Research Talk
Research Talk
Research Talk
Research Talk
Ateneo de Manila University
May 15, 2023
Charge migration in
Kraus, et al. (2015)
Taking snapshots of
the hole dynamics.
Calegari, et al. (2014)
Paul Abanador – Research Talk (ADMU)
Theoretical Perspective
In general, coupling to nuclear
QM calculations of the “full
motion needs to be included.
dynamics” might be possible
And there is usually an external field in cases of small molecules.
(or intense laser pulse) present
during the relevant dynamics. 𝜕
𝑖 Ψ ( 𝒓 ,𝑡 )= 𝐻 ( 𝒓 , 𝑡 ) Ψ ( 𝒓 , 𝑡 )
Why study diatomic molecules?
Open questions about fundamental
aspects of SF molecular dissociation
(first predicted by Floquet theory) ⃗
𝑅 +
Bond stabilization vs. rotational + ⃗
𝐸 (𝑡 )
dynamics, mapping of LIPs
Application of Floquet theory (Bandrauk and Sink, 1981 and Chu, 1981).
Experimental study of bond softening (Bucksbaum et al., 1990).
𝐸 (𝑡 )
conical intersection (LICI).
𝐼 eff =𝐼 0 cos ( 𝜃)
𝐸 (𝑡 )
𝐸 eff =𝐸0 cos ( 𝜃)
R (Å) (rad )
Halasz et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 348 (2015).
Angular distributions of fragments from H2+
Modulation in the
angular distributions of
fragments > quantum
interferences via LICIs.
Natan, Bucksbaum, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 143004 (2016).
Paul Abanador – Research Talk (ADMU)
Numerical methods fs
Delay is fixed.
Coupled-state propagation (TDSE)*
Ψ1 TR V1 D12 Ψ1 V2 )
i Ψ 2 D 21 TR V2 Ψ 2
dipole coupling: Dij = dij(R)E(t) V1 )
ρ (R,t) i ρ i (R,t) i | i ( R , t ) |2
FC: rapid ionization
*derived from a BO approximation of ()
the rovibronic dynamics (including R
electronic degree of freedom)
1D – without rotations
2D – including rotations 800 nm
(d) W/cm2
(e) W/cm2
(f) W/cm2
LSU: Kenneth Schafer, Mette Gaarde, Kenneth Lopata,
Francois Mauger
KSU: Uwe Thumm, Christine Aikens, Thomas Pauly (REU)
Experimental collaborators: UVa, OSU, KSU