Michael C. Malin (born 1950) is an American astronomer, space scientist, and CEO of Malin Space
Science Systems. His cameras have been important scientific instruments in the exploration of Mars.
Malin designed and ran the orbiting Mars camera (part of the larger Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft)
which took over 212,000 high-resolution photos of Mars over a nine-year period. In late 2006, he and
Kenneth Edgett announced photographic evidence which strongly suggested water was flowing on Mars
in the present day.
A native of California, born in Los Angeles, Michael Malin earned a B.A. from U.C. Berkeley in Physics
with a minor in English literature. He then attended Caltech, where he earned a Ph.D. in Planetary
Sciences and Geology in 1975. After his doctorate, he worked for four years at NASA's Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, where he was involved with the Viking 1 and Voyager missions. He taught geology at
Arizona State University for 11 years before returning to California and founding Malin Space Science
Building the camera took years and was delayed several times by NASA. In the spring of 1992, with
launch only months away, the camera was installed on the Mars Observer. The launch was successful and
in January 1993 it took some photos but then, the Observer spacecraft ceased operations. Fortunately,
MSSS had built a double and so two years later, the double was sent up (in November 1996) and that
camera worked flawlessly for the next decade.
The Surveyor exceeded its designed life by many years but in November 2006 it stopped sending back
data. As of December 2006, the NASA program manager said it is likely that the spacecraft and all its
instruments (including the Malin MOC) were lost.
2017 Whipple Award[2]
2005 Carl Sagan Memorial Award
1987 MacArthur Fellows Program
Malin, Michael C.; Edgett, Kenneth S. (2000). "Evidence for Recent Groundwater Seepage
and Surface Runoff on Mars" (http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/sci;288/5475/233
0). Science. 288 (5475): 2330–2335. Bibcode:2000Sci...288.2330M (https://ui.adsabs.harva
rd.edu/abs/2000Sci...288.2330M). doi:10.1126/science.288.5475.2330 (https://doi.org/10.11
26%2Fscience.288.5475.2330). PMID 10875910 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1087591
1. "Michael C. Malin, President and Chief Scientist" (http://www.msss.com/about-us/michael-c-
malin.php). Malin Space Science Systems: Exploration Through Imaging. Malin Space
Science Systems. n.d. Retrieved 10 March 2020.
2. "Fred Whipple Award and Lecture | AGU" (https://www.agu.org/Honor-and-Recognize/Honor
External links
Chaikin, Andrew (23 June 2000). "A Scientist's Fight to Send His Camera to Mars on the
Mars Global Surveyor - Part I" (https://web.archive.org/web/20090726060527/http://www.sp
ace.com/news/spacehistory/malin_camera_part1_000623.html). SPACE.com. Archived from
the original (http://www.space.com/news/spacehistory/malin_camera_part1_000623.html)
on 26 July 2009.
"Mike Malin" (https://web.archive.org/web/20150702175731/http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/peo
ple/profile.cfm?Code=MalinM). Solar System Exploration – People. National Aeronautics
and Space Administration (NASA). 3 January 2013. Archived from the original (https://solars
ystem.nasa.gov/people/profile.cfm?Code=MalinM) on 2 July 2015.
"New Gully Deposit in a Crater in Terra Sirenum: Evidence That Water Flowed on Mars in
This Decade? MGS MOC Release No. MOC2-1618" (http://www.msss.com/mars_images/m
oc/2006/12/06/gullies/sirenum_crater/index.html). Malin Space Science Systems. 6
December 2006.
Recent Water Gushes and Craters on Mars (https://web.archive.org/web/20070206211537/
http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/podcasting/jpl-mgs-20061206.html). NASA Podcasts.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). 6 December 2006. Archived from
the original (https://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/podcasting/jpl-mgs-20061206.html) on 6
February 2007. Retrieved 22 February 2007.