Large Hadron Collider (By - Ashish)
Large Hadron Collider (By - Ashish)
Large Hadron Collider (By - Ashish)
Made by-
Ashish Patwal
3rd year
The first thought that comes in Mind
Downtown Geneva
The Big Questions..
•Truthness of Higgs mechanism for generating
elementary particle masses via electroweak
symmetry breaking.
•Are there extra dimensions, as predicted by
various models inspired by string theory??
•The CP Violation between Matter & Antimatter.
•What was the nature of the quark-gluon plasma
in the early universe?? (Gravity redefined)
•Dark Matter exists or not?
•The mass of Matter defined in accordance with
Higgs Boson particles..
Six experiments planned:
•ATLAS-A Toroidal LHC Apparatus
•CMS-Compact Muon Solenoid
•ALICE-A Large Ion Collider Experiment
•TOTEM-Total Cross Section, Elastic Scattering and
Diffraction Dissociation
ATLAS-A Toroidal LHC Apparatus
•Investigation of Higgs mechanism, which includes
collision of protons resulting in production of elementary
particles of different masses & giving rise to the
differences between the weak force & electromagnetism
by giving the W and Z bosons masses while leaving the
photon massless.
•The asymmetry between the behavior of matter and
antimatter, known as CP violation.
(ATLAS) Continued..