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WLC: WLC - V / WLC - TM / Ches AV
WLC: WLC - V / WLC - TM / Ches AV
50:1 בר
ָ ַה ָּד אֲׁשֶ ר ִּד ֶּבר יְ הוָה ָּב ֶבל ־ אֶ ל אֶ ֶרץ ־ אֶ ל ּכַ ְׂש ִּדים ְּביַד יִ ְר ְמיָהּו
. The word that the LORD
e·dbr ashr dbr ieue al - bbl al - artz kshdim b·id irmieu spake against Babylon
the·word which he-mspoke Yahweh to Babylon to land-of Chaldeans in·hand-of Jeremiah [and] against the land of the
Chaldeans by Jeremiah the
ַהּנ ִָביא : prophet.
e·nbia :
ַחּתּו יה
ָ ֶּגִ ּלּול :
chthu gluli·e :
they-are-dismayed idols-of-ordure-of·her
50:4 ָמים
ִ ַּבּי ָה ֵה ָּמה ּובעֵ ת
ָ ַה ִהיא נְ אֻ ם יְ הוָה ־ ָיבֹאּו ְבנֵי ־
In those days, and in that
b·imim e·eme u·b·oth e·eia nam - ieue ibau bni - time, saith the LORD, the
in·the·days the·they and·in·the·era the·she averment-of Yahweh they-shall-come sons-of children of Israel shall
come, they and the children
יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל ּובנֵי ֵה ָּמה
ְ הּודה ־
ָ ְי ְַח ָּדו י &ָהל ּובכ
ָ יֵלֵ כּו ְואֶ ת יְ הוָה ־ of Judah together, going
and weeping: they shall go,
ishral eme u·bni - ieude ichdu eluk u·bku ilku u·ath - ieue
and seek the LORD their
Israel they and·sons-of Judah together to-go and·to-lament they-shall-go and·» Yahweh
ֶ ה0ֱ
ֵ א יְ ַב ֵּקׁשּו :
alei·em ibqshu :
Elohim-of·them they-shall-mseek
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Jeremiah 50
Chaldeans, and be as the he
צֵ אּו ִו ְהיּו ּתּודים
ִ ְַּכע ִל ְפנֵי צ ֹאן ־ : goats before the flocks.
tzau u·eiu k·othudim l·phni - tzan :
go-forth-you(p) ! and·become-you(p) ! as·he-goats to·faces-of flock
50:10 תה
ָ ְְו ָהי כַ ְׂש ִּדים ְלׁשָ לָ ל ּכָ ל יה ־
ָ ֶֹלל
ְ ׁש יִ ְׂש ָּבעּו
And Chaldea shall be a
u·eithe kshdim l·shll kl - shlli·e ishbou spoil: all that spoil her shall
and·she-becomes Chaldeans to·loot all-of ones-looting-of·her they-shall-be-surfeited be satisfied, saith the
נְ אֻ ם יְ הוָה ־ :
nam - ieue :
averment-of Yahweh
50:11 ִּכי ִת ְׂש ְמ ִחי ִת ְׂש ְמחּו ִּכי ַתע ְֲלזִ י
Because ye were glad,
ki thshmchi thshmchu ki tholzi because ye rejoiced, O ye
that you-are-rejoicing you(p)-are-rejoicing that you-are-being-joyous destroyers of mine heritage,
because ye are grown fat as
ַתעַ ְלזּו ֹסי
ֵ ׁש ַנחֲלָ ִתי ִּכי פּוׁשי
ִ ָת the heifer at grass, and
bellow as bulls;
tholzu shsi nchlth·i ki thphushi
you(p)-are-being-joyous ones-robbing-of allotment-of·me that you-are-frolicking
ָתפּוׁשּו ְּכעֶ גְ לָ ה ָדׁשָ ה ֲלי
ִ ְו ִת ְצה ְו ִת ְצהֲלּו
thphushu k·ogle dshe u·thtzeli u·thtzelu
you(p)-are-frolicking as·heifer threshing and·you-are-neighing and·you(p)-are-neighing
50:13 ִמ ֶּקצֶ ף יְ הוָה ל ֹא ֵתׁשֵ ב ְו ָהיְ ָתה ְׁש ָמ ָמה ּכֻ ּלָ ּה ּכֹל
Because of the wrath of
m·qtzph ieue la thshb u·eithe shmme kl·e kl the LORD it shall not be
from·wrath-of Yahweh not she-shall-be-indwelt and·she-becomes desolation all-of·her all-of inhabited, but it shall be
wholly desolate: every one
עֹ ֵבר ָּב ֶבל ־ עַ ל יִ ּׁשֹם ְויִ ְׁשרֹק ּכָ ל ־ עַ ל יה ־
ָ ּכת
ֶ ַמ : that goeth by Babylon shall
be astonished, and hiss at
obr ol - bbl ishm u·ishrq ol - kl - mkuthi·e :
all her plagues.
one-passing on Babylon he-shall-be-desolated and·he-shall-hiss on all-of smitings-of·her
50:14 ִע ְרכּו ָּב ֶבל ־ עַ ל ָס ִביב ּכָ ל ּד ְֹרכֵ י ־ ֶקׁשֶ ת יְ דּו יה
ָ ֶאֵ ל
Put yourselves in array
orku ol - bbl sbib kl - drki qshth idu ali·e against Babylon round
array-you(p) ! on Babylon round-about all-of ones-bending-of bow hand-you(p) ! to·her about: all ye that bend the
bow, shoot at her, spare no
אַ ל ַּת ְח ְמלּו ־ ֵחץ ־ אֶ ל ִּכי לַ יהוָה ָחטָ אָ ה : arrows: for she hath sinned
against the LORD.
al - thchmlu al - chtz ki l·ieue chtae :
must-not-be you(p)-are-sparing to arrow that to·Yahweh she-sinned
50:15 ה ִריעּו
ָ יה
ָ ֶעָ ל ָס ִביב נ ְָתנָה י ָָדּה נ ְָפלּו יה
ָ אַ ְׁש ִוּיֹ ֶת
Shout against her round
eriou oli·e sbib nthne id·e nphlu ashuithi·e about: she hath given her
cshout-you(p) ! over·her round-about she-gives hand-of·her they-fall fired-bricks-of·her hand: her foundations are
fallen, her walls are thrown
ָ ית
ֶ אָ ְׁש ֶה ְרסּו
ֶ נ יה
ָ חמת
ֶ ִּכי נִ ְק ַמת יְ הוָה ִהיא down: for it [is] the
vengeance of the LORD:
ashiuthi·e nersu chumuthi·e ki nqmth ieue eia
take vengeance upon her; as
fired-bricks-of·her they-are-demolished walls-of·her that vengeance-of Yahweh she
she hath done, do unto her.
ִהּנ ְָקמּו ָבּה ּכַ אֲׁשֶ ר עָ ְׂש ָתה עֲׂשּו לָ ּה ־ :
enqmu b·e k·ashr oshthe oshu - l·e :
ntake-vengeance-you(p) ! in·her as·which she-did do-you(p) ! to·her
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Jeremiah 50
time of harvest: for fear of
ִמ ְּפנֵי ֶח ֶרב ַהּינָה ִאיׁש עַ ּמ ־ אֶ ל יִ ְפנּו ְו ִאיׁש the oppressing sword they
m·phni chrb e·iune aish al - om·u iphnu u·aish shall turn every one to his
from·faces-of sword the·one-tyrannizing man to people-of·him they-shall-face and·man people, and they shall flee
every one to his own land.
ְלאַ ְרצ ָינֻסּו : ס
l·artz·u insu : s
to·land-of·him they-shall-flee
50:19 ב ְב ִּתי
ַ ׁש
ֹ ְו יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל ־ אֶ ת ָנוֵהּו ־ אֶ ל ְו ָרעָ ה ַהּכַ ְר ֶמל ְו ַה ָּבׁשָ ן
And I will bring Israel
u·shbbthi ath - ishral al - nu·eu u·roe e·krml u·e·bshn again to his habitation, and
and·I-mbring-back » Israel to homestead-of·him and·he-grazes the·Carmel and·the·Bashan he shall feed on Carmel and
Bashan, and his soul shall
ּוב ַהר
ְ אֶ ְפ ַריִ ם ְו ַהּגִ ְלעָ ד ִּת ְׂש ַּבע נ ְַפׁש : be satisfied upon mount
Ephraim and Gilead.
u·b·er aphrim u·e·glod thshbo nphsh·u :
and·in·mountain-of Ephraim and·the·Gilead she-shall-be-surfeited soul-of·him
50:20 ָמים
ִ ַּבּי ָה ֵהם ּובעֵ ת
ָ ַה ִהיא נְ אֻ ם יְ הוָה ־ יְ ֻב ַּקׁש ־ אֶ ת
In those days, and in that
b·imim e·em u·b·oth e·eia nam - ieue ibqsh ath - time, saith the LORD, the
in·the·days the·they and·in·the·era the·she averment-of Yahweh he-shall-be-msought » iniquity of Israel shall be
sought for, and [there shall
עֲן יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל ְואֵ ינֶּנּו ְואֶ ת ַחּט ֹאת ־ הּודה
ָ ְְול ֹא י ִת ָּמצֶ אינָה ִּכי be] none; and the sins of
Judah, and they shall not be
oun ishral u·ain·nu u·ath - chtath ieude u·la thmtzaine ki
found: for I will pardon
depravity-of Israel and·there-is-no·him and·» sins-of Judah and·not they-shall-be-found that
them whom I reserve.
אֶ ְסלַ ח לַ אֲׁשֶ ר אַ ְׁש ִאיר :
aslch l·ashr ashair :
I-shall-pardon to·whom I-am-cletting-remain
50:23 &אֵ י נִ גְ ַּדע וַּיִ ּׁשָ ֵבר ּפַ ִּטיׁש ּכָ ל ָהאָ ֶרץ ־ &אֵ י
How is the hammer of
aik ngdo u·ishbr phtish kl - e·artz aik the whole earth cut asunder
how ! he-is-hacked-down and·he-is-being-broken sledge-of all-of the·earth how ! and broken! how is Babylon
become a desolation among
ָהיְ ָתה ְלׁשַ ָּמה ָּב ֶבל ַּבּגיִ ם : the nations!
eithe l·shme bbl b·guim :
she-became to·desolation Babylon in·the·nations
50:25 תח
ַ ָּפ יְ הוָה אצָ ר ־ אֶ ת וַּיצֵ א ְּכלֵ י ־ אֶ ת
The LORD hath opened
phthch ieue ath - autzr·u u·iutza ath - kli his armoury, and hath
he-opens Yahweh » treasury-of·him and·he-is-cbringing-forth » implements-of brought forth the weapons
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Jeremiah 50
of his indignation: for this
ז ְַעמ ִּכי דנָי ִהיא ְמלָ אכָ ה ־
ֹ לַ א הוה
ִ ְי ְצ ָבאת ְּבאֶ ֶרץ ּכַ ְׂש ִּדים : [is] the work of the Lord
zom·u ki - mlake eia l·adni ieue tzbauth b·artz kshdim : GOD of hosts in the land of
menace-of·him that work she to·my-Lord Yahweh-of hosts in·land-of Chaldeans the Chaldeans.
50:26 ּבֹאּו לָ ּה ־ ִמ ֵּקץ ִּפ ְתחּו יה
ָ ֲב ֶס
ֻ ַמא ּלּוה
ָ ָס ־ ְכמ
Come against her from
bau - l·e m·qtz phthchu mabsi·e slu·e kmu - the utmost border, open her
come-you(p) ! to·her from·end open-you(p) ! granaries-of·her heap-up-you(p)·her ! like storehouses: cast her up as
heaps, and destroy her
ע ֲֵר ִמים ימּוה
ָ ְו ַהח ֲִר אַ ל ְּת ִהי ־ לָ ּה ־ ְׁשאֵ ִרית : utterly: let nothing of her be
ormim u·echrimu·e al - thei - l·e sharith :
grain-piles and·cdoom-you(p)·her ! must-not-be she-is-becoming to·her remnant
50:32 ְוכָ ׁשַ ל זָדן ְונָפַ ל ְואֵ ין ל ֵמ ִקים
And the most proud shall
u·kshl zdun u·nphl u·ain l·u mqim stumble and fall, and none
and·he-stumbles arrogant-one and·he-falls and·there-is-no to·him one-craising-up shall raise him up: and I will
kindle a fire in his cities,
ְו ִהּצַ ִּתי אֵ ׁש ְּבעָ ָריו ְואָ ְכלָ ה ּכָ ל ֹתיו ־
ָ ְס ִביב : ס and it shall devour all round
about him.
u·etzthi ash b·ori·u u·akle kl - sbibthi·u : s
and·I-cravage fire in·cities-of·him and·she-devours all-of round-about·him
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Jeremiah 50
50:34 ֹּגאֲלָ ם ָחזָק יְ הוָה ְצ ָבאת ְׁשמ ִריב י ִָריב
Their Redeemer [is]
gal·m chzq ieue tzbauth shm·u rib irib strong; the LORD of hosts
one-redeemeing-of·them steadfast Yahweh-of hosts name-of·him to-contend he-shall-contend [is] his name: he shall
throughly plead their cause,
יבם ־ אֶ ת
ָ ִר ְל ַמעַ ן יע
ַ ִִה ְרּג ָהאָ ֶרץ ־ אֶ ת ְו ִה ְרּגִ יז that he may give rest to the
land, and disquiet the
ath - rib·m lmon ergio ath - e·artz u·ergiz
inhabitants of Babylon.
» contention-of·them so-that to-cgive-respite-of » the·land and·to-cdisturb-of
ֹׁש ֵבי
ְ ְלי ָב ֶבל :
l·ishbi bbl :
to·ones-dwelling-of Babylon
50:35 ח ֶרב
ֶ ּכַ ְׂש ִּדים ־ עַ ל נְ אֻ ם יְ הוָה ־ ְואֶ ל ֹׁש ֵבי ־
ְ י ָב ֶבל ְואֶ ל ־
A sword [is] upon the
chrb ol - kshdim nam - ieue u·al - ishbi bbl u·al - Chaldeans, saith the LORD,
sword on Chaldeans averment-of Yahweh and·to ones-dwelling-of Babylon and·to and upon the inhabitants of
Babylon, and upon her
ָ ׂשָ ֶר ְואֶ ל יה ־
ָ חֲכָ ֶמ : princes, and upon her wise
shri·e u·al - chkmi·e :
chiefs-of·her and·to wise-men-of·her
50:36 ח ֶרב
ֶ ַה ַּב ִּדים ־ אֶ ל ְונֹאָ לּו ֶח ֶרב יה ־ אֶ ל
ָ ּבר
ֶ ִּג
A sword [is] upon the
chrb al - e·bdim u·nalu chrb al - gburi·e liars; and they shall dote: a
sword to the·inventors and·they-are-made-foolish sword to masterful-men-of·her sword [is] upon her mighty
men; and they shall be
ָ ו : dismayed.
u·chthu :
50:37 ח ֶרב
ֶ סּוסיו ־ אֶ ל
ָ ְואֶ ל ִר ְכּב ־ ְואֶ ל ּכָ ל ־ ָהעֶ ֶרב ־ אֲׁשֶ ר
A sword [is] upon their
chrb al - susi·u u·al - rkb·u u·al - kl - e·orb ashr horses, and upon their
sword to horses-of·him and·to chariot-of·him and·to all-of the·mixture who chariots, and upon all the
mingled people that [are] in
ְּבתכָ ּה ְו ָהיּו ְלנ ִָׁשים ֶח ֶרב יה ־ אֶ ל
ָ ֹת
ֶ אצר
ְ ּובּזָזּו
ֻ : the midst of her; and they
shall become as women: a
b·thuk·e u·eiu l·nshim chrb al - autzrthi·e u·bzzu :
sword [is] upon her
in·midst-of·her and·they-become to·women sword to treasuries-of·her and·they-are-mplundered
treasures; and they shall be
50:38 ח ֶֹרב יה ־ אֶ ל
ָ ימ
ֶ ֵמ ָבׁשּו
ֵ ְוי ִּכי אֶ ֶרץ ְּפ ִס ִלים ִהיא 38
A drought [is] upon her
chrb al - mimi·e u·ibshu ki artz phslim eia waters; and they shall be
drought to waters-of·her and·they-dry-up that land-of carvings she dried up: for it [is] the land
of graven images, and they
ִ ֵּובא
ָ יִ ְתהֹלָ לּו : are mad upon [their] idols.
u·b·aimim ithellu :
and·in·the·dreaded-ones they-are-sraving
50:39 לָ כֵ ן י ְֵׁשבּו ִצּיִ ים אֶ ת ִאּיִ ים ־ ְוי ְָׁשבּו ָבּה
Therefore the wild beasts
lkn ishbu tziim ath - aiim u·ishbu b·e of the desert with the wild
therefore they-shall-dwell desert-creatures with desert-howlers and·they-dwell in·her beasts of the islands shall
dwell [there], and the owls
ְּבנת ענָה
ֲ ַי ְול ֹא ֵתׁשֵ ב ־ עד לָ נֶצַ ח ְול ֹא shall dwell therein: and it
shall be no more inhabited
bnuth ione u·la - thshb oud l·ntzch u·la
for ever; neither shall it be
daughters-of ostrich and·not she-shall-be-indwelt further to·permanence and·not
dwelt in from generation to
ִת ְׁשּכן עַ ד ּדר ־ וָדר :
thshkun od - dur u·dur :
she-shall-be-tabernacled unto generation and·generation
50:40 מ ְהּפֵ כַ ת
ַ ְּכ הים0ֱ
ִ ְסדֹם ־ אֶ ת א ְואֶ ת עמ ָֹרה ־
ֲ ְואֶ ת ֶיה ־
ָ ְׁשכֵ נ נְ אֻ ם ־
As God overthrew
k·mephkth aleim ath - sdm u·ath - omre u·ath - shkni·e nam - Sodom and Gomorrah and
as·overturning-of Elohim » Sodom and·» Gomorrah and·» neighbors-of·her averment-of the neighbour [cities]
thereof, saith the LORD;
יְ הוָה יֵׁשֵ ב ־ ל ֹא ׁשָ ם ִאיׁש ְול ֹא יָגּור ־ ָּבּה ֶּבן אָ ָדם ־ : [so] shall no man abide
there, neither shall any son
ieue la - ishb shm aish u·la - igur b·e bn - adm :
of man dwell therein.
Yahweh not he-shall-dwell there man and·not he-shall-sojourn in·her son-of human
50:41 ִהּנֵה עַ ם ָּבא ִמּצָ פן ְוגי ּגָדל ּומלָ ִכים
ְ ַר ִּבים
Behold, a people shall
ene om ba m·tzphun u·gui gdul u·mlkim rbim come from the north, and a
behold ! people coming from·north and·nation great and·kings many-ones great nation, and many
kings shall be raised up
יֵעֹ רּו ִמּי ְַר ְּכ ֵתי אָ ֶרץ ־ : from the coasts of the earth.
ioru m·irkthi - artz :
they-are-being-roused from·recesses-of earth
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Jeremiah 50 - Jeremiah 51
to the battle, against thee, O
לַ ִּמ ְל ָח ָמה & ִעָ לַ י ַּבת ָּב ֶבל ־ : daughter of Babylon.
l·mlchme oli·k bth - bbl :
for·the·battle on·you daughter-of Babylon
50:43 מע
ַ ָׁש & ֶֶמל ָּב ֶבל ־ ִׁש ְמעָ ם ־ אֶ ת ְו ָרפּו י ָָדיו צָ ָרה
The king of Babylon
shmo mlk - bbl ath - shmo·m u·rphu idi·u tzre hath heard the report of
he-heard king-of Babylon » report-of·them and·they-are-slack hands-of·him distress them, and his hands waxed
feeble: anguish took hold of
יק ְתהּו
ַ ִֶהחֱז ִחיל ּכַ ּילֵ ָדה : him, [and] pangs as of a
woman in travail.
echziqth·eu chil k·iulde :
she-cholds-fast·him travail as·the·woman-giving-birth
50:44 ִהּנֵה ְּכאַ ְריֵה ַיעֲלֶ ה ִמּגְ אן ַהּי ְַר ֵּדן נְ וֵה ־ אֶ ל יתן
ָ ֵא
Behold, he shall come up
ene k·arie iole m·gaun e·irdn al - nue aithn like a lion from the swelling
behold ! as·lion he-is-coming-up from·swell-of the·Jordan to homestead-of perennial of Jordan unto the
habitation of the strong: but
ִּכי אַ ְרּגִ עָ ה ־ אֲרּוצֵ ם א ֲִריצֵ ם יה
ָ ֵֶמעָ ל ּומי
ִ I will make them suddenly
run away from her: and who
ki - argoe arutz·m aritz·m m·oli·e u·mi
[is] a chosen [man, that] I
that I-shall-cdo-in-a-moment I-shall-run·them I-shall-cmake-run·them from·on·her and·who ?
may appoint over her? for
who [is] like me? and who
ָבחּור יה
ָ ֶאֵ ל אֶ ְפקֹד ִּכי ִמי כָ מנִ י ּומי
ִ יע ֶדּנִ י
ִ will appoint me the time?
bchur ali·e aphqd ki mi kmu·ni u·mi iuod·ni and who [is] that shepherd
one-being-chosen for·her I-shall-note that who ? like·me and·who ? he-shall-cappoint·me that will stand before me?
ִ זֶה ־ רֹעֶ ה עמֹד אֲׁשֶ ר
ֲ ַי ְלפָ נָי :
u·mi - ze roe ashr iomd l·phn·i :
and·who ? this one-being-shepherd who he-shall-stand to·faces-of·me
50:45 לָ כֵ ן ִׁש ְמעּו עֲצַ ת יְ הוָה ־ אֲׁשֶ ר יָעַ ץ ָּב ֶבל ־ אֶ ל
Therefore hear ye the
lkn shmou otzth - ieue ashr iotz al - bbl counsel of the LORD, that
therefore hear-you(p) ! counsel-of Yahweh which he-counsels to Babylon he hath taken against
Babylon; and his purposes,
ָ ּומ ְח ְׁש
ַ אֲׁשֶ ר ָחׁשַ ב אֶ ֶרץ ־ אֶ ל ּכַ ְׂש ִּדים ל ֹא ־ ִאם that he hath purposed
against the land of the
u·mchshbuthi·u ashr chshb al - artz kshdim am - la
Chaldeans: Surely the least
and·designs-of·him which he-designs to land-of Chaldeans if not
of the flock shall draw them
out: surely he shall make
יִ ְס ָחבּום ירי
ֵ ְצ ִע ַהּצ ֹאן ל ֹא ־ ִאם י ִַּׁשים יהם
ֶ ֵעֲל [their] habitation desolate
ischbu·m tzoiri e·tzan am - la ishim oli·em with them.
they-shall-pull-in-pieces·them inferiors-of the·flock if not he-shall-cdesolate on·them
ָנוֶה :
nue :
50:46 ִמּקל נִ ְת ְּפׂשָ ה ָב ֶבל נִ ְרעֲׁשָ ה ָהאָ ֶרץ ּוזְ עָ ָקה ַּבּגיִ ם
At the noise of the taking
m·qul nthphshe bbl nroshe e·artz u·zoqe b·guim of Babylon the earth is
from·sound-of she-is-grasped Babylon she-is-quaked the·earth and·outcry in·the·nations moved, and the cry is heard
among the nations.
נִ ְׁש ָמע : ס
nshmo : s
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