DLL - Mathematics 3 - Q1 - W6

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School: Ponot Central School Grade Level: III

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: File Created by Sir LIONELL G. DE SAGUN Learning Area: MATHEMATICS
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: SEPTEMBER 2 – 6, 2024 (WEEK 6) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER



A. Content Standard .Able to understand operation in .Able to understand operation in Coprehending the questions with a Able to construct a
mathematical situation correctly. mathematical situation correctly. right answer. mathematical situation
B. Performance Standard Able to apply knowledge in Able to apply knowledge in Able to apply knowledge in . Able to apply knowledge in
solving real life problems/ solving real life problems/ solving real life problems/ solving real life problems/
situations. situations. situations. situations.
C. Learning Competency/Objectives Add mentally 2-to 3-digit Solve routine problems involving Solve non-routine problems Create problems involving
Write the LC code for each. numbers with multiples of addition. involving addition. addition.
hundreds. M3NS – Ii -34.5 M3NS – Ii -34.5 M3NS – Ij -35.4
M3NS –Ie -28.8
Adding Mentally 2- to 3-Digit Solving Routine Problems Solving Non - Routine Problems Creating Problems involving Panahunang
Numbers with multiples of involving Addition involving Addition Addition Pagtataya.
D. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages 78 80 86-92
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)portal
E. Other Learning Resource
A. Reviewing previous lesson or : Encircle the addends for the Present these problems on a Present a problems on a chart How to analyze and solve word
presenting the new lesson following sums. Addends can be 2 chart. Ask pupils what they problems.
or should do to find the answer
1) 5
2) 9
3) 10
4) 12
5) 15
B. Establishing a purpose for the Talk about their ways of Talk about the importance of Talk about the how to be courteous Talk about the how to be
lesson celebrating their birthdays. preserving the environment. and polite using a dialog. cooperative, and sports
C. Presenting examples/Instances of . Guide the pupils in analyzing the Guide the pupils in analyzing the Presenting a problem . Guide the pupils in analyzing the 1. Presentation
the new lesson problem problem problem

D. Discussing new concepts and What step was done first in How will you solve a problem? How did you solve the problem? What are the things you should 2. Explain the
practicing new skills # 1 adding multiples of tens and What should you find out? What did you do to solve it? remember when creating a direction to them.
hundreds? the multiples of tens? How did you check the What process did you use? word problem?
the multiples of hundreds? correctness of your answer?

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills # 2
F. Developing mastery Refer to the exercises in Activity 1 Solve the problems under Activity Ask pupils to find out if the sums of Group activity
(leads to Formative Assessment in the LM. 1 in the LM. the numbers in any row, column or
3) diagonal is always the same. Let
them do Activity 1 on their papers

G. Finding practical application of Have the pupils read each . Analyze and solve the problems Refer them to Activity 2 in the LM. Answer Activity 3 in the LM. 3. Giving the
concepts and skills in daily living problem and let them give the under Activity 2 in the LM. Tell them to arrange the scrambled standards.
correct answer using mental digits in the star in the circles to
addition. make
a. Marion has read 302 pages of addition sentences. Tell them to
the 400 pages of his favorite use the sums as guide..
book. Her brother Jay lent him Original File Submitted and
another book which she read at Formatted by DepEd Club Member
once. She finished reading all 128 - visit depedclub.com for more
pages of the book in two days.
How many pages did she read in
H. Making generalizations and How do we add 2-digit and 3- How can we solve a problem? How did you solve the problem? How do we create word 4. Did you answer the
abstractions about the lesson digit numbers with multiples of In solving problems, follow What helped you solve it? problems? test correctly?
tens and hundreds mentally? Polya’s 4-step What are the things needed to
formulate a problem?
I. Evaluating learning Pupils do Activity 2 in the LM Write a number sentence for Answer the questions under 5. Checking the test.
Have pupils work on Activity 4 of
each problem in Activity 3 and Activity 3 in the LM. Tell pupils to
the LM. Check their answers
Activity 4 in the LM. do these on their papers.
J. Additional activities for . Ask your parents’ help in doing Copy the problems in Activity 5 Refer pupils to Activity 4 in the LM. Work on Activity 5 in the LM at 6. Study your lessons
application or remediation the exercises below. and Activity 6 in their notebooks. Let them form 3–digit numbers home well.
If your parents are working, ask Let them analyze and solve the from the numbers in the box that
how much your mother earns in a problems. will give the least sum and the
month and how much your father greatest sum.
earns at the same period. Add Have them do these in their
mentally the total earnings of notebooks.
your parents.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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