Maximal Analytic Extension of The Kerr Metric: Additional Information On J. Math. Phys
Maximal Analytic Extension of The Kerr Metric: Additional Information On J. Math. Phys
Maximal Analytic Extension of The Kerr Metric: Additional Information On J. Math. Phys
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Kruskal's transformation of the Schwarzschild metric is generalized to apply to the stationary, axi-
ally symmetric vacuum solution of Kerr, and is used to construct a maxiInal analytic extension of
the latter. In the low angular momentum case, at < mt, this extension consists of an infinite sequence
Einstein-Rosen bridges joined in time by successive pairs of horizons. The number of distinct asymp-
totically flat sheets in the extended space can be reduced to four by making suitable identifications.
Several properties of the Kerr metric, including the behavior of geodesics lying in the equatorial plane,
are examined in some detail. Completeness is demonstrated explicitly for a special class of geodesics,
and inferred for all those that do not strike the ring singularity.
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Brill.l1 This metric has two pseudosingularities at simply a barrier that prevents continuation of the
r = r ± == m ± (m 2 - q2)t (1.5) metric to negative values of r. As we see presently,
on the Kerr manifold r = 0 defines a similar barrier,
and a true singularity at r = O. Graves and Brill but one of lower dimension, and the extension to
displayed transformations of the Kruskal type which negative values of r is meaningful and necessary.
would eliminate either pseudosingularity, but not Trapped surfaces exist here, too; however, the Pen-
both. Nevertheless, their results are sufficient to rose-Hawking theorems do not apply to the
portray the full manifold, for by piecing together Reissner-Nordstrom and Kerr manifolds, for these
successive coordinate patches one can extend the do not admit the required Cauchy initial hyper-
metric first across one singularity and then across surface.
the other. It turns out that the resulting manifold is When q2 > m 2, Eq. (1.5) breaks down; there
still not complete, however, and one must continue are then no horizons and much of the previous
to add similar patches indefinitely. The picture which discussion ceases to apply. In fact, the original
emerges is thus altogether different from the coordinate patch covers the maximal extension.
Schwarzschild case. One can view the manifold as
an Einstein-Rosen bridge, whose throat oscillates Kerr Metric
between a minimum and a maximum area, given by We have reviewed the above results at length
411"r~ and 411"r!. After each cycle the bridge is found
since they bear directly on the problem we wish to
to be attached to a new pair of (asymptotically consider-that of obtaining a corresponding maximal
flat) sheets, isometric to the original pair but never- analytic continuation of the Kerr metric. This solu-
theless topologically distinct from them (but see tion, it may be recalled, describes a possible exterior
the end of Sec. III). field outside a rotating body; it is the only known
Horizons example of a stationary vacuum metric with gravita,-
tional mass and rotation that is asymptotically flat.
The pseudosingularities r = r "" like r = 2m in
Like the Schwarzschild metric it is algebraically
the Schwarzschild metric, have an important geo-
special (i.e., of type D in the Petrov-Pirani classifica,-
metric and physical significance: They determine
tion13); thus it contains two geodesic shear-free null
the location of horizons. In stationary space-times,
congruences. a It admits two Killing vectors, as-
these may provisionally12 be defined as stationary
sociated with time translations and rotations about
null hypersurfaces: Whenever, for some function
an axis of symmetry, and it contains two parameters
fer, 6, tp), the equation (grad f)2 = 0 is satisfied m and a which can be identified with the total mass
on f = const, then this hypersurface is called a
and angular momentum per unit mass of the source.
horizon. It acts locally as a one-way membrane of
Although no one has yet succeeded in displaying
infinite red shift (see note added in proof).
explicitly an interior. metric which fits smoothly
Within the horizons of the Schwarzschild and
onto Kerr's exterior solution, there do not appear
Reissner-Nordstrom metrics, when such occur, there
to be any difficulties in principle in integrating
are trapped surfaces in the sense of Penrose. 2 More-
the combined equations of hydrodynamics and gravi-
over, both metrics contain real singularities, located tation for the interior case, provided that the shape
at r = 0 in the coordinates normally used. Time- of the body is chosen appropriately.15 For purposes
like paths which cross the horizons of the latter,
of this paper, however, we neglect the presence
however, need not strike the singularity, but can of any such source, and ask rather for the maximal
be continued onto another sheet and thence out extension of the empty space metric.
to (another) spatial infinity. The surface r = 0 is Kerr's solution contains two event horizons, which
11 J. C. Graves and D. R. Brill, Phys. Rev. 120,1507 (1960).
The case m2 = q' has been studied by B. Carter, Phys. Letters 13 A. Z. Petrov, Sci. Notices, Kazan State Univ. 114, 55
21, 423 (1966). (1954); F. A. E. Pirani, Phys, Rev. lOS, 1089 (1957).
12 B. Carter (private communication) has stat~d a thEl?rem 14 R. Debever, Compt. Rend. 249, 1324 (1959); R. Penrose,
which suggests a more stringent defini~ion of ~ hor~zon. Bl:'lefly: Ann. Phys. (N. Y.) 10, 171 (1960); R. K. Sachs, Proc. Roy.
"Let a space-time admit a group of lsometries wlth p-dlmen- Soc. (London) A264, 309 (1961).
sional integral surfaces, and let the tangen~ p vector b~ (4-p)- 16 R. H. Boyer, Proc. Cambridge. Phil. Soc. 61, 52? (1965).
surface orthogonal. Then the loc~ of !lullity of the ~ill~n~ p A. G. Doroshkevich, Ya. B. Zel'dovlCh and I: D. Novlkov, ~h.
vector is itself a null hypersurface. This sl!rface-the ~Illing Eksperim. i Teor. Fiz. 49, 170 (1965) [English transl.: SOVIet
horizon"-appears in the Schwarzs~hild and Rels~ner Phys.-JETP 22, 122 (1966)] claim that the inter!or solu~ion
Nordstrom metrics with ~ = 1 or 3 and m the Kerr metriC (as must also display some type of vortex or convectIve motlOn,
we see later) with p. = 2. For a different ~efinition of an "event because the Kerr metric has other off-digaonal components
horizon," see W. Rmdler, Monthly Notlces Roy. Astron. Soc. besides g" •• However, their argument is based upon a false pre-
116, 662 (1956). mise; see for example Eq. (2.13).
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in an appropriate coordinate system are located at Kerr and Schild showed that the vacuum field
equations require the null congruence to be geodesic
r = r", == m ± (m
a )! (1.6)
(with respect to either gafl or 1/"p). By choosing H
plus a true singularity again formally defined by suitably, ka can be so normalized that
r = O. The correspondence with the Reissner-
Nordstrom result (1.5) is rather striking. Thus one (2.2a)
might expect the maximal extension of the Kerr V fI being the covariant derivative based upon ga{J'
manifold to be topologically very similar to the We suppose this to be the case, and define an affine
Graves-Brill construction. A main object of our parameter p. by k" = dx a/dp.. Then, as Kerr and
work is to justify this expectation, by displaying a Schild noted, one finds
transformation analogous to that of Kruskal. We
give this in detail in Sec. III, after first exhibiting Ra{J"'/6kfJk6 = -WH/dp.2)k"k"'/. (2.2b)
several other useful coordinate frames in Sec. II. It follows that k a is a multiple Debever-Penrosel4
Kruskal's method, as generalized by Graves and vector, and consequently, by the Goldberg-Sachsls
Brill, cannot be applied directly-except to the theorem, that the null congruence defined by k" is
two-dimensional subspace containing the symmetry shear-free as well.
axis and the time coordinatel6-because the metric In their analysis, Kerr and Schild give rules for
depends on the polar angle 0 in a complicated way. constructing the general empty-space metric of the
But when we combine a transformation analogous form (2.1). We do not quote these here, but merely
to (1.4) with an appropriate change in the azimuthal remark that with the exception of the Kerr metric
angle 'P, whose effect is to straighten out the null the representation (2.1) is unique, so that the metric
congruences in the neighborhood of the event horizon is of type II in the Petrov-Pirani classification.
being considered, we find, happily, that the resulting
metric is regular across the horizon at all values of O. Kerr Metric in Explicit Form
The proof that our extension is maximal requires
Let us consider the exceptional case, in which the
a demonstration that geodesics which do not strike a
line element can be represented in the form (2.1)
true singularity can be continued to infinite length.
in two distinct ways:
We show this in Sec. IV by studying the geodesic
equations. Some particular features of the geodesics (2.3a)
themselves, which seemed to us to be interesting
and curious, are described briefly in Sec. V.
Both k and l" are then principal null vectors (i.e.,
double Debever-Penrose vectors), which implies that
Kerr-Schild Theory the metric is of type D (type I degenerate). This
Kerr and Schild9 have studied solutions of the case is of particular interest, for it describes the
vacuum field equations for which the metric has stationary vacuum solution with rotation first ob-
the form 17 tained in a different way by Kerr. 5 He gives the
explicit presentation
gafl = 1/afl + 2Hk akfl· (2.1a)
Here 1/afl is the metric of Minkowski space, k" a ds
= x + dy + dz - dt + (r4 2mr
2 2 2
+ a2z2)
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merely replicas of this one, and can be obtained by coordinates, since they reduce to the standard
rotating it about the z axis. Schwarzschild coordinates when a = O.
Throughout the foregoing we have tacitly assumed The metric (2.13) has, in addition to the true
that r is positive. However, the disk r = 0, which singularity at ~ = 0, a pair of pseudosingularities
has been viewed as a membrane of discontinuity, at the real zeros of d(r). The latter are located at
may just as well be considered a two-sided aperture
to a second sheet on which r is negative. Such a (1.6)
2 2
continuation to negative r values is permissible and thus exist only when a ::::; m • The close simi-
because the metric (2.7) remains regular at r = 0 larity of this equation with the one arising in the
(provided 0 ¥- t1l"). We hasten to remark that this Reissner-Nordstrom problem has already been re-
second sheet is not to be confused with the other marked, as has the identification of the surfaces
side of an Einstein-Rosen bridge,IO which one en- r = r", with stationary null surfaces, or horizons.
counters in the familiar Kruskal procedure. We Let I = 0 be any null hypersurface containing the
construct an analog of the latter in Sec. III; it has Killing vectors aI alP and aI at; then
propert;ies quite different from the r < 0 extension
contemplated here. For one thing, the behavior of
I = I(r, 8), (grad 1)2 = 0,
the metric as r _ - ex> , with m > 0 by definition and from the contravariant form of the metric
and therefore mlr negative, describes the sort of [given in Eq. (2.15)] we deduce
geometry one would expect far from a particle of
negative mass. On the other hand, the two sides of
d(r)(aljar)2 + (aljaO)2 = O. (2.14)
an Einstein-Rosen bridge are isometric, so both de- The only solutions of this equation periodic in 0
scribe the field outside a positive-mass body. are the ellipsoids r = r",. The cases a = m and a = 0
In the Kerr-8child theory the most general metric (Schwarzschild) are seen to be exceptional: In the
is determined by an analytic function of one com- former case the two horizons coalesce, while in the
plex variable. For the special case of the Kerr solu- latter case r_ = 0, which is not a null surface at all
tion, this function has a branch point at the ring but an essential singularity.
singularity r = 0, 0 = t1l". Thus one can properly Because of these additional spurious singularities
view the continuation of (2.7) to negative r values the (8) coordinates are an inappropriate tool to
as an analytic continuation onto the second Riemann use in studying the analytic properties of the vacuum
surface of this function. By passing twice in the metric; evidently in any such investigation the (E)
same direction through the ring one returns to the coordinates are far superior. 21 but the (8) coordi-
original Riemann sheet, and thus to a manifold nates have one important advantage which we ex-
isometric to the original one, which may for sim- ploit in later sections, namely, they treat both of
plicity be identified with it. the principal null congruences on an equal footing.
"Schwarzschild-Like" Coordinates Principal Null Congruences
Making the transformation The inverse (contravariant) form of Eq. (2.7) IS
f = r, jj = 0,
(grad)2 = ~-{ (r2 + a2)(:J2 - 2a(:r)(:)
dip = dIP + a drl d(r) , (2.11)
dl = dt - 2mr drl d(r) ,
+ S~2 8 (:IPY + (:oYJ
(2.12) - (:J - (2;r)(:r - :J, (2.15)
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tially, we start from the (8) frame. From the expres- Although this is only defined for r > r+. l finite
sions for k and 1 in these coordinates [Eqs. (2.16b), (i.e., for u > \vl), the inverse transformation,
(2.17b»), it may be seen that as r ---t r+ both become given implicitly by
asymptotic to a family of helices winding around
the horizon, given by .T,( )
't!r == (r---
r+)(r-- -
r-)-'er/a+ =u-v
2 2
dr: dO: diP: dl = 0 : 0: -a: 2mr+. and
We seek a transformation of the azimuthal co- l = 0"+ tanh- 1 [2uv/(u2 +v 2
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We postpone a discussion of the full import of this would have been desirable to have a coordinate
result until later in the section, in order to settle a system in which, like Kruskal's, the null curves took
fundamental point. an especially simple form (see Fig. 6). Cohen and
Brill/' in their study of metrics for slowly rotating
Analyticity of the Metric in (K) Coordinates
bodies, have applied the Kruskal procedure to a
There remains the very important but rather line element differing from the Schwarz schild form
tedious job of working out the components of the by terms of first order in the angular velocity. We
Kerr metric in (K) coordinates, and demonstrating recover their results if we drop from Eq. (3.8) all
that they are indeed analytic functions of u and v terms of order a 2 j this leaves
throughout the (u, v) plane. We spare you the de-
di ~ r2(d{l2 + sin 2
(I dw 2)
tails, and merely assert that after much labor one
can cast the metric in the following form: + (32m3/r)e-r/2m(du2 - dv2)
ds = 1: dfi + 41T;f1:(r2 + a2)-2(du 2
- + (4a/r) sin {Ie- r/2m
+ 1:- 1 sin 2 (I[(r2 + a2) dw + a(m2 - a2)-if X (r2 + 2mr + 4m2) dw (v du - u dv). (3.10)
X (r + r +)(r - r _)-I(V du - U dV)]2 To this order, the curves u ± v = const, w, {I = const
are null, just as in the Kruskal form of the Sch-
+ (1:.::\)-11[21T+f1:(r2 + a 2)-I(v du - u dv)Y
warzschild metric.
- [21T+f1:+(r! + a2)-\v du - u dv)
Construction of a Maximal Analytic Manifold
- a sin 0.::\ dwY} . (3.8)
What we have done to extend the {O, 1)
Here we have introduced we can also do to the domain {I, 2). We use the
alternative transformation (3.7) to produce a new
(3.9a) (K') patch, consisting of the three regions {I, 2, 2* I
and already introduced plus a new domain {3), which,
like {I}, is bounded by two pairs of horizons (see
fer) = .::\(r)/if(r) Fig. 7). Here also the asymptotically flat portions,
= 4m2 [(r - r _)/2m]2m l r+e-rlo+. {2) and {2*), form two sheets of an Einstein-Rosen
bridge. While isometric to each other, these are not
Since 1: and f are both analytic and nonzero through- isometric to {OJ and {O*}-they have, it may be
out the whole (u, v) plane, it is clear that only the recalled, the sort of geometry one would associate
term in (3.8) with .::\(r) in the denominator can lead with a negative mass source.
to difficulty. Closer inspection shows, however, that A similar extension can be applied to the domain
the numerator of this term has a simple zero at {I', 2'). In view of the picture which is rapidly
r = r + also, so the quotient remains analytic. emerging, we find it preferable to change our nota-
Had we chosen to regularize across r _ instead, tion slightly, and to write {-I, -2} instead of
using Eq. (3.7) or its equivalent, we would have {1', 2'). Thus the new Kruskal patch encompasses
obtained much the same result, except for the in- the regions {-I, -2, -2*, -3) of Fig. 7.
evitable branch point at r(u, v) = 0 and {I = !11". This procedure can clearly be continued indefi-
The line element (3.8) is much too cumbersome nitely in both directions, and generates an infinite
to be of any direct use. Fortunately, once we have chain of overlapping (E) and (E') patches. The
established its analyticity we need make no further result can be viewed even more simply as a chain
use of it. This is to some extent regrettable, for it of overlapping "Kruskal" patches, {K 2ft } , isometric
to (K) or (K') according as n is even or odd. We
FIG. 6. The null cone at a point can, in fact, eliminate any reference whatever to
v in the horizon r = r+. The cone is
lopsided and spills out of the angle the auxiliary (E) and (E') frames, by presenting
defined by the principal null vectors the transformation equations that connect (K) and
k and 1; in addition, the shaded (K'); these take the surprisingly simple form
portion of the cone behind the
(u, v) plane is smaller than the por-
tion jutting out in front of it. (u + vy+( -u' - v'Y- = 1,
Although the shape of the cone
7'------ u
varies from point to point, the pro-
jections of k and 1 onto the plane
(-u + vy+(u' - v'Y- = 1,
always have slope ±1. 24 D. R. Brill and J. M. Cohen, Phys. Rev. 143, 1011 (196t1).
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and ~
w' - w = (2a/r _) In [(u + v)/( -u + v)]
= - (2a/r +) In [Cu' - v' )/( -u ' - v')]. (3.lIb)
These transformations are one-to-one and analytic
in the domains '" {11, {31, ... of overlap, and FIG. 7. A chain of
Kruskal patches, with
have the following simple properties: They preserve those of (K) and (K')
straight lines of slope ±I as well as the straight type alternating and
partially overlapping.
lines v/u = const and the hyperbolas v2 - u 2 = The complete figure
const, while mapping the north quadrant of (K) extends indefinitely in
both directions, to form
onto the south quadrant of (K' ). a maximal analytic ex-
The manifold we have constructed has many tension of the Kerr
curious properties. It has infinitely many disjoint
and asymptotically fiat sheets, for one thing, and
therefore does not admit a Cauchy surface. In fact,
(K) patch
one can get from any such even-numbered sheet to
§ (K1 patches
any other-with the sole exception of the companion
sheet on the other side of the "bridge"-by following
a suitable timelike or lightlike curve. The timelike
curve u = O(u' = 0), w, 0 = const is particularly
noteworthy, for it defines the location of the "throat" zons, in the past light cone of the source which
of an Einstein-Rosen bridge. The throat itself (i.e., emitted it-and this may be felt to be a bit
the 2-surface u = 0, v = const) has an area which unrealistic. 26
pulsates with time, in close analogy with the The foregoing construction presupposes, of course,
Reissner-Nordstrom case. 12 Since the throat is de- that the metric admits two distinct horizons. For
formed, due to the effects of rotation, its area is a2 > m2 the horizons disappear and the transforma-
no longer given by the simple formula 471"r2 obtained tion to Kruskal coordinates loses all meaning; all
for the Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordstrom met- that remains are two asymptotically fiat spaces
rics, but by the more complicated expression joined at the disk r = O. The exceptional case lal =
m deserves special comment. Carter has studied
area = 271" {(r2 + a2) this in detaill6 ; although his work was confined to
+ (g/a)(-~)-tsin-I [a(-~/g)!]) (3.12) the symmetry axis (0 = 0, 71"), it is clear that his
conclusions apply with equal force to the full metric:
with g(r) = (r2 + a2)2 - a2~. At the horizons r = r ±, One builds up a ladder of alternating (E) and (E')
where the extrema occur, this simplifies to patches (with or without identifications) in the
area± = 871"mr ±. (3.12) simple sequence { ... - 2, 0, 2, ... I. The odd-
numbered sheets disappear; there is nothing to
The manifold sketched in Fig. 7 is not the only correspond to the second Kruskal sheets { ... - 2*,
possible maximal extension, because of the freedom 0*, 2*, ... I; and in fact there is no need at all to
still remaining to make topological identifications. introduce (K)-type coordinates to cover the mani-
The simplest manifold of this more general type fold in this case.
arises if we identify {K2n I with {K 2"H I. It is covered
by only two Kruskal patches, {Ko I and {K2 1 say,
with regions {-II and {31 identified, so it consists Geodesic Equations, First Integrals
of four asymptotically fiat sheets (two with positive For the study of geodesics the original (E) co-
mass, two negative) glued together with two interior ordinates are particularly convenient. Let p. be an
regions. 26 This manifold, like the others obtained affine path parameter, normalized to give proper
in the same way, is violently acausal-a properly time along timelike geodesics, and use a dot to
aimed signal will emerge, after crossing four hori-
2S B. Carter has pointed out that for small negative values
16 This particular choice was made by Graves and Brill.11 of r and values of 8 near the equator g'l''P goes negative. Hence
It is clear from their work, however, that the identification is as long as one adopts a top'ology in which rp is treated as an
unnecessary; one can also describe the Reissner-Nordstrom angular coordinate there will necessarily exist closed timelike
metric by an infinite chain of Kruskal patches. curves in this region.
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denote differentiation with respect to p.. The geodesic '1:. 2t 2 - (al + 2mry)2
equations can be extracted in the usual way from
= d[ -e'1:. + ('1:. + 2mrh2 p~ - (l2/sin2 fJ)].
the variational principle 8f L dp. = 0, with a
Lagrange function given by (4.5)
2L = t 2 + 2a sin 2 Of.p Problem of Completeness
+ (r2 + a sin fJ.p2 + '1:.(i _ j'
The Kerr metric. evidently cannot be imbedded
isometrically in a complete analytic manifold, since
+ (2mr/'1:.)(t + a sin fJ.p + i)2
(4.1) there exist geodesics-the principal null rays lying
as in Eq. (2.7). in the equatorial plane, for example-which strike
We are chiefly interested not in the equations of the ring singularity at finite values of their affine
motion themselves, but rather in their first integrals. parameters. If one excludes all such geodesics, it
Since tp and t are cyclic, we obtain two integrals is reasonable to ask whether the remainder can be
immediately: continued to arbitrarily large values of p.. We argue
below that this is so, provided that the manifold
P~ == aL/a.p = I,
(4.2a) is chosen to be the analytic extension described
P, == aL/al = -/" previously. In this sense, therefore, the extension
can be regarded as maximal.
with land 'Y representing the angular momentum/ Since it is impossible to solve the geodesic equa-
mass and energy/mass of a test particle moving tions exactly, except in a few very special cases, we
along the given geodesic. (On null geodesics p. is base the argument on the first integrals (4.4) and
defined only up to a linear transformation, and con- (4.5). Starting with any set of initial values, one
sequently only the ratio III' is meaningful. We extends the solution either until a singular point
remove the arbitrariness by taking 'Y = 1 in this is reached, or until one or more coordinates diverge.
case.) A third integral is given by L itself: There is clearly no problem if r diverges-since the
2L = -e, (4.2b) metric is asymptotically flat and therefore complete
for r ~ ± <Xl-but only if.p, I, or 0 diverge at finite
the indicator e being +1, 0, -1 for timelike, null, values of r. As one sees from the above equations,
and spacelike geodesics, respectively. this happens at '1:. = 0, sin (J = 0 or Ll = O. If the
The remaining two conjugate momenta are readily first possibility occurs nothing can be done about
found to be it; the second is obviously a consequence of the
Pr = ('1:.t + al + 2mry)/ d,
spheroidal-type coordinates here employed, and can
(4.3) be eliminated by transforming to those of the (M)
pe = '1:.0, type. Thus it is only the apparent divergence of
.p and t at the horizons that needs to be examined
which shows, incidentally, that we can expect dif-
carefully. [It follows from Eq. (4.5) that t remains
ficulties with the equations of motion at the ring
finite at r ,o; the same is true of 0.] In fact, .p and i
singularity ('1:. = 0) and at the horizons (d = 0).
diverge if and only if Pr diverges, and it is easy
It is clear from the form of L that Po = 0 is consistent
to see that this happens if and only if r", has the
with the equations of motion if (J = 0 or 'II" (axial
same sign as al + 2mr ",/" for Eqs. (4.3) and (4.5)
case) or if (J = !'II" (equatorial case); in these special
cases the first integrals (4.2) yield a complete solu-
tion by quadratures, which we consider in greater -e'1:. + ('1:. + 2mrh2 - p; - (l2/sin 2 fJ)
detail in Sec. V. P. = -
'1:.t - (al + 2mry)
From Eq. (4.2a) we can express .p and i in terms (4.6)
of r and the constants of integration; the resulting
which yields a finite limit whenever t", and
formulas are
(al + 2mr,o/') have opposite sign-that is, whenever
.p = '1:.- 1 [( l/sin' fJ) - apr], the geodesic is ingoing. [Some confusion over the
meaning of the term" ingoing" can arise here, unless
i = '1:.- 1 h('1:. + 2mr) + 2mrpr], one is careful. On the positive r sheet the hypersur-
with pr given by (4.3). faces t = const are everywhere spacelike: (grad t)2 =
We note also the following form of Eq. (4.2b), -1 - 2mr/'1:., which is certainly negative for r > O.
which is important in later arguments: Hence an ingoing path is properly defined as one
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for which dr/dt < O. For some values of l and "I Eqs. The first integrals (4.5), (4.6) then yield the com-
(4.3), (4.4) suggest that dr/dJL is positive on an mon solution
ingoing path, but this simply means that the affine
parameter has been chosen to increase into the past.]
We therefore conclude that all ingoing paths can in agreement with Eq. (2.18). To find t(JL) it is
be continued across the horizons. Some subsequently necessary to solve one of the geodesic equations,
strike the ring singularity, others continue on to and the simplest to use is Pr = aL/ar. A straight-
r = - (Xl (and are thus complete), a third class forward computation gives
reaches a turning point and start back. On the
return trip, however, both t and cP diverge as the
't' = =r(21T±)-lt2 ,
horizon is approached. This is not surprising; the with IT ± defined by Eq. (3.3). Hence
particle has merely run off the (E) coordinate patch.
To continue to follow its motion transform to an t(JL) = ±21T ± In (JL - JLo) (4.lOa)
(E') system, or equivalently to an appropriate set or
of (K) coordinates. It is clear that a result similar
± t/2cr±
to Eq. (4.6) must also apply to the outgoing tra- JL-JLo=e . (4. lOb)
jectory in this case; hence the particle re-emerges We emphasize that this result is exact.
into an asymptotically flat" universe," but of course On the event horizon r = r +, JL - t + (Xl as
on a sheet different from the first. If the effective t - t + (Xl, while JL - t JLo as t - t - (Xl. This is just
total energy r == "12 - E is positive, the particle what one would have expected, since the (E) co-
escapes to infinity; if negative, it reaches another ordinates are known to be incomplete at r + for
turning point and starts back toward r = r + again, t - t - (Xl. A full picture of the horizon r = r+ is
in which case we transform to another set of (E) provided by viewing it in (K) coordinates; then the
coordinates and repeat the cycle. Clearly JL can be path equations become
made as large as we please by piecing together
sufficiently many such cycles, which proves com- W(JL) = const
pleteness for this case. (4.11)
Of course there are many geodesics which do
not fall into any of the above categories, such as and are evidently complete. A similar result applies
the ones which oscillate to and fro between a maxi- at r = r _, but with the time directions reversed;
mum and minimum radius outside r +, and those this too is consistent with the complete picture of
which spiral in towards (or out from) an unstable this horizon when viewed from (K') coordinates
circular orbit. However, these lead in general to no (as in Fig. 7).
difficulties with completeness, since t remains finite Qualitatively similar results emerge when one
as t increases to infinity. analyzes the geodesics that approach r ± asymp-
There remains one further class to be considered, totically (Le., as t - t ± (Xl). All timelike curves of
namely, the geodesics for which r = 0 at r ±, or this type reach a vertex such as u = v = 0 in a
equivalently, for which finite proper time and can be extended without dif-
ficulty; similar remarks apply to the null curves.
(4.7) There are others, necessarily spacelike, which ap-
proach r + from region {I} as t - t + (Xl (or r _ as
This class includes spacelike geodesics tangent to
the horizons (these present no problems), geodesics
t - t - (Xl), and these are in fact complete.
of all three types which approach the horizon asymp- V. Equatorial Geodesics
totically as t - t ± (Xl, and finally, and most impor-
tantly, the principal null geodesics that are the The first integrals obtained in the previous section
generators of the horizons. We study the latter in yield a complete description when 0 = 0 or 11' or
detail below. when 0 = !11'. The former case, which corresponds
to motion along the symmetry axis, has been in-
Completeness within the Horizons vestigated by Carter16 ; we confine our attention,
To obtain the solution for the principal null ray therefore, to the latter. Boyer and Price have
1 lying in r± set ~ = 0, E = 0 and also shown that the orbit equation for equatorial geodes-
ics leads to a precession of the pericenter in agree-
(j = 0, "I = l = O. (4.8) ment, through third order, with the approximate
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calculations of Lensa-Thirring. In the present sec- tudes of a and A. If A2 < a 2 there are clearly no
tion we concentrate on the qualitative features of real positive roots, so collapse to the singularity
geodesics in the strong field regions. Our analysis inevitably occurs. Conversely, if A2 is sufficiently
is patterned after the study of orbits in the Schwarz- large, incoming rays reach a pericenter &nd return
schild metric first carried out by Darwin27 and later to infinity, while outgoing rays from r = 0 reach an
extended by Mielnik and 28 Of course, all apocenter and fall back in. Thus one expects that
these studies are largely academic exercises, since there should exist two critical impact p8.l"ameters,
in realistic situations (except possibly the late phases Al > 0 and A2 < 0 say, such that light signals spiral
of gravitational collapseS) the geometry in these in to r = 0 if A2 < A < AI, and "bounce" back out to
regions, and hence the geodesics themselves, differ infinity otherwise. At these critical values of A, if;(p)
considerably from the empty-space results, due to has a double zero, which defines the corresponding
the nonzero stress-energy tensor there. Nevertheless, critical radii PI, P2. A light ray at such a radius, and
the study of the Kerr metric, even as an ideal case, with the correct value for A, will travel around in a
has, we believe, some real value, for it helps to circular orbit indefinitely, but such an orbit is, of
clarify the role which angular momentum plays in course, unstable.
general relativistic models. In particular, because These predictions are borne out in the Schwarz-
the character of the orbits in the interior regions schild case by Darwin's analysis. There, it may be
changes markedly as soon as the central body is recalled, the critical radii are both located at p = i
given some angular momentum, it seems worth- (or r = 3m), and the critical impact parameters are
while to point out those features of Darwin's analysis A = ±3(!)t. Most importantly, there do not exist
which are unique to the Schwarzschild problem, and any light rays whose pericenters lie inside r = 3m.
those which persist in the a ¢ 0 case as well. If one imagines the parameter a (or a) being in-
creased gradually from zero, one expects PI (a) and
Null Geodesics p2(a) to depart smoothly from the Darwin value,
It is simplest, and most instructive, to begin with and this is precisely what happens. In fact, one can
the null rays. We normalize the affine parameter give fairly simple closed expressions for the critical
along the rays by taking 'Y = 1. Then the energy radii. These must be double zeros of if;(p) &nd thus
integral (4.5) reduces to must satisfy the condition
(5.1) pep - !)2 _ 2a = O.
For convenience set (3 = 2m and introduce the Solving this by standard methods, one finds%t
dimensionless variables
PI = ! + asec (t COS-I 2a), (S.4a.)
P = r/{3, A = l/{3, a = a/{3. (5.2) pz = ! + a sec (t COS-I 2a + iT),
From (5.1) it is clear that turning points occur
at the zeros of the cubic polynomial
provided that a :s: !; there is only one critical r&dius,
PI = ! + a sech (t cosh- 1
2a), (S.4b)
The location of these zeros is thus fundamental
to a qualitative understanding of the null tra- if a > t. (Note that PI is always larger than P2'
jectories. This is to be expected, since the centrifugal barrier
Applying the rule of signs, we see that if;(p) = 0 is stronger if A is positive.)
has always one real negative root: a ray sent in from However, when a ¢ 0 a completely novel feature
r = - is thus repelled and ultimately deflected
emerges: for a small range of impact parameters,
back to - <x). (The outgoing principal null ray, with As :s: A < - a, pericenters exist inside the inner
A = - a, is an exceptional case; it alone strikes the horizons, and, in fact, for all values of P between 0
r = 0 singularity from this direction.) On the positive and p_. This remarkable property permits one to
sheet there are consequently either zero or two transmit information from one positive sheet to
turning points, depending on the relative magni- another by bouncing a light signal off a centrifugal
barrier inside p_.
17 C. Darwin, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A249, 180 (1959);
A263 39 (1961). J~ A third zero, PI = t + a sec(! C08-1 2a - f,..), has a
18 B. MIelnik and J. Plebatiski, Acta Phys. Polon. 21, 239 somewhat different interpretation: it describes the maximum
(1962). possible apocenter within the inner horizon.
Downloaded 28 May 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
!1 I I'
jectories are possible. The boundary curve separating I
!I : :1
allowed and forbidden regions is obtained from Eq. I
1\ ! !i
(5.3) with if;(p) = 0; it is given in explicit form as ,
' \
1 I
i il
I I \ I II
X = (1 - p)-I{ -a ± prep - p+)(p - p_)]i}. (5.5) I
I ' \ \\
f \. ~ \ 1
tively different in the two cases a < ! (where " . \ 1 ':::;:-:- '
Downloaded 28 May 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
Downloaded 28 May 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
X [Il(a:, k) - Il(1/;o, a:, k)]}, (5.13) Weare much indebted to Professor A. Schild
and members of the Center for Relativity Theory of
where Il(,l, k), II (1/;0, 0/, k) are, respectively, the the University of Texas for their hospitality and
complete and incomplete elliptic integrals of the many stimulating conversations. We are also grate-
third kind. It can be shown that the above result ful to Brandon Carter for many helpful discussions,
reduces to flIP = 7r when {3 = O. This is of course and for placing several unpublished results at our
to be expected, since the Kerr metric becomes flat disposal.
for (3 = 0, and serves as a check on the intermediate
calculations. In the limit a ~ 0 one finds A+ Added in proof: I acknowledge above all my debt
0, A_/(u_ - 83) = l, and a_ = 0, so to a dear friend, collaborator and co-author, whose
penetrating insight and ingenuity were responsible
flIP ~ 4(P/Q)i[K(k) - F(1/;o, kJ] for bringing this work to a successful conclusion .
• _0
= 4(P/Q)iF(1/;I' k), (5.14) To the extent that this paper conveys these traits,
it bears the imprint of his thought, and stands
with cot 1/;1 = (1 - k2)! tan 1/;0, in agreement with here as a memorial to his accomplishment.-R.W.L.
Darwin's result.
30 G. V. Skrotskii, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSR 114, 73 (1957)
From Eq. (5.13) one readily deduces the cor- [English transl.: Soviet Phys.-Doldady 2,226 (1957)].
rections to the familiar deflection formula due to 31 J. Plebanski, Phys. Rev. 118, 1396 (1960).
at R. H. Dicke, Nature 202, 432 (1964), has suggested that
rotation of the central body. We assume {3/d and the interior of the sun might have a rotational period as small
a/ d small, and keep terms to order {3a/ d2 • Setting as 25 h, without leading to an unreasonably large visual oblate-
ness or violating stellar structure theory. This would increase
flIP = 7r + 0, aid to 6 X 10-5, still too small to be significant.
33 The quadrupole field adds to Eq. (5.15) a term! (4mld)
where 0 is the deflection angle as usually defined, (kid)', where Q = mk'is the quadrupole moment. Taking a
graVitational oblateness of 5 X 10-5 for the sun, as suggested
we find by Dicke," we calculate (kld)'0 = 7 X 10-5•
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