Plotting A Story
Plotting A Story
Plotting A Story
a. Most Essential a. Appraise the unity of plot, setting and characterization in a
Learning material viewed to achieve the writer’s purpose. (EN10VC-IVc-29)
b. Enabling
Competencies b.1. Recall the major elements of a story using a story diagram.
b.2. Complete a story map and story grammar on a material
c. Core Values
c. Expresses importance of equal opportunities as author’s
Respect and
purpose in writing by creating a short essay.
Note: Align objectives to the core values of the school (for da
maka-Diyos ka dito dzai)
B. List of Learning
Resources for
Development and
E (
1.Who is the author of the novel ”Les Miserables”?
b. Development Discussion…
STORY- Narrative is a connected series of events told through words
(written or spoken), imagery (still and moving), body language, performance,
music, or any other form of communication.
PLOT- The plot relates to the events that happen in a story. Plot can be
further divided into sub-elements such as: introduction, rising action, climax,
falling action, and resolution. It is the “what” of the story. Plot usually begins
with a problem and ends in the story’s resolution.
SETTINGS- A story's setting refers not only to the physical location, but
also the time the action takes place. It is the where and the when of a story.
CONFLICT - Every story worth its salt requires conflict. This conflict can be
thought of as a challenge or problem that drives the action of the story. No
conflict, no story. Setting up a series of cause and effect events, conflict gives
these events their why.
THEME- A little more abstract than the previous elements, the theme refers
to the underlying insight, the moral or idea that the writer is expressing
through the story. It is often thought of as the ‘message’ of the story
c. Engagement This time, let us try to find out how well you
understood the elements of a story and how thoroughly
you understood the story “Les Miserables”. Complete the story
map below.
d. Assimilation What I have learned ….
VII. Assignment
Prepared & submitted Date:
by: Teacher in English 8 & 10