LIN HW 2 Morphology - This Is A Homework Assignment For LIN 1. LIN HW 2 Morphology - This Is A Homework Assignment For LIN 1
LIN HW 2 Morphology - This Is A Homework Assignment For LIN 1. LIN HW 2 Morphology - This Is A Homework Assignment For LIN 1
LIN HW 2 Morphology - This Is A Homework Assignment For LIN 1. LIN HW 2 Morphology - This Is A Homework Assignment For LIN 1
b. Befriended → be + friend + ed
d. margin
h. holiday
m. saltpeter
5. Zulu
Part One
Consider the following nouns in Zulu and proceed to look for the recurring forms.
umfani 'boy'
umzali 'parent'
umfundisi 'teacher'
umbazi 'carver'
umlimi 'farmer'
umdlali 'player'
umfundi 'reader'
abafani 'boys'
abazali 'parents'
abafundisi 'teachers'
ababazi 'carvers'
abalimi 'farmers'
abadlali 'players'
abafundi 'readers'
c. List the Zulu stems to which the singular and plural morphemes are attached, and
give their meanings.
Part 2
The following Zulu verbs are derived from noun stems by adding a verbal suffix.
d. Compare these words to the words in section A that are related in meaning, for
example, umfundisi 'teacher,' abafundisi 'teachers,' fundisa 'to teach.' What is the
derivational suffix that specifies the category verb?
e. What is the nominal suffix (i.e., the suffix that forms nouns)?
In Zulu, nouns are formed by having having the suffix -i at the end of a word.
6. Swedish
Sweden has given the world the rock group ABBA, the automobile Volvo, and the great
film director Ingmar Bergman. The Swedish language offers us a noun morphology that
you can analyze with the knowledge gained reading this chapter. Consider these
Swedish noun forms:
lampor 'lamps'
stolar 'chairs'
mattor 'carpets'
bilar 'cars'
soffor 'sofas'
trattar 'funnels'
a. What is the Swedish word for the indefinite article a (or an)?
b. What are the two forms of the plural morpheme in this data? How can you tell which
form applies?
The two forms of the plural morpheme in this data are “-ar” and “-or.” The “-ar”
morpheme is used when a word ends in a consonant, while the “-or” morpheme is used
when a word ends with a vowel. I figured out how this form applies by observing the
plural and singular forms of the words.
By observing the words side by side, I saw a pattern with words that ended with a vowel
and words that ended with a consonant. I was able to see that words that ended with a
consonant had the “-ar” plural morpheme, while words that ended with a consonant had
a “-or” plural morpheme.
c. What are the two forms of the morpheme that make a singular word definite, that is,
correspond to the English article the? How can you tell which form applies?
The two forms of the morpheme that make a singular word definite are “-en” and “-n.”
Similar to the previous question, I observed the singular form and the definite form in
order to find the two morpheme forms.
matta -n mattan
soffa -n soffan
This observation equates the observation from the previous question because the
pattern is the same. Words that end with a consonant have an “-en” definite morpheme,
while words that end with a vowel have an “-n” definite morpheme.
The morpheme that makes a plural word definite is “-na.” Again, I found this pattern by
using a table to compare plural word forms and their definite plural word forms.
e. In what order do the various suffixes occur when there is more than one?
The various suffixes occur following one another. For example, the word “lampa” uses
the plural form in order to get “lampor” and then if someone wanted the plural definite
form, then they would add the “-na” suffix, and if they want the singular form, then they
would add the singular definite form “-en.”
f. If en flicka is 'a girl,' what are the forms for 'girls,' 'the girl,' and 'the girls'?
These are the forms for ‘girls,’ ‘the girl,’ and ‘the girls’:
g. If bussarna is 'the buses,' what are the forms for 'buses' and 'the bus'?
bussar bussen
PARENT: When will you be done with your eight-page book report, dear?
PARENT: But it's due tomorrow, you should have begun weeks ago. Why do you
always wait until the last minute?
CHILD: I mean, how long could it possibly take to read an eight-page book?
The humor is based on the ambiguity of the compound eight-page book report. Draw
two trees similar to those in the text for top hat rack to reveal the ambiguity.