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Call for applications for admission to

PhD programmes 40th cycle
Academic year 2024/2025

Article 1
(Available positions)

The Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS, hereinafter referred to as the "School", hereby announces
40 positions for admission to the 40th cycle of PhD programmes.
This announcement specifies the number of positions available under the competition for each
Ph.D Programme:

Programme Coordinator n. of


PhD in COGNITIVE BRAIN SCIENCES Prof. Eleonora Catricalà 6

In Agreement with Università degli Studi di Pavia.


In Agreement with Università degli Studi di Pavia.

In collaboration with Philochem A.G.


In Agreement with Università degli studi di Milano e

Scuola Normale Superiore



PhD in EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING Prof. Ricardo Monteiro

In Agreement with Università degli Studi di Pavia 8

In collaboration with Eucentre Foundation


In collaboration with CNAO Foundation

The relevant admission procedures shall be formally closed after the ministerial validation has been obtained

If additional funding becomes available before the start of the Programmes, the number of
positions may be increased.

The School also reserves the right to assign to eligible candidates on the merit ranking any further
scholarships that may be awarded by the Ministry at the end of the procedure for the reallocation
of resources made available pursuant to art. 11 of Ministerial Decree 629/2024 and art. 8 of
Ministerial Decree 630/2024

(Requirements for taking part in the competition)

Candidates with the academic qualifications set forth below may take part in the selection
process, without citizenship restrictions:

- Master degree
- Similar academic qualification obtained abroad recognized as comparable by the
Admission Committee to the Italian qualification in terms of duration and content and
deemed eligible for the purposes of taking part in the competition.

Individuals who have not obtained their qualification by the announcement deadline but who will
obtain it by 31 October 2024 may also take part in the selection process.

Candidates holding a qualification obtained in Italy

All candidates holding an academic qualification obtained at an Italian University, whether they
are EU or Non-EU Countries citizens, are required to self-certify their qualification and are eligible
for the selection process subject to verification of the self-certified declarations.

Candidates holding a qualification obtained abroad (EU and NON-EU Countries)

All candidates holding a qualification obtained abroad (NON-EU Countries) are required to submit
a legalized copy of their original degree certificate along with a translation unless written in
English/French/Spanish. Admission to the Programme for candidates holding a foreign
qualification obtained in a NON-EU Country is in any case conditional on verification of the
qualification held, which is carried out on the basis of the “Dichiarazione di valore in loco”
[“Declaration of local value”] issued by the Italian diplomatic mission competent in that territory.
Candidates holding an academic degree awarded abroad in the EU Countries are required to
submit the Diploma Supplement.

Article 3
(Application to take part in the competition)
The application to take part in the competition, one for each PhD programme in which
candidates wish to take part, should be submitted starting from 31 May 2024, 13:00 CET by
electronic means only, using the online procedure which can be found in the dedicated section of
the School website at the link by the date specified in the
individual PhD programme information sheets annexed to this announcement and integral part
of it.

Candidates are required to declare the following in the application, on their responsibility:
a) surname, name, place and date of birth, nationality;
b) that they hold the academic qualification set forth in article 2 above, specifying the degree
programme, its duration and the University or Institution of Higher Education where it
was obtained;
c) the mark received in the Master degree examination, specifying the maximum possible
mark and the date on which the said mark was obtained;
d) the date on which they expect to obtain the qualification, for those not already holding it;
e) the chosen curriculum, where the Programme envisages more than one;
f) the domicile or contact details for receiving competition-related communications and the
undertaking to inform of any further changes of address;
g) email address, mandatory for competition-related correspondence.

The following may use the self-certification process:

- Italian and EU citizens;
- Non-EU Countries citizens who are legal residents in Italy, only as regards personal
qualities and facts which can be certified or attested by Italian public bodies.

People with disabilities can, during the application process, apply for the aids they may require
throughout the competition in relation to their disability, as well as for any extra time needed.
A valid identity document along with the documentation certifying the possession of the
academic qualification referred to in article 2 above should be attached to the application
procedure, on pain of exclusion.
The School may perform checks on the truthfulness of the declarations and documents
submitted, at any time during the procedure, including after the start of the Programmes, and
may request that the original documents be produced. In the event of false declarations, the
School may order the exclusion of candidates from the selection procedure or from the
Programme at any time, by the substantiated decision of the Rector, without prejudice to the
criminal liability deriving from the same.
Article 4
(Selection Board and test examinations)
The Examining Boards for admission to the Ph.D. Programmes are appointed by decree of the
Rector and their composition is available for consultation on the School website.
The candidate selection and assessment methods and criteria for drawing up the ranking lists are
specified in the information sheets annexed hereto. Selection procedures will be communicated
to the interested candidates with due notice.

Article 5
(Admission to the Ph.D. Programme and entrance of students)

Successful candidates are admitted to the Ph.D. Programme according to the merit ranking list
and subject to availability of the positions.
The general merit ranking lists, approved by decree of the Rector, are published on the School
website. Publication constitutes an official communication.
In case of equal ranking in the assessment phase, preference will be given to the younger
The School reserves the right to assign any positions which become available as a result of
candidates renouncing or dropping out, to suitable candidates on the ranking list, until PhD
courses start.
The start date of the Ph.D. Programmes is 1 October 2024.
NON-EU students should apply for a specific study visa to enter Italy using the online procedure
through Universitaly portal. Students are required to apply for a residence permit for study
purposes within eight (8) days of arriving in Italy.
For further information, please go to:
Admitted candidates must enroll within the deadline set down in the letter of admission.
Candidates who do not complete their enrollment by the deadline and according to the
procedure indicated, will be considered withdrawn.

In order to enroll, admitted candidates shall submit through the dedicated online procedure the
needed documents, including:

a) Electonic payment of Tassa regionale diritto allo Studio;

b) Candidates who awarded their second level Degree abroad: Declaration of Local Value
(Dichiarazione di valore) or proof of request issue to competent authorities or Diploma
c) Only for candidates having been awarded the second level Degree after the deadline of the
competition and by 31/10/2024: Certificate or self-declaration of second level Degree, with
grade, date and place of obtainment.

The effectiveness of the selection is subject to confirmation by the competent Ministry of

Education, University and Research (MUR) of the validation for Academic Year 2024/2025 as
provided for by art. 5 of Ministerial Decree 226/2021.
In special, justified cases, entrance of students in Italy may generally be postponed, to no more
than 30 days after the official Programme start date.

Article 6
(Scholarship and other grants)
The scholarships have the duration of the PhD Course of interest and are awarded for the 1st
Year and confirmed on a yearly basis for admission to the subsequent year subject to the
decision by the Teaching Board of the individual programmes.
The annual amount of the scholarship is € 16.243,00, including National Social Security
Contributions (INPS). This amount is exempt from the IRPEF tax and it is subject to the payment
of National Social Security contribution (INPS “gestione separata”), of which two thirds are paid
by the administration and one third by the PhD student.
The scholarships may not be cumulated with other scholarships granted for any reason, with the
exception of those granted by national or foreign institutions to enhance the student’s research
activity with periods of stay abroad.
Those who have taken advantage, even partly, of a PhD scholarship in the past, may not benefit
from the scholarship.
The scholarship may be increased by 50% for an average period of 6 months stay abroad and, in
any case, until a maximum period of 12 months.
The School will also make an annual budget, amounting to not less than 10% of the scholarship,
available to all PhD students pursuant to article 9 of Italian Ministerial Decree 226/2021 to cover
research activity-related expenses in Italy and abroad, as provided for by internal rules.
The School shall insure the students against accidents and civil liability for the entire duration of
the Programme.

Article 7
(PNRR Scholarships)
Implementing the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), as part of Mission 4 Components
1 and 2, the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) - through Ministerial Decrees no. 629 and
n. 630 of 24 April 2024- has assigned to universities new funds for Ph.D. scholarships XL cycle, for
courses dedicated to:
- digital and environmental transitions;
- PNRR research topics;
- public administration;
- cutting-edge paths for innovative needs of companies.

The School has selected the research projects to be activated as part of the Ph.D. courses XL
cycle, respecting the eligibility criteria defined by the above-mentioned Decrees and reported in
this call with the lettering PNRR.
At the end of the procedures, successful applicants who have been awarded the grants referred
to Ministerial Decrees no.629 and n. 630, will have to enroll, according to the art. 5.
In order to officially conclude the scholarships assignment, the MUR has to verify the projects’
eligibility to the PNRR and the ANVUR has to verify their consistency with the requirements
defined in the above-mentioned Decrees. Therefore, the admission to the Ph.D. course for
students awarded the grants referred to Ministerial Decrees no. 629 and n. 630, is to be
considered under condition of the positive verification of eligibility, consistency and the
assignment of ministerial funding.
Decrees no. 629 and n. 630, is to be considered under condition of the positive verification of
eligibility, consistency and the assignment of ministerial funding.

The acceptance of PNRR scholarships implies additional duties compared to those required and
detailed in the Ph.D. Courses Regulation of the School:

- write a report every six months indicating the time commitment and a summary of the main
activities carried out;
- for PNRR 629 Research scholarships: spend a period of study and research abroad from a
minimum of 6 to a maximum of 12 months;
- for the PNRR 629 Public Administration scholarships: spend a period of study and research
abroad from a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 12 months and periods of study and research in
Public Administrations, research centers or companies from a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 12
- for PNRR 629 Digital and Environmental Transitions scholarships: spend a period of study and
research abroad from a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 12 months and a period of study and
research in a company or a research center for a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 12 months;
- for PNRR 630 cutting-edge paths for innovative needs of companies scholarships: spend a
period of study and research abroad from a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 12 months and a
period of study and research in a company for a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 12 months;

Failure to respect the minimum period in the company and abroad and in case of non-
compliance with reporting obligations, the IUSS School reserves the right to revoke the
Ph.D. programs funded according to the Ministerial Decree 629/24and 630/24 must be started by
13th December 2024.

Article 8
(Obligations of the Ph.D. student)
Students undertake to comply with the rules in the Statute, in the Regulations and in Code of
Ethics and Conduct of the School.


The official and legally binding announcement is the Italian one. The present document cannot
be used for legal purposes and is only meant to provide information in English on the call for
Procedure Supervisor:
Mrs. Giovanna Spinelli, Head of Education, Quality and Students Support Services Unit – Palazzo
del Broletto, Piazza della Vittoria n. 15 – 27100 Pavia – tel. +39 0382375811, fax +39
0382375899, e-mail: [email protected].

Data handling:
Personal data provided by candidates shall mainly be handled automatically by the School and in
compliance with article 11 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and Regulation (EU)
2016/679 for management of the competition procedures. The data, which is made anonymous,
may also be used for statistical purposes. Data must be provided in order to take part in the
Competition. The interested parties have the right to ask the data controller to access personal
data and to correct or cancel it or limit the processing that concerns it or to oppose the
processing (articles 15 and following of EU Regulation 679 / 2016). The appropriate application
should be submitted in writing to the University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia, Head of
Personal Data Protection RPD - Piazza della Vittoria No. 15, email: [email protected] The
interested parties, having recourse to the conditions, also have the right to lodge a complaint
with the Guarantor in accordance with the procedures laid down in Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
Further information on the handling of personal data of the University School for Advanced
Studies IUSS Pavia can be found at the link:

Transparent administration:
The Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia operates in compliance with the legislation on the
prevention of corruption (Italian Law 190/2012), by applying the measures identified in the
“Piano Integrato” in the “Trasparenza” section (in Italian) of the School web site at:
Coordinator Prof. Eleonora Catricalà,
e-mail: [email protected]
Scientific fields M-PSI/02; M-PSI/01; M-PSI/04; M-PSI/03; MED-26; L-LIN/01
Brief description The PhD Program in Cognitive Brain Sciences is a fulltime 3-year joint program with
the University of Pavia.
The PhD Program is aimed at providing an advanced training in neuroscientific
research, focusing on the understanding of the neural processes underlying cognitive
functions and behaviour during the lifespan, both in normal conditions and in
neurological and psychiatric diseases, and it is strongly oriented towards an
interdisciplinary approach. The aim is to train a new generation of cognitive
neuroscientists capable of synthesising concepts and methods from different
disciplines in an integrated approach to the study of the mind/brain relationship that
not only increases competitiveness within traditional disciplinary departments, but
also promotes the progress in advanced and new research, and the transfer of
knowledge to Health and Education fields.
Language English
Duration 3 years
Number of 6 positions, of which:
positions available - n. 2 positions with scholarship funded by IUSS on the following topic: “Cognitive,
clinical and experimental neuroscience”. Projects focus on understanding the
nature, organisation and neural processes underlying different aspects of
cognitive functioning through behavioural, neurophysiological, neurostimulation
and/or neuroimaging studies in healthy, neurodegenerative or psychiatric
populations. Characteristic topics include memory, language, executive
functions, decision-making, social cognition and nutritional neuroscience.

- n. 1 position with scholarship co-funded by National Recovery and Resilience

Plan (PNRR) - DM 630/2024 – Investment 3.3. Innovative Doctorates, on the
following topic: “Application of high-definition direct current transcranial
stimulation (HD-tDCS) to neurorehabilitation”. This research project aims at the
development, and validation in neuro-psychiatric disorders, of innovative
neuromodulation rehabilitation treatments aimed at increasing the
intensity/focus of the effect of direct current electrical stimulation (tDCS) using
customized high-definition protocols (HD-tDCS).
Company involved: ICS Maugeri;

- n. 1 position with scholarship co-funded by National Recovery and Resilience

Plan (PNRR) - DM 630/2024 – Investment 3.3. Innovative Doctorates, on the
following topic: “Cognitive profile and body representation in eating and feeding
disorders”. This research project aims to investigate the characteristics of
cognitive profiles and alterations in body representation in patients diagnosed
with eating and feeding disorders, and in populations at risk of development
these disorders.
Company involved: IPSI - Istituto Psicologico Italiano;

- n. 1 position covered by University of Pavia with scholarship co-funded under

the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) - DM 630/2024 – Investment
3.3. Innovative Doctorates, on the following topic: “Behavioural, anatomical and
functional study of cognitive and emotional processes in patients with drug-
resistant epilepsy”. This research project aims to develop innovative protocols
for the behavioural, anatomical and functional study of cognitive and emotional
processes in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy using advanced technologies.
Company involved: Ospedale Niguarda

- n. 1 position covered by University of Pavia with scholarship co-funded under

National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) - DM 630/2024 – Investment 3.3.
Innovative Doctorates, on the following topic: “Application of new technologies
in neurorehabilitation of patients with cognitive impairment: an integrated
neurobiological approach”. This project aims to investigate how new
technologies (digital devices, telerehabilitation, virtual reality, artificial
intelligence) can be integrated into the rehabilitation of cognitive difficulties
resulting from diseases that directly or indirectly affect the central nervous
Company involved: IRCCS Ospedale San Camillo

Submission 01/07/2024, 13:00 (CEST)

deadline for the
online application
Mandatory a) a PDF copy of a valid identity document;
documentation* b) self-certification of the Master Degree Certificate (Italian or UE educational
to be attached to qualification), or Copy of the MSc Degree Certificate (NON-EU educational
the online qualification);
application c) self-certification of the Bachelor Degree Certificate (Italian or UE educational
qualification), or Copy of the Bachelor Degree Certificate (NON-EU educational
*failure to upload the d) diploma Supplement/Transcript/or similar document of Master Degree
referred to in (a) and Certificate;
(b) will result in e) diploma Supplement/transcript/or similar document of Bachelor Degree
exclusion from the Certificate;
competition procedure f) Self-certification of the grades of the Bachelor's Degree and of the Master's
Degree (through the application procedure). For students holding a degree obtained
abroad, the minimum grade for sufficiency and the maximum grade of the home
University are also required
g) research project (see guidelines on the IUSS website). The candidate who intends
to compete for more than one scholarship is required to submit a project for each of
the scholarship he/she is applying for. Up to a maximum of three preferences may
be expressed (NB: the topic of the scholarship must be included in the header of the
Qualification a) diploma Supplement/Transcript/or similar document of Master Degree Certificate;
assessment b) Self-certification of the arithmetic mean (if any), calculated by the candidate, of
the grades obtained in the exams taken during the Bachelor's Degree and the
Master's Degree (through the application procedure). For students holding a degree
obtained abroad, the minimum grade for sufficiency and the maximum grade of the
home University are also required.
c)research project (see guidelines on the IUSS website);
d) academic and professional CV;
e) publications, if any;
f) referees (maximum n. 3), if any, of whom the candidate has to indicate the
institutional e-mail address (through the application procedure);
g) motivational letter, if any.
Interview and The selection will be performed through the assessment of the qualifications listed in
evaluation the section “Qualification assessment”, points from a) to f) included, with a
maximum of 50 out of points and through an interview, with a maximum of 50 out
of points.
The Selection Board will therefore award a final score from 1 to 100.
1.The Selection Board will assess the submitted scientific qualifications awarding a
score up to 50 points. The candidates obtaining a score of at least 36/50 in the
assessment phase, will be accepted to the interview.
2. The interview may also be carried out online, as long as the candidate can be
identified. The interview will entail a discussion about the scientific background and
skills of the candidate as well as technical/scientific questions, with the aim of
ascertaining the candidate’s background, vocation and aptitude for research.
Candidates obtaining a score below 36/50 in the interview will not eligible to the
ranking list.
During the interview, the selection board will verify that the candidate has the
necessary fundamental knowledge and skills to for attending the doctoral course
and evaluate the eligibility for the research topics of the scholarships selected, also
based on the research project/s submitted.
At this stage, subject to the candidate’s authorization, the Selection Board will assess
eligibility for scholarships other than their preferred choice(s). If the assessment is
positive, eligibility for the alternative scholarship will be taken into consideration
only in case of unassigned scholarships after the final ranking.
3. IUSS Pavia will notify the scholarship holders of their admission to the programme
using the e-mail address provided in the application.
Test schedule The results about the evaluation process will be published on the IUSS website
The interviews will be carried out at the IUSS Marelli building or online, via Zoom.
The date is 22/07/2024 at 09:00 CEST.
Information U.O. PhD Courses: e-mail: [email protected]
Coordinator Prof. Federico Forneris
e-mail: [email protected]
Scientific Field Biology
Research topics BIO/11 CHIM/03 BIO/04 CHIM/08 MED/04 BIO/14 BIO/19 BIO/10
Brief description The PhD in Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnologies is a full-time 3-year joint
program with Università degli Studi di Pavia.
The PhD is configured with a decidedly interdisciplinary approach guaranteed by the
established interaction between the proponents of the course, the possibility of
access to scientific instruments present in the laboratories, and the wealth of
experience of the individual group coordinators.
Language English
Duration 3 years
Number of n. 7 positions, of which:
positions available
- n. 2 positions with scholarship funded by IUSS

- n. 1 position with scholarship co-funded by National Recovery and Resilience Plan

(PNRR) - DM 630/2024 – Investment 3.3. Innovative Doctorates, on the following
topic: Application of Biotechnologies to Drug Discovery
Company involved: Philogen SpA

- n. 1 position covered by University of Pavia with scholarship co-funded under

National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) - DM 630/2024 – Investment 3.3.
Innovative Doctorates, on the following topic: Investigating innate immunity against
gene therapy vectors in the central nervous system
Company involved: Ospedale San Raffaele Srl

- n. 1 position covered by University of Pavia with scholarship co-funded under

National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) - DM 630/2024 – Investment 3.3.
Innovative Doctorates, on the following topic: Production and characterization of
recombinant proteins to understand mechanisms associated to spreading of vector-
borne pathogens
Company involved: INF-ACT Foundation

- n. 1 position with scholarship funded by National Recovery and Resilience Plan

(PNRR) - DM 629/2024 – Investment 3.4 Digital and environmental transitions, on
the following topic: Enzymes for green and red biotechnologies
Institution involved: Dipartimento Medicina di Precisione, Università degli studi della
Campania “L. Vanvitelli”

- n. 1 position reserved for Philochem A.G. company employees

Submission 15/07/2024 at 13:00 (CEST)

deadline for the
online application
Documentation* a) A PDF copy of a valid identity document;
to be attached to b) Self-certification of the Master Degree Certificate (Italian or UE educational
the on line qualification) Or Copy of the MSc Degree Certificate (NON-EU educational
application qualification);
c) Academic and professional CV
*failure to upload the d) Diploma Supplement or transcript Bachelor degree
documentation referred
to in (a) and (b) will result e) Diploma Supplement or transcript Master Degree
in exclusion from the f) Publications
competition procedure
Qualification a) Academic and professional CV
assessment b) Diploma Supplement or transcript Bachelor degree
c) Diploma Supplement or transcript Master Degree;
d) Publications
e) Up to two reference letters provided through the online application.
Interview and Selection will be performed through an assessment of the qualifications listed in the
evaluation section “Qualification assessment”, from points a) to e) inclusive, with the awarding
of 50 points out of 100, and through an interview awarding a maximum of 50
The Selection Board will therefore award a final score from 1 to 100.
The Selection Board will assess the scientific qualifications submitted awarding a
score out of fifty. Candidates obtaining a score of at least 36/50 in the overall
assessment phase will then be accepted for interview.
The interview may also be carried out using electronic communications instruments
which allow the candidate to be identified. The interview will entail a discussion
about the research plan carried out and about the research that the candidate
would like to conduct with the aim of ascertaining the candidate’s vocation for
research. Candidates obtaining a score of below 36/50 will be excluded from the
merit ranking list.
During the interview, the selection board will verify that the candidate has the
necessary fundamental knowledge and skills for attending the doctoral course and
evaluate the eligibility for the research topics of the scholarships announced.
The School will notify scholarship holders of their admission to the School using the
e-mail address given in the application.
Test schedule The results about the evaluation process will be published on the IUSS’ website
The interviews will be carried out on 09/09/2024 from 09:30 CEST at IUSS, Palazzo
del Broletto, Piazza della Vittoria 15 or remotely ( via Zoom)
Information e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
PhD in The Human Mind and its Explanations:
Language, Brain and Reasoning (HuME)

Coordinator Prof. Andrea Sereni

e-mail: [email protected]
Scientific fields M-FIL/01, M-FIL/02, M-FIL/03, M-FIL/05, M-PSI/01, M-PSI/05, MED/27, MED/34;
BIO/09, L-LIN/01, SECS-P/01
Brief description Over the past decade, the University of Milan, Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa and
Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia have promoted top-notch international
research in areas shared by three institutions, ranging from the philosophy of mind
and cognitive sciences to the philosophy of logic, epistemology and theories or
Today more than ever, cutting-edge research requires taking these kinds of
competences even further. For this reason, the HuME PhD Program requires
candidates to develop a strong analytical and epistemological background, also
promoting the harmonization between theoretical reflection and experimental
practice. The goal is to attract young researchers wishing to dive deeper into the
many facets of human cognition through a multi-disciplinary approach to their
studies. This makes the HuME PhD program one-of-a-kind in Italy, and promises to
make it a flagship program in Europe.
Training for PhD students develops along two lines: fine-tuning the skills they
acquired during their undegraduate and graduate studies, whilst providing them the
theoretical and practical tools they need to explore philosophy, pure and
experimental sciences, cognitive neuroscience, and linguistics. The program offers a
multi-disciplinary approach that will allow students to devise original and innovative
paths within their specialized area of research.
Thanks to the network of partner Institutions, PhD candidates will have access to a
wide range of theoretical and methodological courses, to experimental activities, and
more generally to a variety of expertise among the members of teaching board as
they investigate the central issues of their research.
The program aims at broadening the academic profile of students at an international
level. Study periods abroad and exchange programs, participation in international
conferences, and international networks of scientific partnerships (including
collaborations with international research centres) are all offered either directly
within the program, or through the Faculty's independent research activities.
Coherently with this approach, teaching is entirely offered in English.
Language English
Duration 3 years
Number of n. 9 positions, of which:
positions available
- n. 2 positions funded by Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia
- n. 3 positions funded by Università degli studi di Milano
- n. 1 position funded by Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa

- n. 1 position with scholarship funded by National Recovery and Resilience Plan

(PNRR) - DM 629/2024 – Investment 4.1. Research PNRR, on the following topic:
Mind, self and mathematics
- n. 1 position with scholarship funded by National Recovery and Resilience Plan
(PNRR) - DM 629/2024 – Investment 4.1. Public Administration, on the following
topic: “Disagreement, pluralism and trust: human decisions and technologyin
public policies”
Institution involved: Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione

- n. 1 position covered by Università degli studi di Milano with scholarship co-

funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) - DM 630/2024 –
Investment 3.3. Innovative Doctorates, on the following topic: Mitigating Bias
and opacity Risks in generative AI
Company involved: Alkemy

Submission 1/07/2024 at 13:00 (CEST)

deadline for the
online application
Mandatory a) a PDF copy of a valid identity document;
documentation* b) self-certification of the Master Degree Certificate (Italian or UE educational
to be attached to qualification), or Copy of the MSc Degree Certificate (NON-EU educational
the online qualification);
application c) self-certification of the Bachelor Degree Certificate (Italian or UE educational
qualification), or Copy of the Bachelor Degree Certificate (NON-EU educational
d) diploma Supplement/Transcript/or similar document of Master Degree Certificate;
*failure to upload the e) diploma Supplement/transcript/or similar document of Bachelor Degree
documentation Certificate;
referred to in (a) and
(b) will result in f) research project (see guidelines on the IUSS website);
exclusion from the g) self-certification of arithmetic mean of the grades for the exams taken in the
competition procedure bachelor's and master's degrees, with possible grade ranges (through the application
h) self-certification of graduation grade with range of possible grades (through the
application procedure);
Qualification a) diploma Supplement/Transcript/or similar document of Master Degree Certificate;
assessment b) diploma Supplement/transcript/or similar document of Bachelor Degree
c) research project (see guidelines on the IUSS website);
d) academic and professional CV;
e) publications;
f) recommendation letters (maximum n. 2), sent by the referees through the online
system, within the deadline of the call.
Interview and The selection will be performed through the assessment of the qualifications listed in
evaluation the section “Qualification assessment” (maximum 50 points) and through an
interview (maximum 50 points). The Selection Board will therefore award a final
score from 1 to 100.
The Selection Board will assess the submitted scientific qualifications awarding a
score up to 50 points. The candidates obtaining a score of at least 36/50 in the
assessment phase, will be accepted to the interview. Candidates are not required to
be present during the assessment of qualifications.
The interview may also be carried out online, as long as the candidate can be
identified. The interview will entail a discussion about the scientific background and
skills of the candidate and about the research that the candidate would like conduct,
as well as technical/scientific questions, with the aim of ascertaining the candidate’s
background, vocation and aptitude for research. Candidates obtaining a score below
36/50 in the interview will not eligible to be admitted to the programme hence not
part of the ranking list.
During the interview, the selection board will verify that the candidate has the
necessary fundamental knowledge and skills for attending the doctoral course and
assess the eligibility for those scholarships which may be based on specific research
IUSS Pavia will notify the scholarship holders of their admission to the programme
using the e-mail address provided in the application.
Test schedule The results about the evaluation process will be published on the IUSS website
The interviews will be held starting 16/07/2024 at 14:00 CEST in presence at IUSS
School, or remotely via Zoom.
Information e-mail: [email protected]

Coordinator Prof. Valentina Bambini

e-mail: [email protected]
Scientific fields L-LIN/01; M-PSI/01; M-PSI/02; MED/25; MED/27
Brief description The PhD program in Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics is a full-time 3-year
program offered by IUSS. The doctoral program aims at training scholars in the field
of linguistics, considering both theoretical and experimental approaches. In
particular, the program focuses on studies in the areas of theoretical syntax,
experimental pragmatics, and computational linguistics, taking into account both
formal descriptions and psycho/neurolinguistic investigations. Research activities are
based also on national and international collaborations promoted by IUSS, very often
within interdisciplinary contexts encompassing in particular the fields of psychology
and medicine.
The PhD program will especially promote research projects in the following domains,
also combined:
- Theoretical syntax
- Neurosyntax
- History of the linguistic thought
- Computational linguistics
- Corpora and language modelling
- Processing and complexity
- Language disorders
- Language acquisition
- Experimental pragmatics
- Neuropragmatics
- Clinical pragmatics
- Developmental pragmatics
For further information, see the IUSS website.
Language English
Duration 3 years
Number of n. 6 positions, of which:
positions available
- n. 3 positions funded by IUSS
The project will deal with one or more of the PhD topics, with special reference to
theoretical syntax (e.g., configurational correlates of the subject-predicate link;
copular sentences, role of symmetry and symmetry-breaking phenomena),
experimental syntax and neurosyntax (e.g., grammaticality judgments, reaction
times, eye-tracking, neurophysiology or invasive techniques), exerimental
pragmatics and neuropragmatics (metaphor and non-literal language, also at the
interface with computational modelling of behavioral and brain data), clinical and
developmental pragmatics, language disorders (e.g., in psychosis and with NLP

- n. 1 position with scholarship funded by National Recovery and Resilience Plan

(PNRR) - DM 629/2024 – Investment 4.1 Public Administration, on the following
topic: Linguistic and communicative skills in children and adolescents in social
disadvantage and other underserved populations
The project will deal with the study of linguistic and communicative skills in children
and adolescents belonging to deprived contexts and other underserved populations,
including the identification of the aspects of major difficulty and possible
intervention strategies, considering also the impact of communicative interaction
with carers and surveillance personnel.
Institution involved: Tribunale per i Minorenni di Milano

- n. 1 position with scholarship funded by National Recovery and Resilience Plan

(PNRR) - DM 629/2024 – Investment 4.1 Public Administration, on the following
topic: Language and its impact in communicating science and medicine
The project will deal with linguistic phenomena and structures (e.g., metaphors,
backgrounding and foregrounding constructions, etc.) in the perspective of
communicating science and medicine, including their impact on society and
individuals, with specific reference to domains that include, among others,
communication in the fields of oncology, mental health, aging and dementia, doctor-
patient interaction, and citizen science.
Institution involved: Center for Ethics in Science and Journalism (CESJ)

- n. 1 position with scholarship co-funded by National Recovery and Resilience Plan

(PNRR) - DM 630/2024 – Investment 3.3. Innovative Doctorates, on the following
topic: Atypical language development: neurophysiological correlates and
implications for intervention
The research aims to phenotype expressive and receptive language skills in subjects
of developmental age attending the Department of Paediatric Neurosciences at the
IRCCS Foundation “Carlo Besta” Neurological Institute in Milan. Individuals with
neurodevelopmental disorders associated with atypical language development,
impacting communicative and social abilities (e.g., primary and secondary language
disorders, verbal dyspraxia, cerebral palsy, epileptic encephalopathies such as
Landau-Kleffner Syndrome, sensorineural hearing loss), will be recruited. The project
includes the improvement/validation of assessment tools, the study of
neurophysiological correlates, and the search for rehabilitative strategies both in-
person and “smart” rehabilitation (e.g., language games, crosswords).
Company involved: IRCSS Besta

Submission 1/07/2024 at 13:00 (CEST)

deadline for the
online application
Mandatory a) a PDF copy of a valid identity document;
documentation* b) self-certification of the Master Degree Certificate (Italian or UE educational
to be attached to qualification), or Copy of the MSc Degree Certificate (NON-EU educational
the online qualification);
application c) self-certification of the Bachelor Degree Certificate (Italian or UE educational
qualification), or Copy of the Bachelor Degree Certificate (NON-EU educational
d) diploma Supplement/Transcript/or similar document of Master Degree
*failure to upload the Certificate;
documentation e) diploma Supplement/transcript/or similar document of Bachelor Degree
referred to in (a) and
(b) will result in Certificate;
exclusion from the f) research project (see guidelines on the IUSS website).
competition procedure g) self-certification of arithmetic mean of the grades for the exams taken in the
bachelor's and master's degrees, with possible grade ranges (through the application
h) self-certification of graduation grade with range of possible grades (through the
application procedure);
Qualification a) diploma Supplement/Transcript/or similar document of Master Degree Certificate;
assessment b) diploma Supplement/Transcript/or similar document of Bachelor Degree
c) academic and professional CV;
d) research project;
e) publications;
f) recommendation letters (maximum n. 2), sent by the referees through the online
system, within the deadline of the call.
The candidate who intend to compete for more than one scholarship may indicate
up to 3 preferences on the proposed themes of research, indicating the order of
Interview and The selection will be performed through the assessment of the qualifications listed in
evaluation the section “Qualification assessment” (maximum 50 points) and through an
interview (maximum 50 points). The Selection Board will therefore award a final
score from 1 to 100.
1.The Selection Board will assess the submitted scientific qualifications awarding a
score up to 50 points. The candidates obtaining a score of at least 36/50 in the
assessment phase, will be accepted to the interview. Candidates are not required to
be present during the assessment of qualifications.
2. The interview may also be carried out online, as long as the candidate can be
identified. The interview will entail a discussion about the scientific background and
skills of the candidate and about the research that the candidate would like conduct,
as well as technical/scientific questions, with the aim of ascertaining the candidate’s
background, vocation and aptitude for research. Candidates obtaining a score below
36/50 in the interview will not be eligible to be admitted to the programme hence
not part of the ranking list.
During the interview, the selection board will verify that the candidate has the
necessary fundamental knowledge and skills to for attending the doctoral course
and evaluate the eligibility for the research topics of the scholarships selected, also
based on the research project/s submitted.
At this stage, subject to the candidate’s authorization, the Selection Board will asses
eligibility for scholarships other than their preferred choice(s). If the assessment is
positive, eligibility for the alternative scholarship will be taken into consideration
only in case of unassigned scholarships after the final ranking.
3.IUSS Pavia will notify the scholarship holders of their admission to the programme
using the e-mail address provided in the application.
Test schedule The results about the evaluation process will be published on the IUSS website
The interviews will be carried out on 23/07/2024 at 10:30am (CEST), at the IUSS
building or online, via Zoom.
Information e-mail: [email protected]
Coordinator Prof. Ricardo Monteiro,
e-mail: [email protected]
Scientific fields ICAR/09, ICAR/07, GEO/10
Brief description The PhD in Earthquake Engineering (ROSE) is a three-year full-time joint programme
with the University of Pavia. The ROSE PhD aims to train graduates and professionals
with strong scientific and professional capabilities, aware of the cultural, technical
and management contents related to earthquake engineering and seismic risk,
including topics related to seismology, geophysics, geology, geotechnics, behaviour
of materials and structures, structural analysis, design of new structures and
assessment of existing structures, with particular attention to the study of data
acquisition methods, methods of investigation of materials, technologies and
structures, the development of interpretative frameworks for assessment of hazard,
vulnerability, exposure and, consequently, seismic risk, and techniques for
safeguarding elements and structures, i.e. essential project components for risk
reduction. The programme is characterised by interdisciplinary character,
international experience, constant reference to the most advanced and applied
Language English
Duration 3 years
Number of 8 positions, of which:
positions available
- n. 2 positions funded by IUSS

- n. 1 position with scholarship funded by National Recovery and Resilience Plan

(PNRR) - DM 629/2024 – Investment 3.4 “Digital and environmental transitions”,
on the following topic:
Integrated seismic risk assessment of structures considering environmental
The research under this grant will focus on methodologies for risk assessment of
existing structures, with possible large-scale analysis considerations. The
research will also concern the study of holistic strategies for the evaluation of
any necessary seismic retrofitting options, considering various decision-making
variables, such as, for example, structural safety, installation and maintenance
costs, duration of the works, seismic risk and environmental impact.
Institution involved: Eucentre Foundation

- n. 1 position with scholarship co-funded by National Recovery and Resilience

Plan (PNRR) - DM 630/2024 – Investment 3.3. Innovative Doctorates, on the
following topic:
Development of innovative methods for probabilistic seismic hazard analysis
The grant will focus on the development of innovative methods for the
probabilistic calculation of seismic hazard, such as vector calculus and new
methods for the propagation of epistemic uncertainty. These methods will allow
to obtain estimates of seismic damage to structures, thus contributing to the
design of interventions for higher sustainability. Other topics that could be
developed concern new approaches for building seismic occurrence models.
Company involved: GEM Foundation
- n. 2 positions covered by University of Pavia with scholarship co-funded under
National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) - DM 630/2024 – Investment 3.3.
Innovative Doctorates, on the following topic:
Risk assessment and damage scenarios of structures and infrastructure
The research will concern for example, but not exclusively, the evaluation of
performance and safety of existing buildings and infrastructure assets, using risk
variables, as well as other probabilistic parameters, for greater sustainability
with respect to natural hazards and climate change.
Company involved: GEM Foundation

- n. 2 positions with scholarship funded by the Eucentre Foundation, on a topic to

be agreed upon with the Eucentre Foundation, at the beginning of the

Submission 01/07/2024 at 13:00 (CEST)

deadline for the
online application
documentation* a) A PDF copy of a valid identity document;
to be attached to b) Self-certification of the MSc Degree Certificate (in case of Italian or UE
the online educational qualification) OR copy of the MSc Degree Certificate (NON-EU
application educational qualification);
c) Academic and professional CV;
*failure to upload the d) Diploma Supplements (or similar documents) of “Diploma di Laurea
documentation referred
to in (a) and (b) will result Triennale”/BSc Degree and “Diploma di Laurea Magistrale”/MSc Degree.
in exclusion from the
competition procedure
Qualification a) Academic and professional CV;
assessment b) Diploma Supplements (or similar documents) of “Diploma di Laurea
Triennale”/BSc Degree and “Diploma di Laurea Magistrale”/MSc Degree;
c) Scientific publications (and list of relevant publications);
d) Up to three reference letters (to be sent by the referees following the online
application procedure);
e) Any other academic or professional qualifications that the candidate deems
relevant to the programme.
Interview and The selection will be performed through the assessment of the qualifications listed in
evaluation the section “Qualification assessment” (maximum 50 points) and through an
interview (maximum 50 points). The Selection Board will therefore award a final
score from 1 to 100.
The Selection Board will assess the submitted scientific qualifications awarding a
score up to 50 points. The candidates obtaining a score of at least 36/50 in the
assessment phase, will be accepted to the interview. Candidates are not required to
be present during the assessment of qualifications.
The interview may also be carried out online, if the candidate can be identified. The
interview will entail a discussion about the scientific background and skills of the
candidate and about the research that the candidate would like conduct, as well as
technical/scientific questions, with the aim of ascertaining the candidate’s
background, vocation and aptitude for research. Candidates obtaining a score below
36/50 in the interview will not be eligible to be admitted to the programme hence
not part of the ranking list.
During the interview, the selection board will verify that the candidate has the
necessary fundamental knowledge and skills to for attending the doctoral course
and evaluate the eligibility for the research topics of the scholarships announced.
IUSS Pavia will notify the scholarship holders of their admission to the programme
using the e-mail address provided in the application.
Test schedule The results about the evaluation process will be published on the IUSS website
The interviews will be carried out from 22/07/2024 at 09:30 CEST onwards, at the
“EUCENTRE Foundation”, Via Ferrata n. 1, 27100, Pavia or online.
Information e-mail: [email protected]
Risk and Complexity in High Tech Medical Innovation
Coordinator Prof.ssa Annalisa Bonfiglio
e-mail: [email protected]
Scientific fields ICAR/09; ICAR/03; IUS/02; FIS/07; ING-INF/06; FIS/01; MED/36; FIS/02; MED/06;
Brief description The extraordinary increase of technologies available in the biomedical field induces
as a consequence the need of controlling the adequacy of medical procedures and
their prescription, the preparation of medical staff for the informed use of
technologies and the management of risks associated to their use with patients.
The increasing complexity of this topic requires the harmonization of different
competences in order to optimize all phases of the therapeutic route of the patient.
In addition, the technological development in medicine is a complex procedure also
under the legal and ethical point of view, aspects essential for allowing innovation
reaching the patient.
In this scenario, the PhD program in Risk and Complexity in High Tech Medical
Innovation aims at the education of medical doctors, medical physicists, biologists,
engineers, physicists with a program whose goal is building a common language and
integrating different skills and competences.
The agreement between the Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS (IUSS), the
University of Cagliari and Fondazione CNAO (CNAO) ensures the right synergy of
scientific, methodological, technological, legal/ethical competences needed for
considering the mentioned topics in the specific scientific/technological area of
The PhD course, characterized by a high degree of interdisciplinarity, proposes every
year to the candidates, research topics and activities characterized by
interdisciplinarity and complexity that can be dealt with by motivated students
coming from different disciplines, i.e. biomedical disciplines (medical doctors,
radiotherapists, biologists, biotechnologists), technological disciplines (physicists,
engineers, data scientists), humanities/social disciplines (lawyers, economists,
philosophers). The research activities will be accompanied by a curriculum including
both common and specialistic courses. Common courses will deal with general topics
related to hadrotherapy (the main focus of the PhD) and to risks associated to the
technological innovation in the biomedical field, including those related to legal and
ethical implications of innovations.
Language English
Duration 3 years
Number of 6 positions, of which:
positions available
- n. 1 position co-funded by Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) DM
630/2024, on the following topic: RADOTHERAPY: from radiobiology to patient
care, through the integration of different disciplines.
Main topics:
• Exploring therapeutic approaches with different particles, guided by the
biological characteristics of tumors in radioresistant forms.
• Treatment program guided by radiobiology, designed by medical physics, and
implemented by heavy particle accelerators.
• New methods for characterizing mixed fields and activation, and development
of innovative instrumentation for radioprotection.
• Development of a detector for simultaneous treatment and range verification
with a dual ion beam.
Company involved: CNAO.

- n. 1 position funded by CNAO on the topic: BORON NEUTRON CAPTURE THERAPY

(BNCT): the multidisciplinarity of care. When radiobiology, pharmacology,
physics, and engineering contribute to the improvement of medical treatments.
Main topics:
• Implementation of clinical workflow for BNCT (Radiotherapy, Medical physics,
• New methods for characterizing mixed fields and activation, and development
of innovative instrumentation for radioprotection.
• Study of radiation fields generated by BNCT and their detection during
commissioning and clinical activity.

- n. 2 positions funded by CNAO on the following topic: Particle Accelerators:

advanced technologies and radioprotection.

- n. 2 positions funded by IUSS on one of the following topics relevant to the

doctoral course subjects:

• Machine-learning classification models applied to biomedical imaging and data.

• Health risk and benefit assessment in the context of radio- and hadron therapy
• Advanced wearable systems for patient monitoring during hadrotherapy
• Advanced sensor systems for the characterization of cell cultures in the context
of hadrotherapy
• Philosophical and ethical implications of medical advanced technologies

Submission 01/07/2024 at 13:00 CEST

deadline for the
online application
Mandatory a) a PDF copy of a valid identity document;
documentation* b) self-certification of the Master Degree Certificate (Italian or UE educational
to be attached to qualification), or Copy of the MSc Degree Certificate (NON-EU educational
the online qualification);
application c) self-certification of the Bachelor Degree Certificate (Italian or UE educational
*failure to upload the qualification), or Copy of the Bachelor Degree Certificate (NON-EU educational
documentation referred
to in (a) and (b) will result qualification);
in exclusion from the d) diploma Supplement/Transcript/or similar document of Master Degree
competition procedure
e) diploma Supplement/transcript/or similar document of Bachelor Degree
f) a proposal of research project (see guidelines on the IUSS website) related to one
or more of above mentioned topics;
Qualification a) diploma Supplement/Transcript/or similar document of Master Degree Certificate;
assessment b) diploma Supplement/transcript/or similar document of Bachelor Degree
c) research project (see guidelines on the IUSS website).
d) academic and professional CV;
e) publications;
f) recommendation letters (up to 3), sent by the referees through the online system,
within the deadline of the call.
The candidate may indicate up to 3 preferences on the proposed themes of
research, indicating the order of preference.
Interview and The selection will be performed through the assessment of the qualifications listed in
evaluation the section “Qualification assessment” (maximum 50 points) and through an
interview (maximum 50 points). The Selection Board will therefore award a final
score from 1 to 100.
1.The Selection Board will assess the submitted scientific qualifications awarding a
score up to 50 points. The candidates obtaining a score of at least 36/50 in the
assessment phase, will be accepted to the interview. Candidates are not required to
be present during the assessment of qualifications.
2.The interview may also be carried out online, as long as the candidate can be
identified. The interview will entail a discussion about the scientific background and
skills of the candidate and about the research that the candidate would like to
conduct, as well as technical/scientific questions, with the aim of ascertaining the
candidate’s background, vocation and aptitude for research. Candidates obtaining a
score below 36/50 in the interview will not be eligible to be admitted to the
programme hence not part of the ranking list.
During the interview, the selection board will verify that the candidate has the
necessary fundamental knowledge and skills to for attending the doctoral course
and evaluate the eligibility for the research topics of the scholarships selected, also
based on the research project/s submitted.
At this stage, subject to the candidate’s authorization, the Selection Board will assess
eligibility for scholarships other than their preferred choice(s). If the assessment is
positive, eligibility for the alternative scholarship will be taken into consideration
only in case of unassigned scholarships after the final ranking.
3. IUSS Pavia will notify the scholarship holders of their admission to the programme
using the e-mail address provided in the application.
Test schedule The results about the evaluation process will be published on the IUSS website
The interviews will be carried out on 18/07/2024 at 10.00 CEST, at the IUSS building
or online, via Zoom.
Information e-mail: [email protected]

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