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Overview of Topic

8.1 Origins of the Elements

Inquiry Question
What evidence is there for the origins of the
Syllabus Outcome
1. INVESTIGATE the processes that
led to the transformation of radiation
into matter that followed the 'big bang'
Learning Intention: To
describe 'The Big Bang'.
Discussion: What are the
largest and smallest objects
in the universe?
Largest = Galaxy Cluster
• The biggest single entity that scientists have identified
in the universe is a supercluster of galaxies called
the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall. It's so
wide that light takes about 10 billion years to move
across the entire structure (remember, it takes about 8
minutes for light to reach us from the Sun).
Structure of the Universe
Smallest = Quarks
• Protons and neutrons can be broken down into
quarks. As far as we can tell, quarks can't be
broken down into anything smaller – they are
elementary particles.
Standard Model of Matter
The Standard Model is the name
given to the theory of fundamental
particles and how they interact.
This model of particle physics
explains three of the four
fundamental forces in the universe
(electromagnetism, the strong
nuclear force and the weak nuclear
force) in terms of an exchange of
particles called gauge bosons.
Gauge bosons are one of the two
fundamental classes of particles,
the other being fermions.
Discussion: How did the
universe begin?
The Big Bang Theory
3D Animation of Big Bang
Origins of the Universe 101
| National Geographic
Before Time & Space |
National Geographic
Timeline of the Universe

The Big Bang… and a little after

Separation of the Four Fundamental Forces

Keeps the
nucleus together

Responsible for
radioactive decay

BBT Timeline for Particle
• According to the BBT, all four forces separated
and quarks and leptons came into existence in
the first microsecond.
• This corresponded to a decrease in temperature
from 1032K to 1015K.
• Within 3 minutes, hadrons, such as protons and
neutrons, were formed.
• Over the next 380 000 years, nuclei, mainly
hydrogen, helium and some lithium, formed as
the temperature dropped to 3000K.
BBT Timeline for Particle
• During this time, radiation was produced by
collisions between matter and antimatter.
• After around 380 000 years, conditions were
ripe for the formation of hydrogen atoms.
– Neutral atoms do not scatter radiation, so this could
now escape.
• Clumps of neutral matter – atoms and
molecules – formed. Under the influence of
gravity, gas clouds, stars and galaxies clumped
Evidence for the BBT
Evidence for the BBT
• According to the predictions, any residual
gamma radiation from the Big Bang would be
seen from every direction.
• The wavelengths would be extremely stretched
after so much expansion of the universe.
• They should be seen as microwaves,
corresponding to a temperature of approx. 3K.
Evidence for the BBT
• This residual radiant energy that did not form into
matter can be detected today.
• Its signature wavelength is consistent with the
predictions of the BBT.
Evidence for the BBT
• In 1965, Robert Wilson and Arno Penzias measured
this radiation for the first time.
• Satellites launched by NASA (COBE from 1989 to
1993 and WMAP from 2001 to 2011) and the European
Space Agency (Planck from 2009 to 2013) have
measured the cosmic microwave background
radiation (CMBR) to very high levels of accuracy.
• This is the strongest evidence for the BBT.
• https://www.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/ess05.sci.
Summary (Handout)
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