Week 10 - English Edited
Week 10 - English Edited
Week 10 - English Edited
II. CONTENT Initiating Conversation with Summarizing and Restating Summarizing and Restating
(Subject Matter) Peers Information Shared by Others Information Shared by Others
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
LR portal
B. Other Learning Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations, Audio-visual presentations,
Resources pictures pictures pictures
A. Reviewing previous Lesson 1. What is a conversation? Checking and sharing of Checking and sharing of
or presenting new lesson 2. What are the parts of a assignment. assignment.
3. How can you keep the
atmosphere great in a
conversation with peer?
B. Establishing a purpose for Draw this in your notebook. Tell any information about the
the lesson Write at least two appro-priate objects or things you see below.
sentences inside the dialogue Be ready to share them with
boxes. your classmates.
There is a new student named
Rex from Biñan City.
C. Presenting examples/ Do you like having conversations Read the story below. Read the story carefully.
instances of the new with other people?
D. Discussing new concepts In every conversation, one has 1. Who was working and
and practicing new skills. to observe the different rules carrying food on his back?
#1 and remind-ers that every 2. What did the grasshopper do
speaker and listener should the whole summer?
consider. 3. Why did the ant need to 1. Who are the characters in the
prepare food? story? _________________.
4. How did the ant help the 2. Where did the story happen?
grasshopper when the rainy ________________________.
days came? 3. When did the story happen?
5. Between the ant and the _________________________.
grasshopper, which would you 4. What happened first ?
choose to be? Why? ___________________________
5. What happened last?
E. Discussing new concepts Rewrite this in your notebook. Synthesizing and Restating Based on story, “The Greedy
and practicing new skills Fill the blanks with words or Information Shared by Others Snake”, write a short summary in
#2. phrases to complete the - means grouping related ideas your notebook.
dialogue. and telling them in clear and
Teacher: Good morning, class! understandable way Summary is a shortened version
Pupils : 1. - means relaying information to of a story. It retells all the
__________________________ others important parts of the story.
Teacher: How are you today? example: soft drinks - not good A summary :
Pupils: 2. - contain caffeine - is told in a sequence.
__________________________ - disturb sleep - can include the main idea,
Teacher: I am glad to hear that! Synthesized and Restated supporting details and
What makes you happy today? Information theme of the story.
Pupils: 3. *Soft drinks are not good - can be written in 3-5 sentences.
__________________________ because they contain caffeine
Teacher: That’s great! Are you that disturbs our sleep. Remember the helping tips on
excited to know what is In the story, the ant and how to summarize
our lesson today? grasshopper have qualities that 1. Beginning — Know the
Pupils: 4. are unique from each other. characters, the setting and the
__________________________ You may synthesize their problem.
qualities, and then restate the 2. Middle — Know what
information. happened to the characters and
climax of the story.
3. Ending — Know how the
problem is solved.
At first, Einstein’s kite was stuck
on the tree. Then, the
thunderstorm came and struck
the kite with a high voltage
electricity. Finally, Einsten
discovered the Quantum Theory
of Light.
F. Developing Mastery Try to write a conversation
(Lead to Formative between a teacher and a pupil
Assessment 3) during examination.
G. Finding practical Examine the illustration below. Write information about your On a sheet of paper, write your
application of concepts Supply the dialogue with the family. Group the information own summary about the story
and skills in daily living possible details about their and restate it clearly. below.
H. Making Generalizations How to converse or talk to How to restate information How to write a summary?
and Abstraction about the others? shared by others?
I. Evaluating Learning Write a dialogue about the Read the information below. Based on the story entitled “The
situation below. Answer the questions in the Greedy Snake”, write the sequence
Situation: Racquel and Ian are table. Synthesize and restate the of events using the signal words in
the box.
siblings. They walk together in information.
going home after school.
The Greedy Snake
___________ He regretted that he
let the salamander go in exchange
for his desire to have a bigger food.
___________ He regretted that he
let the salamander go in exchange
for his desire to have a bigger food.
___________ He caught it and
thought that it is not enough for him
so he let it go.
___________ The snake was hungry
and could not go out to
hunt for food.
___________ He waited for a long
time but no animal passed by
his hole again.
___________ He saw a salamander
passed by his hole.
J. Additional Activities for Directions: Pretend that you will Directions: Study the diagrams
Application or be having an online about the grasshopper and the
Remediation conversation with your best ant during the rainy days.
friend. List 5 questions that you Describe each based on their
want to ask your friend to start actions and feelings.
your conversation.
1. The ant was ___________
and ___________ while eating
at home.
a. lonely and kind
b. relaxed and kind
c. happy and relaxed
d. happy and lonely
2. Feeling ___________ and
___________, the grasshopper
felt sorry for being lazy during
summer days.
a. sad and happy
b. happy and hungry
c. happy and cold
d. cold and hungry
3. The ant was ___________
when he thought to offer food
to the grasshopper.
a. happy c. kind
b. lonely d. contented
4. After realizing his own
mistake, the grasshopper felt
a. cold c. sad
b. hungry d. happy
5. The ant felt ___________ that
he had enough food for the
rainy days.
a. relaxed c. kind
b. contented d. lonely