Benchmarking (Error: nonce undefined)

I am using hyperledger-caliper to benchmark the Ethereum local network (Ganache). The contract is a simple storage contract, nothing fancy. I can deploy the contract using the code provided below. But ...
111Seven's user avatar
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Foundry Anvil (local test network) database

I am using the Foundray Anvil local network to test my application. Is there an option while initiating the test network to store data of blockchain in a specific location? Similar to this --db /my/...
111Seven's user avatar
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Subject: Facing "TypeError: invalid private key" during deployment

Description: I'm encountering an issue while attempting to deploy a contract using ethers.js. The error message I'm receiving is as follows: Error: TypeError: invalid private key (argument="...
Amine Merad's user avatar
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MethodUnavailable(error) when shifting from Ganache to Sepolia Testnet

I previously used Ganche to deploy a solidity contract in python with web3py and it worked with given http provider & account details. But now I want to deploy the flask application that connects ...
Anushka.N12's user avatar
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Accessing a String[ ][ ] type array from a Solidity Backend to a React Frontend

Greetings to the one reading this issue. My project uses: Ganache - Deployment Solidity - Smart Contract React - Frontend Metamask - Wallet Here is the screenshot of the problem. I am unable to ...
Siddhant Khare's user avatar
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Unable to connect ganache with Hardhat

I am not being able to connect hardhat to the local ganache network. I have already connected the ganache to the metamask. Here is my hardhat.config.js code: /** @type import('hardhat/config')....
imbot's user avatar
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Ethers.js Deployment Issues with Ganache: Import Errors and Network Detection

I'm encountering deployment issues while using ethers.js with Ganache. Initially, I faced import statement errors with ethers v6 and downgraded to v5.7.2. However, I now encounter a network detection ...'s user avatar
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Contract is not deploying

const ethers = require("ethers"); const fs = require("fs-extra"); async function main() { const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("
Muhammad Farhan's user avatar
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Why are my exceptions rendered differently after versions update?

I don't remember the previous versions I was using but I remember upgrading because I hoped to have a local test network (via Ganache) supporting EIP-1559. My versions are: Truffle v5.11.5 (core: 5.11....
Luis Masuelli's user avatar
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Ganache doesn't return tx.origin

web3 6.12.0 solc-v0.8.23 Python 3.12.1 Ganache v2.7.1 I've deployed this contract: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; contract TestContract { address public myAddress; ...
bordolot's user avatar
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I'm getting this Error: cannot estimate gas; transaction may fail or may require manual gas limit

MY CODE: const ethers = require("ethers"); const fs = require("fs-extra"); async function main() { // HTTP:// const provider = new ethers.providers....
Edward Kenway's user avatar
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Truffle migration of an ownable contract

Initially, I deploy everything using REMIX IDE, currently I would like to try to deploy a contract that is ownable into local ganache blockchain using truffle migration: pragma solidity ^0.8.18; ...
tony's user avatar
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Invalid OpCode while deploying "HelloWorld"

I'm receiving the following error message trying to deploy a very simple contract to Ganache. How can I resolve this? Contract: pragma solidity ^0.8.21; // ^0.4.24; contract HelloWorld { string ...
Mark P's user avatar
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How to fix `Invalid callback object specfied` error when deploying a smart contract?

My smart contract: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.19; contract Inbox { string public message; constructor (string memory initiialMessage) { message = ...
Jyobala's user avatar
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Error when deploying my contract and interact with him

Here is the error message : Deploying, please wait... BaseContract { target: '0x80f4D1df2Da11Ca9437A01519d3972d07E54A43E', interface: Interface { fragments: [ [ConstructorFragment], ...
Marsattak's user avatar
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Error: missing revert data when deploying Solidity contract with ethers.js and Ganache

I'm having an issue deploying a Solidity smart contract using ethers.js and Ganache. I have a simple contract called SimpleStorage.sol: // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity 0.8.21; ...
Shuvo's user avatar
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245 views exception contract logic error; execution reverted: VM exception

I would like to contract the transactions to solidity compiler and got the following error; raise ContractLogicError(f"execution reverted: {message}", data=data) web3.exceptions....
Narayan Khatri's user avatar
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Whenever I add the truffle config file to ganache, all the account balances become 0.00 ETH, any solutions?

The truffle compile and migrate work fine, but when I add the config file to the ganache, it makes all the account balances as 0.00 ETH. I am following this repo
Ayan Mukherjee's user avatar
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Perplexing issue: Ownable: caller is not the owner'

i am a new developer and i am struggling with an issue since two weeks now and can't get to the bottom of it. Here is some context: I have two smart contracts, one minting an NFT and the other issuing ...
Brandas's user avatar
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brownie test results in ValueError: sender account not recognized

I am trying to run curve finance's multi-rewards test suite with brownie test, however, the tests fail with the following error: accounts = < object at 0x103e0caf0&...
MShakeG's user avatar
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Mainnet fork deployment - Error: *** Deployment Failed *** "Migrations" hit an invalid opcode while deploying

I am trying to deploy contracts on a mainnet fork. I have my fork running with the command ganache --fork$INFURA_API_KEY --wallet.unlockedAccounts=$MY_ACCOUNT --chain....
justinsacco's user avatar
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Got `invalid opcode` when deploying a contract to Ganache test network from Truffle

I have launched Ganache 2.7.1 in Mac and using truffle 5.11.3. I tried to deploy below contract to Ganache but filed: helloworld.sol // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED pragma solidity ^0.8.18; ...
Joey Yi Zhao's user avatar
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How do I fix Error: Deployment Failed on ganache?

I am encountering this error while deploying my smart contract on the Ganache blockchain, can anyone help me fix it? Error: *** Deployment Failed *** "Coffee" hit an invalid opcode while ...
kaustubh sharma's user avatar
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how can i deploy my Dapp?

what if I have deployed my smart contract on truffle and used ganache to deploy the same and i havn't used any test network, so if I go to deploy it on netlify to demonstrate the same will it work??
kaustubh sharma's user avatar
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Importing ERC20 token on Ganache silently fails

I have deployed an ERC20 contract on my local Ganache network, I am trying to add it to Metamask. It seems to find it, but then fails to display it in my token list after import: First I add the token ...
S..'s user avatar
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TypeError: Member "add" not found or not visible after argument-dependent lookup in struct Chainlink.Request memory

I encounter this error when trying to compile and migrate to my blockchain EVM.The smart contract supposed to trigger a job from Chainlink from Ganache EVM. This is the code to it pragma solidity >=...
xopherwwl's user avatar
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Chainlink says my EVM node is unreachable to localhost ganache

I have followed the instructions from chainlink doc here. In the instruction, instead of sepolia, I renamed to ganache because it will be linking with my ganache EVM. As everything is setup, my ...
xopherwwl's user avatar
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CALL_EXCEPTION in estimateGas with local ganache

I am trying to deploy a contract to a local ganache network using Nodejs v20. Nodejs is able to connect with local Ganache but the deploy() method is giving following error: Error: missing revert ...
amol's user avatar
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Are accounts on Ganache Blockchain considered Nodes?

I wanted to ask a question: the accounts on Ganache are nodes, for example I mean, if I am in the project, I let the account send the transaction to another account This process considers that you are ...
Ghada AbdulWahab's user avatar
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web3.js how to call receive() external payable?

firstly, I have a code in a contract as below: receive() external payable { // function enter() external payable { require(msg.value > 0.1 ether, "require minimum 0.1 ether!...
cyann's user avatar
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Invalid opcode error in ganache 2.7.1

I have created a smart contract and deployed it using by connecting to the ganache 2.7.0 version and deployed the smart contract in it but suddenly there was a update in ganache which I did ...
Abisheg Sridhar's user avatar
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Error: Returned error: sender account not recognized

this contract for Deploys instances of other smart contracts and i'm using ganache contract Contracts_Factory { // Common Section uint256 SIZE = 10; uint index = 0; string[] accounts = ...
abdou's user avatar
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