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Questions tagged [geth-debugging]

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Updating geth on Ubuntu fails

I had some issues with geth and while researching it it was suggested to update get. Before the update I had $ geth version Geth Version: 1.9.6-unstable Architecture: amd64 Protocol Versions: [63] ...
pigfox's user avatar
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Geth for Base Chain Node is stuck arround 100 blocks behind current height. How can i fix this?

I am syncing a base chain node as the layer 2 and I have snap node of ethereum mainnet on the same server. Ethereum main node is working fine but the syncing of base chain node is always keep 100 ...
Hammad Ali's user avatar
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debug_traceTransaction on a full node not working

I'm running a full but not archive node using geth. I'm trying to get trace for a transaction using debug.traceTransaction('0x4883a2cd5a260723ae65b88787d153864938e0cf0b811bc0597a80e3e820777a'); but it ...
Wanjing's user avatar
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Bootnode return ip="invalid IP" udp=0 tcp=0 on local environment?

I'm learning and the process i found limitations with Ganache. First with alternatives i have ? Trying to create my own private block with geth i got this issue: I try to create two nodes with ...
Bakhouche Akram's user avatar
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IPC Endpoint closes immediately after it opens GETH

I am attempting to establish communication between a bootstrap and member node on the same device using GETH on Windows. Initialising both nodes with my genesis.json file works fine. geth --datadir ...
Matt's user avatar
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Execution reverted using go-ethereum

When im using the remix ide (and in js with web3 lib) to interact with the smart contract there's no problem, but in golang with geth always return me "execution reverted" in call function (...
Victor Bernardes's user avatar
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Geth version 1.14.4-stable Error: authentication needed: password or unlock. Transfer issue?

I want to make a transfer between two wallets; one is the address I set up on my private blockchain, and the other is my Metamask address. However, I keep encountering the same error. I have attached ...
yukara's user avatar
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Is Geth syncing?

I started a Geth instance in snap mode, it's been running for 3 days now. The log is constantly showing: Feb 23 19:01:01 ns516963 geth[36263]: INFO [02-23|19:01:01.940] Forkchoice requested sync to ...
Daniel Martín's user avatar
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Geth Blockchain synchronised issue

i am developing my private Blockchain using geth. I am created successfully my private Blockchain and created native coin on that, after that I created RPC URL for metamask later I am transfer some ...
raj kumar's user avatar
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What we can exactly do with debug_trace_call debug_trace_block_by_number debug_trace_transaction?

Could you please explain in detail the specific functionalities and use cases of debug_trace_call, debug_trace_block_by_number, and debug_trace_transaction and debug_traceCall? I am particularly ...
PandaKungFuu's user avatar
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Geth transactions not broadcast and stuck in pending state

Setup three Geth private network nodes(Clique) via docker container. They are deployed on three different VMs. Among 3 nodes, there is a miner node to mine the block, a RPC node to accept RPC request, ...
abcuse1111's user avatar
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depolying system contracts for new evm blockchain

i was trying to fork a dpos evm blockchain , how to deploy system contracts for dpos and slash and get the "code" data in genesis file as below ? "alloc": { "...
ft_lauderdale's user avatar
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Full node is missing transactions

I am running a full node (geth + lighthouse) on mainet for a few months. In a random test i found that my the geth client did not heard of some transactions (i took random blocks from Etherscan, and ...
stopiky's user avatar
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Fatal: Failed to write genesis block: can't start clique chain without signers

I am trying to setup a local geth blockchain server but every time I attempt to execute I get the above error. I created the account first with the following command. C:\private_chain>geth --...
Xavier's user avatar
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How can I fix 'no matches found: enode` error when setting up private geth nodes?

I'm following along with a tutorial from the geth documentation. The tutorial is describing how to set up a private network of multiple geth nodes. I have run the bootnode -nodekey boot....
jds250's user avatar
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Stuck at looking for peers when I setup full ethereum node in Ubuntu

I am trying to install a full Ethereum 1.0 node on Ubuntu, but I keep encountering an issue. I have tried synchronizing the local time and turning off the firewall, and my computer resources are more ...
DEFI Expert's user avatar
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Missing personal api in geth JS consoole

so I installed geth. and launched the genesis terminal after initializing my genesis block. I needed to run the personal.newAccount() command, but the personal api is missing. My colleague had the ...
luko's user avatar
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How to run Ethereum light node by using Geth

after the ethereum merge (POS) how to run ethereum mainnet light node by using Geth, when I try to run light node I'm getting the error "Looking for peers"
Neelesh Gupta's user avatar
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What do the gas values mean in debug_traceTransaction?

I know the struct logs contain the gasCost and the gas limit for each opcode. In some cases like CALL, the gas cost appears to be aggregated from the opcodes below it. Also, all of the gas costs (for ...
antazoey's user avatar
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debug_traceTransaction return two CALLS when it was only only one

Here is tx: So we can see only one internal transfer to 0xeacd59712b496c9877244da25824b73cb5f6e94c When I ...
Artem's user avatar
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Under which condition "CALL" opcode does not increase the depth?

I'm currently researching EVM opcode trace data(data fetched from "debug_traceTransaction"), and I meet several cases where the opcode "CALL" does not increase the depth. I already ...
Jeff Chen's user avatar
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Is it possible to prune ethereum full node without having to stop geth client?

Does anyone know how to prune ethereum geth full node for an application which requires a non-stop running full node ?somehow like the way bitcoin does pruning ( removing older blocks automatically ...
Mia mhm's user avatar
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Trying to understand the difference between trace_call and debug_traceCall methods

can someone help me understand the difference between trace_call and debug_traceCall? From what I've read, trace_call is to see the opcodes executed and the gas used for a transaction. debug_traceCall ...
Devin Jackson's user avatar
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Geth has connected to 3+ peers but won't download blocks

I'm trying to run a geth node on my machine. Yesterday I had troubles with finding peers. Today for some reason I'm connecting to many more peers but none of them seem to be willing to serve me any ...
Paymahn Moghadasian's user avatar
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HardhatError: HH110: Invalid JSON-RPC response received: missing token when deploying to Görli (Gorli/Goerli) testnet

Summary When I run yarn hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network goerli, the following error is displayed in my terminal: HardhatError: HH110: Invalid JSON-RPC response received: missing token at ...
BowTiedApu's user avatar
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I request ether from goerli faucet, it seem success, but eth.getbalance return 0

step1: I launch the Geth ➜ geth --datadir rinkeby --rinkeby --syncmode snap step2: I request ether from goerli faucet from the site:
chao wang's user avatar
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Geth node accounts balances and contracts reset to 0 after 30,000 Blocks in POA private network

This is my geth node script geth --datadir /root/data/data/ --networkid 1567134 --bootnodes enode://...
Lloyd Ramos's user avatar
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Tie-breaking implementation on geth

I'm analysing geth's source code for my undergraduate thesis, and I'm unable to locate the tie-breaking function, i.e. where blocks are compared and either become canonical or uncle. My final goal is ...
Chema Poblador's user avatar
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Detecting internal transactions given a debug_traceTransaction response

Intro Hello everyone, I am attempting to filter and recreate internal transactions given a debug_traceTransaction response and the {tracer: "callTracer"} tracer. An example transaction can ...
user3223162's user avatar
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geth will not recognizw --mintme flag

I have been trying to run geth --mintme however only get flag provided but not defined: -mintme I have searched the documentation, here
Gee_k's user avatar
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How can I connect Geth to Goerli and view accounts (following Goerli Getting Started)

I am trying to connect the Geth Windows client to the Goerli Testnet and view accounts created using Clef (I am essentially following the Goerli Getting Started document, even though the basic ...
Jack Copper's user avatar
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How to connect AWS node with Metamask?

Sorry its really primitive and silly question but I'm very low on information about this area but from the things I've heard and I've seen I managed to create a node from "https://eu-west-2....
bootastif's user avatar
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web3js getPastlog return empty array

i test web3js by geth,i build private net in local.i try to call getPastlog ,but return empty array. const Web3 = require("web3"); // const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(&...
张三次's user avatar
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how to setup up Gas Price POA network

I have setup POA Network with clique, 5 Node with Public RPC, everything working fine, but i would like to setup Gas Fee to 25 GWEI automatically Metamask pick this estimation, by Default POA has 1 ...
Tej Bhandari's user avatar
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I can't figure out the reason for this error

There are no problems with the nodes. but i keep getting this warning What exactly is the reason for this? err="signed recently, must wait for others"
sabri yasin's user avatar
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Does calling a read function with input leave any trace?

I want to call a read function which does a calculation and returns a result. It is important that the input will not be saved on the blockchain. If I were to use a write function then even if there ...
Gal's user avatar
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How can I get rid of the lock, which is giving " Failed to create the protocol stack: datadir already used by another process" as error

How can I get rid of the lock, which is giving " Failed to create the protocol stack: datadir already used by another process" as error.when geth is running in another tab.
Mickey's user avatar
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The state of the contract does not change

I deployed the contract on my private geth network for testing. pragma solidity ^0.4.26; contract MyContract { mapping (address => uint) private balances; function depositFunds() public ...
thomascoopm1337's user avatar
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Geth(clique): Getting the total initial supply on a geth private network

Using ethers/web3 is it possible to get the total initial supply (which is predetermined on clique) so I can get a hold of the data and display it somewhere.. I know how to get the total supply of an ...
Ian Gregson's user avatar
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Geth state heal in progress - will it terminate?

This question is somewhat related to this one, but unfortunately I don't have enough reputation to post my thoughts there. I have been tracking my state heal progress for some time now, and I have a ...
tosch's user avatar
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How to decode go ethereum leveldb key value pair

Just for test I tried to browse leveldb records of private go ethereum node and found following types of many keys and values one example key and value is below Key : \x48\x5c\x22\xd5\x23\x0f\x95\...
FLAME'S KING's user avatar
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Connecting to Private Geth Blockchain network using MetaMask

I am new to Blockchain and created a private geth network in Aws EC2. I need to connect my metmask wallet to that network. From my metamask wallet , I am not able to see that network. Kindly let me ...
Manzoor's user avatar
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admin.addpeers is not working on geth

This is the info i get when i run admin.addpeer on geth . i have used same genesis file on both aws instances, also rpcport and ports are different on both instances. the info is as follows: WARN [12-...
Jignasha Dalal's user avatar
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How to add both Geth ang Ganache to metamask?

I have been facing an issue. I want to connect Both Geth and Ganache (GUI) to Metamask one at a time for testing smart contract. But in Metamask it's already showing a network localhost RPC endpoint ...
Alita's user avatar
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Why is geth console returning me a transaction hash when I try to read my contract storage variable instead of actual value(uint256)?

Environment : Running an Ethereum private network of one node using Geth Connected to Remix-IDE at localhost:8545 Contract successfully deployed and tested via Remix Contract Code : // SPDX-License-...
Sarthak Joshi's user avatar
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ethers provider.getLogs() missing an event?

In each onBlock I want to deterministically get the list of uniswap Pairs that changed in that block so I scan for Sync events (without an address filter). I am running on my own geth node. I do the ...
nxstock-trader's user avatar
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Start and HTTP JSON-RPC geth on android?

Is it possible to change the code in /mobile to allow for a json-rpc api to be spawned on an android? Or is there something I need to do in Java with the NodeConfig? I already managed to run a light-...
Markus Haas's user avatar
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account defined in genesis.json has no existence when private node started using geth command

I copied go ethereum source from heco git repository compiled and used following genesis.json file { "config": { "chainId": 24, "homesteadBlock": 0, "...
FLAME'S KING's user avatar
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My geth node is stuck on "looking for peers"

I start the geth node with these parameters, "geth --ropsten --syncmode "light" --allow-insecure-unlock --http --http.api "eth,net,web3,personal" --http.addr '' " ...
user15320943's user avatar
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What is the best way to create Binance Smart Chain (BSC) transactions via geth without a full node?

I currently run geth to create and query the ethereum blockchain for transactions in light mode. I don't have a eth full node running. I tried running the same similar setup for Binance Smart Chain in ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar

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