2nd Quarter Week 6

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Teaching Dates and Time: December 12-16,2022 Week 6 Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


I. OBJECTIVES 1. estimate products of 1. Solves routine and non-routine 1. Solves routine and non-routine 1. Solves routine and non-routine
decimals problems involving multiplication problems involving multiplication problems involving multiplication
2. Estimate with speed and without or with addition or without or with addition or without or with addition or
accuracy subtraction of decimals and whole subtraction of decimals and whole subtraction of decimals and whole
3. Work actively with the group numbers including money using numbers including money using numbers including money using
appropriate problem solving appropriate problem solving appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools strategies and tools strategies and tools
2. Solve word problem with speed 2. Solve word problem with speed 2. Solve word problem with speed
and accuracy and accuracy and accuracy
3. Work actively with the group 3. Work actively with the group 3. Work actively with the group
A. Content Standards The learners can demonstrate The learners can demonstrate The learners can demonstrate The learners can demonstrate Christmas
understanding of decimals. understanding of decimals. understanding of decimals. understanding of decimals. Party 2022
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to recognize The learner is able to recognize The learner is able to recognize and The learner is able to recognize and
and represent decimals in and represent decimals in various represent decimals in various forms represent decimals in various forms
various forms and contexts. forms and contexts. and contexts. and contexts.

C. Learning Estimates the products of Solves routine and non-routine Solves routine and non-routine Solves routine and non-routine
Competencies/Objectives decimal numbers with problems involving multiplication problems involving multiplication problems involving multiplication
Write for the LC code for each reasonable results. without or with addition or without or with addition or without or with addition or
(M5NS – II e – 112 ) subtraction of decimals and whole subtraction of decimals and whole subtraction of decimals and whole
numbers including money using numbers including money using numbers including money using
appropriate problem solving appropriate problem solving appropriate problem solving
strategies and tools strategies and tools strategies and tools
(M5NS-IIe-113.1 ) (M5NS-IIe-113.1 ) (M5NS-IIe-113.1 )

Estimating the products of Solving routine and non-routine problems involving multiplication without or with addition or subtraction of
II. CONTENT decimal numbers with decimals and whole numbers including money using appropriate problem solving strategies and tools
reasonable results
A. References Lesson 41 Lesson 42 Lesson 42 Lesson 42
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Quarter 2 TG pp Quarter 2 TG pp Quarter 2 TG pp Quarter 2 TG pp
2. Learner’s Materials pages Quarter 2 LM pp Quarter 2 LM pp Quarter 2 LM pp Quarter 2 LM pp
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Charts, powerpoint Charts, powerpoint Powerpoint Powerpoint
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Mathematics LG Grade 5 Mathematics LG Grade 5 Mathematics LG Grade 5

A. Review previous lesson or Estimating the sum/difference Identifying 2 numbers that satisfy Review the steps in solving Review the steps in solving problems.
presenting the new lesson Ask: How do you estimate the the following: problems.
sum/difference? a) sum of 520 and
Round to the nearest whole difference of 8
number and estimate the b) product of 72 and sum
sum/difference. How many can of 17
you do orally?
Flash problem cards for the
pupils to solve.
B. Establishing a purpose for You were asked by your What is the importance of Have you experienced celebrating Are you fond of reading?
the lesson mother to buy some groceries knowing the hidden question in a birthday with ice cream and cake?
after class. Without computing problem? Do all problems have
how would you know that the hidden questions? Why?
money given to you is enough
or not? Why?
C. Presenting Present the following problem Present the following problem Present the following problem Alvin bought 6 wattpad at ₱165 each
examples/instances of the Carlo bought 5 notebooks at Rico saves 4.50 on For Rina’s birthday, Mother bought a and 5 sports magazines at ₱85 for his
new lesson ₱38.95 each. About how much Monday, 7.25 on cake at 200, 4 gallons of ice cream friends. How much change did he get
did he pay in all? Tuesday, 5.15 on at 350 each and cookies worth 225. from his three 500- peso bills?
Wednesday, 3.90 on She brought with her 2 1,000 bills.
Thursday, and 8.20 on How much was left of her money?
Friday from his daily
transportation allowance
for 3 weeks. From these
savings, he wants to buy
a t-shirt which costs
P195.00. How much
more must he save?
D. Discussing new concepts Ask the following questions: a) How much money was To analyze and solve the problem, Understand
and practicing new skills #1 1) What are saved by Rico? you can do this steps. Know the given facts
given? b) How much is the t-shirt A. Understand Plan
2) What is he would like to buy? B. Plan Solve:
being asked? c) How much more money C. Solve: Show your solution:
3) Do we must he save? D. Check and Look back:
need exact answer or just an d) What is the number
estimate to solve the problem? sentence?
Why do you think so? e) How many hidden
4) What is the questions are there in the problem
number sentence?
5) How do we
estimate products of decimals?
E. Discussing new concepts Explain step-by-step the
and practicing new skills #2 process of estimating products
of decimals numbers. If
possible, elicit this from the
pupils or have them do the
F. Developing mastery Get moving Each group will give an activity Give the hidden question, write the Write the number sentence for each
Round each factor to the card. They will work together in number sentence, and solve. problem then solve.
greatest place value and solving the problem ,following the a. Mr. Salonga is paid 110.85 1) Barangay Maligaya is 28.5
estimate each product. guided questions below. per hour of work. He worked six km from the town proper. In going
1. 42.6 x 37.2= 2. 68.54 x Group 1 hours each day for four days. On the there, Jay traveled 15.75 km by jeep
24.4= 3. 99.2 x 48.5= Mrs. Ocampo makes blouses and fifth day, he worked 3.25 hours. and 3.5 km by tricycle and the rest by
4.123.86 x 31.5= 5.246.3 x skirts. She has 1.25 m for the How much did he receive for 5 days walking. How many km did he travel
9.67 blouse and 1.35 m for the skirt. of work? by walking?
How much will 12 blouses and
skirts cost if a metre of the
material used costs 45.25?
G. Finding practical Read the problem then Give the hidden question, Group Activity: Give the hidden Group Activity: Give the hidden
applications of concepts and answer the questions that write the number sentence, question, write the number question, write the number
skills in daily living follow: and solve. sentence, and solve. sentence, and solve.
Father and other farmers Barangay Maligaya is 28.5 km from During recess, Romeo bought 3
harvested tomatoes for the a. Mr. Salonga is paid the town proper. In going there, Jay packages of toasted bread at 6.50
town's Tiangge Day. They were 110.85 per hour of work. He traveled 15.75 km by jeep and 3.5 each. How
able to fill 56.5 kaings each worked six hours each day for km by tricycle and the rest by much did he pay for all the packages?
weighing 18.75 kilograms. four days. On the fifth day, he walking. How many km did he travel
1. About how many kilograms worked 3.25 hours. How by walking?
of tomatoes were harvested much did he receive for 5 days The Butal family went to a carnival.
for the Tiangge Day? of work? They bought 2 tickets for adults at
2. If they will sell the tomatoes b. At a benefit show, 80.00 each and 3 tickets for children
for ₱24.25 a kilo, special tickets cost at 60.00 each. How much change
a) By how much will 35.00 each while did she receive from a 500 given to
they get for one kaing? regular tickets cost the ticket seller?
b) By how much will 15.00. What was the
they get for all the tomatoes? total sales if 275
3. A businessman will buy all regular tickets and
the tomatoes, but will be given 120 special tickets
1.5 kilograms free for each were sold?
kaing. About how much will he
4. Do you think that much of
tomatoes will be ready to be
sold for Tiangge Day if only
Father picked the tomatoes?
H. Making generalizations and How do you estimate the How to solve routine and non- How to solve routine and non- How to solve routine and non-routine
abstractions about the lesson products of decimal numbers? routine problems involving routine problems involving problems involving multiplication
multiplication without or with multiplication without or with without or with addition or
addition or subtraction of decimals addition or subtraction of decimals subtraction of decimals and whole
and whole numbers including and whole numbers including money numbers including money using
money using appropriate problem using appropriate problem solving appropriate problem solving
solving strategies and tools? strategies and tools? strategies and tools?
I. Evaluating learning Estimate each product by Read and analyze, then solve the Read and analyze, then solve the Read, analyze, and solve for the
rounding: following: following: answer.
1) 22.7 Mary prepared sandwiches for the The Butal family went to a carnival. Rhea and Cecil shared ₱500 each to
2.73.82 3. 8.493 seminar participants. She bought They bought 2 tickets for adults at buy the following for their brother's
x 0.08 x 5 loaves of bread at 22.50 each, 2 80.00 each and 3 tickets for children birthday: 12 pies at ₱20.50 each, 6
0.28 x .08 bottles of mayonnaise at 55.50 a at 60.00 each. How much change watermelons at ₱45.50 each, 4 cans
4. Ivan runs 4.8 km bottle, and 1.5 kilograms of ham at did she receive from a 500 given to of juice at ₱23.50 each. They spent
every morning. About how 240 a kilogram. If she gave the the ticket seller? the rest of the money for ice cream
many kilometres does he run saleslady 1,000, how much a) What is asked? and cookies. How much did they
each week? change did she receive? b) What are given? spend for the ice cream and cookies?
5. In 6.75 x 8.56 if a) What is asked? c) What is/are the hidden
the factors are rounded to the b) What are given? questions?
nearest whole number, will the c) What is/are the hidden d) What operation will you use
estimate be greater questions? to solve the problem?
or smaller than the actual d) What operation will you e) What is the number
product? Explain. use to solve the problem? sentence?
e) What is the number f) What is the answer?
f) What is the answer?
J. Additional activities for Estimate the product: Read, analyze, and solve for the Solve the following: Read, analyze, and solve for the
application or remediation 1. 9.713 2. 561.73 answer. Father needs 25.6 metres of barbed answer.
x 4.12 x 5.17 a. Mother bought 3 kg of wire to fence each of his chicken Mrs. Moran bought a whole dressed
sugar at 23.70 per kilogram and 2 coops. If he has 10 chicken weighing 2.2 kilograms. If a
3. 584.9 4. . 623.7 kg of rice at 21.50 per kilogram. coops, how many metres of barbed kilogram of
x 82.8 x 7.89 How much change did she receive wire does he need? chicken costs 72.50, how much did
from her 500 bill? she pay for the chicken?
5. 689.7
x 53.7
A. No. of learners who earned __ out of __ pupils reached the __ out of __ pupils reached the __ out of __ pupils reached the __ out of __ pupils reached the
80% in the evaluation. mastery level. mastery level. mastery level. mastery level.
B. No. of learners who require __ out of __ pupils didn’t __ out of __ pupils didn’t reached __ out of __ pupils didn’t reached __ out of __ pupils didn’t reached the
additional activities for reached the mastery level the mastery level the mastery level mastery level
remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require

GRADE 5 School: APLAYA ES Grade Level: V

Teacher: MICHELLE T. EPINO Learning Area: ESP
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Time: December 12-16, 2022 Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa sa kahalagahan ng Naipamamalas ang Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa sa Naipamamalas ang
A.Pamantayang pakikipag-kapwatao at pagganap ng mga inaasahang pag-unawa sa kahalagahan ng pakikipag-kapwatao at pag-unawa sa
Pangnilalaman hakbang, pahayag at kilos para sa kapakanan ng pamilya kahalagahan ng pagganap ng mga inaasahang hakbang, kahalagahan ng
at kapwa pakikipag-kapwatao pahayag at kilos para sa kapakanan ng pakikipag-
at pagganap ng mga pamilya at kapwa kapwatao at
inaasahang pagganap ng mga
hakbang, pahayag at inaasahang
kilos para sa hakbang, pahayag
kapakanan ng at kilos para sa
pamilya at kapwa kapakanan ng
pamilya at kapwa
Naisasagawa ang inaasahang hakbang, kilos at pahayag na Naisasagawa ang Naisasagawa ang inaasahang hakbang, kilos Naisasagawa ang
B. Pamantayang may paggalang at pagmamalasakit para sa kapakanan at inaasahang at pahayag na may paggalang at inaasahang
Pagganap kabutihan ng pamilya at kapwa hakbang, kilos at pagmamalasakit para sa kapakanan at hakbang, kilos at
pahayag na may kabutihan ng pamilya at kapwa pahayag na may
paggalang at paggalang at
pagmamalasakit pagmamalasakit
para sa kapakanan para sa kapakanan
at kabutihan ng at kabutihan ng
pamilya at kapwa pamilya at kapwa
C .Mga Kasanayan sa Nakabubuo at nakapagpapahayag nang may paggalang sa
Pagkatuto anumang ideya o opinyon (EsP5P-IIe-25)
II. NILALAMAN Paggalang sa opinion ng ibang tao (Respect for other people’s Opinion)

A. Sanggunian
1.Mga pahinasa
2. Mga Pahina Sa
Kagamitang Pang-
3. Mga Pahina Sa
4. Karagdagang
Kagamitan Mula Sa
Portal Ng Learning

B. Iba Pang
III. PAMAMARAAN Alamin Isagawa Isapuso Isabuhay Subukin
A. Balik-aral sa Balik aralan sa paggalang sa mga katutubo at dayuhan. Anu-ano ang mga Ano ang marapat na gawin sa mga Ano ang marapat Balik-aralan
nakaraang aralin at/ paraan angdapat pagkakataong sumalungat ang iyong ideya / na gawin sa mga ang tinalakay
o pagsisimula sa gawin upang opinion sa pananaw ng ibang tao? pagkakataong sa nakaraang
bagong aralin maipakita ang sumalungat ang apat na araw.
paggalang sa ideya o iyongideya /
opinion ng iba? opinion sa
pananaw ng ibang
B. Paghahabi sa Pagpapakita ng isang larawan ng at pagkuha ng kanya Nakaranas o Magbigay ng opinyon tungkol sa mabuti at Magsagawa ng Handa na ba
layunin ng aralin kanyang opinion. nakapanood na ba masamangepektong paggamit ng isang maikling kayo sa
kayo ng isang teknolohiya. dula-dulaan pagtataya?
debate? tungkol sa ibibigay
na usapin ng guro.
Gamitin ang mga
bagay na inyong
natutunan sa
paggalang ng ideya
/ opinion ng ibang
tao. Isaalang –
alang din ang mga
pamantayan ng
epekto ng paggami
tng teknolohiya.
C. Pag-uugnay ng Basahin at gawin. Paglalahad ng Magpasiyaka! Ipahanda ang
mga halimbawa sa Ideopinmaypay (Ideya / Opinyon at Pamaypay) debate. Magbigay ng pamamaraan kung paano mo kanilang test
layunin ng bagong maipapakita ang paggalangsaideya / notebook.
aralin opinyonngibangtaoayonsamgasitwasyonsaiba
1. Isang araw habang papasok kang paaralan
ay may nakita kang grupong mga raliyista
nananawagan sa gobyerno upang itaas
angsweldo ng mga ordinary ng manggagawa.
D. Pagtalakay ng Basahinangisinulatngiyongmgakaklase. Gamit ang bond Pagtatalakay sa
bagong konsepto at paper, gumupit ng debate.
paglalahad ng Dalawang kahon at isulat kung paano ka inilarawan ng
bagong kasanayan iyong mga kaklase.

E. Pagtalakay ng Magbigayngmgahalimbawangmgabagaynadapatisaalangal
bagong konsepto at ang kung binibigyantayong opinion ngibangtao.
paglalahad ng
bagong kasanayan

F. Paglinang sa 1. Saan mas maraming naisulat na opinyon Pangkatin ang klase

Kabihasaan angiyong mga kaklase? Sa iyong palagay, bakit ganoon ang sa dalawa. Hayaang
(Tungo sa Formative naging opinion nila saiyo? magbigay ng sariling
Test) 2. Ano ang naramdaman mo nang mabasa mo ang opinyon o ideya ang
hindi magagandang opinion sa iyong mga kaklase mo? bawat pangkat sa
mga sumusunod na
a. Mabuti at
dulot ng
b. Paniniraha
n sa rural o
c. Paghahana
p-buhay sa
bansa o sa
G. Paglalapat ng Gawain 1 Anu-ano ang mga Ano ang marapat na gawin sa mga Kailangan bang
aralin sa pang-araw- bagay na pagkakataong sumalungat angiyongideya / magkaroon tayo ng
araw na buhay IsangumagahabangnagbabasangdyaryosiGng. isinaalang-alang opinion sa pananawng ibangtao? pag unawa sa mga
Anacay ay napansinniyaang headline opinion ng ibang
ninyo habang
nitotungkolsausapinng K – 12 Porgram. Dahildito ay tao? Bakit?
ginagawa ninyo
H. Paglalahat ng Bawat nilalang ng Diyos ay binigyan Niya ng iba’t – ibang angmalayang Kanya –kanyangkahusayan, kaalaman,
Aralin kaalaman, karunungan, kahusayan at kaisipan. Bilang tao pagbibigay ng ideya karunungan at higitsalahatideya / opinyon.
na may mataas na antas ng kaalaman ay mayroon tayong o opinion sa Angbawattaongnilalang ay may ideya /
pagkakataon na magbigay ng sari – sarili nating ideya / natapos na gawain? opinyonna tanging
opinyon. Sa kadahilanang mayroon tayong iba’t – ibang sarililamangniyaangmasusunod kung tama
kaisipan kung kaya may iba’t –iba rin tayong ideya / baito o maliayonsasariliniyangpananaw at
opinyon. kadahilanan.
I. Pagtataya ng Sagutinangmgasumusunod: A. Iguhit ang masayang mukha kung sa Iguhit ang
Aralin 1. Anoangiyongreaksiyonsanabasangseleksiyon? Sa palagay mo ay tama ang mga salitang ginamit simbolong
pagpapalitanngideya / opinyonngmga mag –aaral? sa pagtanggap ng mga puna. Iguhit ang thumbs up
Ipaliwnagito. malungkot na mukha kung hindi ka sang- kung ang
2. Bakit kaya sa palagaymo ay magkaibang ideya / opinion ayon sa mga salitangginamit sa pagtanggap pangungusap
ng mga bata sa kuwentong binasa? ng mga puna. Gawin ito sa kuwaderno. ay naglalahad
______1. Salamat sa mga puna mo ,susundin ng wastong
ko ang iyong mga payo. kaisipan at
______2. Mabuti at napansin mong hindi thumbs
bagay ang damit sa akin. Papalitan ko na lang. down naman
______3. Magaling kaya ako. Hindi ko kung hindi.
kailangan ang mga puna ninyo! ______1. Ni
______4. Alam kong para sa kabutihan ko ang Noel ay
puna mo. Masaya na
______5. Mabuti nalang napuna mo ang mali walang
bago ko naipasa. pasok, subalit
si Tony ay
hindi dahil
ayon sa
kanya ay
sumang –
ayon ni Noel
dahil mahilg
na lamang ni
Tony si Noel
sa kanyang
Nakakita ang
g Grace at
Marian ng
pitaka sa may
Binalak ni
naitago na
lamang ang
pitaka ngunit
Marian. Dahil
dito ay
g ipinagbigay
alam ng
sa opisina ng
Lost and
Found ang
napulot na
J. Magtala ng mga paraan upang maipikita mo ang Panuto: Bigyan ng puna ang isang sitwasyon.
Karagdaga paggalang sa ideya / opinion ng ibang tao. May mga batang palaging lumiliban sa klase
ng Gawain dahil tumutulong sa pagtrabaho sa tubuhan
para sa at hacienda.
takdang- Opinyon ko:________________
aralin at
remediatio Dahilan: _____________________
A. Bilang ng mag-
aaral na nakakuhang
80% sa pagtataya
B. Bilang ng mag-
aaral na
nangangailangan ng
iba pang Gawain
para sa remediation
C. Nakatulong ba
ang remedial Bilang
ng mga mag-aaral na
nakaunawa sa
D. Bilang ng mga
mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa

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