Particle Interaction Matter Upload
Particle Interaction Matter Upload
Particle Interaction Matter Upload
Version 2012
ASP2012 - SH Connell 1
Learning Goals, Material
2. The core material is from “Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments” by WR Leo.
Supplementary material from ASP2010 and ASP2012 lecture notes.
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An example from the ATLAS detector
Reconstruction of a 2e2μ candidate for the Higgs boson - with m2e2μ= 123.9 GeV
We need to understand the interaction of particles with matter in order to understand
the design and operation of this detector, and the analysis of the data.
ASP2012 - SH Connell
Energy Loss Mechanisms
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Introductory Comments : Interaction of Radiation with Matter
Different categories of particles have different Energy Loss mechanisms
Energy Loss = = “stopping power”
The Energy Loss by the particle in the detector material is what is ultimately converted into the electronic
signal pulse.
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Gamma Radiation
1. Primarily interacts with material via effects which transfer all or part of the (neutral) photon’s energy to
charged particles
a) Photo-electric effect (absorbs full energy of the photon, leads to a “photo-peak”)
b) Compton Scattering (if the Compton scattered photon escapes, detector only records partial
c) Pair Production ( the pair then makes an energy loss as per light charged particles). If the
annihilation radiation of the positron escapes, it can lead to single or double escape peaks.
2. One does not have a concept of the range of photons in matter, rather, there is an exponentially
decreasing transmission probability for the passage of photons through material.
Neutron Radiation
1. Moderation processes
a) Elastic collisions A(n,n)A with nuclei in the material lead to fractional energy loss by a kinematic
b) The energy loss is more efficient when the stuck nucleus is light.
c) Successive interactions lead to successively lower neutron engines until the neutron population is
2. Absorption processes.
1. Fast neutrons : (n,p), (n,a), (n,2n) reactions are possible
2. Slow neutrons : (n,g) reactions, capture leading to excitation of the capture nucleus.
3. Absorption leads to an exponentially decreasing neutron population with material thickness
3. Detection mechanisms – neutrons produce no direct ionisation
1. Detect secondary reaction products from the reactions (n,p), (n.a), (n,g) or (n,fission) or (n,Alight).
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More Introductory Comments : Reaction Cross section
In the quest to understand nature, we seek both to measure something and to calculate something, (preferably
the same thing !), so as to gain insight into nature, via a model.
Well .... it should characterise in some clear way the probability for a given interaction to occur, and be accessible
both experimentally and theoretically in a well defined way.
A long surviving concept in this regard has been the cross section, which first gained widespread in the analysis
of Rutherford's experiment leading to the discovery of the nucleus.
In a typical interaction between particles and matter, we can idealise the matter as a points in space, illuminated
by a uniform beam flux of Ia particles (Intensity or number per unit area per unit time). The beam will see Nt
scattering centres per unit area. A is either the area of the beam (if smaller than the target) or the area of the target
(if smaller than the beam).
As a result of the interaction, some particles appear as if they were emitted with a rate of r(q,f) particles per
second into a solid angle dW from a source at the target point.
The differential cross section is ……
r(q , j ) 1 dW
ds = × ×
I a A N t 4p
ds r(q , j )
dW 4p IAa N t
p 2p
d d
The total reaction cross section, is.
dW 0 dW sin q dqdf
dW 0
One can also define the doubly differential reaction cross section d 2
dE dW
Which shows the energy dependence of the differential cross section.
The defining equation can now be turned around to give the reaction rate (if the cross-section) is known.
For the scattering rate into a small
r(q, j ) = 4p I a AN t
solid angle in the direction (q,f)
ds ds
r(q, j ) = 4p I a AN t ò dW =4p I a AN t DW
dW dW
For the total scattering rate r =I a ANts
The units of cross section are typically the barn. About the cross-sectional area of
a nucleus with A=100
Suppose that we have for the number density, N, with t as the target
Nt = Nt
Then, the reaction rate is
r =I a ANs t
P(single interaction in d x) = Ns × d x
m = Ns
We will use this last result later
Electromagnetic Interaction of Particles with Matter
Z2 electrons, q=-e0
M, q=Z1 e0
Interaction with the Interaction with the In case the particle’s velocity is larger
atomic electrons. atomic nucleus. than the velocity of light in the medium,
The incoming The particle is deflected the resulting EM shock-wave manifests
particle loses (scattered) causing itself as Cherenkov Radiation. When the
energy and the Multiple Scattering of the particle crosses the boundary between
atoms are excited particle in the material. two media, there is a probability of the
or ionised. During this scattering, order of 1% to produce X-ray photons, a
Bremsstrahlung photons phenomenon called Transition radiation.
can be emitted.
p dp Fdt
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Mv Mv ' mv e
2g 2 meu 2
ve 2 v
2 me (2u )2
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A ~ molar mass
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We can use the following identities……
re = a 2 a0
Where the fine structure constant is
4pe0 c
4pe0 2
a0 =
Then Bohr’s classical formula for energy loss is
de Z z 2
g 2
m u 3
- = 4p N A re2 mec 2 r × ln e
dx A b2 ze2 v
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The Bethe – Bloch Formula ….. (the correct quantum mechanical calculation)
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Bethe-Bloch Formula
Bethe-Bloch formula gives the mean rate of energy loss (stopping power) of a heavy charged particle.
PDG 2008
x = ρ s , surface density or mass thickness, with unit g/cm2, where s is the length.
Additional corrections:
E (E – E)
ASP2012 - SH Connell 21
Charged Particle Interactions with Matter
Particles are detected through their interaction with the active detector materials
ionisation Relativistic rise
Primary +
Total ionisation = 3 x primary ionisation
~ 90 electrons/cm in gas at 1 bar
The minimum in ionisation
occurs at βγ = 3.5 to 3.0,
as Z goes from 7 to 100
PDG 2008
For Z 0.5 A
1/r dE/dx 1.4 MeV cm 2/g for ßγ 3
Example :
Iron: Thickness = 100 cm; ρ = 7.87 g/cm3
dE ≈ 1.4 * 100* 7.87 = 1102 MeV
A 1 GeV Muon can traverse 1m of Iron
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Energy loss by Bremsstrahlung
…. for light charged particles
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At higher energies, bremsstrahlung dominates the radiative energy loss for electrons
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Charged Particle Interactions with Matter
Particles are detected through their interaction with the active detector materials
e e Cross section:
σ ∼ (Z e3)2 ∼ Z2 α3
The electron is decelerated (accelerated) in the field of the nucleus. Accelerated charges radiate photons.
Thus the bremsstrahlung is strong for light charged particles (electrons), because its acceleration is large for
a given force. For heavier particles like muons, bremsstrahlung effects are only important at energies of a
few hundred GeV (important for ATLAS/CMS at the LHC!).
The presence of a nucleus is required to restore energy-momentum conservation. Thus the cross-section is
proportional to Z2 and α3 (α = fine structure constant).
The characteristic length which an electron travels in material until a bremsstrahlung happens is the radiation
length X0.
Energy loss 4.5
tonsthrough planning andWeight:
Inner tracker material
by ionisation Bremsstrahlung 3.7 tons
Multiple scattering
for e+, e-
for others
gaussian tails
for e+, e-
for others
ASP2012 - SH Connell 35
Multiple Coulomb Scattering
Gaussian approximation
Relate to Moliere
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Multiple Coulomb Scattering
A particle which traverses a medium is deflected by small angle Coulomb scattering from nuclei. For hadronic
particles also the strong interaction contributes.
The angular deflection after traversing a distance x is described by the Molière theory.
The angle has roughly a Gauss distribution, but with larger tails due to Coulomb scattering.
Gaussian approximation:
•Multiple scattering
•Range and range straggling
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Charged Particle Interactions with Matter
Particles are detected through their interaction with the active detector materials
For Landau ….
Wmax = ∞, electrons free, v = constant Max
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Range of Particles in Matter
Average Range:
Towards the end of the track the energy loss is largest
Bragg Peak Cancer Therapy … or Archaeology!
Photons 25 MeV Carbon Ions 330 MeV
Relative Dose (%)
Electrons 21 MeV
Bragg Peak:
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A QM calculation gives the probability for Compton Scattering at the angle q
(Klein-Nishina formula)
Integrating the angular dependence out to give the total cross section ….
As the energy increases, the Compton Effect begins to dominate over the
Photo-electric Effect
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The well defined finite range of charged particles in a material
and the attenuation of photons in a material
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Radiation length
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Radiation length
We can also calculate probability of interaction per unit path-length for
Pair Production
m = Ns
Where we use the total cross section for Pair Production.
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The earths atmosphere is a
giant detector for cosmic
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Electromagnetic calorimetry: radiation length
Particles are detected through their interaction with the active detector materials
D. Froidevaux, CERN, ASP2010
Electromagnetic showers
A 1
The maximum energy loss is therefore
E min A 1
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Schematic of neutron energy distributions
Consider first the distribution resulting from the first
energy scattering beginning with a mono-energetic
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We define the moderating power of a
particular material by the quantity ,
E av
defined as logarithm of the average ( A 1) 2
fractional residual energy after a
single collision log ( A2 1 2 A cosq dW
A 1)
A 1
2A A 1
Nucleus n
1H 1.00 18
A comparison of moderators, and the 2H 0.725 25
number of scattering to thermalisation 4He 0.425 43
Thermal energies for room temperature 12C 0.158 110
238U 0.0084 2200
E = kT = 25 meV
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Some neutron detectors make use of the fact that the neutron absorption cross section is higher at thermal
In the field of statistical mechanics, this distribution is derived as a speed distribution and known as the
Maxwellian Speed Distribution.
2pn 1 / 2 E / kT
f ( E ) de E e dE
pkT )3/ 2
ASP2012 - SH Connell 73
Absorption processes.
Absorption leads to an exponentially decreasing neutron population with material thickness traversed.
(One may think of the analogy with the attenuation of photons by a material)
dI I t n dx
Integrating ….
t nx
I I 0e
This expression would be modified for the energy loss, as the cross-
sections are energy dependent, and the neutron is usually being
thermalised at the same time it is exposed to the possibility of
inelastic reactions.
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C=1 by
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