Introduction To Computers

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Introduction to Computers

Introduction to Computers

A computer is a man made electronic machine which stores, reads and processes data to produce
meaningful information as output. It works very fast and does not make mistakes but its capacity is
limited. It is made of English word 'to compute'. It operates under the control of a set of instructions that
is stored in its memory unit.

A computer accepts data from an input device and processes it into useful information which it displays
on its output device.

Actually, a computer is a collection of hardware and software components that helps us to accomplish
many different tasks. Hardware consists of the computer itself and includes a CPU, a monitor, a keyboard,
a mouse and any equipment connected to it. Software is the set of instructions that the computer follows
in performing a task.

Computers and Calculators

A calculator is a small electronic device used for doing mathematical calculations. A calculator cannot be
used for writing letters or drawing images, while a computer can be used to calculate, draw images, write
letters, and do many other things as well.

Human Being and Computers

Computers cannot work on their own. They do what we want them to do, only we give them the right
command. Its memory is better than human memory. It can't forget anything it has saved, so it is also
called an artificial intelligence.

Comparison between Human beings and Computers

Human being Computer

Human beings are slow in doing calculations. Computers can do complex calculations in
Human beings cannot remember lots of things at one Computers can store and remember a large

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time. amount of information at one time.

Human beings can make mistakes. Computers do not make mistakes.
Human beings have feelings. Computers do not have feelings.
Human beings can think. Computers cannot think.
Human beings get tired if they work for long hours. Computers never get tired.
Elementary words related to computer

 Data: Data is information required by the computer to be able to operate or to put it the other way
information we put into the computer is called data. It is gathered from any source but cannot be
organized. It cannot be used for decision making. It is a collection of unprocessed items and
combination of characters, numbers and symbols collected for a specific purpose. Generally it is
divided into three types: numeric data, alphabetic data and alphanumeric data.
1. Numeric Data: Numeric data consists of ten digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. There are different
types of number system that are used to represent numeric data. These number systems are
decimal number system, binary number system, octal number system and hexadecimal number,
system. Examples are examination score, bank balance and pin-code etc.
2. Alphabetic Data: Alphabetic data is used to represent 26 alphabetic. It consist of capital letters
from A to Z, small letters from a to z and blank space. Alphabetic data is also called non-numeric
data. An example is the address of an employee.
3. Alphanumeric Data: Alphanumeric data is used to represent alphabetic data, numeric data,
special characters and symbols. An example is any password.
 Information: Information is well organized data which we get after processing of data and it
helps in decision making. It is processed data that is organized, meaningful, and useful.

Characteristics of a computer

Computers are the foundation of business, travel, and leisure of life today. The common
characteristics that make computers of all sizes such a powerful machine are speed, accuracy and
reliability, storage capacity, ability to operate automatically, diligence, scientific approach and versatility.

1. Speed: Computers provide the processing speed required by all facets of society. The quick
service we expect at the bank, at the grocery store, on the stock exchange, and on the Internet are

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dependent on the speed of computers. The speed of a computer is measured in the following time
units for the access time or instructions per second.

Millisecond [1ms] A thousandth of a second or 10-3

Micro second [1ms] A millionth of a second or 10-6

Nano second [1ns] A thousand millionth of a second or 10-9

Pico second [1ps] A million millionth of a second or 10-12

KIPS Kilo Instructions Per Second.

MIPS Million Instructions Per Second.

1. Accuracy and Reliability: Computers are quite accurate and extremely reliable as well. They are
only a machine and do not make errors on their own. Errors are caused by humans, not by
2. High Storage Capacity: Computers are capable of storing enormous amounts of data that must
be located and retrieved very quickly. The capability to store and retrieve volumes of data is the
core of the Information Age.
3. Automation: Once a process has been initiated, it is capable of functioning automatically. It does
not require an operator at each stage of the process.
4. Diligence: It is capable of operating at exactly the same level of speed and accuracy even if it has
to carry out the most voluminous and complex operations for a long period of time. It does not
suffer from physical and mental fatigue, lack of concentration and laziness.
5. Versatility: The wide use of computers in so many areas such as commerce, scientific
applications, education in day to day life is ample evidence of its versatility.

Basic applications/uses of a computer

1. Entertainment or Recreation: Computer is used for playing games, listening to music and
watching movies. It is also used for making cartoon movies, animation films and drawing pictures

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2. Education: Computer is used in schools for teaching, doing mathematical calculations and
completing homework.
3. Banks: Computer is used in banks for storing information about different account holders,
keeping a record of cash and providing all kinds of information regarding any account in the
bank. It is also used by ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) of a bank which provides cash without
any bank staff.
4. Railway stations and Airports: Computer helps in providing information about seat availability,
booking tickets and keeping records of all passengers. It helps in providing information about the
arrival and departure as well as timing of trains and aeroplanes.
5. Medical Science: Computer helps in keeping records of all the patients in a hospital and doing a
number of medical tests. It helps doctors in controlling machines in an operation theatre.
6. Business: Computers are used to type and print documents, letters etc. They help in keeping
records of employees and sending e-mails etc.
7. Defence: In defence computer is used to help in building weapons, controlling their functions,
launching missiles and keeping record of criminals. It helps in establishing communication links
between the soldiers and their commanders through satellites.
8. Designing: Computer helps in designing magazines, newspapers, books and advertisements etc.
It also helps in designing buildings, houses etc.
9. Scientific research: Computer is used in scientific research and is handy for all kinds of
scientific research.
10. Administration: Computer is used to improve administrative services and their efficiency.
11. Publication: Computer is used in desk-top publication.
12. Communication: Computers are used in communication such as e-mail, chatting etc.

Limitations of a computer

1. Lack of intelligence (Programmed by human/Can't think): Though computer is programmed

to work efficiently, fast and accurately, but it is programmed by human beings to do so. Without a
program, computer is nothing. A program is a set of instructions. Computer only follows these
instructions. If the instructions are not accurate the working of computer will not be accurate.
2. Prone to virus: The computer sometimes malfunctions and results in loss of data if some virus

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3. Depends on electricity: One of the limitations also includes machine failure in case of some
hardware or software problem. The computer sometimes results in loss of data if power fails.

Functions of a computer

1. Data collection: Data collection is a process of preparing and collecting data to obtain
information to keep on record, make decisions and pass information on to others. Computers
collect or gather data, which means that they allow users to input data.
2. Data storage: Data storage means that it retains digital data used for computing at some interval
of time.
3. Data processing: Data processing is a process to convert data into information.
4. Data output: It is a processed data which we get as an output.

Impact of computerization

(i) Time saving (ii) Errorless work

(iii) Saving of paper (iv) Unemployment

Computer System

A group of equipments put together to process a data is called a computer system. A computer
system consists of several components to achieve electronic data processing.

1. Input Units: They are devices which accept data from user and transmit it to the central
processing unit as electronic pulses. For example, the ATM (Automatic teller Machine) system,
when we want to withdraw, we are required to enter our Personal identification number (PIN).
When we enter our PIN, we are using-an input device, the keypad.
2. CPU (Central Processing Unit): It is an abbreviation for central processing unit, and is
pronounced as separate letters. The Central Processing Unit is the brain of the computer
sometimes referred to simply as the central processor, but commonly called a processor. The
Central Processing Unit is the unit where most calculations take place. It is linked with the input
units and output units to form the computer system. In terms of computing power, the CPU is the

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most important component of a computer system. On personal computer (PC) and small
workstations, the CPU is housed in a single chip called a microprocessor or microchip.
The fundamental sequence of steps that a CPU performs is also known as the fetch-execute cycle
or instruction cycle.

Functions of control unit

1. Control flow of data

 From input devices to memory
 From memory to output devices or secondary storage
 From secondary storage to memory
 From ALU to memory
 From memory to ALU
2. Co-ordinates instructions execution
 Fetch the instruction
 Decode the instruction
 Execute the instruction

More components of a CPU, that are vital to its operation, are the registers which are very small
memory locations that are responsible for holding the data that is to be processed.

3. Output Units: Devices which accept information from CPU and convert it to human readable
form. For example, when we pay the cashier in the supermarket, he will give a receipt. This
receipt is a form of output from
the output device known as printer.
 GIGO (Garbage in Garbage Out): It is a concept of computer science that the quality of output
is determined by quality of input, means wrong input will result in wrong output. It is related to
accuracy of input and output.

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