How The University Works

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How the

University works
The following slides have been
created to support the induction of
new staff, they include diagrams and
descriptions to help colleagues gain
an understanding of how the
University works, particularly for those
new to the University or Higher
Visual overview approves (governing body, membership) approves

of how the responsible to

University works
University Executive
This diagram provides
a visual overview of advises
proposes & implements advises
how the University
works. Senate
(academic governance)
It shows how groups consulted on
within the institution advises
work to deliver programmes of Faculties &
university activity. study through
deliver corporate services
authority and
It is described on the policy
committee cycle approves research gr
next slide in more ant applications throu
gh Faculty Research
detail. Office budget
University activity
Use the links to click to Strategy Including student
education, and
further information. research and
student fee and
for innovation
Links marked with * are research grant
only available through Allocation
[Model] (RAM)
remote desktop or on aligns Integrated Pla
campus. nning Exercise aligns
Description of how the University works
The Council
 The Council is the University’s governing body.
 It approves the university strategy and the Resource Allocation Model (or RAM).
 The Council also appoints the Vice-Chancellor.
The University Executive
 The University Executive consists of the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Executive Deans, the
Secretary, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer.
 It proposes and implements university strategy, implements the Resource Allocation Model and is responsible to
the Council.
The Senate
 The Senate is responsible for academic governance.
 It advises the University Executive on a number of matters, including the strategy.
 The Senate also advises The Council.
 The Senate is responsible for determining policy on academic matters and approving programmes of study
(degree courses) through delegated authority to its boards and the committee cycle. Research grant applications
are approved through Faculty Research and Innovation Offices. Familiaries yourself with these approval
processes to help you align your work with their deadlines and other requirements.
 The Senate is also consulted on resource allocation.
Description of how the University works (continued)
The University Strategy
 The university strategy describes the overall approach that is taken for providing student education, doing research and
innovation, international activity and digital transformation.
 The University receives income for providing student education in the form of fees and for doing research and innovation
in the form of grants.
Resource Allocation Model (RAM) and Integrated Planning Exercise (or IPE)
 The implementation of the Resource Allocation Model distributes income as budget to the seven faculties and the
corporate services that deliver University activity, including student education, research and innovation.
 The annual Integrated Planning Exercise (or IPE) aligns the Resource Allocation Model with the university strategy.
To give a sense of where financial responsibilities sit:
 Transactions of more than three million pounds need approval by Council,.
 Transactions between three million and one million pounds need the approval of the University Executive as a group.
 Transactions of less than one million pounds can be approved by individual members of the University Executive.
More detail can be found on the Secretariat website in the University’s charter and the Scheme of Delegation (PDF).
Chancellor Council
High-level Ambassadorial
and ceremonial
(Governing Body)
Chaired by
organisational chart role Pro Chancellor

This diagram Vice-Chancellor an

d President University Executive
provides an overview (VC)

of academic
management role. Principal DeputyVi Deputy Vice-Chan Deputy Vice-Chancello University Secr Chief Financial Chief Operating
ce-Chancellor and cellor – Student Ed r – Research and Inno etary Officer (CFO) Officer (COO)
It outlines which Provost ucation vation Pri
roles are in the (DVC R&I)
University executive,
Executive Deans
who reports to them (one for
each Faculty)
and whom they
report to.
It is described on the Pro Vice-Chancello
r (PVC): Digital Tra
Pro Vice-Chancellor:
Business Engagement
next slide in more nsformation
and Enterprise
Deans Deans Deans including
The links in the Dean of the
diagram allow you to Doctoral College

find out who current

role holders are and Pro Dean Pro Dean Student Pro Dean Director of the Heads of School
and equivalents
more about their International Education Research and
Faculty Graduate
responsibilities. Directors of…
(Student Education
High-level organisational chart description
• The Chancellor is an ambassador for the university and has ceremonial duties. The Chancellor is not
involved with the running of the university.
• The Pro Chancellor chairs the Council, the governing body of the university to which the Vice-Chancellor
• The Vice-Chancellor and President leads the University Executive which includes the
Principal Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Student Education,
Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation, the Secretary, Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and
Chief Operating Officer.
• The Principal Deputy Vice-Chancellor serves as a ‘standing deputy’ for the Vice-Chancellor; provides
oversight and coordination of the University’s academic strategy and its planning and delivery; and leads on
the University’s international strategy. The Executive Deans report to the Principal Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
• Each Executive Dean is supported by a Pro Dean International, a Pro Dean for Student Education, a Pro
Dean for Research and Innovation, a Director of the Faculty Graduate School and has responsible to them a
Head of School, or equivalent, for each organisational unit in the faculty. These are mostly schools but also
include institutes and divisions. The Executive Dean, Pro Deans, Director of the Graduate School and Heads
of School form the Faculty Executive.
High-level organisational chart description (continued)

• There is a Pro Vice-Chancellor (PVC): Digital Transformation who reports to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
• There is a Pro Vice-Chancellor: Business Engagement and Enterprise who reports to the Deputy Vice-
Chancellor – Research and Innovation.
• Each Head of School or equivalent is supported by a Director of Student Education, a Director of Research
and Innovation and a Director of Postgraduate Research Studies. These roles make up the School
• As well as the reporting line described and shown in the diagram the Directors of Student Education also
report to the Pro Dean for Student Education in their faculty and the Pro Deans for Student Education report
to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Student Education. A similar pattern exists for international matters,
Research and Innovation, and Postgraduate Research Studies. In the case of the Directors of Postgraduate
Studies they also report to the Director of their faculty graduate School who in turn report to the Dean of the
Doctoral College.
• Deans are appointed to support members of the executive with particular aspects of their role. The example
shown in the diagram is the Dean of the Doctoral College who leads on the Postgraduate Research agenda
on behalf of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation.
Diagram of University Executive responsibilities for central services
This diagram shows
Deputy Vice-C Deputy Vice-C Deputy Vice-C University Sec Chief Financial Chief Operatin
which services each hancellor hancellor – Stu hancellor – Re retary Officer (CFO) g Officer (CO
of the University (DVC) dent Education search and Inn O)
Executive is (DVC SE)
responsible for.
It is described on the • Strategy and Pla • Library • Research and In • Risk • Finance
next slide. nning • Lifelong Learning novation Service • Secretariat • Procurement
Centre • Nexus • Wellbeing, Safet
The links in the y and Health
• Communications
diagram allow you to
find out about the

• Marketing • People and • Student Educatio • Facilities • IT • Advancement Deputy COO

• International Culture n Service • Estates
• Admissions • Organisational • Student Oppor • Residences
Development tunity
• Educational • Sustainability
and Professio • Student
Engagement nal Learning • Commercial
• Marketing • Equality and I Services
• International nclusion
Pathways Ce • Human Resou
ntre rces • Digital Education
• Transformation
Description of University Executive responsibilities for central services
• The Deputy Vice-Chancellor is responsible for Strategy and Planning.
• The Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Student Education is responsible for the Library and the
Lifelong Learning Centre.
• The Deputy Vice-Chancellor – Research and Innovation is responsible for the
Research and Innovation Service and Nexus.
• The Secretary is responsible for Risk, the Secretariat, Wellbeing, Safety and Health, and Communications.
• The Chief Financial Officer is responsible for Finance, and Procurement.
• The Chief Operating Officer is responsible for
• Marketing - includes International, Admissions, Educational Engagement, Marketing,
International Pathways Centre;
• People and Culture - includes Organisational Development and Professional Learning,
Equality and Inclusion, and Human Resources;
• Student Education Service - includes Student Opportunity, and Student Operations;
• Facilities - includes Estates, Residences, Sustainability, and Commercial Services;
• IT
• Advancement.
• The Deputy Chief Operating Officer, reports to the Chief Operating Officer, and is responsible for the
Digital Education Service, and Transformation Office.

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