Ezr 9

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Ezra 9

9:1 ‫ּוככַ ּלת‬

ְ ‫אֵ ּלֶ ה‬ ‫נִ ּגְ ׁשּו‬ ‫אֵ לַ י‬ ‫ַהּׂשָ ִרים‬ ‫לֵ אמֹר‬ ‫־ ל ֹא‬
. Now when these things
u·k·kluth ale ngshu al·i e·shrim l·amr la - were done, the princes came
and·as·to-mbe-concluded-of these they-came-close to·me the·chiefs to·to-say-of not to me, saying, The people of
Israel, and the priests, and
‫נִ ְב ְּדלּו‬ ‫ָהעָ ם‬ ‫יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל‬ ‫ּכהֲנִ ים‬
ֹ ‫ְו ַה‬ ‫ְו ַה ְל ִוּיִ ם‬ ‫ֵמעַ ֵּמי‬ the Levites, have not
separated themselves from
nbdlu e·om ishral u·e·kenim u·e·luim m·omi
the people of the lands,
they-nseparated-themslves the·people Israel and·the·priests and·the·Levites from·peoples-of
[doing] according to their
abominations, [even] of the
‫ָהא ֲָרצת‬ ‫יהם‬
ֶ ‫ֹת‬
ֵ ‫עב‬
ֲ ‫ְּכת‬ ‫לַ ְּכ ַנעֲנִ י‬ ‫ַה ִח ִּתי‬ ‫ַה ְּפ ִרּזִ י‬ ‫בּוסי‬
ִ ְ‫ַהי‬ Canaanites, the Hittites, the
e·artzuth k·thuobthi·em l·knoni e·chthi e·phrzi e·ibusi Perizzites, the Jebusites, the
the·lands as·abhorrences-of·them to·the·Canaanite the·Hittite the·Perizzite the·Jebusite Ammonites, the Moabites,
the Egyptians, and the
‫ָהעַ ּמֹנִ י‬ ‫ַהּמֹאָ ִבי‬ ‫ַה ִּמ ְצ ִרי‬ ‫אמ ִֹרי‬
ֱ ‫ְו ָה‬ : Amorites.
e·omni e·mabi e·mtzri u·e·amri :
the·Ammonite the·Moabite the·Egyptian and·the·Amorite

9:2 ‫ִּכי‬ ‫נ ְָׂשאּו ־‬ ‫יהם‬

ֶ ‫ֹת‬
ֵ ‫ִמ ְּבנ‬ ‫לָ ֶהם‬ ‫ֵיהם‬
ֶ ‫ְו ִל ְבנ‬ ‫ְו ִה ְתעָ ְרבּו‬
For they have taken of
ki - nshau m·bnthi·em l·em u·l·bni·em u·ethorbu their daughters for
that they-took-up from·daughters-of·them for·them and·for·sons-of·them and·they-smixed themselves, and for their
sons: so that the holy seed
‫ז ֶַרע‬ ‫ַהּק ֶֹדׁש‬ ‫ְּבעַ ֵּמי‬ ‫ָהא ֲָרצת‬ ‫ְויַד‬ ‫ַהּׂשָ ִרים‬ ‫ְו ַה ְּסגָנִ ים‬ ‫ָהיְ ָתה‬ have mingled themselves
with the people of [those]
zro e·qdsh b·omi e·artzuth u·id e·shrim u·e·sgnim eithe
lands: yea, the hand of the
seed-of the·holiness in·peoples-of the·lands and·hand-of the·chiefs and·the·prefects she-wasbc
princes and rulers hath been
chief in this trespass.
‫ַּב ַּמעַ ל‬ ‫ַהּזֶה‬ ‫ ִראׁשנָה‬: ‫ס‬
b·mol e·ze rashune : s
in·the·offense the·this first

9:3 ‫ּוכׁשָ ְמ ִעי‬

ְ ‫ַה ָּד ָבר ־ אֶ ת‬ ‫ַהּזֶה‬ ‫ָק ַר ְע ִּתי‬ ‫ִּבגְ ִדי ־ אֶ ת‬ ‫ילי‬
ִ ‫ּומ ִע‬
And when I heard this
u·k·shmo·i ath - e·dbr e·ze qrothi ath - bgd·i u·moil·i thing, I rent my garment and
and·as·to-hear-of·me » the·matter the·this I-tore » garment-of·me and·robe-of·me my mantle, and plucked off
the hair of my head and of
‫וָאֶ ְמ ְרטָ ה‬ ‫ִמ ְּׂשעַ ר‬ ‫ֹאׁשי‬
ִ ‫ר‬ ‫ּוזְ ָקנִ י‬ ‫וָאֵ ְׁש ָבה‬ ‫ׁשמם‬
ֵ ‫ְמ‬ : my beard, and sat down
u·amrt·e m·shor rash·i u·zqn·i u·ashb·e mshumm :
and·I-scraped from·hair-of head-of·me and·beard-of·me and·I-am-sitting-down being-mdesolated

9:4 ‫ְואֵ לַ י‬ ‫יֵאָ ְספּו‬ ‫ּכֹל‬ ‫ָח ֵרד‬ ‫ְּב ִד ְב ֵרי‬ ‫הי‬3ֱ
ֵ ‫א‬ ‫יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל ־‬ ‫עַ ל‬
Then were assembled unto
u·al·i iasphu kl chrd b·dbri alei - ishral ol me every one that trembled
and·to·me they-are-ngathering all-of trembling-one in·words-of Elohim-of Israel on at the words of the God of
Israel, because of the
‫ַמעַ ל‬ ‫ַהּגלָ ה‬ ‫ַואֲנִ י‬ ‫יֹׁשֵ ב‬ ‫ׁשמם‬
ֵ ‫ְמ‬ ‫עַ ד‬ ‫ְל ִמנְ ַחת‬ transgression of those that
had been carried away; and
mol e·gule u·ani ishb mshumm od l·mnchth
I sat astonied until the
offense-of the·deportation and·I sitting being-mdesolated until to·present-offering-of
evening sacrifice.
‫ָהעָ ֶרב‬ :
e·orb :

9:5 ‫חת‬
ַ ְ‫ּוב ִמנ‬
ְ ‫ָהעֶ ֶרב‬ ‫ַק ְמ ִּתי‬ ‫יתי‬
ִ ִ‫ִמ ַּתעֲנ‬ ‫ּוב ָק ְר ִעי‬
. And at the evening
u·b·mnchth e·orb qmthi m·thonith·i u·b·qro·i sacrifice I arose up from my
and·in·present-offering-of the·evening I-arose from·humiliation-of·me and·in·to-tear-of·me heaviness; and having rent
my garment and my mantle,
‫ִבגְ ִדי‬ ‫ילי‬
ִ ‫ּומ ִע‬
ְ ‫וָאֶ ְכ ְרעָ ה‬ ‫ִּב ְרּכַ י ־ עַ ל‬ ‫וָאֶ ְפ ְרׂשָ ה‬ ‫כַ ּפַ י‬ I fell upon my knees, and
spread out my hands unto
bgd·i u·moil·i u·akro·e ol - brk·i u·aphrsh·e kph·i
the LORD my God,
garment-of·me and·robe-of·me and·I-am-bowing-down on knees-of·me and·I-am-spreading palms-of·me

‫יְ הוָה ־ אֶ ל‬ ‫הי‬3ֱ

ָ ‫א‬ :
al - ieue ale·i :
to Yahweh Elohim-of·me

9:6 ‫א ְמ ָרה‬
ֹ ‫ָו‬ ‫הי‬3ֱ
ַ ‫א‬ ‫ֹׁש ִּתי‬
ְ ‫ּב‬ ‫ְונִ ְכלַ ְמ ִּתי‬ ‫ְל ָה ִרים‬ ‫הי‬3ֱ
ַ ‫א‬
And said, O my God, I am
u·amr·e ale·i bshthi u·nklmthi l·erim ale·i ashamed and blush to lift up
and·I-am-saying Elohim-of·me I-am-ashamed and·I-am-confounded to·to-craise-up-of Elohim-of·me my face to thee, my God:
for our iniquities are
‫ּפָ נַי‬ 4‫אֵ לֶ י‬ ‫ִּכי‬ ‫ֹתינּו‬
ֵ ‫עֲנ‬ ‫ָרבּו‬ ‫ְל ַמ ְעלָ ה‬ ‫ ֹאׁש‬5 ‫ְואַ ְׁש ָמ ֵתנּו‬ increased over [our] head,
and our trespass is grown
phn·i ali·k ki ounthi·nu rbu l·mol·e rash u·ashmth·nu
up unto the heavens.
faces-of·me to·you that depravities-of·us they-are-many to·up·ward head and·guilt-of·us

‫ג ְָדלָ ה‬ ‫עַ ד‬ ‫לַ ּׁשָ ָמיִ ם‬ :

gdle od l·shmim :
she-towered unto to·the·heavens

9:7 ‫ימי‬
ֵ ‫ִמ‬ ‫ֹתינּו‬
ֵ ‫אב‬
ֲ ‫אנ ְַחנּו‬
ֲ ‫ְּבאַ ְׁש ָמה‬ ‫גְ דֹלָ ה‬ ‫עַ ד‬ ‫ַהּים‬ ‫ַהּזֶה‬
Since the days of our
m·imi abthi·nu anchnu b·ashme gdle od e·ium e·ze fathers [have] we [been] in
from·days-of fathers-of·us we in·guilt great until the·day the·this a great trespass unto this
day; and for our iniquities
ֵ ‫ּובעֲנ‬
ַ ‫נִ ַּתּנּו‬ ‫אנ ְַחנּו‬
ֲ ‫ְמלָ כֵ ינּו‬ ‫הנֵינּו‬
ֲ ‫כ‬
ֹ ‫ְּביַד‬ ‫ַמ ְלכֵ י‬ have we, our kings, [and]
our priests, been delivered
u·b·ounthi·nu nthnu anchnu mlki·nu keni·nu b·id mlki
into the hand of the kings of
and·in·depravities-of·us we-were-given we kings-of·us priests-of·us in·hand-of kings-of

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Ezra 9
the lands, to the sword, to
‫ָהא ֲָרצת‬ ‫ַּב ֶח ֶרב‬ ‫ַּב ְּׁש ִבי‬ ‫ּוב ִּבּזָה‬
ַ ‫ּובבֹׁשֶ ת‬
ְ ‫ּפָ נִ ים‬ ‫ְּכ ַהּים‬ captivity, and to a spoil, and
e·artzuth b·chrb b·shbi u·b·bze u·b·bshth phnim k·e·ium to confusion of face, as [it
the·lands in·the·sword in·the·captivity and·in·the·plunder and·in·shame-of faces as·the·day is] this day.
‫ַהּזֶה‬ :
e·ze :

9:8 ‫ּתה‬
ָ ַ‫ְוע‬ ‫ִּכ ְמעַ ט‬ ‫ֶרגַע ־‬ ‫ָהיְ ָתה‬ ‫ְת ִחּנָה‬ ‫ֵמאֵ ת‬ ‫יְ הוָה‬ ‫הינּו‬3ֱ
ֵ ‫א‬
And now for a little space
u·othe k·mot - rgo eithe thchne m·ath ieue alei·nu grace hath been [shewed]
and·now as·little-of moment she-became grace from·» Yahweh Elohim-of·us from the LORD our God, to
leave us a remnant to
‫ְל ַה ְׁש ִאיר‬ ‫לָ נּו‬ ‫ְּפלֵ יטָ ה‬ ‫ְולָ ֶתת‬ ‫לָ נּו ־‬ ‫י ֵָתד‬ ‫ִּב ְמקם‬ escape, and to give us a nail
in his holy place, that our
l·eshair l·nu phlite u·l·thth - l·nu ithd b·mqum
God may lighten our eyes,
to·to-cleave-remnant to·us deliverance and·to·to-give-of to·us peg in·placeri-of
and give us a little reviving
in our bondage.
‫ָק ְדׁש‬ ‫ְל ָה ִאיר‬ ‫עֵ ינֵינּו‬ ‫הינּו‬3ֱ
ֵ ‫א‬ ‫ּול ִת ֵּתנּו‬
ְ ‫ִמ ְחיָה‬ ‫ְמעַ ט‬
qdsh·u l·eair oini·nu alei·nu u·l·thth·nu mchie mot
sanctuary-of·him to·to-cenlighten-of eyes-of·us Elohim-of·us and·to·to-give-of·us revival little

‫ְּבעַ ְב ֻד ֵתנּו‬ :
b·obdth·nu :

9:9 ‫ִּכי‬ ‫ֲב ִדים ־‬

ָ ‫ע‬ ‫אנ ְַחנּו‬
ֲ ‫ּובעַ ְב ֻד ֵתנּו‬
ְ ‫ל ֹא‬ ‫עז ָָבנּו‬
ֲ ‫הינּו‬3ֱ
ֵ ‫א‬
For we [were] bondmen;
ki - obdim anchnu u·b·obdth·nu la ozb·nu alei·nu yet our God hath not
that servants we and·in·servitude-of·us not he-forsook·us Elohim-of·us forsaken us in our bondage,
but hath extended mercy
‫ַוּיַט‬ ‫עָ לֵ ינּו ־‬ ‫ֶח ֶסד‬ ‫ִל ְפנֵי‬ ‫ַמ ְלכֵ י‬ ‫פָ ַרס‬ ‫לָ ֶתת‬ ‫לָ נּו ־‬ unto us in the sight of the
kings of Persia, to give us a
u·it - oli·nu chsd l·phni mlki phrs l·thth - l·nu
reviving, to set up the house
and·he-is-cstretching-out on·us kindness to·faces-of kings-of Persia to·to-give-of to·us
of our God, and to repair
the desolations thereof, and
‫ִמ ְחיָה‬ ‫רמם‬
ֵ ‫ְל‬ ‫ֵּבית ־ אֶ ת‬ ‫הינּו‬3ֱ
ֵ ‫א‬ ‫ּול ַהע ֲִמיד‬
ְ ‫־ אֶ ת‬ to give us a wall in Judah
mchie l·rumm ath - bith alei·nu u·l·eomid ath - and in Jerusalem.
revival to·to-mraise-up-of » house-of Elohim-of·us and·to·to-clet-stand-firm-of »

ָ ‫ָח ְרב‬ ‫ְולָ ֶתת‬ ‫לָ נּו ־‬ ‫ג ֵָדר‬ ‫יהּודה‬
ָ ‫ִּב‬ ‫ּובירּוׁשָ לָ ִם‬
ִ : ‫ס‬
chrbthi·u u·l·thth - l·nu gdr b·ieude u·b·irushlm : s
deserted-places-of·him and·to·to-give-of to·us barrier-wall in·Judah and·in·Jerusalem

9:10 ‫ּתה‬
ָ ַ‫ְוע‬ ‫ַמה‬ ‫ֹאמר ־‬
ַ ‫ּנ‬ ‫הינּו‬3ֱ
ֵ ‫א‬ ‫ז ֹאת ־ אַ ח ֲֵרי‬ ‫ִּכי‬ ‫עָ ז ְַבנּו‬ 4‫תי‬
ֶ ‫ִמ ְצ‬ :
And now, O our God,
u·othe me - namr alei·nu achri - zath ki ozbnu mtzuthi·k : what shall we say after this?
and·now what ? we-shall-say Elohim-of·us after this that we-forsook instructions-of·you for we have forsaken thy
9:11 ‫אֲׁשֶ ר‬ ‫ית‬
ָ ‫ִצ ִּו‬ ‫ְּביַד‬ 4‫ֲב ֶדי‬
ָ ‫ע‬ ‫יאים‬
ִ ‫ַהּנְ ִב‬ ‫לֵ אמֹר‬ ‫ָהאָ ֶרץ‬ ‫אֲׁשֶ ר‬
Which thou hast
ashr tzuith b·id obdi·k e·nbiaim l·amr e·artz ashr commanded by thy servants
which you-minstructed in·hand-of servants-of·you the·prophets to·to-say-of the·land which the prophets, saying, The
land, unto which ye go to
‫אַ ֶּתם‬ ‫ָּב ִאים‬ ‫ְל ִר ְׁש ָּתּה‬ ‫אֶ ֶרץ‬ ‫נִ ָּדה‬ ‫ְּבנִ ַּדת ִהיא‬ ‫עַ ֵּמי‬ possess it, is an unclean
land with the filthiness of
athm baim l·rshth·e artz nde eia b·ndth omi
the people of the lands, with
you(p) ones-entering to·to-tenant-of·her land-of impurity she in·impurity-of peoples-of
their abominations, which
have filled it from one end
‫ָהא ֲָרצת‬ ‫יהם‬
ֶ ‫ֹת‬
ֵ ‫עב‬
ֲ ‫ְּבת‬ ‫אֲׁשֶ ר‬ ‫אּוה‬
ָ ‫ִמ ְל‬ ‫ִמּפֶ ה‬ ‫ּפֶ ה ־ אֶ ל‬ to another with their
e·artzuth b·thuobthi·em ashr mlau·e m·phe al - phe uncleanness.
the·lands in·abhorrences-of·them which they-mfilled·her from·edge to edge

‫ְּבטֻ ְמאָ ָתם‬ :

b·tmath·m :

9:12 ‫ּתה‬
ָ ַ‫ְוע‬ ‫נתיכֶ ם‬
ֵ ‫ְּב‬ ‫אַ ל‬ ‫ִּת ְּתנּו ־‬ ‫ֵיהם‬
ֶ ‫ִל ְבנ‬
Now therefore give not
u·othe bnuthi·km al - ththnu l·bni·em your daughters unto their
and·now daughters-of·you(p) must-not-be you(p)-are-giving to·sons-of·them sons, neither take their
daughters unto your sons,
ֶ ‫ֹת‬
ֵ ‫ּובנ‬
ְ ‫אַ ל‬ ‫ִּת ְׂשאּו ־‬ ‫ִל ְבנֵיכֶ ם‬ ‫ְול ֹא‬ ‫־‬ nor seek their peace or their
wealth for ever: that ye may
u·bnthi·em al - thshau l·bni·km u·la -
be strong, and eat the good
and·daughters-of·them must-not-be you(p)-are-taking-up for·sons-of·you(p) and·not
of the land, and leave [it]
for an inheritance to your
‫ִת ְד ְרׁשּו‬ ‫מם‬3
ָ ‫ְׁש‬ ‫טב ָתם‬
ָ ‫ְו‬ ‫עַ ד‬ ‫ְל ַמעַ ן עלָ ם ־‬ children for ever.
thdrshu shlm·m u·tubth·m od - oulm lmon
you(p)-shall-inquire well-being-of·them and·goodness-of·them until eon so-that

‫ֶּת ֶחזְ קּו‬ ‫ַואֲכַ ְל ֶּתם‬ ‫טּוב ־ אֶ ת‬ ‫ָהאָ ֶרץ‬ ‫הר ְׁש ֶּתם‬
ַ ‫ְו‬
thchzqu u·aklthm ath - tub e·artz u·eurshthm
you(p)-shall-be-steadfast and·you(p)-eat » good-of the·land and·you(p)-cleave-as-tenancy

‫ִל ְבנֵיכֶ ם‬ ‫עַ ד‬ ‫ עלָ ם ־‬:

l·bni·km od - oulm :
to·sons-of·you(p) until eon

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Ezra 9 - Ezra 10

9:13 ‫ְואַ ח ֲֵרי‬ ‫ּכָ ל‬ ‫ַה ָּבא ־‬ ‫עָ לֵ ינּו‬ ‫ְּב ַמעֲׂשֵ ינּו‬ ‫ָה ָר ִעים‬ ‫ּובאַ ְׁש ָמ ֵתנּו‬
And after all that is come
u·achri kl - e·ba oli·nu b·moshi·nu e·roim u·b·ashmth·nu upon us for our evil deeds,
and·after all-of the·thing-coming on·us in·deeds-of·us the·evil-ones and·in·guilt-of·us and for our great trespass,
seeing that thou our God
‫ַהּגְ דֹלָ ה‬ ‫ִּכי‬ ‫הינּו אַ ָּתה‬3ֱ
ֵ ‫א‬ ‫ָחׂשַ ְכ ָּת‬ ‫ְל ַמּטָ ה‬ ‫ֵמעֲנֵנּו‬ ‫ְונ ַָת ָּתה‬ ‫ּלָ נּו‬ hast punished us less than
our iniquities [deserve], and
e·gdle ki athe alei·nu chshkth l·mte m·oun·nu u·nththe l·nu
hast given us [such]
the·great that you Elohim-of·us you-kept-back to·below from·depravity-of·us and·you-gave to·us
deliverance as this;
‫ְּפלֵ יטָ ה‬ ‫ּכָ ז ֹאת‬ :
phlite k·zath :
deliverance as·this

9:14 ‫הנָׁשּוב‬
ֲ ‫ְל ָהפֵ ר‬ 4‫תי‬
ֶ ‫ִמ ְצ‬ ‫ּול ִה ְת ַח ֵּתן‬
ְ ‫ְּבעַ ֵּמי‬
Should we again break
e·nshub l·ephr mtzuthi·k u·l·ethchthn b·omi thy commandments, and
?·we-shall-return to·to-cquash-of instructions-of·you and·to·to-sintermarry-of in·peoples-of join in affinity with the
people of these
‫ַהּתֹעֵ בת‬ ‫ָהאֵ ּלֶ ה‬ ‫הֲלא‬ ‫אנַף‬
ֱ ‫ֶת‬ ‫ָּבנּו ־‬ ‫עַ ד‬ ‫ּכַ ּלֵ ה ־‬ ‫ְלאֵ ין‬ abominations? wouldest not
thou be angry with us till
e·thobuth e·ale e·lua thanph - b·nu od - kle l·ain
thou hadst consumed [us],
the·abhorrences the·these ?·not you-are-being-angry in·us unto to-mfinish-of to·there-is-no
so that [there should be] no
remnant nor escaping?
‫ְׁשאֵ ִרית‬ ‫ּופלֵ יטָ ה‬
ְ : ‫פ‬
sharith u·phlite : p
remnant and·deliverance

9:15 ‫יְ הוָה‬ ‫הי‬3ֱ

ֵ ‫א‬ ‫יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל‬ ‫צַ ִּדיק‬ ‫ִּכי אַ ָּתה‬ ‫נִ ְׁשאַ ְרנּו ־‬ ‫ְפלֵ יטָ ה‬ ‫ְּכ ַהּים‬ ‫ַהּזֶה‬
O LORD God of Israel,
ieue alei ishral tzdiq athe ki - nsharnu phlite k·e·ium e·ze thou [art] righteous: for we
Yahweh Elohim-of Israel righteous you that we-nremained deliverance as·the·day the·this remain yet escaped, as [it is]
this day: behold, we [are]
‫ִהנְ נּו‬ 4‫ְלפָ נֶי‬ ‫ְּבאַ ְׁש ָמ ֵתינּו‬ ‫ִּכי‬ ‫אֵ ין‬ ‫לַ עֲמד‬ 4‫ְלפָ נֶי‬ before thee in our
trespasses: for we cannot
en·nu l·phni·k b·ashmthi·nu ki ain l·omud l·phni·k
stand before thee because of
behold·us ! to·faces-of·you in·guilts-of·us that there-is-no to·to-stand-of to·faces-of·you
‫עַ ל‬ ‫ ז ֹאת ־‬: ‫פ‬
ol - zath : p
on-account-of this

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