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It’s undeniable that this global health crisis has greatly disrupted not just our normal lifestyle but
more so the backbone of this society – economy, politics and even education. Students, teachers, and
administrators in higher learning institutions are also affected by this global pandemic due to class
suspensions brought by lockdowns, border closures, community quarantines, and other health and safety
measures that limit the movement of the people. Along with the huge challenge facing by the education
sector particularly the higher education sector on how to continue the delivery of free quality and accessible
higher education among its 1.3 million students across the country – these include the challenges of the
learning environment and availability of resources for both students and teachers.

However, learning shall and must continue amid the pandemic to ensure social progress during or
even beyond these trying times. Hence, the Biliran Province State University, in close coordination with
other State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) in the Eastern Visayas region and with the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED), uphold and ensure that its almost 9,000 students enrolled will be able to continue
their learning activities in this new normal.

Guided by its vision of becoming “a state university leading in research and innovation for human
empowerment and societal development” and its WoW BiPSU strategic direction, BiPSU is committed to
the Biliranons and its learners coming from neighboring provinces in providing quality education appropriate
to the learning environment they need in this new normal. BiPSU is doing its best in making sure that all
BiPSUnitas will thrive in the new normal to a better normal.

Putting first the students on top of its priority, the university has conducted a series of surveys that
assess the preparedness of the students in terms of their internet connectivity, resource availability and
learning modality preferences.

Data obtained from the survey served as the baseline for the university in crafting its Learning
Continuity Plan for Academic Year (AY) 2020-2021. The WoW BiPSU Learning Continuity Plan (LCP is the
blueprint of the university in establishing a clear groundwork in delivering higher education in the new
normal set-up without compromising its quality. With the collaborative efforts among its stakeholders
through a series of planning and consultations, this LCP was conceived to fully address the learning gap
and learning anxiety of every BiPSUnista.

Further, the WoW BiPSU LCP is also aligned with the Eastern Visayas Higher Education
Institutions-Flexible Learning Management System Consortium (EVHEIs-FLMSC) – a region-wide and
localized consortium composed of all the ten (10) State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and selected
private higher education institutions in Eastern Visayas which primarily aims at establishing a quality
learning management system (LMS) that will be shared and used among public/private HEIs in the region.
In fact, the Biliran Province State University is proud and honoured to be the lead institution of the EVHEIs-

The Biliran Province State University firmly believes that with this WoW BiPSU Learning Continuity
Plan (LCP) will provide direction for the university in journeying new normal education and bring BiPSU
closer to the community in response to its mantra that “BiPSU is everywhere”. Moreover, the WoW BiPSU
LCP is anchored to the two principles: “Saving Lives'' and “Upholding Quality Education” – principles that
also pave way for BiPSU’s strong commitment that “No BiPSUnista will be left behind”.


This WoW BiPSU Learning Continuity Plan is anchored on the guidelines stipulated in CHED
Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 4, series of 2020. It reflects framework and system for the transition and
integration of the flexible learning approaches and responses interventions that reduces disruption of
classes and impact of natural calamities making continuity of learning more resilient.

Per CMO 4, as far as the implementation of the flexible learning this LCP covers the following; a)
systems and procedures adopted for the transition of Flexible Learning including key people, modalities,
resources, and support services for students and faculty, assessment of effectiveness, teaching and
learning activities and requirements, expected outcomes, including On-the-Job Trainings (OJT) and
practicum, among others; policies on enrollment, attendance, reporting and updating of student-teacher
engagement, grading system, teaching complement, intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Open Educational
Resources (OERs), plagiarism, among others; C) constant dialogue with the Local Government Unit (LGU),
Regional Interagency Task Force (IATF) and other relevant stakeholders to be updated and a possible
partner in the preparation during the COVID-19 crisis considering the different situation of the Regions in
the Philippines; D) health and safety protocols in accordance with the IATF and LGU advisories; E)
Overview and orientation guide for students, teachers and other school administrative and support services
staff; and F) mechanisms for continuous quality improvement.

Moreover, this learning continuity plan is also heavily patterned after the framework of the Eastern
Visayas Higher Education Institutions- Flexible Learning Management System Consortium (EVHEIs-
FLMSC) which is centered on the flexible learning delivery by CHED based on the Higher Education
Academy (HEA) and the Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL) framework of the Utah Valley University
as well as South Missouri State University. The original framework of the OTL is composed of nine (9)
aspects. The nine (9) aspects describe how flexible learning was implemented and maintained. These nine
(9) aspects were clustered into five (5) components that are to be used by the Commission on Higher
Education Region 8. These includes (1) Training and Capability Building, (2) Content Development, (3)
Technology Infrastructure and Support, (4) Monitoring and Assessment and (5) Policy Development and

The plans, activities and programs of this plan also reflects the plans and programs of the 5-year
development plan of the university dubbed as WoW BiPSU (Weaves of Worthiness for Biliran Province


This learning continuity plan, dubbed as WoW BiPSU LCP, primarily aims to ensure the continuity
of learning and delivery of quality and accessible higher education under the New Normal among the
stakeholders of the university for the Academic Year 2020-2021. Specifically, the plan is directed to:

1. Engage faculty members and students to adapt to flexible learning environments

2. Capacitate the faculty members to develop, utilize, and manage flexible/online learning modalities
and create content modules;
3. Establish online/offline technology infrastructures and generate resources for the implementation
of online-mediated and flexible learning modalities;
4. Monitor and assess the implementation of the said learning management system in the university;
5. Establish mechanisms for continuous quality improvement of teaching and learning


This WoW BiPSU Learning Continuity Plan is applicable to all students, faculty and staff of Biliran
Province State University in Naval and Biliran campuses.



Conduct of different training and June 2020-

Capacitate the faculty Strengthening the webinars about the implementation August Apps Faculty members 100% faculty
members to develop, capacities of faculty, of flexible learning delivery 2020 Laptops attendance to the
utilize, and manage and the organizations to (consortium and institutional) Wifi Webinar organizers webinars
flexible/online learning ensure sustainable and Paper
modalities and create enduring change. Printers Institutional trainers 100% of faculty
content modules See Annex for the list of training and Photocopiers developed/create
Facilitating training, webinars Inks content modules
managing learning
exchanges and
developing learning 100% of the Faculty
materials members and the
students have accessed
Develops knowledge and utilized the
and skills to address #WoWBiPSU LMS
the root issues of
problems thereby,
ensuring lasting

Strengthen Faculty Sending faculty members to October Laptops Faculty-Recipients 6 Faculty scholars will
Mobility International Continuing 2020 - Wifi of the Scholarship complete the program
Professional Education Program on March Program
Flexible Learning 2021
All year Director, Signed Memorandum of
Forging partnership and linkage with round Internationalization Agreement (MOA) or
international organizations to Office Memorandum of
increase faculty mobility President Understanding (MOU)

BiPSU faculty
accepted as scholars
and recipients of
different faculty
mobility programs

Provision of November Laptops HRMO

psychosocial support Conduct seminar/training on 2020 Internet Guidance Services
to faculty members mental health and psychosocial Connection Office
support activities for faculty Zoom Deans
members Application Chairpersons
Honoraria for Faculty members

Convergence of Monthly Laptops President 100% participation of

Faculty and staff Conduct of monthly meetings and Internet VPs persons involved
convergence of teachers, as well as Connection Deans
L&D activities to address their Zoom Chairpersons
concerns, issues and needs in the Application Faculty and staff
implementation of flexible learning,
via zoom or face to face sessions.

Strengthening Conduct of Search for Best October Laptops Deans

Learning and Online Demonstration Teacher 2020 Internet Chairpersons
Development (L&D) Connection Organizers and
Activities for Faculty Conduct of Search for Best December Zoom Committee
Members Faculty Member 2020 Application members
Honoraria for judges
100% of Faculty members
Intensifying Research  Continuous conduct of All year Honoraria VP for ARI
involved in R&D activities
and Development R&D activities via online round for resource Research and
(R&D) Activities such as in-house review, speakers Innovation Office Achieved R&D targets for
research webinars, etc. Laptops the Academic Year
Intensifying Extension  Conduct of different All year Proposal VP for ESSEA
Activities extension activities round Funding (if Extension
any) Service Office


● Orientation Training Honoraria Resource Speakers, 100% of the Faculty

Capacitate the faculty Flexible Learning (FL) Series on Flexible May 2020 for resource EVHEIs- FLMSC, understand and
members to develop, Management Learning Management speakers BiPSU ConDev implement FL class
utilize, and manage Implementation System Team,Institutional modalities
flexible/online learning Laptops
● Trainers’ Training on Model Trainers, School
modalities and create Module Production for FL, Internet Deans 100% Trainers were
content modules Trainers’ Module connectivity able to craft Model
Preparation Break June 25 – Modules
● Institutional Mass 26, 2020
Training on Module
● Module Presentation and June 29,
Critiquing 2020 External Consultant, Complete training
Institutional Trainers, attendance and needed
● Module Evaluation June 30, BiPSU Faculty modules developed
Process 2020
External Consultant, Evaluated/ Quality-
● Module Revision and July 2020 Institutional Trainers, assured Course
Finalization Deans, Program Modules
Chairpersons BiPSU
● Training on incorporating November Faculty Resource
course contents to 2020 Persons, Deans,
online/digital teaching 100% faculty
BiPSU Faculty
platforms (zoom, google conveniently utilizing
apps - meet, forms, docs, varied teaching
photos, etc.) platforms
Consultancy with experts ● Submission of modules of August - Honoraria for External consultants Feedback from
faculty to external September consultants Presidents consultants
consultants and experts for 2020 Zoom/ any
critiquing and review virtual meeting

Production of Quality ● Submission of modules 4th quarter Payment for Director, Production ISSN certified
assured materials and other Instructional of 2020 ISSN of Services Office modules
Materials (IMs) for ISSN modules Director, Research
and Innovation Office
Modules Deans
Faculty members

4th quarter Bondpapers Director, Production Best Modules

● Conduct of Search for of 2020 Printer Services Office produced by faculty
Top 10 modules per Ink members
school Honoraria for
Midterm break FL  Conduct an activity, face to Midterm Laptops and VP for ESSEA Feedback of students
assessment face or via online, wherein other device for module
students can feedback on the VP for ARI
effectivity of modules and Virtual Students
learning delivery conference
app Focal Persons


Establish online/offline ● Partnership with LGU for August - Print of MOA LGU executives Signed Memorandum
technology Establishment of the establishment of September President of Agreement (MOA)
infrastructure and municipal kiosks municipal kiosks 2020 Vice Presidents
generate resources ● Identification of strategic Committee on Infra Established and
for the implementation
places for the municipal and IT Support MIS functional kiosks with
of online-mediated kiosks Office
and flexible learning ● Signing of the
modalities; Memorandum of
Agreement with the partner
LGUs in different
● Installation of computer
sets and wifi connection to
identified municipal kiosks

● Procurement of facilities October Vehicle MIS Operational and

Installation of Mobile and equipment needed for 2020 Routers functional mobile
Kiosk the mobile kiosks Laptops kiosks
1st sem, Computers
● Implementation of the AY 2020- Funding
mobile kiosks 2021

● Increase internet August – Routers MIS Fast internet

Strengthen internet bandwidth in the October Optic fibers DICT connectivity in the
and network university for students 2020 Provincial university
connectivity in the and faculty Government
university and in the ● Lobby to the provincial Majority of the faculty
province governor and DICT and students have
access to internet
Customization, design ● Identify a Learning All year Laptops and MIS Majority of the students
and utilization of an Management System for round other device and faculty familiarized
institutional Learning Deans
the institution Wifi and use the Moodle-
Management System Chairpersons based WoW BiPSU
● Customize and design conne
institutional LMS (Moodle) ction Faculty LMS

● Capacitate LMS
● Conduct series of training
in the use of LMS for
● Conduct orientation of LMS
utilization for students
● Utilization of LMS for
flexible learning delivery
● Partner with the different August – Funds BIPSU MIS Operational/
Establishment of municipal LGU for the October MOA LGU Functional Municipal
Municipal Kiosks establishment of the 2020 kiosks
different municipal kiosks in
the province and nearby
towns in Leyte

Survey forms Deans 100% of students

Adapting Learning Conduct of survey from the June- Laptops have access to the
delivery for low internet students on the following: August Modules Load learning materials
VP for ARI
bandwidth 2020
Wifi Program
o Type of device
Print Modules Chairpersons
o Type of internet
o Speed of the internet

Students from slow to no

connectivity can work on
print modules
Students that load internet
may not work for some
synchronous and
asynchronous lessons

Count the mbps required

when making online
lessons. Inform the
students of the mbps so
that they can load the
necessary data

Use other platforms that

requires low bandwidth for
the submission and
notifications (e. g. fb

● Submit proposal for BiPSU November Proposal President Approved proposal for
Establishment of 2020 PMT the establishment of
SMART Campus and SMART Campus and
SMART Classrooms SMART Classrooms

● Once approved, the Depends on Approved President Operational/

university will be installing the approval proposal PMT Functional SMART
SMART Classroom in of the Funding MIS Classrooms
identified areas in the proposal Winning Bidder for
the project

province and nearby

Acquisition of simulation
softwares and Proposal to acquire simulation 2021 Budget School Deans, At least 1 simulation
equipment for softwares of laboratory equipment allocation/ Program Chairs software acquired in
laboratory courses so that the students would be able Funding each program of the
to develop the needed support School of Engineering
competencies in the operation of
the equipment

Provision of support to 4th quarter, Budget BiPSU-BOR Approved proposal for

teachers for online Proposal for faculty AY 2020 allocation/ the provision of
communication allowance and President
delivery of instruction Funding communication
laptops support allowance and laptops
for faculty members

Premium subscription to  Identification of different online September- Subscription and use of

relevant and useful educational tool/ applications November Subscription online academic/
educational tool and to be used by faculty members 2020 Fee Deans educational app
applications and staff
 Subscription to online Laptop/ any
academic educational tool/ device
app such as Zoom, turnitin, Wifi
etc. connection
Implementation of infra BAC
and IT projects for  Preparation of documents for
the different IT and 2021 Budget VP for Admin Approved
Infrastructure projects allocation/ implementation of the
Funding Engineering and IT and Infra projects
support Physical Development
o Completion of
Technology Building Office
o Completion of BiPSU
Automative Laboratory
o Repair of BiPSU Main
Campus Drainage
o Completion/
Rehabilitation of Multi-
Purpose Building/
Faculty and
Employees’ Academic
and Wellness Center
o Construction of Three-
Storey Academic and
Research Building
(Biliran Campus)
o Procurement of AFNR
(Agriculture, Fishery
and Natural
Laboratory Machinery
and Equipment
o Procurement of
Laboratory Equipment
and Facilities for
Biliran campus

● Conduct of Pilot Test of the Laptops and 100& participation of

Engage faculty flexible learning modalities September other device Pilot class teachers, selected students and
members and adopted by the university to 7- Internet selected students, faculty in the
students to adapt to come up with September Connection deans, chairpersons, implementation of pilot
flexible learning Implementation of recommendations (See 30, 2020 Modules LMS VP for ARI test class
environment Pilot Class testing attached framework of the
Pilot Testing

● Conduct meeting and September Virtual Pilot class teachers, Feedback and
presentation of report on 30,2020 conference selected students, recommendation from
the conduct of pilot testing app Laptop deans, chairpersons, the persons involved
Wifi/ Data VP for ARI
● Production of printed July- Modules VP for ARI Quality assured
Implementation of modules for offline October Bondpapers modules delivered to
modular instruction to instruction and for 2020 Printer students who are in
Low Level Technology students who belong to Laptop and the Low Level
category students the Low Level other device Technology category
Faculty members
Technology category

Modules VP ESSEA Operational/ Functional

 Operationalization of November Laptops MIS mobile kiosk
mobile Kiosks to provide –end of the Desktop Assigned personnel
Implementation of the students easy access to Academic Computer
Mobile Learning the university’s LMS and Year Internet
the learning modules Connection

 Develop alternative work All year Deans, Program 100% of OJT

plan for On-the-Job round Chairpersons, and students have complied
Training so that the OJT Coordinators with their training
students could comply with
Implement alternative
the intended competencies
work plan for On-the-
and learning outcomes of
Job Training of
the course
 Establish linkages with
different industries and
professional organizations
that could provide online

OJT/Practicum to the

● Submit a proposal 2nd Funding Radio School Deans, Equipped faculty for the
Implementation of
● Capacitate teachers for semester station Chairpersons implementation of
the use of radio-based Faculty Members radio-based instruction
● Propose for limited face Upon Administration,
Proposal Approved proposal for the
to face classes approval of School Deans,
Chairpersons implementation of limited
Implementation of the IATF
face to face classes
Faculty Members
Limited Face-to- face ● Prepare the facilities such
classes as classrooms, and
implementation of strict
social distancing and health

● Conduct of limited face to

face classes specially those
for RLE (laboratory only) for
BSN students and those
with laboratory classes

● Signing of Memorandum of September MOA President Signed Memorandum of

Establish Agreement with the – October VP Agreement with the
online/offline Forging Partnership different Local LGU executives Local executives of the
technology with Partner Institutions Government Unit (LGU) in involved municipalities
infrastructures and for the implementation the province of Biliran and
generate resources of flexible learning nearby towns and
for the delivery municipalities in Leyte
implementation of

online-mediated and ● Forge partnership with All year MOA Director, Signed MOA/ MOU with
flexible learning international agencies round Internet Internationalization international universities
modalities and universities connection Affairs and organizations
Laptop and President
other device

● Strengthen partnership All year MOA BiPSU President Signed MOA/ MOU with
with other Higher round HEI Presidents other SUCs/ HEIs
Education Institutions
● Tap external stakeholders All year MOA President partner Signed MOA/ MOU with
and agencies as official round agencies external stakeholders
partners in the
implementation of Flexible
Learning Delivery such as
DICT, Globe and Smart
Telcos, etc.

October President and other Proceeds intended for

● Join Online Curacha activity 2020 key officials the implementation of
Initiating activities for of the Local Government LGU personnel flexible learning delivery
fund raising to help Unit of Naval where in the university
support flexible proceeds will go to
learning delivery for programs and activities
faculty and students related to flexible learning


● Conduct of Action Research January Laptop, Wifi RIO, Deans, At least 1 completed
Monitor and assess the & Case Studies on the 2021 Chairpersons, research/case study in
implementation of the effectiveness of the learning Research every School
said learning Assessment of implementation of the Coordinators
management system in Effectiveness learning management
the university system in the university
● Identification of monitoring September President Developed a standard
team for the implementation 2020 FL Committee assessment tool
of flexible learning delivery members
in the university and per Monitoring Team

● Capacitate the members of

October Assessment
the monitoring team adn
2020 tool
craft a standard
assessment tool for the
monitoring in consultation
with an expert.
Establishment of
University Monitoring ● Deploy team to do the
and Evaluation Team January
monitoring per 2021

● Conduct assessment and January

monitoring of the different 2021
areas in the implementation
of flexible learning using the
tool developed.

● Convergence of the
monitoring team for the January
review of reports and 2021
crafting of action plans to
address issues and
concerns based on the
monitoring result.

● Conduct semestral break January Students VP for ARI Deans

performance review 2021 outputs Chairpersons
Faculty members
Semestral ● Presentation of best Laptop
performance review outputs of students Virtual


Establish mechanisms ● Tap national and Honoraria President Partnership with national
for continuous quality international experts for All year Laptop VPs and international
improvement of Consultancy with inputs and benchmark on round Virtual consultants
teaching and learning national and best practices of flexible conference
international experts learning delivery app
implementation Wifi

● Conduct training for 4th quarter QAA Director

Institutional AACCUP of 2020 Honoraria
Laptop Deans
Voluntary submission to Accreditation
Virtual Program
AACCUP conference Chairpersons
accreditation app
● Submit letter of intent to 1st Quarter President, Letter of Intent to
AACCUP indicating the of FY 2020 AACCUP and Letter of
QAA Director
program, level of survey Accommodation and
and preferred schedule of Confirmation from the
accreditation Executive Director of

● Preparation, review and 2nd QAA Director, Determination of

document evaluation of all Quarter of Deans, evidences on every
supporting documents for FY 2020 Chairpersons, and benchmark statement in
AACCUP accreditation Faculty the AACCUP
accreditation instrument
from Area I to Area X

● Facilitate the conduct of 3rd to 4th Laptop AACCUP Accreditors AACCUP Survey Visit at
Virtual QAA
AACCUP Accreditation Quarter of the university
FY 2020 conference Deans
app Program Chairpersons

● Conform all the findings 4th Quarter Laptop QAA Compliance of all
and recommendations of of FY 2020 Virtual Deans required documents
AACCUP accreditors onwards conference Program Chairpersons
Secure Certificate of ● Monitor the status of the 4th Quarter Bondpapers QAA Certificate of Program
Program Compliance CHED COPC for its of FY 2020 Printers Deans Compliance (COPC)
(COPC) for all its programs Laptops Program Chairpersons for all programs
programs in both
campuses ● Preparation of documents
to comply with the needed
Conduct pre-conference on ISO 4th Quarter Honoraria President, Vice Compliance of all
Submission for DNV- 9001:2015 Training and of FY 2020 Presidents, QAA external audit findings
GL ISO 9001:2015 Laptop/ other
Institutional Certification Director, Faculty
QMS Periodic Audit 1 device
No major/ minor non-
Conduct ISO 9001: 2015 Honoraria President, Vice conformance incurred
Foundation Course and Risk Laptop/ other Presidents, QAA
Management Training device Director, Faculty Passed the periodic
audit 1 of DNV-GL

Conduct orientation program on 4th Quarter BiPSU-ISA Task Complete document

Submission to CHED the preparation of CHED-ISA of FY 2020 Force, QAA preparation in all
ISA documents KRAs;

Establish BiPSU task force to BiPSU-ISA Task Passed the CHED-

work on the CHED-ISA Force, QAA ISA

Monitor completion of all BiPSU-ISA Task

documented information for Force, QAA


Adoption and ● Create a team for the April 2020 TWG Approved policy for
Implementation of crafting of modified policies Deans A. Enrolment and
modified policies for: and procedure on the Chairpersons Admission
Establish mechanisms following which is in line with President, VPs B. Grading
for continuous quality A. Enrolment and the new normal: System
improvement of Admission ○ Enrolment and C. Alternative Work
teaching and learning B. Grading Admission Arrangement
System ○ Grading System
C. Alternative ○ Alternative Work
Work Arrangement
● Implementation of the BiPSU-BOR
modified policies and President, VPs
procedures for the Deans
○ Enrolment and May - June Chairpersons
Admission 2020 Students
○ Grading System
○ Alternative Work 1st
Arrangement semester,
AY 2020-


● Conduct of one-week 100% of the students

October LMS All BiPSU students have undergone the
Student On Boarding
Launching of the 12-16, Print Modules Deans Chairpersons SOB
Program which will be done
Student on Boarding 2020 Laptop SOB Team
through the class advisers
program Zoom Key Officials
via flexible learning delivery,
aimed at orienting the
Engage faculty
students about the
members and
essentials of FL
students to adapt to
implementation (See Annex
flexible learning
for the SOB briefer)

● Conduct of Kumustahan October Laptops All BiPSU students 100% participation of

Kumustahan Series 2020 Projectors Deans Chairpersons students and other
session with students and
and Orientation of Zoom app SOB Team stakeholders in the
stakeholders in the different
Stakeholders Key Officials SOB
municipalities January
● Draft and send a learning
commitment to the learner
and parents about their
responsibilities for the
home-based learning (See

● Parents need to monitor

their Notify the learners
online if they have not

Increase student ● If online notification is not

engagement and working message and call
participation rate them through their mobile

● If learners are not

responding online, text
and call, send a
messenger to the house
and deliver a letter.

● Last resort is home

visitation or student will
got to the campus to
complete the

● Monitor student enrollees

Decrease dropout rates All year Laptop VP for ESSEA No student dropout
from time to time
among students round Virtual VP for ARI
● Initiate activities to reach out conference Guidance Services
to students app Office
Wifi Student Development
● Strengthening counseling
services for students
● Conduct of Psychosocial All year Wifi VP for ESSEA Students avail of
Support activities such as round Sevice (laptop, Guidance Office psychosocial support
Provision of Online Counseling Guidance services of the
psychosocial support Coordinators university
to students

● Identification of Hotlines/ All year Internet VP for ESSEA Identified hotlines

Focal persons to answer round Connection Focal persons accessible to students
student concerns and Load
queries Sevice (laptop, Students can reach
cellphone) out to the hotlines

All year Wifi VP for ESSEA Student participates in

● Conduct student activities/ round Device (laptop, VP for ARI different activities
competitions via online or cellphone) Student
per municipality such as Proposals Organizations
Student research congress, etc.
Empowerment and
support services

Depends on Wifi VP for ARI Students avail of free

● Conduct of Free Online the Device (laptop, Deans School online board
Board Examination schedule of cellphone) Chairpersons examination
Review department Proposals Reviewers

Wifi Director, ULRC Students access to

Ensure student  Launching of the Library online library resource
September Device (laptop,
access to online Virtual Information Assistant
2020 cellphone)
library resources (LiVIA), an online assistant
where students can avail and onwards
access free and reliable
online resource
 Implementation of the LiVIA
Proposal for Medical and Dental Students avail the
Provision of Medical and  Initiate medical and dental Office medical and dental
dental services for All year activity
services students through services
students online consultation and/or round Funding for VP for ESSEA
regular visit to different medical kits and
municipalities kiosks other medicine

Midterm/ semestral Conduct of student consultation Every President

Break convergence of (face-to-face) midterm VP for ESSEA
students break
Focal Persons

To ensure the successful implementation and execution of this Learning Continuity Plan and ensure the continuous improvement and sustainability of he aforementioned
plans, activities and programs under each area of concern, Biliran Province State University shall create a technical working group assigned for the assessment and monitoring. A
standard assessment tool will be used for the monitoring and evaluation of the different programs and activities. (See Standard Assessment Tool)


SUC President III

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