Hunt For The HIGGS

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The Hunt for the Higgs

(and other interesting stuff at the Tevatron)

Robert Roser
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
The Past Century
~90 years ago ~60 years ago ~40 years ago Present
atom electron

nucleus proton
up quark
down quark

1 of human hair
100,000 thickness

1 1 1
10,000 10 100,000
The Big Picture!
The Standard Model of Particle Physics states:
The world is comprised of Quarks and Leptons that
interact by exchanging Bosons

World is comprised Periodic Table of the Particles

of quarks and
Each particle has its
own anti particle
Quarks have
fractional charge!
Good description of
particles and their
Extensively tested
An example Water!
U d
d d

Proton Neutron
2/3+2/3-1/3 2/3-1/3-1/3
28 Up Quarks
e 8P
P 8N H2O 26 down quarks

10 electrons
The $64,000 Question

ne nm nt e m t u d s c b
. . . top quark

gluons W Z

Why is top so heavy?

Why are there so many particles?
Where does mass come from?
Enter the Higgs Mechanism

Popularity Mass

Analogy by Prof. David Miller

University College of London
2010 Sakurai Prize
... for "elucidation of the properties of spontaneous symmetry breaking
in four-dimensional relativistic gauge theory and of the mechanism for
the consistent generation of vector boson masses."

Englert Brout Higgs Guralnik Hagen Kibble

PRL 13, 321-323 (1964) PRL 13, 508-509 (1964) PRL 13, 585-587 (1964)

So in honor of their work ...

The Solution: Brout-Englert-Higgs-Hagen-
Guralnik-Kibble (BEHHGK) mechanism
[pronounced beck, preserves author grouping, publication ordering, and much
catchier than EBHGHK]

Add scalar field throughout the universe

Potential is symmetric
Ground state breaks symmetry

Masses are generated for the fermions due to their interaction
with this non-zero field
Theory preserves symmetry (gauge invariance)
Standard Model calculations no longer fail
A new particle is predicted: the BEHHGK boson

Finding the BEHHGK boson

Means BEHHGK field exists
Means we confirm our theory for the origin of mass
I will use Higgs and
BEHHGK boson
interchangeably in this talk,
but will refer to
the H particle
How does one search for the
BEHHGK (Higgs) boson?
(or anything else for that matter)
Making Particle X
Thanks to Einstein we know that a high energy collision of particle
A and B can result in the creation of particle X

E= mc 2

particle beam anti-particle beam

Ea Energy Eb
energy energy


As long as Ea + Eb >> Mxc2

Its a bit more complicated
Proton Anti-Proton
d u

u u

Eu Eu Mt Mt
Americas Most Powerful Accelerator:
Fermilabs Tevatron
Colliding Beam Detectors
Detector design is always a
$$$ CDF II Detector cross section
available space
technological risk
readout time and
construction time
Goal is to completely
surround collision with

Arrange detectors in layers

based on functionality
Measure particles position,
momentum and charge first
Type and kinetic energy
Collecting the Data You Want!
The Collider Challenge Level-1/2 Triggers
1.7 Million Collisions/second inside our

Very complicated with lots of information
available on each collision

The problem
You cant write out each collision to tape!
Dont worry not every collision is interesting and warrants saving

The Solution
A Device called a trigger
Examines every event in real time and identifies the most interesting
Reject 99.991% of events and collect data at ~50-100 hz
The Life of an Experimentalist
Our camera is not fast enough to take a picture of
say a top quark! We have to infer based on the
information provided!!!!

What do we know?
Conservation of Energy
Conservation of Momentum
What do we want to identify?
b quarks
The D0 Experiment
The CDF Experiment
15 Countries
63 institutions
602 authors
18 Countries
90 institutions
507 authors
Principle of a Collider Detector

Basic principle is the interaction

of particles with matter
Momentum/Charge Measurement:
- need to affect particle as little as
- use dilute/thin absorber medium
(gas, thin silicon wafers): Tracker
Energy Measurement:
- want to fully absorb particle
- use thick absorber medium
(lead, steel, uranium): Calorimeter
A Single
Top quark
Top Quark Discovered!

You Can Not make a Discovery with one Collision

It is a Statistical Process!

Today we
have 70
times more
than we used
to discover
the top quark
New Physics Shows Up Throughout
Tevatron Physics Output

Tevatron Experiments publishing >100 papers/year

Over the last few years, ~60 PhDs/year

Present >200 talks at conferences each year

The Tevatron Research Program
Precision, New Research Unique Window into the
Discoveries unknown
Mixing, CKM Constraints and Searches for Supersymmetry,
CP Violation Extra Dimensions, Exotica
Heavy Flavor Spectroscopy
New Heavy Baryon States Still at the Energy Frontier
Tests of Quantum Proobing the Terascale as
Chromodynamics the luminosity increases
Precise measurement of Top-
quark and W-boson Masses The Standard Model BEHHGK
Top Quark Properties (Higgs) Boson is within reach!
Di-Boson production and SM
Gauge Couplings
New Exclusive/Diffractive
A Roadmap to discovery
Harder to Produce

Harder to Observe
W Mass Summary
Tevatron has
worlds best

Mw = 80.399 0.023 GeV

Summary of Top Mass

Mt = 173.1 1.2 GeV

<1% Precision

We now know the mass of

the top quark with better
precision than any other
15 short years from
discovery to this.
Where is the BEHHGK (Higgs) Hiding?

Mw vs Mtop MH < 157 GeV at 95% C.L.

Preferred MH 87+35-26 GeV
Higgs Production and Decay

Higgs are produced in several diferent ways

Higgs decay into different final states
depending on the mass of the Higgs
To find it, we need to look at all these final decay states
and combine the results
The Challenge
# of Events produced/exp in 1 fb-1

These are production numbers

trigger, acceptance etc.not yet factored in
Doing the Math

From the previos page. we expect to make 40-60 Higgs

events inside each detector for every 1/fb of data
We now have 6 /fb of data so we expect to have made
250-350 BEHHGK (Higgs) candidates
If our efficiency for finding them is a few percent, we are
trying locate a handful of events out of billions of

This is a Hard Way to Make a Living!!!

Factor away in sensitivity
from SM
Decoding Limit Plots 101
An Example -- Higgs WW
Signature: Two high pT leptons l+
and Missing Energy W
g f +
Primary backgrounds: WW H
and top in di-lepton decay f W l-
channel g
Key issue: Maximizing lepton
Most sensitive Higgs search
channel at the Tevatron
One Experiments Channel Combination
Factor away in sensitivity
from SM
One Experiments Channel Combination
Factor away in sensitivity
from SM

Statistically combine channels

Use a procedure to account for correlated
Combine Experiments
Neither experiment has sufficient power to span the entire mass range
using the luminosity we expect to acquire in Run II
Factor away in sensitivity
from SM

SM Higgs Excluded: mH = 163-166 GeV

We are Making Steady Progress

For a 160 GeV Higgs

How Well Can We Do???

2 3
Projections with 5, 10 fb-1 data sets/experiment
We are Getting Serious!
Reaching for the Higgs Horizon
A Very Rich Program

2.7 fb-


High Energy Colliders provide physicists with a
tool to explore the fundamental questions about
The Tevatron has been remarkably successful
from the discovery to the top quark, to the
observation of B_s mixing to the remarkable
precision measurements of the Top quark and W
boson mass just to name a few
Evidence for the Higgs is within reach and the
Tevatron. Its going to be an exciting next couple
of years !!!
The Multistep Process
Step 1 select events using simple kinematic cuts
(high pt lepton, missing energy, b jets in the event
Step 2 Make use of other distinguishing features
Fits to kinematic distributions
Multivariate techniques (neural nets) to make optimal use of
the information in each event
Step 3 -- Optimize
Improve triggering
Improve lepton acceptance
Improve background rejection
All of this is very hard pain staking work
Step 4 Combine efforts
Combine all the different decay channels together
Combine results from both experiments
We are Making Steady Progress

115 GeV 160 GeV

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