Vaesen - Spirits and Monsters of Mythic Ukraine - 19

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COMBAT ⯁ Landlord Omelyan has seized power in the village of Zymna
ATTACK DAMAGE RANGE Voda. He is said to keep everyone in fear with the help of
Claws 2 0 dark magic and forces the villagers to pay him huge taxes.
In addition, the village has suffered other misfortunes -
Mockery* 2 0-1
the cattle become sick, and a large part of the harvest has
* Requires MANIPULATION test against OBSERVATION. If it succeeds, it
deals mental damage. withered. In fact, Omelyan made a pact with Chort at the
crossroad near the old mill and received magical powers, but
he tricked Chort and paid nothing. Now Chort is looking for
a way to avenge Omelyan, but charms protect his estate well,
so he unleashes his anger on the village instead.
RITUAL ⯁ The Kobzar family is distressed: objects in the house are
Chorts are sensitive to Christian symbols, terrified of icons, moving from one place to another, dishes are breaking by
church bells, and crucifixes, and if you sprinkle them with themselves, the harvest has almost all withered, and people
Jordan water, they will lose their ability to transform. Chorts are having nightmares. They were thinking of leaving the
also fear wolves and always freeze when they hear their howling. house and moving to a new place, but the priest advised
them to seek help from Thursday’s Children. All misfortunes
happen because the house was built on the old crossroad, so
Chort has settled there.
⯁ Tymish Skorokhod is a well-known hunter and furrier in the
village of Vysoke and its surroundings. He became famous
for his products made of wolf fur and earned love in the
village because the locals now can let their cattle graze in
the meadow next to the forest. One day, the livestock was
attacked by a giant bear, which was seen several more times
in the woods. Everyone is afraid to leave the house in the
evening and asks Tymish to deal with the beast, but he has
already returned several times battered and empty-handed.
Tymish got his fortune and skill as a furrier, making a deal
with Chort, which specified that he would only kill wolves.
Since he almost exterminated wolves in this forest, this
angered Lisovyk, who now wants to avenge him.

Although Chort is cunning, he is trusting and
always keeps his promises so he may be tricked or
outsmarted. Also a shot from a pistol loaded with
bread kills Chort instantly.

· 18 ·

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