Recent papers in Picaresque
La Lozana Andaluza y La pícara Justina ofrecen modelos de conducta en una situación de crisis. Sendas obras se prestan particularmente a analizar cómo personajes literarios encuentran soluciones alternativas merced a su ingenio. Y es... more
REVIEWS ARDILA, J. A. GARRIDO, ed. The Picaresque Novel in Western Literature: From the Sixteenth Century to the Neopicaresque. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. ix + 277 pp. $99.00 hardcover.
This essay analyses Brecht’s engagement with the picaresque genre, which derives from his reading of Hašek and Grimmelshausen. Proceeding chronologically, the discussion begins with the subversive cabaret humour of Mann ist Mann (1926),... more
El presente trabajo analiza el recorrido de Lázaro de Tormes a través de su estadía con diferentes amos e identifica varios elementos que le permiten afirmar que la multiplicidad de sentidos, sobre la cual trabaja la obra, responde a un... more
This article analyses autofictional constellations and their role as sources of humour in Günter Grass’s "Beim Häuten der Zwiebel" (‘Peeling the Onion’). Keenly aware of the unreliability of memory and the transient nature of self, Grass... more
This paper seeks to examine the depiction of the evil step-mother Queen in Snow White. The focus will be on examining the characterization of the Queen as both step-mother and evil witch as depicted in the traditional fairy tale and... more
Memorias de un perro escritas por su propia pata es una novela chilena publicada en 1893 por Juan Rafael Allende, directamente influida por la novela picaresca española. Dada la relativamente poca atención que ha suscitado entre la... more
""The current work aims to analyse the characters’ quest for the self and their process of growth throughout the narratives. This work is composed of an introduction on the similarities and the intertextual connections between the novels... more
Este trabajo combina el uso de herramientas digitales y tradicionales para el tratamiento de problemas en los campos de los estudios textuales, la historia de la literatura, los estudios de censura, la historia del libro y la sociología... more
Mémoire présenté et soutenu en vue de l'obtention du diplôme de Master II en Littératures et Civilisations comparées Spécialité : Littérature et Civilisation françaises
The fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders is a novel by Daniel Defoe, first published in 1722. He wrote Moll Flanders as picaresque first-person narration of the fall and redemption of a woman in 17th Century in England.... more
This article analyses the 2006 novel Wizard of the Crow by Kenyan author Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o in a post-Cold War context as a postcommunist picaresque novel. Using the instruments of postcommunist and world-systems theory and comparing the... more
Pensadores como Fredric Jameson han calificado a la ciencia ficción como un género preminentemente posmoderno, puesto que a través de mundos ficcionales reflexiona sobre la naturaleza humana y la sociedad. Por esa razón, Darko Suvin... more
Where are the Robin Hoods of Southern India? This is the question which presents itself to the Tamilist reading through E.J. Hobsbawm's excellent study of bandits' Hobsbawm himself notes the difficulty in fitting India's bandits into his... more
This paper advocates the importance of comparative literature not only as an area of exotic intersection between distant national cultures and languages, but also as a stimulating vantage point in the revision of stereotypes and top-down... more
Resumen: Los autores más representativos del siglo XVI de la tratadística española sobre la pobreza –Juan Luis Vives, Domingo de Soto, Juan de Robles, Miguel de Giginta y Cristóbal Pérez de Herrera– plasman en sus obras una imaginería que... more
The term "picaresque", whose definition is the subject of a long-running debate, has no meaning that everyone accepts. In Spain, there is reason to question its validity as a genre. This article was called "a pertinent critique of sloppy... more
Le milieu du xvi e siècle constitue un épisode important de l’histoire du récit en prose. L’autre grand moment d’effervescence se produit au tout début du xvii e siècle (peu avant la publication de l’Ingenioso hidalgo) à cause d’un... more
En tiempos de precariedad social y económica es común que la literatura florezca con textos de valor trascendental tanto por su maestría estructural y temática, como por su importancia histórica. Ejemplos de tales textos literarios los... more
Η μελέτη παρακολουθεί τους βασικούς σταθμούς της πορείας του πικαρικού μυθιστορήματος από την Ισπανία της εποχής του Μπαρόκ έως την ανατολική Ευρώπη του 19ου αιώνα. Μεταξύ άλλων εστιάζει στον ρόλο που έπαιξαν οι μεταφράσεις στην εξέλιξη... more
Michael Chabon's second novel Wonder Boys (1995) focuses on Grady Tripp, a professor of creative writing whose personal and professional problems culminate during a writers' festival on campus. A first person account of a series of... more
Ancient Rome as cartoon, comic strip, mosaic-like vision, or a satire of fascism? Mosaic-like not only in the sense of the pictures, but also in the sense of narrative techniques. A combination of letters, reflexions, memories &... more
En la historia de la novela, el momento cumbre para el Siglo de Oro se produce al iniciarse el siglo XVII, poco antes de la publicación del Ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha (1605), cuando Mateo Alemán entrega a la imprenta las... more
Cet article s’intéresse à dévoiler le picaresque dans le roman Chair Piment de Gisèle Pineau. Le picaresque est la mise en forme romanesque du picaro. C’est un roman fictif qui raconte la vie d’un personnage misérable vivant en marge de... more
, is best understood as a satire of the national self-involvement that Smollett detected in the emergent discourse of English literary sentimentalism. Like Sarah Fielding, Smollett identifi ed a distinctive strain of sentimentalism in the... more
"In the Comte de Lautréamont's Les Chants de Maldoror (1868), the hero copulates with a female shark in the frenzied sea of a shipwreck. Tender Girl invents a daughter as the offspring of that coupling. A visceral Little Mermaid, Girl... more
espanolCon representaciones de juegos y recreos particulares, discusiones sobre el ocio y el negocio, y un rico lenguaje figurativo que toma del lexico y conceptos ludicos, Guzman de Alfarache ofrece un testimonio ilustrativo de las... more
This paper argues that Defoe's Roxana gathers many facets of the novel of adventures: the epic, the romance, the picaresque, as well as other genres: the cautionary tale, the roman à clef, the detective story... Its generic quality is so... more
Análisis del capítulo sexto ("Tiempo de pícaros") de la serie "El ministerio del tiempo"
There is an unfortunate and enduring belief among non-Hispanist scholars that Miguel de Cervantes was a writer of the picaresque and that his most famous protagonist, Don Quixote, is a picaresque (anti)hero. This misjudgment, mostly... more
The main focus of analysis in the article is the evolution of the protagonist in relation to the complex system of characters in the diegetic world of John Irving’s “The World According to Garp”. Throughout the essay, Garp’s maturation... more
Uno de los puntos centrales del debate sobre la pobreza en el contexto aurisecular, se basa el pasaje bíblico de San Mateo 26:11: “Semper pauperes habetis vobiscum” (siempre tendréis pobres con vosotros). Sobre él se articula una serie de... more
The social novel openly denounces the evils of the Victorian Age, so dealing with the exploitation of child labor, the plight of the working class due to both unsafe factory conditions and unsanitary slums, the greediness and selfishness... more
Um investimento cultural partilhado Em 14 de julho de 2016 é assinado um protocolo de colaboração entre o Município de Estremoz e a Associação de Coleções, a proprietária do edifício e da coleção do Museu Berardo Estremoz (MBE). Nesse... more
Materiales proyectados
Die Studie unternimmt am Beispiel des deutschsprachigen Exilromans zur Zeit des ‚Dritten Reichs‘ den Versuch, die Ästhetik des Komischen als Teil einer modernen Exilpoetik zu etablieren. Sie berücksichtigt dabei das gesamte Spektrum... more
“La relación Paraguay-Argentina en El niño pez (2004) de Lucía Puenzo”. Diálogos culturales en la literatura iberoamericana. Actas del XXXIX Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana”. Ed. Concepción Reverte... more
Mateo Alemán, La obra completa, 3 vols., Pedro M. Piñero Ramírez y Katharina Niemeyer (dirs.), Madrid-Frankfurt, Iberoamericana – Vervuert – Junta de Andalucía – Universidad de Sevilla, 2014, 2358 pp
Παρουσίαση (στις 29/11/2018) του βιβλίου της Πέρσας Αποστολή, Το πικαρικό μυθιστόρημα και η παρουσία του στον ελληνικό 19 ο αιώνα. Από τον Ερμήλο (1817) ώς την Πάπισσα Ιωάννα (1866), Αθήνα, Εκδόσεις Άρτεμις, 2018 Το βιβλίο της Πέρσας... more
Utiliser des termes comme « roman » ou « parodie de livres de chevalerie » est tellement naturel que l’on a presque oublié de se demander à quelle tradition narrative se rattache El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha. Cet article... more
Pedro de Urdemalas, the main protagonist of Cervantes’s play of the same name, has been extensively studied as a Protean figure due to his malleability to adapt to the various professions and masks he adopts throughout the comedia. This... more
¿Es posible considerar el género de la picaresca femenina de los siglos XVI y XVII cómo uno que se las regalara una especie de libertad y agencia a las mujeres? Exploramos la manera en que las "celebraciones" de la pícara en la literatura... more