Zechariah 13
Zechariah 13
Zechariah 13
13:1 ּבּים
ַ ַההּוא יִ ְהיֶה ָמקר נִ ְפ ָּתח ְל ֵבית ָּד ִויד
. In that day there shall be
b·ium e·eua ieie mqur nphthch l·bith duid a fountain opened to the
in·the·day the·he he-shall-become fountain being-opened to·house-of David house of David and to the
inhabitants of Jerusalem for
ֹׁש ֵבי
ְ ּולי
ְ יְ רּוׁשָ לָ ִם ְל ַחּטַ את ּולנִ ָּדה
ְ : sin and for uncleanness.
u·l·ishbi irushlm l·chtath u·l·nde :
and·to·ones-dwelling-of Jerusalem for·sin-of and·for·impurity
13:2 היָה
ָ ְו ַבּים ַההּוא נְ אֻ ם יְ הוָה ְצ ָבאת אַ ְכ ִרית ־ אֶ ת
And it shall come to pass
u·eie b·ium e·eua nam ieue tzbauth akrith ath - in that day, saith the LORD
and·he-becomes in·the·day the·he averment-of Yahweh-of hosts I-shall-ccut-off » of hosts, [that] I will cut off
the names of the idols out of
ְׁשמת ָהעֲצַ ִּבים ִמן ָהאָ ֶרץ ־ ְול ֹא יִ ּז ְָכרּו עד ְוגַם the land, and they shall no
more be remembered: and
shmuth e·otzbim mn - e·artz u·la izkru oud u·gm
also I will cause the
names-of the·grief-fetishes from the·land and·not they-shall-be-remembered longer and·moreover
prophets and the unclean
spirit to pass out of the land.
יאים ־ אֶ ת
ִ ַהּנְ ִב ְואֶ ת רּוח ־
ַ ַהּטֻ ְמאָ ה אַ ע ֲִביר ִמן ָהאָ ֶרץ ־ :
ath - e·nbiaim u·ath - ruch e·tmae aobir mn - e·artz :
» the·prophets and·» spirit-of the·uncleanness I-shall-cause-to-pass from the·land
13:3 היָה
ָ ְו ִּכי ָבא ־
ֵ יִ ּנ ִאיׁש עד ְואָ ְמרּו אֵ לָ יו אָ ִביו
And it shall come to pass,
u·eie ki - inba aish oud u·amru ali·u abi·u [that] when any shall yet
and·he-becomes that he-is-nprophesying man still and·they-say to·him father-of·him prophesy, then his father
and his mother that begat
ְו ִאּמ ֹל ָדיו
ְ י ל ֹא ִת ְחיֶה ִּכי ׁשֶ ֶקר ִּד ַּב ְר ָּת ְּבׁשֵ ם him shall say unto him,
Thou shalt not live; for thou
u·am·u ildi·u la thchie ki shqr dbrth b·shm
speakest lies in the name of
and·mother-of·him ones-generating-of·him not you-shall-live that falsehood you-mspeak in·name-of
the LORD: and his father
and his mother that begat
יְ הוָה ּוד ָק ֻרהּו
ְ אָ ִביהּו ְו ִאּמ ֹל ָדיו
ְ י him shall thrust him through
ieue u·dqr·eu abi·eu u·am·u ildi·u when he prophesieth.
Yahweh and·they-stab·him father-of·him and·mother-of·him ones-generating-of·him
13:4 היָה
ָ ְו ַּבּים ַההּוא ֵיבֹׁשּו יאים
ִ ַהּנְ ִב ִאיׁש ֵמ ֶחזְ יֹנ
And it shall come to pass
u·eie b·ium e·eua ibshu e·nbiaim aish m·chzin·u in that day, [that] the
and·he-becomes in·the·day the·he they-shall-be-ashamed the·prophets man from·vision-of·him prophets shall be ashamed
every one of his vision,
ְּב ִהּנ ְָבאֹת ְול ֹא יִ ְל ְּבׁשּו אַ ֶּד ֶרת ְל ַמעַ ן ׂשֵ עָ ר ּכַ ֵחׁש : when he hath prophesied;
neither shall they wear a
b·enbath·u u·la ilbshu adrth shor lmon kchsh :
rough garment to deceive:
in·to-nprophesy·him and·not they-shall-put-on fur-robe-of hair in-order-to to-mdissimulate-of
13:5 מר
ַ ְָוא ל ֹא נ ִָביא אָ נ ִֹכי עֹ ֵבד ־ ִאיׁש א ֲָד ָמה אָ נ ִֹכי ִּכי אָ ָדם ִה ְקנַנִ י
But he shall say, I [am] no
u·amr la nbia anki aish - obd adme anki ki adm eqn·ni prophet, I [am] an
and·he-says not prophet I man serving-of ground I that human he-cacquired·me husbandman; for man
taught me to keep cattle
ָ ְִמּנ : from my youth.
m·nour·i :
13:6 מר
ַ ְָוא אֵ לָ יו ָמה ַה ַּמּכת ָהאֵ ּלֶ ה ֵּבין 0י ֶָדי ְואָ ַמר אֲׁשֶ ר
And [one] shall say unto
u·amr ali·u me e·mkuth e·ale bin idi·k u·amr ashr him, What [are] these
and·he-says to·him what ? the·smitings the·these between hands-of·you and·he-says which wounds in thine hands?
Then he shall answer,
ִ ֵֻהּכ ֵּבית ה ָבי
ֲ ְַמא : ס [Those] with which I was
wounded [in] the house of
ekithi bith maeb·i : s
my friends.
I-was-csmitten house-of ones-mloving-of·me
13:7 ח ֶרב
ֶ עּורי
ִ ר ִֹעי ־ עַ ל ְועַ ל ֶבר ־
ֶ ּג יתי
ִ ע ֲִמ נְ אֻ ם
. Awake, O sword, against
chrb ouri ol - ro·i u·ol - gbr omith·i nam my shepherd, and against
sword rouse-you ! on one-being-shepherd-of·me and·on master companion-of·me averment-of the man [that is] my fellow,
saith the LORD of hosts:
יְ הוָה ְצ ָבאת 3ַה ָהרֹעֶ ה ־ אֶ ת ָ ּותפּוצֶ ין
ְ ַהּצ ֹאן smite the shepherd, and the
sheep shall be scattered: and
ieue tzbauth ek ath - e·roe u·thphutzin e·tzan
csmite-you ! » I will turn mine hand upon
Yahweh-of hosts the·one-shepherding and·they-are-scattering the·flock
the little ones.
ֲׁשב ִֹתי
ִ ַוה י ִָדי ּצע ֲִרים ־ עַ ל
ֹ ַה :
u·eshbthi id·i ol - e·tzorim :
and·I-crestore hand-of·me on the·ones-being-inferior
13:8 היָה
ָ ְו ְבכָ ל ָהאָ ֶרץ ־ נְ אֻ ם יְ הוָה ־ ִּפי ְׁשנַיִ ם ־ ָּבּה
And it shall come to pass,
u·eie b·kl - e·artz nam - ieue phi - shnim b·e [that] in all the land, saith
and·he-becomes in·all-of the·land averment-of Yahweh division-of two in·her the LORD, two parts
therein shall be cut off [and]
יִ ּכָ ְרתּו יִ גְ וָעּו ְו ַה ְּׁש ִל ִׁשית ָתר
ֶ יִ ּו ָּבּה : die; but the third shall be
left therein.
ikrthu iguou u·e·shlshith iuthr b·e :
they-shall-be-cut-off they-shall-expire and·the·third he-shall-be-reserved in·her
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Zechariah 13 - Zechariah 14
13:9 אתי
ִ ְו ֵה ֵב ַה ְּׁש ִל ִׁשית ־ אֶ ת ָּבאֵ ׁש ּוצ ַר ְפ ִּתים
ְ ִּכ ְצרֹף ַהּכֶ ֶסף ־ אֶ ת
And I will bring the third
u·ebathi ath - e·shlshith b·ash u·tzrphthi·m k·tzrph ath - e·ksph part through the fire, and
and·I-cbring » the·third in·the·fire and·I-refine·them as·to-refine-of » the·silver will refine them as silver is
refined, and will try them as
ּוב ַחנְ ִּתים
ְ חן
ֹ ִּכ ְב ָהב ־ אֶ ת
ָ ַהּז יִ ְק ָרא הּוא ִב ְׁש ִמי ַואֲנִ י gold is tried: they shall call
on my name, and I will hear
u·bchnthi·m k·bchn ath - e·zeb eua iqra b·shm·i u·ani
them: I will say, It [is] my
and·I-test·them as·to-test-of » the·gold he he-shall-call in·name-of·me and·I
people: and they shall say,
The LORD [is] my God.
ֱ ֶא אֹת אָ ַמ ְר ִּתי עַ ִּמי ְוהּוא הּוא ֹאמר
ַ י יְ הוָה הי:ֱ
ָ א : ס
aone ath·u amrthi om·i eua u·eua iamr ieue ale·i : s
I-shall-answer »·him I-say people-of·me he and·he he-shall-say Yahweh Elohim-of·me
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