Jenis-Jenis Teks Bahasa Inggris

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Jenis-jenis teks bahasa inggris

Jenis-jenis teks bahasa inggris





Descriptive Text

Teks yang menjelaskan gambaran tentang seseorang, tempat,

binatang atau benda.
a. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text:
- Identification
- Description
b. Purpose of Descriptive text
- To describe …. in specific
- To describe a particular person or thing or place specifically
c. Language Feature
- Specific participant
- Penggunaan adjective (kata sifat) untuk memperjelas noun (kata
- Penggunaan simple present tense
Recount Text

Sebuah teks yang b. Language Feature

menceritakan kembali – Using past tense
kejadian atau
pengalaman masa – Using temporal
lampau sequence
a. Generic Structure of c. Purpose of Recount Text
Recount Text To retell past experience
- Orientation
- Events
- Re-orientation
Procedure Text

Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity

a. Generic Structure of Procedure Text
- Goal
- Material or Ingredient
- Step
b. Purpose of Procedure Text
- To explain how to…
- To explain steps/instruction to…
c. Language Feature of Procedure Text:
- Use adverbial of sequence / Using temporal conjunction
- Use command / imperative sentence
- Using Simple Present Tense
Narrative Text

Narrative text adalah cerita imaginatif yang bertujuan menghibur orang.

a. Generic Structure of Narrative Text
- Orientation
- Complication
- Resolution
- Coda / reorientation (optional)
b. Purpose of Narrative text
To entertain the reader
c. Language Feature of Narrative Text:
- Past tense
- Adverb of time
- Direct speech. It is to make the story lively.
News Item

News item adalah teks yang memberikan informasi tentang kejadian

peristiwa harian. Mudahnya news item adalah berita
a. Generic Structure of News Item
- Main Events
- Elaboration
- Resource of Information (Source)
b. Purpose of News Item
- To inform…
- To present information..
c. Language Feature of News Item
- Focusing on circumstances
- Using saying verbs : “….”, She said, / He said
- Kadang di awal ditulis tempat kejadian.

• Teks yang menyampaikan pendapat tentang fenomena di sekitar.

a. Generic Structure of Analytical exposition Text
- Thesis
- Argument
- Reiteration
b. Purpose of Analytical Exposition Text
To analyze the topic
c. Language Feature of Analytical exposition Text:
- Using Simple Present Tense
- ada beberapa agument yang diawali dengan, firstly, secondly, thirdly..
- Ada frase berikut :
From the fact above …
I personally believe ….
Therefore, my conclusion is ….
In conclusion …
Report Text

Report adalah teks yang menghadirkan informasi secara

umum dan apa adanya.
a. Generic Structure of Report text
- General Clasification
- Description
b. Purpose of Report text
- To describe …….. in general.
- To presenting information about (something), as it is.
c. Language Feature of Report text:
- Use of general nouns, eg hunting dogs, rather than particular
nouns, eg our dog;
- Use of Present Tense
Spoof Text

Cerita yang bagian akhirnya lucu. / Cerita yang didalamnya ada

kejadian-kejadian dan diakhiri dengan suatu yang lucu dan
tidak terduga.
a. Generic structure of Spoof Text
- Orientation
- Events
- Twist
b. Purpose of Spoof Text
To entertain the reader with a funny story.
c. Language of feature Spoof Text
- Menggunakan past text
- Akhir cerita lucu (terdapat twist)
Hortatory Exposition

Text yang menyampaikan pendapat dan diakhiri

dengan bujukan.
a. Generic structure Hortatory Exposition
- Thesis
- Arguments
- Recommendation
b. Language feature of Hortatory Exposition
- Simple present tense
- berisi bujukan, dengan kata “we should..” : kita
seharusnya … , “we must…” : kita harus…

Text yang menjelasan tentang proses yang berhubungan dengan

fenomena-fenomena alam, soisal, ilmu pengetahuan, budaya
dan lainnya
a. Generic Structure of Explanation Text
- General statement
- Sequenced of explanation
b. Purpose of Explanation Text
- To explain the processes…..
- To explain how or why something happens.
c. Ciri Kebahasaan Explanation Text
- Simpel present tense
- Terdapat penjelasan mengenai proses..

Text yang menyajikan 2 sudut pandang (point of view) pro dan contra.
a. General structure of Discussion Text
- Issue
- Argument pro
- Argument cons
- Conclusion / recommendation
b. Purpose of Discussion text
- To present two points of view about…
- To present arguments from differing points of view..
c. Language feature of Discussion text
Simple present
Ada kata : however, on the other hand

Feli Liska Dinata


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