How The University Works
How The University Works
How The University Works
University works
The following slides have been
created to support the induction of
new staff, they include diagrams and
descriptions to help colleagues gain
an understanding of how the
University works, particularly for those
new to the University or Higher
Visual overview approves (governing body, membership) approves
of academic
management role. Principal DeputyVi Deputy Vice-Chan Deputy Vice-Chancello University Secr Chief Financial Chief Operating
ce-Chancellor and cellor – Student Ed r – Research and Inno etary Officer (CFO) Officer (COO)
It outlines which Provost ucation vation Pri
roles are in the (DVC R&I)
University executive,
Executive Deans
who reports to them (one for
each Faculty)
and whom they
report to.
It is described on the Pro Vice-Chancello
r (PVC): Digital Tra
Pro Vice-Chancellor:
Business Engagement
next slide in more nsformation
and Enterprise
Deans Deans Deans including
The links in the Dean of the
diagram allow you to Doctoral College
• There is a Pro Vice-Chancellor (PVC): Digital Transformation who reports to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
• There is a Pro Vice-Chancellor: Business Engagement and Enterprise who reports to the Deputy Vice-
Chancellor – Research and Innovation.
• Each Head of School or equivalent is supported by a Director of Student Education, a Director of Research
and Innovation and a Director of Postgraduate Research Studies. These roles make up the School
• As well as the reporting line described and shown in the diagram the Directors of Student Education also
report to the Pro Dean for Student Education in their faculty and the Pro Deans for Student Education report
to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Student Education. A similar pattern exists for international matters,
Research and Innovation, and Postgraduate Research Studies. In the case of the Directors of Postgraduate
Studies they also report to the Director of their faculty graduate School who in turn report to the Dean of the
Doctoral College.
• Deans are appointed to support members of the executive with particular aspects of their role. The example
shown in the diagram is the Dean of the Doctoral College who leads on the Postgraduate Research agenda
on behalf of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation.
Diagram of University Executive responsibilities for central services
This diagram shows
Deputy Vice-C Deputy Vice-C Deputy Vice-C University Sec Chief Financial Chief Operatin
which services each hancellor hancellor – Stu hancellor – Re retary Officer (CFO) g Officer (CO
of the University (DVC) dent Education search and Inn O)
Executive is (DVC SE)
responsible for.
It is described on the • Strategy and Pla • Library • Research and In • Risk • Finance
next slide. nning • Lifelong Learning novation Service • Secretariat • Procurement
Centre • Nexus • Wellbeing, Safet
The links in the y and Health
• Communications
diagram allow you to
find out about the