Ezr 4
Ezr 4
Ezr 4
4:2 וַּיִ ּגְ ׁשּו זְ ֻר ָּב ֶבל ־ אֶ ל ְואֶ ל ָראׁשֵ י ־ ָהאָ בת ֹאמרּו
ְ וַּי
Then they came to
u·igshu al - zrbbl u·al - rashi e·abuth u·iamru Zerubbabel, and to the chief
and·they-are-coming-close to Zerubbabel and·to heads-of the·fathers and·they-are-saying of the fathers, and said unto
them, Let us build with you:
לָ ֶהם נִ ְבנֶה ִע ָּמכֶ ם ִּכי כָ כֶ ם נִ ְדרׁש אהיכֶ ם
ֵ ֵל ְול ֹא for we seek your God, as ye
[do]; and we do sacrifice
l·em nbne om·km ki k·km ndrush l·alei·km u·la
unto him since the days of
to·them we-shall-build with·you(p) that as·you(p) we-are-inquiring to·Elohim-of·you(p) and·not
Esarhaddon king of Assur,
which brought us up hither.
ְול אנ ְַחנּו
ֲ ֹז ְב ִחים ימי
ֵ ִמ ּדן
ֹ אֵ ַסר~ ַח , ֶֶמל אַ ּׁשּור
u·l·u anchnu zbchim m·imi asr~chdn mlk ashur
and·to·him we ones-sacrificing from·days-of Esar~Haddon king-of Assyria
4:3 ֹאמר
ֶ וַּי לָ ֶהם זְ ֻר ָּב ֶבל ֵׁשּוע
ַ ְוי ּוׁשאָ ר
ְ ָראׁשֵ י ָהאָ בת ְליִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל
But Zerubbabel, and
u·iamr l·em zrbbl u·ishuo u·shar rashi e·abuth l·ishral Jeshua, and the rest of the
and·he-is-saying to·them Zerubbabel and·Jeshua and·remnant-of heads-of the·fathers to·Israel chief of the fathers of Israel,
said unto them, Ye have
לָ כֶ ם ־ ל ֹא וָלָ נּו ִל ְבנת ַּביִ ת אהינּו
ֵ ֵל ִּכי אנ ְַחנּו
ֲ ַחד
ַ י נִ ְבנֶה nothing to do with us to
build an house unto our
la - l·km u·l·nu l·bnuth bith l·alei·nu ki anchnu ichd nbne
God; but we ourselves
not to·you(p) and·to·us to·to-build-of house for·Elohim-of·us that we only we-shall-build
together will build unto the
LORD God of Israel, as
לַ יהוָה ֱהי
ֵ א יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל ּכַ אֲׁשֶ ר ִצּוָנּו , ֶַה ֶּמל ּכרׁש
ֶ , ֶֶמל ּפָ ָרס ־ : king Cyrus the king of
l·ieue alei ishral k·ashr tzu·nu e·mlk kursh mlk - phrs : Persia hath commanded us.
for·Yahweh Elohim-of Israel as·which he-minstructed·us the·king Cyrus king-of Persia
4:4 וַיְ ִהי עַ ם ָהאָ ֶרץ ־ ְמ ַר ִּפים יְ ֵדי עַ ם הּודה ־
ָ ְי
Then the people of the
u·iei om - e·artz mrphim idi om - ieude land weakened the hands of
and·he-is-becoming people-of the·land ones-mholding-back hands-of people-of Judah the people of Judah, and
troubled them in building,
ּומ ַבלַ ִהים
ְ ֲלים
ִ ּומ ַבה
ְ אתם
ָ ִל ְבנת :
u·mbleim u·mbelim auth·m l·bnuth :
and·ones-making-decayed and·ones-making-fluster »·them to·to-build-of
4:6 מ ְלכּות
ַ ּוב
ְ ֲח ְׁשוֵרׁש
ַ א ִּב ְת ִחּלַ ת ַמ ְלכּות ּכָ ְתבּו ִׂש ְטנָה ־ עַ ל
. And in the reign of
u·b·mlkuth achshurush b·thchlth mlkuth·u kthbu shtne ol - Ahasuerus, in the beginning
and·in·reign-of Ahasuerus in·start-of reign-of·him they-wrote accusation on of his reign, wrote they
[unto him] an accusation
ֹׁש ֵבי
ְ י הּודה
ָ ְִוירּוׁשָ לָ ִם י : ס against the inhabitants of
Judah and Jerusalem.
ishbi ieude u·irushlm : s
ones-dwelling-of Judah and·Jerusalem
4:7 ימי
ֵ ּוב
ִ אַ ְר ַּת ְחׁשַ ְׂש ָּתא ּכָ ַתב ִּב ְׁשלָ ם ִמ ְת ְר ָדת טָ ְבאֵ ל ּוׁשאָ ר
And in the days of
u·b·imi arthchshshtha kthb bshlm mthrdth tbal u·shar Artaxerxes wrote Bishlam,
and·in·days-of Artaxerxes he-wrote Bishlam Mithredath Tabeel and·remainder-of Mithredath, Tabeel, and the
rest of their companions,
ְּכנָת ָתיו
ָ ְּכנ ־ עַ ל אַ ְר ַּת ְחׁשַ ְׂש ָּתא אַ ְר ַּת ְחׁשַ ְׂש ְּת , ֶֶמל ּפָ ָרס unto Artaxerxes king of
Persia; and the writing of
knuth·u knuthi·u ol - arthchshshtha arthchshshth mlk phrs
the letter [was] written in
colleagues-of·him colleagues-of·him on Artaxerxes Artaxerxes king-of Persia
the Syrian tongue, and
interpreted in the Syrian
ּוכ ָתב
ְ ַהּנִ ְׁש ְּתוָן ּכָ תּוב א ֲָר ִמית ּומ ֻת ְרּגָם
ְ א ֲָר ִמית : פ tongue.
u·kthb e·nshthun kthub armith u·mthrgm armith : p
and·writing-of the·dispatch being-written Aramaic and·being-minterpreted Aramaic
4:8 ְרחּום ְּבעֵ ל ְטעֵ ם ־ ְו ִׁש ְמׁשַ י ָס ְפ ָרא ְּכ ַתבּו ִאּגְ ָרה ח ֲָדה
Rehum the chancellor and
rchum bol - tom u·shmshi sphr·a kthbu agre chde Shimshai the scribe wrote a
Rehum(A) possessor-of(A) decree(A) and·Shimshai(A) scribe·the(A) they-wrote(A) letter(A) one(A) letter against Jerusalem to
Artaxerxes the king in this
עַ ל רּוׁשלֶ ם ־
ְ ְי ְלאַ ְר ַּת ְחׁשַ ְׂש ְּתא ַמ ְלּכָ א ֵמא
ָ ְּכנ: sort:
ol - irushlm l·arthchshshtha mlk·a knma :
on(A) Jerusalem(A) to·Artaxerxes(A) king·the(A) so(A)
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Ezra 4
4:9 א ֱַדיִ ן ְרחּום ְּבעֵ ל ְטעֵ ם ־ ְו ִׁש ְמׁשַ י ָס ְפ ָרא ּוׁשאָ ר
Then [wrote] Rehum the
adin rchum bol - tom u·shmshi sphr·a u·shar chancellor, and Shimshai
then(A) Rehum(A) possessor-of(A) decree(A) and·Shimshai(A) scribe·the(A) and·remainder-of(A) the scribe, and the rest of
their companions; the
ְּכ ָנו ְָתהן ִּדי ָניֵא ַואֲפַ ְר ַס ְתכָ יֵא טַ ְר ְּפלָ יֵא אֲפָ ְר ָסיֵא Dinaites, the
Apharsathchites, the
knuth·eun dini·a u·aphrsthki·a trphli·a aphrsi·a
Tarpelites, the Apharsites,
colleagues-of·them(A) Dinaites·the(A) and·officials·the(A) Tarpelites·the(A) Apharsites·the(A)
the Archevites, the
Babylonians, the
אַ ְר ְּכוָי אַ ְר ְּכ ָויֵא ָב ְבלָ יֵא ׁשּוׁשַ נְ כָ יֵא ִּדהּוא Susanchites, the Dehavites,
arkui arkui·a bbli·a shushnki·a d·eua [and] the Elamites,
Erechites(A) Erechites·the(A) Babylonians·the(A) Susaites·the(A) that·him(A)
ֶּד ָהיֵא עֵ ְל ָמיֵא :
dei·a olmi·a :
Dehavites·the(A) Elamites·the(A)
4:10 ּוׁשאָ ר
ְ אֻ ַּמּיָא ִּדי ַהגְ ִלי אָ ְסנַּפַ ר ַר ָּבא
And the rest of the
u·shar ami·a di egli asnphr rb·a nations whom the great and
and·remainder-of(A) leagues·the(A) that(A) he-cdeported(A) Osnappar(A) great·the(A) noble Asnappar brought
over, and set in the cities of
ָ ְוי ִַּק התב
ֵ ְו ִהּמ ְּב ִק ְריָה ִּדי ׁשָ ְמ ָריִ ן Samaria, and the rest [that
are] on this side the river,
u·iqir·a u·euthb emu b·qrie di shmrin
and at such a time.
and·extraordinary·the(A) and·he-caused-to-sit(A) them(A) in·city(A) that(A) Samaria(A)
ּוׁשאָ ר
ְ ֲבר
ַ ע ַנה ֲָרה ־ ּוכעֶ נֶת
ְ :
u·shar obr - ner·e u·konth :
and·remainder-of(A) across-of(A) stream·the(A) and·now(A)
4:11 ְּדנָה ּפַ ְרׁשֶ גֶן ִאּג ְַר ָּתא ִּדי ְׁשלַ חּו ֲלהי
ִ ע עַ ל אַ ְר ַּת ְחׁשַ ְׂש ְּתא ־
This [is] the copy of the
dne phrshgn agrth·a di shlchu olu·ei ol - arthchshshtha letter that they sent unto
this·the(A) transcript-of(A) letter·the(A) that(A) they-sent(A) on·him(A) on(A) Artaxerxes(A) him, [even] unto Artaxerxes
the king; Thy servants the
ַמ ְלּכָ א , ִעַ ְב ָדי ,עַ ְב ָד אנָׁש
ֱ ֲבר
ַ ע ַנה ֲָרה ־ men on this side the river,
and at such a time.
mlk·a obdi·k obd·k ansh obr - ner·e
king·the(A) servants-of·you(A) servant-of·you(A) mortal-of(A) across-of(A) stream·the(A)
ּוכעֶ נֶת
ְ : פ
u·konth : p
4:12 יע
ַ יְ ִד הוֵא
ֱ ֶל ְל ַמ ְלּכָ א ִּדי הּודיֵא
ָ ְי ִּדי ְס ִלקּו
Be it known unto the
idio leua l·mlk·a di ieudi·a di slqu king, that the Jews which
being-known(A) he-shall-become(A) to·king·the(A) that(A) Judeans·the(A) that(A) they-came-up(A) came up from thee to us are
come unto Jerusalem,
ִמן ־,ָת
ָ ְלו עֲלֶ ינָא אֲת ירּוׁשלֶ ם
ְ ִל ִק ְריְ ָתא ָמ ָר ְד ָּתא building the rebellious and
the bad city, and have set up
mn - luth·k oli·na athu l·irushlm qrith·a mrdth·a
the walls [thereof], and
from(A) to·you(A) on·us(A) they-arrived(A) to·Jerusalem(A) town·the(A) revolting·the(A)
joined the foundations.
איׁש ָּתא
ְ ּוב
ִ ָּבנַיִ ן ׁשּור ָּי
ַ ְו ׁשּורּיָא
ַ ְו
u·baishth·a bnin u·shuri· u·shuri·a
and·stinking·the(A) ones-building(A) and·barricades·the(A) and·barricades·the(A)
אֲׁשַ ְכ ְללּו ׁשַ ְכ ִללּו ְואֻ ּׁשַ ּיָא י ִַחיטּו :
ashkllu shkllu u·ashi·a ichitu :
they-are-completing(A) they-completed(A) and·substances·the(A) they-are-cthreading(A)
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Ezra 4
4:15 ִּדי יְ ַב ַּקר ִּב ְספַ ר ָּד ְכ ָר ַנּיָא ־ ִּדי ,ֲב ָה ָת
ָ א
That search may be made
di ibqr b·sphr - dkrni·a di abeth·k in the book of the records of
that(A) he-shall-make-quest(A) in·scroll-of(A) memoranda·the(A) that(A) fathers-of·you(A) thy fathers: so shalt thou
find in the book of the
ּות ַה ְׁשּכַ ח
ְ ִּב ְספַ ר ָּד ְכ ָר ַנּיָא ְו ִתנְ ַּדע ִּדי ִק ְריְ ָתא records, and know that this
city [is] a rebellious city,
u·theshkch b·sphr dkrni·a u·thndo di qrith·a
and hurtful unto kings and
and·you-shall-find(A) in·scroll-of(A) memoranda·the(A) and·you-shall-know(A) that(A) town·the(A)
provinces, and that they
have moved sedition within
,ָד ִק ְריָא ָמ ָר ָדא ּומ ַהנְ זְ ַקת
ְ ַמ ְל ִכין ּומ ִדנָן
ְ the same of old time: for
dk qria mrda u·menzqth mlkin u·mdnn which cause was this city
this(A) town(A) revolting(A) and·one-causing-damage-of(A) kings(A) and·provinces(A) destroyed.
ְואֶ ְׁש ַּתּדּור עָ ְב ִדין ְּב ַגּוַּה ִמן ימת ־
ָ עָ ְל ָמא עַ ל ־
u·ashthdur obdin b·gu·e mn - iumth olm·a ol -
and·insurrection(A) ones-makingdo(A) in·midst-of·her(A) from(A) days-of(A) eon·the(A) on(A)
ַ ַּבע ַנה ֲָרא לָ א יתי
ַ ִא , ָל : פ
b·obr ner·a la aithi l·k : p
in·across-of(A) stream·the(A) not(A) actually(A) for·you(A)
4:17 ָמא
ָ ִּפ ְתג ְׁשלַ ח ַמ ְלּכָ א עַ ל ְרחּום ־ ְּבעֵ ל ְטעֵ ם ־
. [Then] sent the king an
phthgm·a shlch mlk·a ol - rchum bol - tom answer unto Rehum the
rescript·the(A) he-sent(A) king·the(A) on(A) Rehum(A) possessor-of(A) decree(A) chancellor, and [to]
Shimshai the scribe, and
ְו ִׁש ְמׁשַ י ָס ְפ ָרא ּוׁשאָ ר
ְ ְּכ ָנו ְָתהן ִּדי י ְָת ִבין [to] the rest of their
companions that dwell in
u·shmshi sphr·a u·shar knuth·eun di ithbin
Samaria, and [unto] the rest
and·Shimshai(A) scribe·the(A) and·remainder-of(A) colleagues-of·them(A) that(A) ones-sitting(A)
beyond the river, Peace, and
at such a time.
ְּבׁשָ ְמ ָריִ ן ּוׁשאָ ר
ְ ֲבר
ַ ע ַנה ֲָרה ־ ְׁשלָ ם ּוכעֶ ת
ְ : ס
b·shmrin u·shar obr - ner·e shlm u·koth : s
in·Samaria(A) and·remainder-of(A) across-of(A) stream·the(A) welfare ! (A) and·now(A)
4:19 ּומּנִ י
ִ ִׂשים ְטעֵ ם ּוב ַּקרּו
ַ ְו ַה ְׁשּכַ חּו ִּדי
And I commanded, and
u·mn·i shim tom u·bqru u·eshkchu di search hath been made, and
and·from·me(A) he-was-promulgated(A) decree(A) and·they-made-quest(A) and·they-cfound(A) that(A) it is found that this city of
old time hath made
ִק ְריְ ָתא ,ָד ִמן ימת ־
ָ עָ ְל ָמא עַ ל ַמ ְל ִכין ־ ִמ ְתנ ְַּׂשאָ ה insurrection against kings,
and [that] rebellion and
qrith·a dk mn - iumth olm·a ol - mlkin mthnshae
sedition have been made
town·the(A) this(A) from(A) days-of(A) eon·the(A) on(A) kings(A) one-lifing-up-herself(A)
ּומ ַרד
ְ ְואֶ ְׁש ַּתּדּור ֲבד
ֶ ִמ ְתע ַּבּה ־ :
u·mrd u·ashthdur mthobd - b·e :
and·revolt(A) and·insurrection(A) smakingdo(A) in·her(A)
4:21 ְּכעַ ן ִׂשימּו ְּטעֵ ם ְל ַבּטָ לָ א ּג ְֻב ַרּיָא , ִֵאּל
Give ye now
kon shimu tom l·btla gbri·a alk commandment to cause
now(A) promulgate-you(p) ! (A) decree(A) to·to-halt-of(A) masters·the(A) these(A) these men to cease, and that
this city be not builded,
ְו ִק ְריְ ָתא ,ָד לָ א ִת ְת ְּבנֵא עַ ד ִמּנִ י ־ טַ ְע ָמא until [another]
commandment shall be
u·qrith·a dk la ththbna od - mn·i tom·a
given from me.
and·town·the(A) this(A) not(A) she-shall-be-sbuilt(A) until(A) from·me(A) decree·the(A)
יִ ְּתׂשָ ם :
ithshm :
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Ezra 4 - Ezra 5
4:22 ירין
ִ ּוזְ ִה הו
ֱ ׁשָ לּו ְל ֶמ ְע ַּבד עַ ל ְּדנָה ־ ְל ָמה
Take heed now that ye
u·zeirin euu shlu l·mobd ol - dne lme fail not to do this: why
and·ones-being-warned(A) be-you(p) ! (A) carelessness(A) to·to-do-of(A) on(A) this(A) why ? (A) should damage grow to the
hurt of the kings?
יִ ְׂשּגֵא ח ָבלָ א
ֲ ְל ַהנְ ז ַָקת ַמ ְל ִכין : ס
ishga chbl·a l·enzqth mlkin : s
he-shall-grow-great(A) harm·the(A) to·to-cause-damage-of(A) kings(A)
4:23 א ֱַדיִ ן ִמן ִּדי ־ ּפַ ְרׁשֶ גֶן נִ ְׁש ְּת ָונָא ִּדי אַ ְר ַּת ְחׁשַ ְׂש ָּתא
Now when the copy of
adin mn - di phrshgn nshthun·a di arthchshshtha king Artaxerxes'letter [was]
then(A) from(A) that(A) transcript-of(A) dispatch·the(A) that(A) Artaxerxes(A) read before Rehum, and
Shimshai the scribe, and
אַ ְר ַּת ְחׁשַ ְׂש ְּת ַמ ְלּכָ א ֱק ִרי ֳק ָדם ְרחּום ־ ְו ִׁש ְמׁשַ י ָס ְפ ָרא their companions, they went
up in haste to Jerusalem
arthchshshth mlk·a qri qdm - rchum u·shmshi sphr·a
unto the Jews, and made
Artaxerxes(A) king·the(A) he-was-read(A) before(A) Rehum(A) and·Shimshai(A) scribe·the(A)
them to cease by force and
ּוכ ָנו ְָתהן
ְ אזַלּו
ֲ ִב ְב ִהילּו ירּוׁשלֶ ם
ְ ִל עַ ל הּודיֵא ־
ָ ְי
u·knuth·eun azlu b·beilu l·irushlm ol - ieudi·a
and·colleagues-of·them(A) they-departed(A) in·fluster(A) to·Jerusalem(A) on(A) Judeans·the(A)
ּוב ִּטלּו
ַ ִהּמ ְּבאֶ ְד ָרע ְו ָחיִ ל : ס
u·btlu emu b·adro u·chil : s
and·they-halted(A) them(A) in·arm(A) and·army(A)
4:24 אדיִ ן
ַ ֵּב ְּבטֵ לַ ת ידת
ַ ע ֲִב ֵּבית אֱלָ ָהא ־ ִּדי ירּוׁשלֶ ם
ְ ִּב
Then ceased the work of
b·adin btlth obidth bith - ale·a di b·irushlm the house of God which [is]
in·then(A) she-halted(A) administration-of(A) house-of(A) Eloah·the(A) that(A) in·Jerusalem(A) at Jerusalem. So it ceased
unto the second year of the
ֲ ַו ָּב ְטלָ א עַ ד ְׁשנַת ַּת ְר ֵּתין ְל ַמ ְלכּות ָּד ְר ָיוֶׁש , ֶֶמל ־ reign of Darius king of
u·euth btla od shnth thrthin l·mlkuth driush mlk -
and·she-was(A) being-halted(A) until(A) year-of(A) two(A) to·reign-of(A) Darius(A) king-of(A)
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