VM Life: "Role of Online Teaching Pedagogy and ICT Tools in Outcome Based Education

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Department of Civil Engineering

in association with vmedulife software services, Pune

is Organizing One Day Faculty Development Program on

"Role of Online Teaching Pedagogy and ICT tools

in Outcome Based Education"
on 25th June, 2020
Powered by vmedulife
Date: 25th June, 2020 Dr. P.Babu, Principal.
Timing: 11.00 AM to 1.00 PM (IST) Dr. M.Ravindra Krishna, Professor & HOD Civil Engineering.
Email: Mr. P.Veerendra, Assistant Professor.
[email protected] (9032043479) Co-Convener:
[email protected] (7288003424) Mr. P.Venkatesh, Assistant Professor.
Link for Registration: https://bit.ly/317ZAyZ
Join any one WhatsApp group by clicking the icon- GROUP-I: GROUP-II: GROUP-III:

If All WhatsApp groups found full join TELEGRAM: ■ E-CERTIFICATE WILL BE PROVIDED.
Software Services
The KKR & KSR Institute of Technology
& Sciences popularly known as KITS was
established in the year 2008, we aim to
excel in our continual efforts, towards
being one of the most recognized There is no registration fee.
institutions.Providing a conducive
environment comprising high-end After registering, you will
receive a confirmation email
infrastructure and state-of-the-art containing information about
laboratory facilities wherein the students, joining the meeting.
faculty and staff can collectively enhance
their technical potential. Encouraging
innovation through research activities for Copy of certificate will be
the benefit of society. provided to all the participants
on registered email address.

Webinar will be conducted

through Zoom application.
BAS ED VMEDULIFE is a next generation
software organization working towards 25th June, 2020
EDUCATION Green India by promoting unique online
S OFTW ARE integrated platform by digitizing 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
education across horizons for
encouraging every individual in exploring
learning resources. Resource person:
Co u rs e o u tc o m e a n d Abhijeet Yeole,
p ro g ra m e o u tc o m e OBE Team,
vmedulife software services
w w w .vmedulife.co m
EDUCATION (OBE) Program of Study (PO/PSO)

Courses Course Units Identify extent of compliance of

OBE means deciding outcomes for university curriculum for attaining
academic achievements and it's Map Course Units to
POs & PSOs.
Design Unit/ Course Outcome (CO)
attainment for assessment and
Practical Outcomes Internal Semester question paper
setting, model answers,
Linked Questions Design Question Paper Question wise analysis,
Mapping course outcomes can be a to CO
Evaluation and its compliance.
tedious task for teaching staff and
management. Outcomes based Evaluation Ways Question paper validation to
education and blooms complaint ensure desired standard from
software maps outcomes with outcome attainment perspective
Internal External
blooms taxonomy at multilevel. It as well as learning levels
gives clarity and changes the way Assignments Assessments perspective.
faculty looks at work and tasks Mapping of questions with the
related to OBE. Course outcomes.
Projects Teamwork Quiz

No more is OBE a tedious and End/Semester/Annual Examination Assignments to promote self -

fearing matter. Track every detail Learning, survey of contents from
and map every question to the Indirect Multiple sources, assignment
outcomes with simple clicks. evaluation and feedback to the
students, mapping with the CO.
Feedback Survey
Implement an Outcome -
Based Learning Framework Attainment of Programme
in your ins titute. outcomes, Programme specific
Outcomes and course outcomes.
Outcome Attainment
Surveys and feedback mapping.

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