Ezr 9
Ezr 9
Ezr 9
9:4 ְואֵ לַ י יֵאָ ְספּו ּכֹל ָח ֵרד ְּב ִד ְב ֵרי הי3ֱ
ֵ א יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל ־ עַ ל
Then were assembled unto
u·al·i iasphu kl chrd b·dbri alei - ishral ol me every one that trembled
and·to·me they-are-ngathering all-of trembling-one in·words-of Elohim-of Israel on at the words of the God of
Israel, because of the
ַמעַ ל ַהּגלָ ה ַואֲנִ י יֹׁשֵ ב ׁשמם
ֵ ְמ עַ ד ְל ִמנְ ַחת transgression of those that
had been carried away; and
mol e·gule u·ani ishb mshumm od l·mnchth
I sat astonied until the
offense-of the·deportation and·I sitting being-mdesolated until to·present-offering-of
evening sacrifice.
ָהעָ ֶרב :
e·orb :
9:5 חת
ַ ְּוב ִמנ
ְ ָהעֶ ֶרב ַק ְמ ִּתי יתי
ִ ִִמ ַּתעֲנ ּוב ָק ְר ִעי
. And at the evening
u·b·mnchth e·orb qmthi m·thonith·i u·b·qro·i sacrifice I arose up from my
and·in·present-offering-of the·evening I-arose from·humiliation-of·me and·in·to-tear-of·me heaviness; and having rent
my garment and my mantle,
ִבגְ ִדי ילי
ִ ּומ ִע
ְ וָאֶ ְכ ְרעָ ה ִּב ְרּכַ י ־ עַ ל וָאֶ ְפ ְרׂשָ ה כַ ּפַ י I fell upon my knees, and
spread out my hands unto
bgd·i u·moil·i u·akro·e ol - brk·i u·aphrsh·e kph·i
the LORD my God,
garment-of·me and·robe-of·me and·I-am-bowing-down on knees-of·me and·I-am-spreading palms-of·me
9:6 א ְמ ָרה
ֹ ָו הי3ֱ
ַ א ֹׁש ִּתי
ְ ּב ְונִ ְכלַ ְמ ִּתי ְל ָה ִרים הי3ֱ
ַ א
And said, O my God, I am
u·amr·e ale·i bshthi u·nklmthi l·erim ale·i ashamed and blush to lift up
and·I-am-saying Elohim-of·me I-am-ashamed and·I-am-confounded to·to-craise-up-of Elohim-of·me my face to thee, my God:
for our iniquities are
ּפָ נַי 4אֵ לֶ י ִּכי ֹתינּו
ֵ עֲנ ָרבּו ְל ַמ ְעלָ ה ֹאׁש5 ְואַ ְׁש ָמ ֵתנּו increased over [our] head,
and our trespass is grown
phn·i ali·k ki ounthi·nu rbu l·mol·e rash u·ashmth·nu
up unto the heavens.
faces-of·me to·you that depravities-of·us they-are-many to·up·ward head and·guilt-of·us
9:7 ימי
ֵ ִמ ֹתינּו
ֵ אב
ֲ אנ ְַחנּו
ֲ ְּבאַ ְׁש ָמה גְ דֹלָ ה עַ ד ַהּים ַהּזֶה
Since the days of our
m·imi abthi·nu anchnu b·ashme gdle od e·ium e·ze fathers [have] we [been] in
from·days-of fathers-of·us we in·guilt great until the·day the·this a great trespass unto this
day; and for our iniquities
ֵ ּובעֲנ
ַ נִ ַּתּנּו אנ ְַחנּו
ֲ ְמלָ כֵ ינּו הנֵינּו
ֲ כ
ֹ ְּביַד ַמ ְלכֵ י have we, our kings, [and]
our priests, been delivered
u·b·ounthi·nu nthnu anchnu mlki·nu keni·nu b·id mlki
into the hand of the kings of
and·in·depravities-of·us we-were-given we kings-of·us priests-of·us in·hand-of kings-of
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Ezra 9
the lands, to the sword, to
ָהא ֲָרצת ַּב ֶח ֶרב ַּב ְּׁש ִבי ּוב ִּבּזָה
ַ ּובבֹׁשֶ ת
ְ ּפָ נִ ים ְּכ ַהּים captivity, and to a spoil, and
e·artzuth b·chrb b·shbi u·b·bze u·b·bshth phnim k·e·ium to confusion of face, as [it
the·lands in·the·sword in·the·captivity and·in·the·plunder and·in·shame-of faces as·the·day is] this day.
ַהּזֶה :
e·ze :
9:8 ּתה
ָ ְַוע ִּכ ְמעַ ט ֶרגַע ־ ָהיְ ָתה ְת ִחּנָה ֵמאֵ ת יְ הוָה הינּו3ֱ
ֵ א
And now for a little space
u·othe k·mot - rgo eithe thchne m·ath ieue alei·nu grace hath been [shewed]
and·now as·little-of moment she-became grace from·» Yahweh Elohim-of·us from the LORD our God, to
leave us a remnant to
ְל ַה ְׁש ִאיר לָ נּו ְּפלֵ יטָ ה ְולָ ֶתת לָ נּו ־ י ֵָתד ִּב ְמקם escape, and to give us a nail
in his holy place, that our
l·eshair l·nu phlite u·l·thth - l·nu ithd b·mqum
God may lighten our eyes,
to·to-cleave-remnant to·us deliverance and·to·to-give-of to·us peg in·placeri-of
and give us a little reviving
in our bondage.
ָק ְדׁש ְל ָה ִאיר עֵ ינֵינּו הינּו3ֱ
ֵ א ּול ִת ֵּתנּו
ְ ִמ ְחיָה ְמעַ ט
qdsh·u l·eair oini·nu alei·nu u·l·thth·nu mchie mot
sanctuary-of·him to·to-cenlighten-of eyes-of·us Elohim-of·us and·to·to-give-of·us revival little
ְּבעַ ְב ֻד ֵתנּו :
b·obdth·nu :
ָ ָח ְרב ְולָ ֶתת לָ נּו ־ ג ֵָדר יהּודה
ָ ִּב ּובירּוׁשָ לָ ִם
ִ : ס
chrbthi·u u·l·thth - l·nu gdr b·ieude u·b·irushlm : s
deserted-places-of·him and·to·to-give-of to·us barrier-wall in·Judah and·in·Jerusalem
9:10 ּתה
ָ ְַוע ַמה ֹאמר ־
ַ ּנ הינּו3ֱ
ֵ א ז ֹאת ־ אַ ח ֲֵרי ִּכי עָ ז ְַבנּו 4תי
ֶ ִמ ְצ :
And now, O our God,
u·othe me - namr alei·nu achri - zath ki ozbnu mtzuthi·k : what shall we say after this?
and·now what ? we-shall-say Elohim-of·us after this that we-forsook instructions-of·you for we have forsaken thy
9:11 אֲׁשֶ ר ית
ָ ִצ ִּו ְּביַד 4ֲב ֶדי
ָ ע יאים
ִ ַהּנְ ִב לֵ אמֹר ָהאָ ֶרץ אֲׁשֶ ר
Which thou hast
ashr tzuith b·id obdi·k e·nbiaim l·amr e·artz ashr commanded by thy servants
which you-minstructed in·hand-of servants-of·you the·prophets to·to-say-of the·land which the prophets, saying, The
land, unto which ye go to
אַ ֶּתם ָּב ִאים ְל ִר ְׁש ָּתּה אֶ ֶרץ נִ ָּדה ְּבנִ ַּדת ִהיא עַ ֵּמי possess it, is an unclean
land with the filthiness of
athm baim l·rshth·e artz nde eia b·ndth omi
the people of the lands, with
you(p) ones-entering to·to-tenant-of·her land-of impurity she in·impurity-of peoples-of
their abominations, which
have filled it from one end
ָהא ֲָרצת יהם
ֶ ֹת
ֵ עב
ֲ ְּבת אֲׁשֶ ר אּוה
ָ ִמ ְל ִמּפֶ ה ּפֶ ה ־ אֶ ל to another with their
e·artzuth b·thuobthi·em ashr mlau·e m·phe al - phe uncleanness.
the·lands in·abhorrences-of·them which they-mfilled·her from·edge to edge
9:12 ּתה
ָ ְַוע נתיכֶ ם
ֵ ְּב אַ ל ִּת ְּתנּו ־ ֵיהם
ֶ ִל ְבנ
Now therefore give not
u·othe bnuthi·km al - ththnu l·bni·em your daughters unto their
and·now daughters-of·you(p) must-not-be you(p)-are-giving to·sons-of·them sons, neither take their
daughters unto your sons,
ֶ ֹת
ֵ ּובנ
ְ אַ ל ִּת ְׂשאּו ־ ִל ְבנֵיכֶ ם ְול ֹא ־ nor seek their peace or their
wealth for ever: that ye may
u·bnthi·em al - thshau l·bni·km u·la -
be strong, and eat the good
and·daughters-of·them must-not-be you(p)-are-taking-up for·sons-of·you(p) and·not
of the land, and leave [it]
for an inheritance to your
ִת ְד ְרׁשּו מם3
ָ ְׁש טב ָתם
ָ ְו עַ ד ְל ַמעַ ן עלָ ם ־ children for ever.
thdrshu shlm·m u·tubth·m od - oulm lmon
you(p)-shall-inquire well-being-of·them and·goodness-of·them until eon so-that
ֶּת ֶחזְ קּו ַואֲכַ ְל ֶּתם טּוב ־ אֶ ת ָהאָ ֶרץ הר ְׁש ֶּתם
ַ ְו
thchzqu u·aklthm ath - tub e·artz u·eurshthm
you(p)-shall-be-steadfast and·you(p)-eat » good-of the·land and·you(p)-cleave-as-tenancy
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Ezra 9 - Ezra 10
9:13 ְואַ ח ֲֵרי ּכָ ל ַה ָּבא ־ עָ לֵ ינּו ְּב ַמעֲׂשֵ ינּו ָה ָר ִעים ּובאַ ְׁש ָמ ֵתנּו
And after all that is come
u·achri kl - e·ba oli·nu b·moshi·nu e·roim u·b·ashmth·nu upon us for our evil deeds,
and·after all-of the·thing-coming on·us in·deeds-of·us the·evil-ones and·in·guilt-of·us and for our great trespass,
seeing that thou our God
ַהּגְ דֹלָ ה ִּכי הינּו אַ ָּתה3ֱ
ֵ א ָחׂשַ ְכ ָּת ְל ַמּטָ ה ֵמעֲנֵנּו ְונ ַָת ָּתה ּלָ נּו hast punished us less than
our iniquities [deserve], and
e·gdle ki athe alei·nu chshkth l·mte m·oun·nu u·nththe l·nu
hast given us [such]
the·great that you Elohim-of·us you-kept-back to·below from·depravity-of·us and·you-gave to·us
deliverance as this;
ְּפלֵ יטָ ה ּכָ ז ֹאת :
phlite k·zath :
deliverance as·this
9:14 הנָׁשּוב
ֲ ְל ָהפֵ ר 4תי
ֶ ִמ ְצ ּול ִה ְת ַח ֵּתן
ְ ְּבעַ ֵּמי
Should we again break
e·nshub l·ephr mtzuthi·k u·l·ethchthn b·omi thy commandments, and
?·we-shall-return to·to-cquash-of instructions-of·you and·to·to-sintermarry-of in·peoples-of join in affinity with the
people of these
ַהּתֹעֵ בת ָהאֵ ּלֶ ה הֲלא אנַף
ֱ ֶת ָּבנּו ־ עַ ד ּכַ ּלֵ ה ־ ְלאֵ ין abominations? wouldest not
thou be angry with us till
e·thobuth e·ale e·lua thanph - b·nu od - kle l·ain
thou hadst consumed [us],
the·abhorrences the·these ?·not you-are-being-angry in·us unto to-mfinish-of to·there-is-no
so that [there should be] no
remnant nor escaping?
ְׁשאֵ ִרית ּופלֵ יטָ ה
ְ : פ
sharith u·phlite : p
remnant and·deliverance
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