Key Areas Programs, Initiatives And/or Strategies: High School Department 5-Year Plan 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

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Key Areas Programs, Initiatives and/or Strategies 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Programs, Programs, Programs, Programs,
initiatives initiatives initiatives initiatives
At least 3 Programs, initiatives and/or Programs, initiatives and/or and/or and/or and/or
At least 5 Key Areas Strategies per Key Area and/or Strategies Strategies Strategies Strategies Strategies
Key Area 1 Academic full
Support and Student 1. STMS App / (IOS and Android) LMS Dry run and implementation
Development Services full full
-Grade Viewer Software of the app. Fixing
Planning with IT implementati implementati
-Schedule - Prospectus - Account - implementatio and
on on
Announcements n troubleshooting
possible bugs
2. TEAM Program (Tutor, Educate, Planning and selecting Guidance and full Full full
Advise, Mentor) a team for the Teacher implementation Implementati implementati
Description: Tutor Educate Advise program. Personnel workshop and and career on and on
Mentor (TEAM) Program— The TEAM involve are the ff.: training development Student
Office advises students who may be Guidance counselor, officer workshop TEAM
experiencing difficulty transitioning Career Dev't Officer, and training counselor
into college life, providing structure Student team, workshop
and assistance to at-risk students Teachers and training
through the Tutor Educate Advise
Mentor (TEAM) program. TEAM is a
campus-wide program that is
coordinated among members of the
faculty and college advisors. The
program assists students whom faculty
or staff have identified as at-risk based
on observed behaviors, such as
excessive or frequent absences, low
grades or incomplete assignments, lack
of participation, lack of basic skills, or
expressed desire to withdraw from
school. The TEAM staff assesses the
student’s situation, offering support
and providing referrals to resources on
3. SOAR Program ( Student Orientation, planning and dry run full full full
Advising, and Registration) assigning personnel implementation implementati implementati
Description: Student Orientation, in- charge on on
Advising, and Registration (SOAR
Program)—The Office of Student
Supreme Council hosts the annual
Student Orientation, Advising and
Registration (SOAR) program designed
to help students make the transition to
college. At this one-day program,
students will be introduced to available
resources, including academic support
services and the STMS Student
Handbook, which provides general
information regarding the policies,
rules, and regulations concerning
student activities, academic issues, and
expected standards of student
behavior. In addition, current students,
administrators, and staff members are
available to answer questions of
incoming students and their families.
Information about the program will be
available on the institutional website
(SOAR program web page) and the
STMS Phone App.
4. STMS Honors Program
Description: STMS Honors
Program—The STMS Honors Program
is designed to provide an enriched
learning experience that will enhance
the education of academically talented
and motivated STMS students. At the
heart of the program is a learning
community of capable and
intellectually curious students who
seek breadth and depth in their Search for
First year of implementation
education and commit to becoming scholarships or full full
implementatio and -skills
well-rounded students and citizens. sponsorship, Produce implementati implementati
n - Leadership ( athletics,
The program challenges students to guidelines and on on
Scholarship music, dance,
delve deeply into their academic qualification-making
studies, to develop their critical
thinking and analytical skills, and to
engage actively in school and
community life. The STMS Honors
Program offers a variety of courses,
cultural events, and community
engagement activities designed to
foster community and help individual
students maximize their intellectual
and personal talents.
1. School Library upgrade Collaboration with the full
Key Area 2 Physical Fully
a. e-library school administration, Pilot Testing Evaluation implementati
Plant Functional
b. e-catalogue system IT specialist, teachers, on
librarian, consultants,
Collaboration with the
school administration,
2. Virtual Classroom (for Distance IT specialist, teachers, Fully
Pilot Testing Evaluation implementati
Learning) librarian, consultants, Functional
etc. and Teachers
3. Auditorium (Theatre Type) with
appropriate and complete sound Budget Assessment Construction construction construction
system facility
Key Area 3 Quality 1. Curriculum - Distance Learning
Education (online)
DESCRIPTION: The curriculum will be
revised to accommodate those
students who would opt to enroll for
online learning, Therefore, the school collaboration with the Teachers'
will have two options for the mode of school administration training, Dry Full full
instruction: face-to-face and Online and Members of the Run, Soft Implementati implementati
class. Faculty Evaluation Implementation on on
2. Assessment Slots Allotted=100
- G7- 22  
a. ESC Exam -G8-24 Full Full Full
G9- 15 Implementatio Implementation Implementati Implementati
G10- 2 n Slots Slots Allotted: on Slots on Slots
TOTAL: 63 Allotted: 150 200 Allotted: 250 Allotted: 300
b. Thematic Assessment- teachers collaboration with the Soft full full full
must work together in integrating their school administration Implementatio implementation implementati implementati
subjects to come up with a theme. and Members of the n on on
That theme will be the basis pf their Faculty
assessment. This means that students
won't deal anymore with many forms
of assessment during exams. This will
be done every term.
3. Instruction - Montessori Way of
teaching through E-learning collaboration with the
DESCRIPTION: Teachers must fully school administration Teachers'
full full
adapt the Montessori way of teaching. and Members of the training, Dry Soft
implementati implementati
To do this, the cooperation of the Faculty for the Run, implementation
on on
school's administration is needed in relevant trainings and Evaluation
conducting relevant trainings and seminars
seminar fit to the grade/year level.
Research- Teachers
will conduct
researches on
extension services by Conduct of Product
Research Planning Evaluation
tapping the Research Testing
community with their
literacy needs
through literacy
Key Area 4 Faculty programs.
Development Seminars and
workshops on the
Retention of
following areas:
Local Trainings National International the training
Teaching modalities,
Trainings and Trainings and Trainings and tradition
Workshops Workshops Workshops from local to
Approach, 21st
Century Learning
Scholarship and Assistance Short Term Plan: Non- Establishment Pilot Testing Testing Evaluation
degree Programs
Graduate Degree
Programs (Masteral for the short
and Doctoral) term plans:
Qualifications: At continual
of the program Continues
least 2-3 years of testing for
teaching experience long term
in the institution. plans
Maximum of 4 year
support for Doctoral
studies and up to 2
years support for
Master's degree.
Key Area 5 School Brand Foundation Form a branding Branding Team Strengthen the Strengthen Strengthen
Branding team. Revisit existing workshop and use of school's the use of the use of
school's brand Training. brand school's school's
(Conduct a thorough Empower the brand brand
audit, chronicling executions of
executions of the the current
current brand in the brand in print
most widely used and digital
formats - print and applications.
digital applications.)
Application of
all the design
Enhance concepts, concepts,
Brand Identity logos, and color logos, color      
schemes schemes in all
Promote the
school's brand
Revisit the school's mission
mass mass
  brand mission statement to mass promotion
promotion promotion
statement the students,
parents and
Standardization of Full Full
Full Full
school's typography, implementati implementati
implementatio implementation
color palettes, logo on of the on of the
n of the of the
Branding Style usage, positioning, standardize standardize
standardize standardize
sizing and ration school's school's
school's school's
restrictions/considera branding branding
branding style branding style
tions style style
full digital immersion Enhancing
full full
through promoting website, page, full
Execution of School Brand implementati implementati
existing website, ads' features implementation
on on
pages, and radio ads. and designs

Designing Production of Enhancing/

Production of
Planning in creating School signage, school's signage, Redesigning
Non-digital school papers, school papers, school's
communications flyers, flyers, pamphlets signage,
on materials
pamphlets and and learning school
modules. pamphlets
and learning
school Producing Production of
supplies/mater personalize non-digital
ials (e.g. School Montessori communicati
bag, activity school supplies on materials
books, pencils,
pen, study
tables, and etc.
athletics Production of Redesigning
uniforms, materials materials

Prepared by: HIGH


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