4442 Particle Physics Ryan Nichol: From: PUS/A-level/CP - Violation - HTM
4442 Particle Physics Ryan Nichol: From: PUS/A-level/CP - Violation - HTM
4442 Particle Physics Ryan Nichol: From: PUS/A-level/CP - Violation - HTM
Ryan Nichol
Module 2
Module 2
• Transformations
• Invariance
• Symmetries
• Conservation laws
• Groups in particle physics
• Discrete transformations:
– Parity(P)
– Charge conjugation(C)
– CP
• Symmetries are very powerful - often the basis of a
theory or invoked when theory is incomplete and they’re
intimately connected with conservation laws.
• Definition: A system has symmetry if it is
unchanged(invariant) under a transformation
• Maths of describing symmetries is “group theory” e.g.
the set of rotations we can perform on a system forms a
group - each rotation is an element of the group
• Transformation group rules
A) Closure: if Ri and Rj are in the set so is RiRj
B) Identity: an element, I, exists such that IRi=RiI
C)Inverse: for every Ri there is an R-1i such that
• Ri R-1i= R-1i Ri=I
D)Associativity: Ri(RjRk)=(RiRj)Rk
Quantum Mechanics Reminder
Probability that system described by eq(1)
Noether’s Theorem
If **
= Rate (22)
Groups in Particle Physics Flux Flux
U †U = 1
• Unitary groups : U(n) U † U = 1 U †U = 1
• Special Unitary Groups : SU(n) : + detU = 1
detU = 1
• Special Real Orthogonal Groups : SO(n) : detU = 1 + all
elements real
• Examples:
– U(1) --> Describes symmetries of QED interactions
– SU(2) --> Describes symmetries of Weak interactions
– SU(3) --> Describes symmetries of QCD interactions
Volume 151 B, number 1 PHYSICS LETTERS
3 3
• SU(N) has N2-1 parameters 3
– SU(2) = 3 (W+, W-,
Z) Michael B. GREEN 1 and John H. SCHWARZ
– SO(32) = ? 6
Type I superstring theory was previously shown to be anomaly-free ff the gauge gro
• Non-continuous (discrete) transformation
• Parity (P) operator : space inversion :
Charge Conjugation
• Charge Conjugation Operator (C) : more than just
charge, actually flips all non momenta (spin, L) values :
charge, colour, lepton-# etc and so converts a particle to
Strings + Axions == ?
Axionic Dark Radiation and the Milky Way’s Magnetic
Malcolm Fairbairn⇤
arXiv:1310.4464v1 [astro-ph.CO] 16 Oct 2013
1 Introduction
The incredible view of the Cosmic Microwave Radiation provided by the Planck satellite has
tightened our understanding of cosmology [1]. One question it has not yet completely answered
is whether there is an extra contribution to radiation other than the CMB photons themselves
3: the three known neutrino species. While it has been pointed out that there is not strong
Same as figure 2 but with magnetic field corresponding to the Fermi bubble with shell
See arXiv:1310.4464
evidence [astro-ph.CO]
for requiring such radiation in a Bayesian sense [2] it is also true that there is still 14
room for a small component of radiation. In particular, discrepancies between the values of H0
obtained by the HST and by Planck may be alleviated if a small component of dark radiation is
Scale-changes in the physical 3 + 1 world can thus be represented by studying
dynamics in String Theory?
a mathematical fifth AdS/CFT Correspondence
dimension with the AdS5 metric. Di↵erent values
of the holographic variable z determine the scale of the invariant separation between
• In the
he partonic last 15 years
constituents. This isthere hasinbeen
illustrated Fig. a1. lot of scattering
Hard work onprocesses
occur instudying
the small-zthe correspondence
ultraviolet between
(UV) region of AdS space. In particular, the Q ! 1
zero separation limit corresponds to the z ! 0 asymptotic boundary, where the QCD
– Conformal field theory with strongly interacting fields
Lagrangian is defined.
– String theory with weakly interacting fields + gravity
See e.g. arXiv:0802.0514v1 [hep-ph]
Scattering amplitudes and the positive Grassmanian