Zechariah 12
Zechariah 12
Zechariah 12
12:1 מּׂשָ א
ַ ְד ַבר יְ הוָה ־ יִ ְׂש ָראֵ ל ־ עַ ל נְ אֻ ם יְ הוָה ־ נֹטֶ ה ׁשָ ַמיִ ם
. The burden of the word
msha dbr - ieue ol - ishral nam - ieue nte shmim of the LORD for Israel,
load-of word-of Yahweh on Israel averment-of Yahweh one-stretching-out heavens saith the LORD, which
stretcheth forth the heavens,
ֵ ְוי אָ ֶרץ ְויֹצֵ ר רּוח
ַ אָ ָדם ־ ְּב ִק ְרּב : פ and layeth the foundation of
the earth, and formeth the
u·isd artz u·itzr ruch - adm b·qrb·u : p
spirit of man within him.
and·one-founding earth and·one-forming spirit-of human in·inward-of·him
12:2 ִהּנֵה אָ נ ִֹכי ׂשָ ם יְ רּוׁשָ לַ ִם ־ אֶ ת ַסף ַרעַ ל ־ ְלכָ ל ָהעַ ִּמים ־
Behold, I will make
ene anki shm ath - irushlm sph - rol l·kl - e·omim Jerusalem a cup of
behold ! I placing » Jerusalem threshold-of shivering to·all-of the·peoples trembling unto all the
people round about, when
ָס ִביב ְוגַם הּודה ־ עַ ל
ָ ְיִ ְהיֶה י ַב ָּמצר יְ רּוׁשָ לָ ִם ־ עַ ל : they shall be in the siege
both against Judah [and]
sbib u·gm ol - ieude ieie b·mtzur ol - irushlm :
against Jerusalem.
round-about and·moreover on Judah he-shall-become in·the·siege on Jerusalem
12:3 היָה
ָ ְו ַבּים ַההּוא ־ אָ ִׂשים יְ רּוׁשָ לַ ִם ־ אֶ ת אֶ ֶבן ֲמ ָסה
ָ ְלכָ ל ַמע ־
And in that day will I
u·eie b·ium - e·eua ashim ath - irushlm abn momse l·kl - make Jerusalem a
and·he-becomes in·the·day the·he I-shall-place » Jerusalem stone-of lading for·all-of burdensome stone for all
people: all that burden
ָהעַ ִּמים ּכָ ל יה ־
ָ עֹ ְמ ֶס ׂשָ רט יִ ּׂשָ ֵרטּו themselves with it shall be
cut in pieces, though all the
e·omim kl - omsi·e shrut ishrtu
people of the earth be
the·peoples all-of ones-being-laden-with·her to-be-lacerated they-shall-be-lacerated
gathered together against it.
ְונֶאֶ ְספּו יה
ָ ֶעָ ל ּכֹל ּגיֵי ָהאָ ֶרץ :
u·nasphu oli·e kl guii e·artz :
and·they-are-gathered on·her all-of nations-of the·earth
12:4 ּבּים
ַ ַההּוא נְ אֻ ם יְ הוָה ־ אַ ּכֶ ה כָ ל סּוס ־ ַּב ִּת ָּמהן
In that day, saith the
b·ium e·eua nam - ieue ake kl - sus b·thmeun LORD, I will smite every
in·the·day the·he averment-of Yahweh I-shall-csmite every-of horse in·the·amazement horse with astonishment,
and his rider with madness:
ְור ְֹכב ַּב ִּׁשּגָען ְועַ ל ֵּבית ־ הּודה
ָ ְאֶ ְפ ַקח י עֵ ינַי ־ אֶ ת and I will open mine eyes
upon the house of Judah,
u·rkb·u b·shgoun u·ol - bith ieude aphqch ath - oin·i
and will smite every horse
and·one-riding-of·him in·the·madness and·over house-of Judah I-shall-unclose » eyes-of·me
of the people with
ְוכֹל סּוס ָהעַ ִּמים אַ ּכֶ ה ַּב ִעּוָרן :
u·kl sus e·omim ake b·ourun :
and·every-of horse-of the·peoples I-shall-csmite in·the·blindness
12:6 ּבּים
ַ ַההּוא אָ ִׂשים אַ ּלֻ פֵ י ־ אֶ ת הּודה
ָ ְְּכ ִכּיר י אֵ ׁש ְּבעֵ ִצים
In that day will I make the
b·ium e·eua ashim ath - alphi ieude k·kiur ash b·otzim governors of Judah like an
in·the·day the·he I-shall-place » mentors-of Judah as·chafing-pan-of fire in·sticks hearth of fire among the
wood, and like a torch of
ּוכלַ ִּפיד
ְ אֵ ׁש ְּבעָ ִמיר ְואָ ְכלּו י ִָמין ־ עַ ל ְועַ ל ְׂשמ ֹאול ־ ּכָ ל ־ אֶ ת ־ fire in a sheaf; and they
shall devour all the people
u·k·lphid ash b·omir u·aklu ol - imin u·ol - shmaul ath - kl -
round about, on the right
and·as·torch-of fire in·sheaf and·they-devour on right and·on left » all-of
hand and on the left: and
Jerusalem shall be inhabited
ָהעַ ִּמים ָס ִביב ְוי ְָׁש ָבה יְ רּוׁשָ לַ ִם עד יה
ָ ַּת ְח ֶּת ִּבירּוׁשָ לָ ִם : פ again in her own place,
e·omim sbib u·ishbe irushlm oud thchthi·e b·irushlm : p [even] in Jerusalem.
the·peoples round-about and·she-dwells Jerusalem still in-place-ofun·her in·Jerusalem
12:7 יע
ַ הׁש
ִ ְו יְ הוָה אָ הֳלֵ י ־ אֶ ת הּודה
ָ ְׁשנָה י
ֹ ָּב ִרא ְל ַמעַ ן ִתגְ ַּדל ־ ל ֹא
The LORD also shall save
u·eushio ieue ath - aeli ieude b·rashne lmon la - thgdl the tents of Judah first, that
and·he-csaves Yahweh » tents-of Judah in·the·first so-that not she-shall-be-magnified the glory of the house of
David and the glory of the
ִּת ְפאֶ ֶרת ֵּבית ָּד ִויד ־ ְו ִת ְפאֶ ֶרת יֹׁשֵ ב יְ רּוׁשָ לַ ִם עַ ל הּודה ־
ָ ְ י: inhabitants of Jerusalem do
not magnify [themselves]
thpharth bith - duid u·thpharth ishb irushlm ol - ieude :
against Judah.
beauty-of house-of David and·beauty-of one-dwelling-of Jerusalem over Judah
12:8 ּבּים
ַ ַההּוא ָיגֵן יְ הוָה ְּבעַ ד יׁשֵ ב יְ רּוׁשָ לַ ִם ְו ָהיָה
In that day shall the
b·ium e·eua ign ieue bod iushb irushlm u·eie LORD defend the
in·the·day the·he he-shall-cprotect Yahweh about one-dwelling-of Jerusalem and·he-becomes inhabitants of Jerusalem;
and he that is feeble among
ַהּנִ ְכׁשָ ל ָּב ֶהם ַּבּים ַההּוא ְּכ ָד ִויד ּובית
ֵ ָּד ִויד הים2א
ִ ֵּכ them at that day shall be as
David; and the house of
e·nkshl b·em b·ium e·eua k·duid u·bith duid k·aleim
David [shall be] as God, as
the·one-nstumbling in·them in·the·day the·he as·David and·house-of David as·Elohim
the angel of the LORD
before them.
7 ְַּכ ַמ ְלא יְ הוָה ֵיהם
ֶ ִל ְפנ :
k·mlak ieue l·phni·em :
as·messenger-of Yahweh to·faces-of·them
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Zechariah 12 - Zechariah 13
12:9 היָה
ָ ְו ַּבּים ַההּוא ֲב ֵּקׁש
ַ א ְל ַה ְׁש ִמיד ּכָ ל ־ אֶ ת ־
. And it shall come to pass
u·eie b·ium e·eua abqsh l·eshmid ath - kl - in that day, [that] I will seek
and·he-becomes in·the·day the·he I-shall-mseek to·to-cexterminate-of » all-of to destroy all the nations
that come against
ַהּגיִ ם ַה ָּב ִאים יְ רּוׁשָ לָ ִם ־ עַ ל : Jerusalem.
e·guim e·baim ol - irushlm :
the·nations the·ones-coming on Jerusalem
12:10 ְוׁשָ פַ ְכ ִּתי ֵּבית ־ עַ ל ָּד ִויד ְועַ ל יׁשֵ ב יְ רּוׁשָ לַ ִם רּוח
ַ ֵחן
And I will pour upon the
u·shphkthi ol - bith duid u·ol iushb irushlm ruch chn house of David, and upon
and·I-pour-out on house-of David and·on one-dwelling-of Jerusalem spirit-of grace the inhabitants of
Jerusalem, the spirit of
ְו ַתחֲנּונִ ים ְו ִה ִּביטּו אֵ לַ י אֵ ת ָּד ָקרּו ־ אֲׁשֶ ר ְו ָס ְפדּו עָ לָ יו ְּכ ִמ ְסּפֵ ד grace and of supplications:
and they shall look upon me
u·thchnunim u·ebitu al·i ath ashr - dqru u·sphdu oli·u k·msphd
whom they have pierced,
and·supplications and·they-clook to·me » whom they-stabbed and·they-wail over·him as·wailing
and they shall mourn for
him, as one mourneth for
עַ ל ַהּי ִָחיד ־ ְו ָה ֵמר עָ לָ יו ְּכ ָה ֵמר עַ ל ַה ְּבכר ־ : [his] only [son], and shall
ol - e·ichid u·emr oli·u k·emr ol - e·bkur : be in bitterness for him, as
over the·only-son and·to-cgrieve-bitterly over·him as·to-cgrieve-bitterly over the·firstborn one that is in bitterness for
[his] firstborn.
12:11 ּבּים
ַ ַההּוא יִ גְ ַּדל ַה ִּמ ְסּפֵ ד ִּבירּוׁשָ לַ ִם ְּכ ִמ ְסּפַ ד ־רּמן
ִ ה ֲַד ְד 11
In that day shall there be
b·ium e·eua igdl e·msphd b·irushlm k·msphd edd-rmun a great mourning in
in·the·day the·he he-shall-be-great the·wailing in·Jerusalem as·wailing-of Hadad-Rimmon Jerusalem, as the mourning
of Hadadrimmon in the
ְּב ִב ְקעַ ת ְמגִ ּדן : valley of Megiddon.
b·bqoth mgdun :
in·valley-of Megiddon
12:12 ְו ָס ְפ ָדה ָהאָ ֶרץ ִמ ְׁשּפָ חת ִמ ְׁשּפָ חת ְל ָבד ִמ ְׁשּפַ ַחת ֵּבית ָּד ִויד ־ ְל ָבד
And the land shall
u·sphde e·artz mshphchuth mshphchuth l·bd mshphchth bith - duid l·bd mourn, every family apart;
and·she-wails the·land families families to·alone family-of house-of David to·alone the family of the house of
David apart, and their wives
ֶ ֵּונְ ׁש ְל ָבד ִמ ְׁשּפַ ַחת ֵּבית נ ָָתן ־ ְל ָבד יהם
ֶ ֵּונְ ׁש ְל ָבד : apart; the family of the
house of Nathan apart, and
u·nshi·em l·bd mshphchth bith - nthn l·bd u·nshi·em l·bd :
their wives apart;
and·women-of·them to·alone family-of house-of Nathan to·alone and·women-of·them to·alone
12:13 חת
ַ ִַמ ְׁשּפ ֵּבית לֵ ִוי ־ ְל ָבד יהם
ֶ ֵּונְ ׁש ְל ָבד ִמ ְׁשּפַ ַחת ַה ִּׁש ְמ ִעי ְל ָבד
The family of the house
mshphchth bith - lui l·bd u·nshi·em l·bd mshphchth e·shmoi l·bd of Levi apart, and their
family-of house-of Levi to·alone and·women-of·them to·alone family-of the·Shimei to·alone wives apart; the family of
Shimei apart, and their
ֶ ֵּונְ ׁש ְל ָבד : wives apart;
u·nshi·em l·bd :
and·women-of·them to·alone
12:14 ּכֹל ַה ִּמ ְׁשּפָ חת ַהּנִ ְׁשאָ רת ִמ ְׁשּפָ חֹת ִמ ְׁשּפָ חֹת ְל ָבד יהם
ֶ ֵּונְ ׁש
All the families that
kl e·mshphchuth e·nsharuth mshphchth mshphchth l·bd u·nshi·em remain, every family apart,
all-of the·families the·ones-nremaining families families to·alone and·women-of·them and their wives apart.
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