Vaesen - Spirits and Monsters of Mythic Ukraine - 25
Vaesen - Spirits and Monsters of Mythic Ukraine - 25
Vaesen - Spirits and Monsters of Mythic Ukraine - 25
⯁ The village of Pryvitne is plagued by Lisovyk (see further) who
does mischief to anyone who dares to go beyond the village’s
COMBAT outskirts. It’s all because some villagers have offended the
When someone wants to harm them, Khukhas never local Khukhas, for whom Lisovyk is avenging.
engage in direct conflict, they will hide or escape. ⯁ Civilisation came to the village of Mlyny with Pavlo Zoichenko,
However, they may turn to much stronger forest crea- who bought the local sawmill and began to expand it.
tures for help when offended and frightened. However, the city dweller does not want to hear the villagers’
warnings that he cannot cut down all the trees in a row. One
of Khukhas’ trees has already been chopped down, and they
are looking for someone to protect them.
⯁ Ten-year-old Danylko brought home an injured Khukha
RITUAL he had found in the forest. The boy tried to hide it from
Khukhas have all the same weaknesses as humans. They can everyone, but someone told the local priest about it, and
be killed or driven away in the same way as humans. Danylko ran into the forest to protect the rescued Khukha.
The priest believes that the boy was enchanted by evil forest
spirits and incites the villagers to hunt the forest dwellers.
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