An Urgent Rescue: A 2-3 Hour Adventure For Three To Four 2 Level Characters

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An Urgent Rescue

A 2-3 hour adventure for three to four 2nd level characters

A family has been abducted and the village of Myrehall
needs help in getting them back.

by Kristjan Matthiasson

Artwork by Patrick E. Pullen

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An Urgent Rescue.
DM’s Background
Part 1 – An Urgent Summons
This adventure is the third adventure in a The adventure starts as the players are
mini-series which begins with “A Chance enjoying breakfast at the Bullfrog Inn.
Encounter”. The events of this adventure Suddenly the door bursts open and a young
occur about a week after “The Mystic Circle”. man comes running in and shouts.

The Village of Myrehall We need help.

The village of Myrefall is a small 60-man
village located a short distance inside the Something terrible has happened at
Wolfpine forest. The occupants of the village the Holburn farm. The mayor and
are mostly trappers, hunters, and wizard sent me to get you. They are
lumberjacks, with some tradesmen and their at the farmstead now.
families. Myrefall is only about a half days
walk away from the town of Talbet, which Please hurry.
lies at the edge of the forest.
Assuming the players co-operate they will
The Wolfpine forest consists mostly of tall
find the mayor at the Holburn farm looking
pine trees with other hardwoods such as
cedar and oak. It also has a rich variety of
game such as squirrels, deer, and rabbits.
Ahh … there you are.
While the immediate area is considered
mostly safe, the hunters and trappers speak Something has happened to the
of strange sounds that they sometimes hear Holburn family. They are nowhere
from deep within the forest. to be found and their house looks
like it was broken into.
In this adventure, the players will be called
on by Chariz and the village mayor to rescue Chariz has gone to the tower to see
a family that appears to have been abducted. if he can locate the family with his
magic, as it appears they were
The family was abducted by a sect of abducted. If he is successful we will
Kobolds driven by some hidden power. They surely have need for your
are unusually bold and ruthless and do not assistance.
show the typical timidity of kobolds. The
adventure will lead them into a dark part of Please, if you will ready yourself
the Wolfpine forest. and meet me at the wizard’s tower.

The adventure takes part during late spring

so harsh weather is not an issue.

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If the players ask for a reward the mayor will Should the players accept, Chariz will give
frown but offers them each a reward of 100 the players the map and promises to follow
gold for the safe return of the family. them first thing in the morning.

Here is the map I made, the family is

being held, alive thankfully, at this

(He points to the ruins southwest of


I could not see who was holding

them there, so please go quickly and
free them.

He also warns them to tread carefully as the

lives of the family may be at stake.

Part 3 – To the Rescue.

As the players are traveling to the ruins the

notice that the light starts to dim as they
enter deeper into the forest, becoming no
Part 2 – At the Tower. more than that during the twilight hours.

As the player approach the tower they are As they are half way to the ruins, they notice
meet outside by a weary looking Chariz and around them heavy cobwebs, as if huge
the mayor. Chariz speaks up. spiders have been spinning their webs. They
also take note of the lack of birdsong. This
will no doubt arouse suspicion in the players
I managed to use my magic to create and if the players succeed a DC 12
a surprisingly detailed map of the perception check they will soon notice a
area and locate the family. couple of forest spiders preparing an
ambush for them. If they fail, the spiders will
This drained me completely and I drop on them with a surprise attack.
will not be able to assist in the
rescue operation until tomorrow. These spiders are unable to shoot their web
at moving targets and rely on their agility
Am I right in assuming that you are and speed to hunt wildlife creatures and
willing to help? humanoids.

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Inside the den are also the desiccated
remains of several wildlife creatures in
addition to a couple of kobolds.

The remaining journey to the ruins is

uneventful and they reach them as the sun
sets in the sky, plunging the forest quickly
into darkness.

Part 4 – At the Ruins.

The ruins are that of an old settlement, with

a few houses remaining mostly intact. As the
player’s approach, they see a large bonfire
has been raised in the center of the ruins. On
top of the bonfire is a huge caldron with
heating water.

Around the bonfire, a group of 8 kobolds are

chanting with one kobold leading the chant.
The chant leader is dressed in a strange
outfit that looks something like a cross
between a butcher, a chef, and a waiter.
The spiders have no sense of danger and will
Almost as if he studied the appearance of
not flee, except from fire or bright lights.
some fine restaurants staff and mixed it
If the players search the area after the battle
they will find a spider den with some
After a few minutes of chanting the leader
treasure. 28 copper pieces, 35 silver pieces,
takes a single piece of vegetable, cuts it up
15 gold pieces a necklace worth 50 gold
with a huge cleaver and drops it into the
pieces and a single Driftglobe.
cauldron, followed by more chanting. From
the size of the vegetable pile the chanting
will go on for half the night.

At another part of the ruins a kobold Scale

Sorcerer and two heavily armed guards,
which are Kobold Dragonshields, are
preparing a ritual.

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The Scale Sorcerer also carries a finely
crafted dagger which is a Dagger +1.

The Holborn family consists of parents with

three children aged, 12, 8 and 4. They are
terrified, bruised and battered, but
physically unharmed. They are being held in
a wooden cage that can easily be broken
open with tools found in the shed.

If the players decided to sneak the family out

go to part 5, if they attacked and won the
While the food preparation look somewhat battle go to part 6.
comical, the actions of the kobold sorcerer
seem more ominous. It is clear to the players Part 5 – Fleeing the Scene.
that the Holborn family is to either be eaten
or sacrificed, or both. The family is tired and hurt but they will do
their best to escape, despite not being able to
The kobolds are way to enthralled by the move quickly. The kobolds will not notice
chanting and preparations to take much that the family is gone for a couple of hours
note of the surroundings unless the players at which point they will start searching.
do something to draw their notice and if
attacked will be surprised for a couple of As it is pitch dark and the family are humans
rounds. they will need some source of light to move
in the forest and will mention it if needed.
The players have a couple of options now,
they can attack, which might end badly, or During the journey back to Myrehall, a group
they can scout around and see if they can of kobolds will manage to catch up with the
locate the family which is being held in the players and attack. They are noisy and
shed marked A on the map. frenzied so the players will get ample
warnings of their approach and can set up an
If they attack the kobold stat blocks are in ambush.
Appendix B. When recovered from their
surprise they will all attack the players in a If the players try to hide, the kobolds will be
mighty frenzy and try to swarm them over as able to sniff them out unless they come up
quickly as possible. Of course, a clever with an unusually clever plan.
ambush by the players might do the trick.
The chasing group consists of four kobolds
Should the players defeat all the kobolds and a single kobold Dragonshield which is
they will find on them a couple of 1st level leading them. See stat blocks in Appendix B.
spell scrolls (DM chooses the spell), a potion During the battle, if any kobolds make it past
of greater healing and a total of 45 copper the players, the family father will protect his
pieces, 54 silver pieces and 76 gold pieces. family with a wooden club he found in the

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After the battle the family will try to move on What you tell me makes no sense.
but will only go at a very slow pace until Kobolds don’t do these things. They
morning. are for the most part small terrified
creatures that prefer to be left
Should the players pause to search the alone.
kobold remains they will find 25 copper
pieces, 20 silver pieces and 31 gold piece. First you meet a sorcerer and now
another sorcerer accompanied by
Part 6 – Morning Dawns. Dragonshields. This must mean a
greater power is driving them from
Regardless on how the event of the night their lair, perhaps even a dragon
turned out. As morning breaks the players posing as Kurtulmak
will hear hoofbeats approaching from the
direction of the village. Soon they will see the I must investigate this, but for now
wizard and his two servants approaching. As rest a bit and then we shall journey
he dismounts the wizard shouts. back to Myrehall together.

Good grief, what a state. Part 6 - Returning as Heroes.

Jerad, Balan, help the Holborns, get
them mounted and lead them back As the players return to Myrehall with the
to Myrehall, I will return with our wizard they are greeted with some fanfare
friends. and many handshakes and hugs.

The mayor holds a small speech thanking

He then approaches the players as the them for their brave actions and offers them
Holborn family is assisted onto the horses a permanent residence at a small house in
and lead away. He will also dole out a couple the village if they wish. The house is
of healing potions to the players that are conveniently located next to the wizards
worse for wear. tower.

I am glad to see you managed to A great fest is then held in the evening in
rescue the family. So, tell me who honor of the village heroes.
abducted them and what
transpired. Should the players at any point return to the
ruined village, they will find it empty. A
careful search will reveal a small pouch
After the players tell him of the night’s containing 12 copper pieces and 34 silver
occurrences he becomes troubled. pieces.

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Experience Rewards

If the players completed the adventure they

will get 250 experience points each and 600
experience points (500 from monsters +100
for being smart) divided between the
players or 1000 experience points if they
somehow killed all the kobolds at the ruins.

Should they not complete the adventure

they only get the experience points for the
creatures they killed.

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Appendix A: Maps
The village of Myrehall

1. A wizard’s tower. 5. Temple of Chauntea.

2. The Bullfrog Inn. 6. The village mayor’s house.

3. Marketplace. 7. The Holborn farmstead.

4. Lumbermill. 8. The Jarmal farmstead.

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The Wolfpine forest and surrounding area

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Hamlet Ruins

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Appendix B: Kobold Stat blocks

Kobold Scale Sorcerer and Kobold

Dragonshield are from Volo’s Guide to
monsters, pages 165 and 167.

Kobold is from Monster Manual page 195.

The Forest Spider is a homebrew.

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