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Large Hadron Collider (By - Ashish)

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The Large Hadron Collider

Made by-
Ashish Patwal
3rd year
The first thought that comes in Mind

•What is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)?

•How the Large Hadron Collider works?

•What are the experiments which are to be

performed in LHC?
etc etc etc………………………………
What is the LHC?
• With its 27-km circumference, the world's
largest and highest-energy particle accelerator.
•Particle physicists are using it to collide protons
at very high energies(7 trillion electronvolts).
•Operates at about – 3000C,& Speeds particles
to almost the speed of light.
•Involves 4 big experiments.
Where is the LHC?
Mont Blanc 4810 m
175 m beneath Franco-Swiss border Mont Blanc, 4810 m
Downtown Geneva,

Downtown Geneva
The Big Questions..
•Truthness of Higgs mechanism for generating
elementary particle masses via electroweak
symmetry breaking.
•Are there extra dimensions, as predicted by
various models inspired by string theory??
•The CP Violation between Matter & Antimatter.
•What was the nature of the quark-gluon plasma
in the early universe?? (Gravity redefined)
•Dark Matter exists or not?
•The mass of Matter defined in accordance with
Higgs Boson particles..
Six experiments planned:
•ATLAS-A Toroidal LHC Apparatus
•CMS-Compact Muon Solenoid
•ALICE-A Large Ion Collider Experiment
•TOTEM-Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and
Diffraction Dissociation
ATLAS-A Toroidal LHC Apparatus
•Investigation of Higgs mechanism, which includes
collision of protons resulting in production of elementary
particles of different masses & giving rise to the
differences between the weak force & electromagnetism
by giving the W and Z bosons masses while leaving the
photon massless.
•The asymmetry between the behavior of matter and
antimatter, known as CP violation.
(ATLAS) Continued..

• It consists of a series of large concentric

cylinders around the interaction point.
• Four Major Parts- Pixel Detector
 the Inner Detector Transition radiation tracker
Semi-Conductor Tracker
inner e.m calorimeter
 the calorimeters outer hadronic calorimeter
 the muon spectrometer
 the magnet systems
CMS-Compact Muon Solenoid
Main goals are:
• to explore physics at the TeV scale
• to discover the Higgs boson
• to look for evidence of physics beyond the standard
model, such as supersymmetry, or extra dimensions
• to study aspects of heavy ion collisions
(CMS) Continued..
• Layer 1(The Tracker)
• Layer 2(The Electromagnetic Calorimeter)
• Layer 3(The Hadronic Calorimeter)
• Layer 4(The Magnet)
• Layer 5(The muon detectors and return yoke)-To
identify muons & measure their momenta, CMS uses
three types of detector:
Drift tubes(DT),
Cathode Strip Chambers(CSC)
Resistive Plate Chambers(RPC).
ALICE-A Large Ion Collider Exp.
In search of answers of
following Questions:-
• What happens to matter
when it is heated to
100,000 times the
temperature at the centre
of the Sun ?
• Why do protons and
neutrons weigh 100 times
more than the quarks
they are made of ?
• Can the quarks inside the
protons and neutrons be
freed ?
• The Inner Tracking System
• Time Projection Chamber
• Transition Radiation Detector
• Time of Flight
• Photon Spectrometer
• High Momentum Particle Identification Detector
• Muon spectrometer
• Forward Multiplicity Detectors
• Electro-Magnetic Calorimeter
LHCf-LHC forward
• Designed to study the particles generated in the
"forward" region of collisions, those almost directly in
line with the colliding proton beams.
• Intended to measure the energy and numbers of
neutral pions (π⁰) produced by the collider which will
hopefully explain the origin of ultra-high energy cosmic
TOTEM-Total Cross Section, Elastic
Scattering and Diffraction Dissociation
• Shares intersection point IP5 with the CMS.
• Dedicated to precise measurement of the
proton-proton interaction cross section, as well
as the in-depth study
of the proton structure.
• Require sophisticated
LHCb-LHC beauty
• An experiment set up to explore what happened
after the Big Bang that allowed matter to
survive and build the Universe we inhabit today.
• Technically speaking, an exp. particularly aimed
at measuring parameters of CP violation in the
interactions of b-hadrons (bottom quark).
Data, data, data!!
The LHC will produce around
15 Petabytes
of data every year!
That’s about 20 million CDs each year!

Where will we store all of

these data?
Answer is CERN Computer Centre
•A functioning grid is Installed to help the LHC exp. collect
and analyse data coming from the detectors.
• High-throughput computing based on reliable
“commodity” technology.
• More than 5000 PCs with around 20,000 processor cores.
• More than 8 petabytes (8 million Gigabytes) of disk
storage and 18 petabytes of magnetic tape storage.
Possibilities of A Black Hole in LHC
•Black holes at the LHC has a very small comparable
•Black holes, would have no time to start consuming
matter and to cause macroscopic effects.
Few main events & Dates..
• The first beam events of ATLAS is carried on 10
September 2008.
• The very first collisions at 0.9 TeV total energy
have been observed in ATLAS on 23 November
• Geneva, 30 March 2010. Beams collided at 7
TeV in the LHC at 13:06 CEST, marking the
start of the LHC research programme.
For more than a decade, building the LHC had been a dream for
many who have worked hard to bring this masterpiece to
Actual snap of Higgs Mechanism
• http://en.wikipedia.org/
• http://press.web.cern.ch/press/
• http://www.lhc.ac.uk/
• http://www.google.com/images/
Thank You!!!!

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