Phyc 402
Phyc 402
Phyc 402
Pass Mark: 18
(The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions)
2. Calculate the uncertainty in the position of an electron if the uncertainty in its velocity
is 5.7x105 m/s. 5
Describe gamma ray microscope experiment to establish the truth of uncertainty
3. What is the physical interpretation of a wave function? Explain. What is the need for
normalization of a wave function? Normalize the one-dimensional wave function
given by-
𝐴 sin , 0<𝑥<𝑙
𝜓 𝑥, 𝑡 = 𝑙 4+2+4=10
0, 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒
Derive Schrodinger’s time independent equation from time dependent equation. What
is the Hamiltonian operator and Energy operator in quantum mechanics? Why the
Schrodinger wave equation is not valid for a relativistic particle? 6+2+2=10
4. Show that [𝐿𝑥 , 𝑥] = 0 where 𝐿𝑥 is angular momentum and x is position.
Define eigenfunctions and eigenvalues. When a wave function Y(x) is called well
behaved? 4+6=10
Explain the term degeneracy with example. A particle energy E<Vo approaching a
potential barrier of height Vo, then classically, the particle cannot enter the region II of
the barrier, where V=Vo. Justify. 4+6=10
5. Discuss a method of determination of nuclear radius. 6
State differents characteristics of nuclear force.
6. Stating the appropriate law of radioactive decay, derive the expression showing
exponential decay of radioactive elements. Also find the relation between half-life and
decay constant. 6+2=8
State briefly how gamma ray interacts with matter. Describe specifically the
phenomenon of electron-positron pair production in the vicinity of the nucleus.
7. Write briefly about the four-factor formula which holds for an infinite size system.
Draw a schematic diagram to show the chain reaction of fission of U235 started by a
slow neutron.
8. What do you mean by Stimulated Emission of radiation? Explain briefly how Lasing
action happens? 1+3=4
What is Population Inversion? Why there are at least 3 levels are needed for Laser
Production? 2+2=4