Ezr 4

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Ezra 4

4:1 ‫ׁש ְמעּו‬

ְ ִ‫וַּי‬ ‫צָ ֵרי‬ ‫הּודה‬
ָ ְ‫ּובנְ י ִָמן י‬
ִ ‫ִּכי‬ ‫ְבנֵי ־‬ ‫ַהּגלָ ה‬ ‫ּבנִ ים‬
. Now when the
u·ishmou tzri ieude u·bnimn ki - bni e·gule bunim adversaries of Judah and
and·they-are-hearing foes-of Judah and·Benjamin that sons-of the·deportation ones-building Benjamin heard that the
children of the captivity
‫ֵהיכָ ל‬ ‫לַ יהוָה‬ ‫ֱהי‬
ֵ ‫א‬ ‫ יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל‬: builded the temple unto the
LORD God of Israel;
eikl l·ieue alei ishral :
temple for·Yahweh Elohim-of Israel

4:2 ‫וַּיִ ּגְ ׁשּו‬ ‫זְ ֻר ָּב ֶבל ־ אֶ ל‬ ‫ְואֶ ל‬ ‫ָראׁשֵ י ־‬ ‫ָהאָ בת‬ ‫ֹאמרּו‬
ְ ‫וַּי‬
Then they came to
u·igshu al - zrbbl u·al - rashi e·abuth u·iamru Zerubbabel, and to the chief
and·they-are-coming-close to Zerubbabel and·to heads-of the·fathers and·they-are-saying of the fathers, and said unto
them, Let us build with you:
‫לָ ֶהם‬ ‫נִ ְבנֶה‬ ‫ִע ָּמכֶ ם‬ ‫ִּכי‬ ‫כָ כֶ ם‬ ‫נִ ְדרׁש‬ ‫אהיכֶ ם‬
ֵ ֵ‫ל‬ ‫ְול ֹא‬ for we seek your God, as ye
[do]; and we do sacrifice
l·em nbne om·km ki k·km ndrush l·alei·km u·la
unto him since the days of
to·them we-shall-build with·you(p) that as·you(p) we-are-inquiring to·Elohim-of·you(p) and·not
Esarhaddon king of Assur,
which brought us up hither.
‫ְול‬ ‫אנ ְַחנּו‬
ֲ ‫ֹז ְב ִחים‬ ‫ימי‬
ֵ ‫ִמ‬ ‫ּדן‬
ֹ ‫אֵ ַסר~ ַח‬ , ֶ‫ֶמל‬ ‫אַ ּׁשּור‬
u·l·u anchnu zbchim m·imi asr~chdn mlk ashur
and·to·him we ones-sacrificing from·days-of Esar~Haddon king-of Assyria

‫ַה ַּמעֲלֶ ה‬ ‫ֹתנּו‬

ָ ‫א‬ ‫ּפֹה‬ :
e·mole ath·nu phe :
the·one-cbringing-up »·us here

4:3 ‫ֹאמר‬
ֶ ‫וַּי‬ ‫לָ ֶהם‬ ‫זְ ֻר ָּב ֶבל‬ ‫ֵׁשּוע‬
ַ ‫ְוי‬ ‫ּוׁשאָ ר‬
ְ ‫ָראׁשֵ י‬ ‫ָהאָ בת‬ ‫ְליִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל‬
But Zerubbabel, and
u·iamr l·em zrbbl u·ishuo u·shar rashi e·abuth l·ishral Jeshua, and the rest of the
and·he-is-saying to·them Zerubbabel and·Jeshua and·remnant-of heads-of the·fathers to·Israel chief of the fathers of Israel,
said unto them, Ye have
‫לָ כֶ ם ־ ל ֹא‬ ‫וָלָ נּו‬ ‫ִל ְבנת‬ ‫ַּביִ ת‬ ‫אהינּו‬
ֵ ֵ‫ל‬ ‫ִּכי‬ ‫אנ ְַחנּו‬
ֲ ‫ַחד‬
ַ ‫י‬ ‫נִ ְבנֶה‬ nothing to do with us to
build an house unto our
la - l·km u·l·nu l·bnuth bith l·alei·nu ki anchnu ichd nbne
God; but we ourselves
not to·you(p) and·to·us to·to-build-of house for·Elohim-of·us that we only we-shall-build
together will build unto the
LORD God of Israel, as
‫לַ יהוָה‬ ‫ֱהי‬
ֵ ‫א‬ ‫יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל‬ ‫ּכַ אֲׁשֶ ר‬ ‫ִצּוָנּו‬ , ֶ‫ַה ֶּמל‬ ‫ּכרׁש‬
ֶ , ֶ‫ֶמל‬ ‫ּפָ ָרס ־‬ : king Cyrus the king of
l·ieue alei ishral k·ashr tzu·nu e·mlk kursh mlk - phrs : Persia hath commanded us.
for·Yahweh Elohim-of Israel as·which he-minstructed·us the·king Cyrus king-of Persia

4:4 ‫וַיְ ִהי‬ ‫עַ ם‬ ‫ָהאָ ֶרץ ־‬ ‫ְמ ַר ִּפים‬ ‫יְ ֵדי‬ ‫עַ ם‬ ‫הּודה ־‬
ָ ְ‫י‬
Then the people of the
u·iei om - e·artz mrphim idi om - ieude land weakened the hands of
and·he-is-becoming people-of the·land ones-mholding-back hands-of people-of Judah the people of Judah, and
troubled them in building,
‫ּומ ַבלַ ִהים‬
ְ ‫ֲלים‬
ִ ‫ּומ ַבה‬
ְ ‫אתם‬
ָ ‫ִל ְבנת‬ :
u·mbleim u·mbelim auth·m l·bnuth :
and·ones-making-decayed and·ones-making-fluster »·them to·to-build-of

4:5 ‫ֹכ ִרים‬

ְ ‫ְוס‬ ‫יהם‬
ֶ ֵ‫עֲל‬ ‫יע ֲִצים‬ ‫ְל ָהפֵ ר‬ ‫עֲצָ ָתם‬ ‫ּכָ ל‬ ‫יְ ֵמי ־‬
And hired counsellors
u·skrim oli·em iuotzim l·ephr otzth·m kl - imi against them, to frustrate
and·ones-hiring on·them ones-counseling to·to-cquash-of counsel-of·them all-of days-of their purpose, all the days of
Cyrus king of Persia, even
ֶ , ֶ‫ֶמל‬ ‫ּפָ ַרס‬ ‫ְועַ ד‬ ‫ַמ ְלכּות ־‬ ‫ָּד ְר ָיוֶׁש‬ , ֶ‫ֶמל‬ ‫ּפָ ָרס ־‬ : until the reign of Darius
king of Persia.
kursh mlk phrs u·od - mlkuth driush mlk - phrs :
Cyrus king-of Persia and·until reign-of Darius king-of Persia

4:6 ‫מ ְלכּות‬
ַ ‫ּוב‬
ְ ‫ֲח ְׁשוֵרׁש‬
ַ ‫א‬ ‫ִּב ְת ִחּלַ ת‬ ‫ַמ ְלכּות‬ ‫ּכָ ְתבּו‬ ‫ִׂש ְטנָה‬ ‫־ עַ ל‬
. And in the reign of
u·b·mlkuth achshurush b·thchlth mlkuth·u kthbu shtne ol - Ahasuerus, in the beginning
and·in·reign-of Ahasuerus in·start-of reign-of·him they-wrote accusation on of his reign, wrote they
[unto him] an accusation
‫ֹׁש ֵבי‬
ְ ‫י‬ ‫הּודה‬
ָ ְ‫ִוירּוׁשָ לָ ִם י‬ : ‫ס‬ against the inhabitants of
Judah and Jerusalem.
ishbi ieude u·irushlm : s
ones-dwelling-of Judah and·Jerusalem

4:7 ‫ימי‬
ֵ ‫ּוב‬
ִ ‫אַ ְר ַּת ְחׁשַ ְׂש ָּתא‬ ‫ּכָ ַתב‬ ‫ִּב ְׁשלָ ם‬ ‫ִמ ְת ְר ָדת‬ ‫טָ ְבאֵ ל‬ ‫ּוׁשאָ ר‬
And in the days of
u·b·imi arthchshshtha kthb bshlm mthrdth tbal u·shar Artaxerxes wrote Bishlam,
and·in·days-of Artaxerxes he-wrote Bishlam Mithredath Tabeel and·remainder-of Mithredath, Tabeel, and the
rest of their companions,
‫ְּכנָת‬ ‫ָתיו‬
ָ ‫ְּכנ‬ ‫־ עַ ל‬ ‫אַ ְר ַּת ְחׁשַ ְׂש ָּתא‬ ‫אַ ְר ַּת ְחׁשַ ְׂש ְּת‬ , ֶ‫ֶמל‬ ‫ּפָ ָרס‬ unto Artaxerxes king of
Persia; and the writing of
knuth·u knuthi·u ol - arthchshshtha arthchshshth mlk phrs
the letter [was] written in
colleagues-of·him colleagues-of·him on Artaxerxes Artaxerxes king-of Persia
the Syrian tongue, and
interpreted in the Syrian
‫ּוכ ָתב‬
ְ ‫ַהּנִ ְׁש ְּתוָן‬ ‫ּכָ תּוב‬ ‫א ֲָר ִמית‬ ‫ּומ ֻת ְרּגָם‬
ְ ‫א ֲָר ִמית‬ : ‫פ‬ tongue.
u·kthb e·nshthun kthub armith u·mthrgm armith : p
and·writing-of the·dispatch being-written Aramaic and·being-minterpreted Aramaic

4:8 ‫ְרחּום‬ ‫ְּבעֵ ל‬ ‫ְטעֵ ם ־‬ ‫ְו ִׁש ְמׁשַ י‬ ‫ָס ְפ ָרא‬ ‫ְּכ ַתבּו‬ ‫ִאּגְ ָרה‬ ‫ח ֲָדה‬
Rehum the chancellor and
rchum bol - tom u·shmshi sphr·a kthbu agre chde Shimshai the scribe wrote a
Rehum(A) possessor-of(A) decree(A) and·Shimshai(A) scribe·the(A) they-wrote(A) letter(A) one(A) letter against Jerusalem to
Artaxerxes the king in this
‫עַ ל‬ ‫רּוׁשלֶ ם ־‬
ְ ְ‫י‬ ‫ְלאַ ְר ַּת ְחׁשַ ְׂש ְּתא‬ ‫ַמ ְלּכָ א‬ ‫ֵמא‬
ָ ‫ ְּכנ‬: sort:
ol - irushlm l·arthchshshtha mlk·a knma :
on(A) Jerusalem(A) to·Artaxerxes(A) king·the(A) so(A)

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Ezra 4

4:9 ‫א ֱַדיִ ן‬ ‫ְרחּום‬ ‫ְּבעֵ ל‬ ‫ְטעֵ ם ־‬ ‫ְו ִׁש ְמׁשַ י‬ ‫ָס ְפ ָרא‬ ‫ּוׁשאָ ר‬
Then [wrote] Rehum the
adin rchum bol - tom u·shmshi sphr·a u·shar chancellor, and Shimshai
then(A) Rehum(A) possessor-of(A) decree(A) and·Shimshai(A) scribe·the(A) and·remainder-of(A) the scribe, and the rest of
their companions; the
‫ְּכ ָנו ְָתהן‬ ‫ִּדי ָניֵא‬ ‫ַואֲפַ ְר ַס ְתכָ יֵא‬ ‫טַ ְר ְּפלָ יֵא‬ ‫אֲפָ ְר ָסיֵא‬ Dinaites, the
Apharsathchites, the
knuth·eun dini·a u·aphrsthki·a trphli·a aphrsi·a
Tarpelites, the Apharsites,
colleagues-of·them(A) Dinaites·the(A) and·officials·the(A) Tarpelites·the(A) Apharsites·the(A)
the Archevites, the
Babylonians, the
‫אַ ְר ְּכוָי‬ ‫אַ ְר ְּכ ָויֵא‬ ‫ָב ְבלָ יֵא‬ ‫ׁשּוׁשַ נְ כָ יֵא‬ ‫ִּדהּוא‬ Susanchites, the Dehavites,
arkui arkui·a bbli·a shushnki·a d·eua [and] the Elamites,
Erechites(A) Erechites·the(A) Babylonians·the(A) Susaites·the(A) that·him(A)
‫ֶּד ָהיֵא‬ ‫עֵ ְל ָמיֵא‬ :
dei·a olmi·a :
Dehavites·the(A) Elamites·the(A)

4:10 ‫ּוׁשאָ ר‬
ְ ‫אֻ ַּמּיָא‬ ‫ִּדי‬ ‫ַהגְ ִלי‬ ‫אָ ְסנַּפַ ר‬ ‫ַר ָּבא‬
And the rest of the
u·shar ami·a di egli asnphr rb·a nations whom the great and
and·remainder-of(A) leagues·the(A) that(A) he-cdeported(A) Osnappar(A) great·the(A) noble Asnappar brought
over, and set in the cities of
ָ ‫ְוי ִַּק‬ ‫התב‬
ֵ ‫ְו‬ ‫ִהּמ‬ ‫ְּב ִק ְריָה‬ ‫ִּדי‬ ‫ׁשָ ְמ ָריִ ן‬ Samaria, and the rest [that
are] on this side the river,
u·iqir·a u·euthb emu b·qrie di shmrin
and at such a time.
and·extraordinary·the(A) and·he-caused-to-sit(A) them(A) in·city(A) that(A) Samaria(A)

‫ּוׁשאָ ר‬
ְ ‫ֲבר‬
ַ ‫ע‬ ‫ַנה ֲָרה ־‬ ‫ּוכעֶ נֶת‬
ְ :
u·shar obr - ner·e u·konth :
and·remainder-of(A) across-of(A) stream·the(A) and·now(A)

4:11 ‫ְּדנָה‬ ‫ּפַ ְרׁשֶ גֶן‬ ‫ִאּג ְַר ָּתא‬ ‫ִּדי‬ ‫ְׁשלַ חּו‬ ‫ֲלהי‬
ִ ‫ע‬ ‫עַ ל‬ ‫אַ ְר ַּת ְחׁשַ ְׂש ְּתא ־‬
This [is] the copy of the
dne phrshgn agrth·a di shlchu olu·ei ol - arthchshshtha letter that they sent unto
this·the(A) transcript-of(A) letter·the(A) that(A) they-sent(A) on·him(A) on(A) Artaxerxes(A) him, [even] unto Artaxerxes
the king; Thy servants the
‫ַמ ְלּכָ א‬ , ִ‫עַ ְב ָדי‬ ,‫עַ ְב ָד‬ ‫אנָׁש‬
ֱ ‫ֲבר‬
ַ ‫ע‬ ‫ַנה ֲָרה ־‬ men on this side the river,
and at such a time.
mlk·a obdi·k obd·k ansh obr - ner·e
king·the(A) servants-of·you(A) servant-of·you(A) mortal-of(A) across-of(A) stream·the(A)

‫ּוכעֶ נֶת‬
ְ : ‫פ‬
u·konth : p

4:12 ‫יע‬
ַ ‫יְ ִד‬ ‫הוֵא‬
ֱ ֶ‫ל‬ ‫ְל ַמ ְלּכָ א‬ ‫ִּדי‬ ‫הּודיֵא‬
ָ ְ‫י‬ ‫ִּדי‬ ‫ְס ִלקּו‬
Be it known unto the
idio leua l·mlk·a di ieudi·a di slqu king, that the Jews which
being-known(A) he-shall-become(A) to·king·the(A) that(A) Judeans·the(A) that(A) they-came-up(A) came up from thee to us are
come unto Jerusalem,
‫ִמן‬ ‫ ־‬,‫ָת‬
ָ ‫ְלו‬ ‫עֲלֶ ינָא‬ ‫אֲת‬ ‫ירּוׁשלֶ ם‬
ְ ‫ִל‬ ‫ִק ְריְ ָתא‬ ‫ָמ ָר ְד ָּתא‬ building the rebellious and
the bad city, and have set up
mn - luth·k oli·na athu l·irushlm qrith·a mrdth·a
the walls [thereof], and
from(A) to·you(A) on·us(A) they-arrived(A) to·Jerusalem(A) town·the(A) revolting·the(A)
joined the foundations.
‫איׁש ָּתא‬
ְ ‫ּוב‬
ִ ‫ָּבנַיִ ן‬ ‫ׁשּור ָּי‬
ַ ‫ְו‬ ‫ׁשּורּיָא‬
ַ ‫ְו‬
u·baishth·a bnin u·shuri· u·shuri·a
and·stinking·the(A) ones-building(A) and·barricades·the(A) and·barricades·the(A)
‫אֲׁשַ ְכ ְללּו‬ ‫ׁשַ ְכ ִללּו‬ ‫ְואֻ ּׁשַ ּיָא‬ ‫י ִַחיטּו‬ :
ashkllu shkllu u·ashi·a ichitu :
they-are-completing(A) they-completed(A) and·substances·the(A) they-are-cthreading(A)

4:13 ‫ְּכעַ ן‬ ‫יע‬

ַ ‫יְ ִד‬ ‫הוֵא‬
ֱ ֶ‫ל‬ ‫ְל ַמ ְלּכָ א‬ ‫ִּדי‬ ‫ֵהן‬ ‫ִק ְריְ ָתא‬ ,‫ָד‬
Be it known now unto
kon idio leua l·mlk·a di en qrith·a dk the king, that, if this city be
now(A) being-known(A) he-shall-be(A) to·king·the(A) that(A) should(A) town·the(A) this(A) builded, and the walls set up
[again, then] will they not
‫ִּת ְת ְּבנֵא‬ ‫ׁשּורּיָה‬
ַ ‫ְו‬ ‫יִ ְׁש ַּת ְכ ְללּון‬ ‫ִמנְ ָּדה‬ ‫ְבל ־‬ pay toll, tribute, and
custom, and [so] thou shalt
ththbna u·shuri·e ishthkllun mnde - blu
endamage the revenue of
she-shall-be-sbuilt(A) and·barricades·the(A) they-shall-be-scompleted(A) tribute(A) excise(A)
the kings.
, ָ‫ַוהֲל‬ ‫לָ א‬ ‫יִ נְ ְּתנּון‬ ‫ְואַ ְּפתֹם‬ ‫ַמ ְל ִכים‬ ‫ְּת ַהנְ זִ ק‬ :
u·elk la inthnun u·aphthm mlkim thenzq :
and·toll(A) not(A) they-shall-give(A) and·revenue-of(A) kings(A) she-shall-cause-damage(A)

4:14 ‫ְּכעַ ן‬ ‫ּכָ ל‬ ‫ֳק ֵבל ־‬ ‫ִּדי‬ ‫ְמלַ ח ־‬ ‫יכלָ א‬

ְ ‫ֵה‬ ‫ְמלַ ְחנָא‬
Now because we have
kon kl - qbl di - mlch eikl·a mlchna maintenance from [the
now(A) all-of(A) forasmuch-as(A) that(A) salt-of(A) palace·the(A) we-salted(A) king's] palace, and it was
not meet for us to see the
‫ְועַ ְרוַת‬ ‫ַמ ְלּכָ א‬ ‫לָ א‬ ,‫א ֲִרי‬ ‫לַ נָא ־‬ ‫חזֵא‬
ֱ ‫ְל ֶמ‬ ‫עַ ל‬ ‫ְּדנָה ־‬ king's dishonour, therefore
have we sent and certified
u·oruth mlk·a la arik - l·na l·mchza ol - dne
the king;
and·nakedness-of(A) king·the(A) not(A) proper(A) for·us(A) to·to-perceive-of(A) on(A) this(A)

‫ְׁשלַ ְחנָא‬ ‫הד ְענָא‬

ַ ‫ְו‬ ‫ְל ַמ ְלּכָ א‬ :
shlchna u·eudona l·mlk·a :
we-send(A) and·we-clet-know(A) to·king·the(A)

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Ezra 4

4:15 ‫ִּדי‬ ‫יְ ַב ַּקר‬ ‫ִּב ְספַ ר‬ ‫ָּד ְכ ָר ַנּיָא ־‬ ‫ִּדי‬ ,‫ֲב ָה ָת‬
ָ ‫א‬
That search may be made
di ibqr b·sphr - dkrni·a di abeth·k in the book of the records of
that(A) he-shall-make-quest(A) in·scroll-of(A) memoranda·the(A) that(A) fathers-of·you(A) thy fathers: so shalt thou
find in the book of the
‫ּות ַה ְׁשּכַ ח‬
ְ ‫ִּב ְספַ ר‬ ‫ָּד ְכ ָר ַנּיָא‬ ‫ְו ִתנְ ַּדע‬ ‫ִּדי‬ ‫ִק ְריְ ָתא‬ records, and know that this
city [is] a rebellious city,
u·theshkch b·sphr dkrni·a u·thndo di qrith·a
and hurtful unto kings and
and·you-shall-find(A) in·scroll-of(A) memoranda·the(A) and·you-shall-know(A) that(A) town·the(A)
provinces, and that they
have moved sedition within
,‫ָד‬ ‫ִק ְריָא‬ ‫ָמ ָר ָדא‬ ‫ּומ ַהנְ זְ ַקת‬
ְ ‫ַמ ְל ִכין‬ ‫ּומ ִדנָן‬
ְ the same of old time: for
dk qria mrda u·menzqth mlkin u·mdnn which cause was this city
this(A) town(A) revolting(A) and·one-causing-damage-of(A) kings(A) and·provinces(A) destroyed.
‫ְואֶ ְׁש ַּתּדּור‬ ‫עָ ְב ִדין‬ ‫ְּב ַגּוַּה‬ ‫ִמן‬ ‫ימת ־‬
ָ ‫עָ ְל ָמא‬ ‫עַ ל‬ ‫־‬
u·ashthdur obdin b·gu·e mn - iumth olm·a ol -
and·insurrection(A) ones-makingdo(A) in·midst-of·her(A) from(A) days-of(A) eon·the(A) on(A)

‫ְּדנָה‬ ‫ִק ְריְ ָתא‬ ,‫ָד‬ ‫ָה ָח ְר ַבת‬ :

dne qrith·a dk echrbth :
this(A) town·the(A) this(A) she-was-cdeserted(A)

4:16 ‫הד ִעין‬

ְ ‫ְמ‬ ‫אנ ְַחנָה‬
ֲ ‫ְל ַמ ְלּכָ א‬ ‫ִּדי‬ ‫ֵהן‬ ‫ִק ְריְ ָתא‬ ,‫ָד‬
We certify the king that,
meudoin anchne l·mlk·a di en qrith·a dk if this city be builded
ones-cmaking-known(A) we(A) to·king·the(A) that(A) should(A) town·the(A) this(A) [again], and the walls
thereof set up, by this
‫ִּת ְת ְּבנֵא‬ ‫ׁשּורּיָה‬
ַ ‫ְו‬ ‫יִ ְׁש ַּת ְכ ְללּון‬ ‫לָ ֳק ֵבל‬ ‫ְּדנָה‬ ‫חֲלָ ק‬ means thou shalt have no
portion on this side the
ththbna u·shuri·e ishthkllun l·qbl dne chlq
she-shall-be-sbuilt(A) and·barricades·the(A) they-shall-be-scompleted(A) to·as(A) this(A) portion(A)

ַ ‫ַּבע‬ ‫ַנה ֲָרא‬ ‫לָ א‬ ‫יתי‬
ַ ‫ִא‬ , ָ‫ל‬ : ‫פ‬
b·obr ner·a la aithi l·k : p
in·across-of(A) stream·the(A) not(A) actually(A) for·you(A)

4:17 ‫ָמא‬
ָ ‫ִּפ ְתג‬ ‫ְׁשלַ ח‬ ‫ַמ ְלּכָ א‬ ‫עַ ל‬ ‫ְרחּום ־‬ ‫ְּבעֵ ל‬ ‫ְטעֵ ם ־‬
. [Then] sent the king an
phthgm·a shlch mlk·a ol - rchum bol - tom answer unto Rehum the
rescript·the(A) he-sent(A) king·the(A) on(A) Rehum(A) possessor-of(A) decree(A) chancellor, and [to]
Shimshai the scribe, and
‫ְו ִׁש ְמׁשַ י‬ ‫ָס ְפ ָרא‬ ‫ּוׁשאָ ר‬
ְ ‫ְּכ ָנו ְָתהן‬ ‫ִּדי‬ ‫י ְָת ִבין‬ [to] the rest of their
companions that dwell in
u·shmshi sphr·a u·shar knuth·eun di ithbin
Samaria, and [unto] the rest
and·Shimshai(A) scribe·the(A) and·remainder-of(A) colleagues-of·them(A) that(A) ones-sitting(A)
beyond the river, Peace, and
at such a time.
‫ְּבׁשָ ְמ ָריִ ן‬ ‫ּוׁשאָ ר‬
ְ ‫ֲבר‬
ַ ‫ע‬ ‫ַנה ֲָרה ־‬ ‫ְׁשלָ ם‬ ‫ּוכעֶ ת‬
ְ : ‫ס‬
b·shmrin u·shar obr - ner·e shlm u·koth : s
in·Samaria(A) and·remainder-of(A) across-of(A) stream·the(A) welfare ! (A) and·now(A)

4:18 ‫ׁש ְּת ָונָא‬

ְ ִ‫נ‬ ‫ִּדי‬ ‫ְׁשלַ ְחּתּון‬ ‫עֲלֶ ינָא‬ ‫ְמפָ ַרׁש‬ ‫ֱק ִרי‬ ‫ָק ָד ָמי‬ :
The letter which ye sent
nshthun·a di shlchthun oli·na mphrsh qri qdm·i : unto us hath been plainly
dispatch·the(A) that(A) you(p)-sent(A) on·us(A) being-expounded(A) he-was-read(A) before·me(A) read before me.

4:19 ‫ּומּנִ י‬
ִ ‫ִׂשים‬ ‫ְטעֵ ם‬ ‫ּוב ַּקרּו‬
ַ ‫ְו ַה ְׁשּכַ חּו‬ ‫ִּדי‬
And I commanded, and
u·mn·i shim tom u·bqru u·eshkchu di search hath been made, and
and·from·me(A) he-was-promulgated(A) decree(A) and·they-made-quest(A) and·they-cfound(A) that(A) it is found that this city of
old time hath made
‫ִק ְריְ ָתא‬ ,‫ָד‬ ‫ִמן‬ ‫ימת ־‬
ָ ‫עָ ְל ָמא‬ ‫עַ ל‬ ‫ַמ ְל ִכין ־‬ ‫ִמ ְתנ ְַּׂשאָ ה‬ insurrection against kings,
and [that] rebellion and
qrith·a dk mn - iumth olm·a ol - mlkin mthnshae
sedition have been made
town·the(A) this(A) from(A) days-of(A) eon·the(A) on(A) kings(A) one-lifing-up-herself(A)
‫ּומ ַרד‬
ְ ‫ְואֶ ְׁש ַּתּדּור‬ ‫ֲבד‬
ֶ ‫ִמ ְתע‬ ‫ַּבּה ־‬ :
u·mrd u·ashthdur mthobd - b·e :
and·revolt(A) and·insurrection(A) smakingdo(A) in·her(A)

4:20 ‫ּומ ְל ִכין‬

ַ ‫יפין‬
ִ ‫ַּת ִּק‬ ‫הו‬
ֲ ‫עַ ל‬ ‫רּוׁשלֶ ם ־‬
ְ ְ‫י‬ ‫יטין‬
ִ ‫ְוׁשַ ִּל‬ ‫ְּבכֹל‬
There have been mighty
u·mlkin thqiphin euu ol - irushlm u·shlitin b·kl kings also over Jerusalem,
and·kings(A) mighty-ones(A) they-were(A) over(A) Jerusalem(A) and·authorities(A) in·all-of(A) which have ruled over all
[countries] beyond the river;
ַ ‫ע‬ ‫ַנה ֲָרה‬ ‫ּומ ָּדה‬
ִ ‫ְבל‬ , ָ‫ַוהֲל‬ ‫ִמ ְתיְ ֵהב‬ ‫ְלהן‬ : and toll, tribute, and
custom, was paid unto
obr ner·e u·mde blu u·elk mthieb l·eun :
across-of(A) stream·the(A) and·tribute(A) excise(A) and·toll(A) being-sgranted(A) to·them(A)

4:21 ‫ְּכעַ ן‬ ‫ִׂשימּו‬ ‫ְּטעֵ ם‬ ‫ְל ַבּטָ לָ א‬ ‫ּג ְֻב ַרּיָא‬ , ֵ‫ִאּל‬
Give ye now
kon shimu tom l·btla gbri·a alk commandment to cause
now(A) promulgate-you(p) ! (A) decree(A) to·to-halt-of(A) masters·the(A) these(A) these men to cease, and that
this city be not builded,
‫ְו ִק ְריְ ָתא‬ ,‫ָד‬ ‫לָ א‬ ‫ִת ְת ְּבנֵא‬ ‫עַ ד‬ ‫ִמּנִ י ־‬ ‫טַ ְע ָמא‬ until [another]
commandment shall be
u·qrith·a dk la ththbna od - mn·i tom·a
given from me.
and·town·the(A) this(A) not(A) she-shall-be-sbuilt(A) until(A) from·me(A) decree·the(A)

‫יִ ְּתׂשָ ם‬ :
ithshm :

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Ezra 4 - Ezra 5

4:22 ‫ירין‬
ִ ‫ּוזְ ִה‬ ‫הו‬
ֱ ‫ׁשָ לּו‬ ‫ְל ֶמ ְע ַּבד‬ ‫עַ ל‬ ‫ְּדנָה ־‬ ‫ְל ָמה‬
Take heed now that ye
u·zeirin euu shlu l·mobd ol - dne lme fail not to do this: why
and·ones-being-warned(A) be-you(p) ! (A) carelessness(A) to·to-do-of(A) on(A) this(A) why ? (A) should damage grow to the
hurt of the kings?
‫יִ ְׂשּגֵא‬ ‫ח ָבלָ א‬
ֲ ‫ְל ַהנְ ז ַָקת‬ ‫ַמ ְל ִכין‬ : ‫ס‬
ishga chbl·a l·enzqth mlkin : s
he-shall-grow-great(A) harm·the(A) to·to-cause-damage-of(A) kings(A)
4:23 ‫א ֱַדיִ ן‬ ‫ִמן‬ ‫ִּדי ־‬ ‫ּפַ ְרׁשֶ גֶן‬ ‫נִ ְׁש ְּת ָונָא‬ ‫ִּדי‬ ‫אַ ְר ַּת ְחׁשַ ְׂש ָּתא‬
Now when the copy of
adin mn - di phrshgn nshthun·a di arthchshshtha king Artaxerxes'letter [was]
then(A) from(A) that(A) transcript-of(A) dispatch·the(A) that(A) Artaxerxes(A) read before Rehum, and
Shimshai the scribe, and
‫אַ ְר ַּת ְחׁשַ ְׂש ְּת‬ ‫ַמ ְלּכָ א‬ ‫ֱק ִרי‬ ‫ֳק ָדם‬ ‫ְרחּום ־‬ ‫ְו ִׁש ְמׁשַ י‬ ‫ָס ְפ ָרא‬ their companions, they went
up in haste to Jerusalem
arthchshshth mlk·a qri qdm - rchum u·shmshi sphr·a
unto the Jews, and made
Artaxerxes(A) king·the(A) he-was-read(A) before(A) Rehum(A) and·Shimshai(A) scribe·the(A)
them to cease by force and
‫ּוכ ָנו ְָתהן‬
ְ ‫אזַלּו‬
ֲ ‫ִב ְב ִהילּו‬ ‫ירּוׁשלֶ ם‬
ְ ‫ִל‬ ‫עַ ל‬ ‫הּודיֵא ־‬
ָ ְ‫י‬
u·knuth·eun azlu b·beilu l·irushlm ol - ieudi·a
and·colleagues-of·them(A) they-departed(A) in·fluster(A) to·Jerusalem(A) on(A) Judeans·the(A)

‫ּוב ִּטלּו‬
ַ ‫ִהּמ‬ ‫ְּבאֶ ְד ָרע‬ ‫ְו ָחיִ ל‬ : ‫ס‬
u·btlu emu b·adro u·chil : s
and·they-halted(A) them(A) in·arm(A) and·army(A)

4:24 ‫אדיִ ן‬
ַ ‫ֵּב‬ ‫ְּבטֵ לַ ת‬ ‫ידת‬
ַ ‫ע ֲִב‬ ‫ֵּבית‬ ‫אֱלָ ָהא ־‬ ‫ִּדי‬ ‫ירּוׁשלֶ ם‬
ְ ‫ִּב‬
Then ceased the work of
b·adin btlth obidth bith - ale·a di b·irushlm the house of God which [is]
in·then(A) she-halted(A) administration-of(A) house-of(A) Eloah·the(A) that(A) in·Jerusalem(A) at Jerusalem. So it ceased
unto the second year of the
ֲ ‫ַו‬ ‫ָּב ְטלָ א‬ ‫עַ ד‬ ‫ְׁשנַת‬ ‫ַּת ְר ֵּתין‬ ‫ְל ַמ ְלכּות‬ ‫ָּד ְר ָיוֶׁש‬ , ֶ‫ֶמל‬ ‫־‬ reign of Darius king of
u·euth btla od shnth thrthin l·mlkuth driush mlk -
and·she-was(A) being-halted(A) until(A) year-of(A) two(A) to·reign-of(A) Darius(A) king-of(A)

‫ּפָ ָרס‬ : ‫פ‬

phrs : p

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