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segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2023

New American century(rever e actualizar)

"Et voilà" como o terminator os Us dizem" I'll be back"e de facto os Estados Unidos, apesar de decrépitos, estão a conseguir levar a sua avante do Dividir para Reinar, começando curiosamente com o ardil pós 11 de setembro de 2001,uma vez que sentiam que estavam a perder o poderio diplomático-económico e militar e a respectiva  unipolarização - criando um gabinete para a nova ordem Mundial nem que para isso fosse necessário  "um novo Pearl harbor"  com o fito de criar um novo século americano! E o 911 foi o empurrão necessário para o primeiro ponto da agenda: destabilizar 7 países do médio oriente em 5 anos: Iraque, Siria,Líbia, Somalia,Sudão, Afeganistão e Irão. Não conseguiram todos mas não esquecer que entretanto foderam a Jugoslávia, tentaram a Georgia, a Thechenia, e esperaram mais tempo até treinar os Ucranianos desde o Golpe de Euromaidan que conduziu os anti-semitas ao poder e começaram também com taiwan. O resto??? Pesquisem vocês...

 The title is taken from the 2000 paper "Rebuilding America's Defenses" produced by the Project for the New American Century, which asserted that only a "new Pearl Harbor" would enable the military and defense policy transformations the group desired to rapidly take place.[1]

sexta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2023

TO serpent ZA and his lover

 Mr.Iaces Serpentis:

I've realized I have to tell about this subject for years. Today( and every day) you talk about China (A rare motto in your argument)...
I thought it was appropriate to share with you what is on my and minds of countless people who, unlike you and your compadre, have the capacity for critical thinking, sensitivity and common sense, and a good civic framework morally and ethically speaking, thus and in the first place , let me tell you that started to watch your podcasts some years ago before you met of mr. Meoww. When you were alone in China. And I must say that you had a good taste and were a pleasant surprise making excellent videos about your life and your chinese friends showing love and compassion with the people confessing sometimes you enjoy and loved that place more than your native nation, because of the status quo pre-Mandela also the Chinese government gave you the opportunity to work and live there etc etc and if you read or already red the text I posted at Mr Pingyin is copy+ paste( I dont want to waste my time). Then there was a big transformation when you met Mr. Pingyin.! and if you allow me, I can name with adjectives what happened after this interaction: during the ill-fated interaction with your padawan "Miao86" you went to the dark side of the extremism...( maybe you never lost them when living the good old days of de Klerk)The content of your podcast had a deviation of 180 degrees and, like the penguins, it became icy, uninteresting, boring, and with an edge to extremism! the rock of Sisyphus down the mountain, and reaching the bottom it passed the ground of the Earth, and I am stopped at the 9th level of Dante's hell... it was a great shock and an incredible transformation! for you to have an idea of ​​what changed I'll make another analogy: Imagine you're listening to a podcast of Confucius and metaphors in a poscast of the "angel of death" Dr. Mengele (a note to the public: I condemn extremism, fascism or all forms of politics that promote right-wing autocrats and everything that is associated with these general pro-National Socialist policies to particular derivations) In short, your association, and having finished a beautiful podcast that could have been a tourist promotion of the Country of China - a very flattering description of its people, it became a podcast of someone repressed or even touching of the sociopath in which his vision of the country that welcomed him in arms opened, gave him a home and a family, it was his livelihood in a degrading, rude, disgusting, brutal police state of a podcast when the union with "laomiao86"( remember when drunk what you said about Tibet?) but you were so worried about the human rights...You even filmed and showed us all, the Uyghurs concentration camp and even association or even an alleged sponsorship by NED and the Falun Gong( this is satire ok if IQ is low) And basically what came out from that mix and when both flee to the United States, for what? to embrace the Wokism?

And what you see is what you get:

Low and No = Same old sadness and sold to the merchandise of weakness The Honorable Gentlemen: Iaces Serpentis and Liewhy86 or the ensemble 蛇说谎 and 老外說謊超過86次

do not RSVP

I've been wanting to tell this about those guys for years.I thought it appropriate to share with you what is on the minds of countless people who, unlike him and his compadre, have the capacity for critical thinking, sensitivity and common sense and a good civic framework morally and ethically speaking, thus and in the first place, let me tell you that I started to watch Serpentz podcasts some years ago before he met mr. Meoww. When he were alone in China, I must say that he had a good taste and were a pleasant surprise making excellent videos about his life and his chinese friends showing love and compassion with the people confessing sometimes he enjoy and loved that place more than his native nation, maybe because of the status quo "pre-Mandela" also the Chinese government gave him the opportunity to work and live there etc etc Then there was a big transformation when he met Mr. Pingyin.! and if you allow me, I can name with adjectives what happened after this interaction: during the ill-fated interaction with his padawan "Miao86" he went to the dark side of the extremism...( maybe he never lost them when living the "good old days of de Klerk")The content of his podcast had a deviation of 180 degrees and, like the penguin´s, it became messy, uninteresting, boring, and with an edge to extremism! the rock of Sisyphus down the mountain, and reaching the bottom it passed the ground of the Earth, and I am stopped at the 9th level of Dante's hell... it was a great shock and an incredible transformation! for you to have an idea of ​​what changed I'll make another analogy: Imagine you're listening to a podcast of Confucius and metaphors in a poscast of the "angel of death" Dr. Mengele (a note to the public: I condemn extremism, fascism or all forms of politics that promote right-wing autocrats and everything that is associated with these general pro-National Socialist policies to particular derivations) In short, his association with the other fellow, and having finished a beautiful podcast that could have been a tourist promotion of the Country of China - and a very flattering description of its people, it became a podcast of someone repressed or almost something of a sociopath in which his vision of the country that welcomed him in arms opened, gave him a home and a family, suddendly it turned into a livelihood in a degrading, rude, disgusting, brutal police state of a podcast when the union with "laomiao86"( remember when drunk what they said about Tibet?) but you were so worried about the human rights...even filmed and showed us all, the Uyghurs concentration camp and even association or even an alleged sponsorship by NED and the Falun Gong( this is sarcasm and satire ok) And basically what came out from that mix and when both flee to the United States, for what? to embrace the Wokism?



My name is Joe Machina I was born in Moldavia in 1991, and I live in Detroit. My father works at the Who (Wellness High Observatory) in the field of transcendental medicine and my mother works at an entity adjacent to Not (National Observatory of Transcendentalism). the first time i was abducted i was going home after coming from a gas station and i stopped at a traffic light on a street that had no traffic lights but it was red  I  stopped. there was no one in front of me just a red light that turned orange and then green and then red. and I kept going and stopping and going and stopping until I got tired and went to see what was going on with the traffic lightit wasn't a traffic light after all, it was a huge metallic cylinder with a button saying: take a ticket and wait your turn!

and the next thing I know I was inside the DMV with an endless line of countless aliens!


Meu nome é Joe Machina. Nasci na Moldávia em 1991 e moro em Detroit. O meu pai trabalha no Who (Wellness High Observatory) na área da medicina transcendental e a minha mãe trabalha numa entidade contígua ao Not (National Observatory of Transcendentalism). a primeira vez que fui sequestrado eu estava indo para casa depois de vir de um posto de gasolina e parei em um semáforo em uma rua que não tinha semáforo, mas estava vermelho eu parei. não havia ninguém na minha frente apenas uma luz vermelha que ficou laranja e depois verde e depois vermelha. e fui andando e parando e indo e parando até cansar e fui ver o que estava acontecendo com o semáforoafinal não era um semáforo era um enorme cilindro metálico com um botão a dizer: tire um talão e aguarde sua vez!

e quando dei por mim estava dentro da DMV com uma fila infinita de inúmeros aliens!