Vaesen - Spirits and Monsters of Mythic Ukraine - 12

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To protect the house from Bohynka, one should hang a
COMBAT hedgehog’s skin on the wall. Bohynka is also afraid of St John’s
ATTACK DAMAGE RANGE wort and coriander, which, if hung on the doors and windows
Claws 2 0 of a woman with a newborn and put in a baby’s cradle, will
prevent Bohynka from bothering them. She also doesn’t like
Strangle* 1/1** 0
fairy tales and runs away immediately.
Pidminok *** 1 0-3 If one puts these herbs and hedgehog skin in Bohynka’s lair,
*firstly, must grab the victim, make an opposed roll FORCE or AGILITY she will leave that place and go far away to find another.
against MIGHT.
**The victim takes 1 damage immediately and 1 more damage each
round they strangled.
***At least 2 Pidminoks can appear at the call of Bohynka.

⯁ For several weeks, people in the village of Zaliuttia have not
been able to sleep. In one house or another, someone wakes
up in a cold sweat from the feeling that someone is strangling
them. Recently, the village head called a priest from the city,
but yesterday morning he was found strangled in the church.
⯁ Everyone in the village of Roztoka feels sorry for Marichka.
She was such a kind and hard-working girl. But after she
married and had a child, she seemed to lose her mind. She
claims that the child is not hers but someone else’s, that
some old woman put it in her cradle. Several times she was
caught trying to get rid of the child.
⯁ Korina from the village of Lypovets committed
suicide to avoid marrying an unloved man her father
had found for her. The priest wouldn’t allow them
to bury her in the church cemetery, so her
family took her body to the forest and buried
it there. Now Korina is back as Bohynka
and wants to take revenge on those who
caused her to commit suicide.

To banish Bohynka, one has to make her listen to
fairy tales until dawn. Then, with the first rays of the
sun, she will turn into black smoke and vanish.

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