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Stephen Shenker

Stephen Hart Shenker (born 1953) is an American

theoretical physicist who works on string theory. He is Stephen Shenker
a professor at Stanford University and former director
of the Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics. His
brother Scott Shenker is a computer scientist.

Shenker's contributions to physics include:

Basic results on the phase structure of gauge Born 1953[1]

theories (with Eduardo Fradkin) Nationality American
Basic results on two dimensional conformal
Alma mater Harvard University (B.A.)
field theory and its relation to string theory
(with Daniel Friedan, Emil Martinec, Zongan Cornell University (Ph.D.)
Qiu, and others) Known for string theory
The nonperturbative formulation of matrix phase transitions
models of low-dimensional string theory, the
Awards MacArthur Fellowship
first nonperturbative definitions of string theory
(with Michael R. Douglas) American Academy of Arts
The discovery of distinctively stringy and Sciences
nonperturbative effects in string theory, later Lars Onsager Prize (2010)
understood to be caused by D-branes. These National Academy of
effects play a major role in string dynamics Sciences
The discovery of Matrix Theory, the first Dirac Medal (2023)
nonperturbative definition of String/M theory in
a physical number of dimensions. Matrix Scientific career
Theory (see Matrix string theory) is an Fields theoretical physics
example of a gauge/gravity duality and is now
understood to be a special case of the Institutions Stanford University
AdS/CFT correspondence (with Tom Banks, Rutgers University
Willy Fischler and Leonard Susskind) University of Chicago
Basic results on the connection between Doctoral John Kogut
quantum gravity and quantum chaos (with advisor
Douglas Stanford, Juan Maldacena and
others) Doctoral Joanne Cohn
students Matthew Kleban

Selected works
Fidkowski, Lukasz; Hubeny, Veronika; Kleban, Matthew; Shenker, Stephen (6 February
2004). "The Black Hole Singularity in AdS/CFT". Journal of High Energy Physics. 2004 (2):
014. arXiv:hep-th/0306170 (
Bibcode:2004JHEP...02..014F (
doi:10.1088/1126-6708/2004/02/014 (
2%2F014). S2CID 119363210 (

1. LCCN: Shenker, Stephen Hart (

External links
home page of Stephen Shenker at Stanford (
home page of Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics (
[1] (

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