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El romance “Relación fúnebre…” de Luis de Sandoval Zapata, escrito al parecer entre 1660 y 1664, es una obra anómala dentro de la poesía novohispana, no sólo porque se ocupa de un polémico hecho histórico –la Conspiración de Martín Cortés... more
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      Post-ColonialismLatin American literatureColonial Latin American HistoryNueva España
Se oye decir demasiado seguido que la crítica literaria está en crisis. Se escucha que su
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      Literary CriticismCrítica literaria
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      Latin American literatureMexican LiteratureMexican RevolutionNarrativa mexicana
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      Latin American StudiesCuban StudiesLatin American literatureCuban literature
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      Latin American StudiesMexican StudiesLatin American literatureLatin American culture
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      Latin American StudiesNarcoculturaMexicoMovimientos sociales
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      Mexican LiteratureContemporary Mexican LiteraturePoesía mexicanaLiteratura mexicana
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      Mexican LiteratureNarrativa mexicanaLiteratura mexicanaCuentos Mexicanos
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      Mexican LiteratureInmigracionFronterasLiteratura mexicana
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      Mexican LiteratureConceptual writingArte contemporáneoLiteratura mexicana
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      Latin American literatureROBERTO BOLAÑOLiteratura LatinoamericanaVanguardias
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      Mexican LiteratureAlfonso ReyesLiteratura mexicanaEnsayo
Es ya casi un lugar común pensar los años sesenta y setenta en América Latina como un objeto de estudio autónomo, como una época aparte, ajena al presente y atestada de obras obsoletas. Este ensayo pretende resistir ese hábito crítico y... more
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      Central America and MexicoCentral American StudiesJacques RancièreLiteratura Centroamericana
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      Miguel de CervantesNovela picarescaTeatro del Siglo de OroSpanish Picaresque literature, Transatlantic (Spain and Latin America) studies, monster theory in Spanish and Latin American literature (early modern and 20th century)
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      Miguel de CervantesEntremesesTeatro breve del Siglo de OroEl retablo de las maravillas
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      Miguel de CervantesEntremesesTeatro breve del Siglo de OroTeatro Siglo de Oro Español
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      The Spanish picaresque novel (la novela picaresca)Heresy and InquisitionNovela picarescaAlonso Jerónimo de Salas Barbadillo
Pedro de Urdemalas, the main protagonist of Cervantes’s play of the same name, has been extensively studied as a Protean figure due to his malleability to adapt to the various professions and masks he adopts throughout the comedia. This... more
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      Miguel de CervantesComedia NuevaTeatro Siglo de Oro EspañolPicaresque
 Abstract the work of alejandra Pizarnik has been a central part of the questioning of subjectivity in recent literary criticism. two basic patterns have emerged: one outlines the unification of the poetic persona and the poet's tragic... more
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      Political TheoryDeconstructionJacques DerridaNihilism