Lost Mines of Salt Pine

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Black Mushlings

As seen in Beastiarium
Want only for there to be
Gil Soffard
Shrew (As seen in Player Species)
Miner's Mess Cook
Lost Mines of
quiet. If awoken, will target
all in sight with Sleep spell
first, resorting to violence
Passing by the mine the party may encounter Gil
hunting insects.
Salt Pine
only if the sound does not He was left behind by the other miners to keep
cease after casting. people from entering the mine while workers
returned to their colony to get help. The workers
Necrobat have not returned in a long time, he thinks they
Cave Necrobat, as seen in Tales from Moonshore have abandoned him.
Wants to be free, to be worshiped, and to gain power He is happy to give the party tools from the
Has Displacing tattooed breakroom, but he doesn't know much about
Shadow what is going on below. He has been told stories
A poorly powered version of the Displacing Spell, cast by the about dangerous ghosts, and fears the mine has
Necrobat to torment its captors. upset the nearby beetle graveyard.
A shadowy vision of a Necrobat, unable to attack or be attacked.
Creatures who have not Salt is a staple for communities, and pure salt is worth a lot.
seen a bat before must While Gil has no pips to reward you, he is happy to give you a
make a WIL save or be pouch of mined rock salt, valued at ~500p.
Frightened. Creatures Industrious PCs could also spend a watch mining in the Salt
Frightened by the Cavern with a pickaxe, to receive d3 Rock Salt.
Shadow are unable to This is enough salt to season 3 weeks of rations, or to preserve
make a DEX save for 3 meals worth of food.
initiative against the

On the shores of the local river is a pure-white pine

tree. Deep below lies a lucrative salt mine, all but
Luna Moth abandoned by the shrew colony that profited from it.
2HP 5 STR 15 DEX 6 WIL
They trapped a dark force before being scared off by
d4 Buffet Lost Mines of Salt Pine is an independent production by @ekobor and is not affiliated with
Bioluminescence: All creatures within Losing Games. It is published under the Mausritter Third Party Licence. violent ghosts... but not everything is as it seems!
Mausritter is copyright Losing Games.
12" who are not bioluminescent must
make a WIL save or get Dizzy Will the party defeat the darkness and recover the
mines? Or will they unleash powers they don't
The moths will attack if anything other understand?
than the Key is touched. They will fight
only until the item is dropped.
Entrance A piece of thick twine spans a deadly fall. It is
A large snake's skull is nestled in safe, if travelled slowly and one at a time.
the roots of a pine tree, through its On the far wall is a small platform, with a ladder
mouth is the entrance to the mine. leading down. Break Room
Just to the side of the Entrance is a door leading to the miners' break room.
Inside are abandoned pickaxes, hammers, climbing gloves, rolls of thick
Walkway twine, and a large net. Gil is here, waiting for workers to return with help.
A stone walkway with a ditch to either side. Small patches of light
fade in and out on the walls (d6+4 Luna Moths). In the ditch there is Mine
a collection of objects that reflect the light,. Prime among them are a The ladder is broken off at the One doorway is open, allowing air to flow from the Walkway. The other
sliver chain, a gold ring, and a Key. ceiling of the room below. An 8" doorway is blocked by a large piece of bark, but can be easily cleared. At the
drop awaits. sound of speech or fiddling with the door will cause a Shadow to rush into
the room and disappear into the wall.
Gas Trap
A distinct stench of sulfur and kerosene comes from the
door. Altar
The door can be opened, and the gas will mostly stay A large, smooth cavern, broken into from the mine on both
inside. As long as the person opening the door isn't sides. In each corner is a small alcove with an empty plinth. In
holding a torch or lantern it is safe. Else, it will explode, the ceiling at the center is an opening several feet up.
dealing d20 damage. The way to the Wandering Path is blocked by a locked door.
PCs can walk through safely, but more than a turn spent The Key from the Walkway will open the door, or a successful
here will cause them to get Dizzy. A hatch leads down. STR save while using a pickaxe or hammer will break the lock.
When the door is opened, a Shadow will rush into the room.

The Cage
A roughly hewn room created to trap the Necrobat.
The Necrobat will be here, waiting to attack anyone
who enters (unless the door in the Altar is broken).
If the door from the Altar was broken to enter
the Wandering Path, PCs will encounter the
Necrobat here.
Salt Cavern
A humid part of the cave, salt is crystalizing on every surface from
the water seeping out of the river. Light bounces and reflects
everywhere. A shape can be seen inside of one wall. Pickaxes can Wandering Path
chisel out the object, but cannot completely remove the salt An inclined area, very dark and quiet. Black Mushling caps can be seen
encrustation from the revealed dagger. The Bat Cultist Dagger everywhere except along the main walkway. PCs can traverse safely as long as
must be dipped in acid of some sort to fully clean it before it can be they are quiet and do not touch the Mushlings.
used. A dedicated search of the path (WIL save) will find 1 Bat Statuette hidden.
There is a hatch in the ceiling, about 24" up.
In a corner there is a mound of earth with 3
Bat Statuettes in plain sight atop it.
PC must succeed on DEX save to climb mound
without touching Mushlings.

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