2 VPA Orientation Powerpoint Presentation 04 15 21
2 VPA Orientation Powerpoint Presentation 04 15 21
2 VPA Orientation Powerpoint Presentation 04 15 21
15 April 2021
New work engagement
- new definition of FT & PT Faculty Development Programs pertinent to
- reduction of teaching load adopted modalities
- mostly work from home (new guidelines for - small group training for skills development (i.e.
working hours) Foundation Track, Mastery Track) – on a continuing
- team teaching (involving FT & PT faculty) basis
- training to serve also as social-emotional support for
Online activity is more time consuming
causing increased workload
- technology & social media skills (basic - pedagogical & teaching approach (use of student-
computer skills, proficiency with software focused learning approaches, establish & maintain
applications, installing/updating software, online presence, focus on supporting and guiding
internet search literacy, proficiency with learning, provide constructive feedback, etc.)
features & functions of the LMS, etc.)
How have schools assisted faculty in transforming
- administrative & organization skills (ability how they teach and deliver their content and
to respond to students’ questions with laboratory courses remotely?
immediacy, provide feedback on student
assignments/tasks in a timely manner, What pedagogical resources have been provided to
monitor/follow-up students, etc.) faculty to promote students’ success in a digital
Access provisions to physical facilities (if allowed)
- by appointment (especially for research labs)
- limited number at any given time
- modified layout of spaces & rooms
- one-way hallways & walkways
Maintenance program
- considering that school facilities/spaces are not being used now, how are these being maintained (i.e.
shift to predictive maintenance plan using existing maintenance data)
Video of key building, facilities, spaces & equipment (to be provided to the Team prior to the visit; if
additional facilities or equipment are needed to be viewed by the Team, the school will be informed ahead
of time)
Area Ratings
(similar to how these were given in the
Best Features previous on-site visits and to guide the
(practices/initiatives taken by the school to Team’s decision)
ensure effective processes of teaching-
learning and delivery of support programs &
services) Area & Chair’s Report
(similar to how this was written in the
The best features are those that are fully previous on-site visit)
functioning even at this time.
• Now is a period of high levels of uncertainty.
• The building of an online college or university is an expensive one that requires not only
equipment and training but, more importantly, an enormous amount of planning and
anticipation of stakeholder needs.
• We do not know . . .
- whether it will be possible to resume regular F2F teaching
- whether distance/remote teaching will be continued or
- whether we will have a combination of both F2F and distance teaching
• Let us not forget the intellectual vibe that a great class discussion generates which cannot be
found in virtual online teaching.
• In the meantime, let us allow ourselves to be imperfect together in the service of our students
and their deepest needs for learning.
• And in the spirit of friendship, openness and understanding let us assure the schools of PAASCU’s
continued support.