MenzobeRRonzan Somehow, even so obviously outside the
accepted practices of Menzoberranzan, S¥MBOE1.'§; , '" Matron K'yorI has remained in the favor of .f >('-."~ .\' .. < Lloth,as evidenced by House Oblodra's solid ..l
standing in the city's hierarchy (and this
despite the fact that their garrison numbers far less than the forces of Faen Tlabbar, the .pext house in line). At one council meeting, ' it was even quietly suggested, by Matron 'Baenre, that the two houses should consider a reversal of rank. K'yorllaughed at her, and 'promptly warned Matron Ghenni'tiroth Tlabbar that if she ever claimed the position of third house, the Oblodren would set upon House Tlabbar openly, to the ultimate 450 total destruction of both houses. Matron Baenre .has not made a similar suggestion since. 300'Elite Foot Oblodren are known for fanaticism, '7!) Archers .,reckless battle rages and outright frenzy, ,75 Lizriders .und for dabbling in the wildest magic, pushing the boundaries of accepted magical Slave Force: 600 total practices as casually as they push the boundaries of Lloth's unwritten dictates. :,.~ . PorD;lati6ns: 600,kobold . Such recklessness has brought the house ",., '~" "seemingly to the verge of extinction again " Chief Alliances: Tentative (phony) alliance and again, but no other house has actually with House Barrison Del'Armgo (#2). dared to attack them. Perhaps this is due to Matron K'yorl's supreme confidence, the .q~ief Rivals: ,nouse B;tenre (#1) has little feeling that she always has some hidden ll's~ f0l':o; the"tinpredictable Oblodreri. -wild card left to play, but more likely it-is Ukewi1!e;, Matron Mez'Barris Arrngo of the because the Oblodren have left more than a second~ouse does not trust (simply dozen obliterated houses in the' wake of despises). Matron K'yorl Odran. House Faen their ascension-obliterated beyond even " Tlabbar(#4), with a larger force, views the the expectations of draw warfare. ' of;~ouse.Pblodra as-the. most liki:l1y The priestesses of House Oblodraare -'pext stepii1 its 'quest for ascension. ' ,', known for possessing unusual powers <of the mind (psionics-mostly wild talents), House Oblodra has been tagged (rightfully and many in the city whisper that they train so!) with a treacherous and unpredictable with a community of illithids. Perhaps .it is '..reputatiol1.\They; are the mqst,sec~~tive of no coincidence that since the illithid ,.';houses,· and Mairi:m)<,'yorl often ;fla~hes. a EI·Viddenvelp has cbme to serve as Matron wicked rsmiletat meetings of the' Ruling Baenre's consult, the' First Matron Mother Council, a grin.that tells the other Matron has afforded the wild Oblodren a great deal Mothers that she is undoubtedly lying. She cmore respect.
-'.o"-,,:- ..j.~," /8~
26 . . '.-=-..... ' By all sensible measures Faen Tlabbar (#4) Two or more drow can play Khaless (it is a stronger house than Oblodra, as were gets really wild when a dozenor more go up many of the houses ranking below the third into the globet) and even the younger drow house. . Matron K'yorl's uncanny are invited and given levitation spells by the understanding of drow politics is credited house mages. (Of course, these ignorant for this. young drow have no idea at all of how long Using this understanding, the Matron the wizard's spell might Iast.) Winners are Mother of House Oblodra has become the .accorded a vacation of pleasure (the female principle overseer- of 'the many patrol of their choice included) in the luxuries of groups scouting the tunnels outside of the first family's house; losers (if they Menzoberranzan's cavern, and she always survive) must spend a month cleaning the places many of her finest warriors in the kobold caverns. Of course, there is often no ranks of those patrols. This would seem yet winner. If one drow plummets from the another reckless' move for a house with so globe, the other would not know it. few drow to spare, but through this tactic K'yorl always seems to have noble children of rival houses in a vulnerable and closely The DweJJioga.,: watched position. As with everything else in her frantic life, K'yorl is walking a fine and Haase ObJooRO dangerous line. House Oblodra occupies the small One of the reasons House Oblodra's stalagmite and stalactite compound in the garrison is so small (and why so few lower center of the city, between two 'fingers' of level drow survive in the house), and also an the Clawrift. The house is protected on example of the renowned insanity of the three sides by the Clawrift, and the west Oblodren, is a game called simply, Khaless face of the house Is guarded by a contingent (Trust). Khaless is played above the Clawrift, of no less than 25 (2nd· 3rd level) warriors, . at the widest and deepest known point, at armed with bows and short swords ( + 2). the base of the chasm's "thumb." In The Oblodren keep their kobolds in an preparation. for the game, a globe of . extensive network of tunnels and 'walkways darkness is hung in the open air above this that extend deep into the rift. The tunnels drop, and the area is also enchanted with a are ancient and while House Oblodra admits magical silence 15' radius. The challenging to having 600 kobolds, it is rumored thatthe drow levitate themselves and are pushed tunnels are capable of holding 100 times into this dark and quiet globe by the that number. This simple rumor has referees, using long catch poles called kheal. . stopped more than a few ambitious houses The rules are simple: the first drow to from attempting a move into Oblodra's Gome out of the darkened area, either by position. , floating down and calling for a pole, or by The soldiers of HouseOblodra typically hanging beyond the duration of her/his range from levels .4 to 8. While their levitation abilities (thus falling to her/his defensive equipment is not of the finest death) loses. A arow willingly coming out of drow make (typically + 2 or +3), their the globe does not automatically lose, weapons are as powerful as those of even however. -If the challenging drow, in the House Baenre. darkness and silence and thus cblivious to Half of the Oblodren drow warriors and the other's sunrender, remains in the area at least one noble daughter are out of the too long and falls, the survivor wins': house at any given time. Matron K'yorl has