Bando PHD XL - Eng
Bando PHD XL - Eng
Bando PHD XL - Eng
Article 1
(Available positions)
The Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS, hereinafter referred to as the "School", hereby announces
40 positions for admission to the 40th cycle of PhD programmes.
This announcement specifies the number of positions available under the competition for each
Ph.D Programme:
Programme Coordinator n. of
The relevant admission procedures shall be formally closed after the ministerial validation has been obtained
If additional funding becomes available before the start of the Programmes, the number of
positions may be increased.
The School also reserves the right to assign to eligible candidates on the merit ranking any further
scholarships that may be awarded by the Ministry at the end of the procedure for the reallocation
of resources made available pursuant to art. 11 of Ministerial Decree 629/2024 and art. 8 of
Ministerial Decree 630/2024
(Requirements for taking part in the competition)
Candidates with the academic qualifications set forth below may take part in the selection
process, without citizenship restrictions:
- Master degree
- Similar academic qualification obtained abroad recognized as comparable by the
Admission Committee to the Italian qualification in terms of duration and content and
deemed eligible for the purposes of taking part in the competition.
Individuals who have not obtained their qualification by the announcement deadline but who will
obtain it by 31 October 2024 may also take part in the selection process.
Article 3
(Application to take part in the competition)
The application to take part in the competition, one for each PhD programme in which
candidates wish to take part, should be submitted starting from 31 May 2024, 13:00 CET by
electronic means only, using the online procedure which can be found in the dedicated section of
the School website at the link by the date specified in the
individual PhD programme information sheets annexed to this announcement and integral part
of it.
Candidates are required to declare the following in the application, on their responsibility:
a) surname, name, place and date of birth, nationality;
b) that they hold the academic qualification set forth in article 2 above, specifying the degree
programme, its duration and the University or Institution of Higher Education where it
was obtained;
c) the mark received in the Master degree examination, specifying the maximum possible
mark and the date on which the said mark was obtained;
d) the date on which they expect to obtain the qualification, for those not already holding it;
e) the chosen curriculum, where the Programme envisages more than one;
f) the domicile or contact details for receiving competition-related communications and the
undertaking to inform of any further changes of address;
g) email address, mandatory for competition-related correspondence.
People with disabilities can, during the application process, apply for the aids they may require
throughout the competition in relation to their disability, as well as for any extra time needed.
A valid identity document along with the documentation certifying the possession of the
academic qualification referred to in article 2 above should be attached to the application
procedure, on pain of exclusion.
The School may perform checks on the truthfulness of the declarations and documents
submitted, at any time during the procedure, including after the start of the Programmes, and
may request that the original documents be produced. In the event of false declarations, the
School may order the exclusion of candidates from the selection procedure or from the
Programme at any time, by the substantiated decision of the Rector, without prejudice to the
criminal liability deriving from the same.
Article 4
(Selection Board and test examinations)
The Examining Boards for admission to the Ph.D. Programmes are appointed by decree of the
Rector and their composition is available for consultation on the School website.
The candidate selection and assessment methods and criteria for drawing up the ranking lists are
specified in the information sheets annexed hereto. Selection procedures will be communicated
to the interested candidates with due notice.
Article 5
(Admission to the Ph.D. Programme and entrance of students)
Successful candidates are admitted to the Ph.D. Programme according to the merit ranking list
and subject to availability of the positions.
The general merit ranking lists, approved by decree of the Rector, are published on the School
website. Publication constitutes an official communication.
In case of equal ranking in the assessment phase, preference will be given to the younger
The School reserves the right to assign any positions which become available as a result of
candidates renouncing or dropping out, to suitable candidates on the ranking list, until PhD
courses start.
The start date of the Ph.D. Programmes is 1 October 2024.
NON-EU students should apply for a specific study visa to enter Italy using the online procedure
through Universitaly portal. Students are required to apply for a residence permit for study
purposes within eight (8) days of arriving in Italy.
For further information, please go to:
Admitted candidates must enroll within the deadline set down in the letter of admission.
Candidates who do not complete their enrollment by the deadline and according to the
procedure indicated, will be considered withdrawn.
In order to enroll, admitted candidates shall submit through the dedicated online procedure the
needed documents, including:
Article 6
(Scholarship and other grants)
The scholarships have the duration of the PhD Course of interest and are awarded for the 1st
Year and confirmed on a yearly basis for admission to the subsequent year subject to the
decision by the Teaching Board of the individual programmes.
The annual amount of the scholarship is € 16.243,00, including National Social Security
Contributions (INPS). This amount is exempt from the IRPEF tax and it is subject to the payment
of National Social Security contribution (INPS “gestione separata”), of which two thirds are paid
by the administration and one third by the PhD student.
The scholarships may not be cumulated with other scholarships granted for any reason, with the
exception of those granted by national or foreign institutions to enhance the student’s research
activity with periods of stay abroad.
Those who have taken advantage, even partly, of a PhD scholarship in the past, may not benefit
from the scholarship.
The scholarship may be increased by 50% for an average period of 6 months stay abroad and, in
any case, until a maximum period of 12 months.
The School will also make an annual budget, amounting to not less than 10% of the scholarship,
available to all PhD students pursuant to article 9 of Italian Ministerial Decree 226/2021 to cover
research activity-related expenses in Italy and abroad, as provided for by internal rules.
The School shall insure the students against accidents and civil liability for the entire duration of
the Programme.
Article 7
(PNRR Scholarships)
Implementing the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), as part of Mission 4 Components
1 and 2, the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) - through Ministerial Decrees no. 629 and
n. 630 of 24 April 2024- has assigned to universities new funds for Ph.D. scholarships XL cycle, for
courses dedicated to:
- digital and environmental transitions;
- PNRR research topics;
- public administration;
- cutting-edge paths for innovative needs of companies.
The School has selected the research projects to be activated as part of the Ph.D. courses XL
cycle, respecting the eligibility criteria defined by the above-mentioned Decrees and reported in
this call with the lettering PNRR.
At the end of the procedures, successful applicants who have been awarded the grants referred
to Ministerial Decrees no.629 and n. 630, will have to enroll, according to the art. 5.
In order to officially conclude the scholarships assignment, the MUR has to verify the projects’
eligibility to the PNRR and the ANVUR has to verify their consistency with the requirements
defined in the above-mentioned Decrees. Therefore, the admission to the Ph.D. course for
students awarded the grants referred to Ministerial Decrees no. 629 and n. 630, is to be
considered under condition of the positive verification of eligibility, consistency and the
assignment of ministerial funding.
Decrees no. 629 and n. 630, is to be considered under condition of the positive verification of
eligibility, consistency and the assignment of ministerial funding.
The acceptance of PNRR scholarships implies additional duties compared to those required and
detailed in the Ph.D. Courses Regulation of the School:
- write a report every six months indicating the time commitment and a summary of the main
activities carried out;
- for PNRR 629 Research scholarships: spend a period of study and research abroad from a
minimum of 6 to a maximum of 12 months;
- for the PNRR 629 Public Administration scholarships: spend a period of study and research
abroad from a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 12 months and periods of study and research in
Public Administrations, research centers or companies from a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 12
- for PNRR 629 Digital and Environmental Transitions scholarships: spend a period of study and
research abroad from a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 12 months and a period of study and
research in a company or a research center for a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 12 months;
- for PNRR 630 cutting-edge paths for innovative needs of companies scholarships: spend a
period of study and research abroad from a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 12 months and a
period of study and research in a company for a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 12 months;
Failure to respect the minimum period in the company and abroad and in case of non-
compliance with reporting obligations, the IUSS School reserves the right to revoke the
Ph.D. programs funded according to the Ministerial Decree 629/24and 630/24 must be started by
13th December 2024.
Article 8
(Obligations of the Ph.D. student)
Students undertake to comply with the rules in the Statute, in the Regulations and in Code of
Ethics and Conduct of the School.
The official and legally binding announcement is the Italian one. The present document cannot
be used for legal purposes and is only meant to provide information in English on the call for
Procedure Supervisor:
Mrs. Giovanna Spinelli, Head of Education, Quality and Students Support Services Unit – Palazzo
del Broletto, Piazza della Vittoria n. 15 – 27100 Pavia – tel. +39 0382375811, fax +39
0382375899, e-mail: [email protected].
Data handling:
Personal data provided by candidates shall mainly be handled automatically by the School and in
compliance with article 11 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and Regulation (EU)
2016/679 for management of the competition procedures. The data, which is made anonymous,
may also be used for statistical purposes. Data must be provided in order to take part in the
Competition. The interested parties have the right to ask the data controller to access personal
data and to correct or cancel it or limit the processing that concerns it or to oppose the
processing (articles 15 and following of EU Regulation 679 / 2016). The appropriate application
should be submitted in writing to the University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia, Head of
Personal Data Protection RPD - Piazza della Vittoria No. 15, email: [email protected] The
interested parties, having recourse to the conditions, also have the right to lodge a complaint
with the Guarantor in accordance with the procedures laid down in Regulation (EU) 2016/679.
Further information on the handling of personal data of the University School for Advanced
Studies IUSS Pavia can be found at the link:
Transparent administration:
The Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia operates in compliance with the legislation on the
prevention of corruption (Italian Law 190/2012), by applying the measures identified in the
“Piano Integrato” in the “Trasparenza” section (in Italian) of the School web site at:
Coordinator Prof. Eleonora Catricalà,
e-mail: [email protected]
Scientific fields M-PSI/02; M-PSI/01; M-PSI/04; M-PSI/03; MED-26; L-LIN/01
Brief description The PhD Program in Cognitive Brain Sciences is a fulltime 3-year joint program with
the University of Pavia.
The PhD Program is aimed at providing an advanced training in neuroscientific
research, focusing on the understanding of the neural processes underlying cognitive
functions and behaviour during the lifespan, both in normal conditions and in
neurological and psychiatric diseases, and it is strongly oriented towards an
interdisciplinary approach. The aim is to train a new generation of cognitive
neuroscientists capable of synthesising concepts and methods from different
disciplines in an integrated approach to the study of the mind/brain relationship that
not only increases competitiveness within traditional disciplinary departments, but
also promotes the progress in advanced and new research, and the transfer of
knowledge to Health and Education fields.
Language English
Duration 3 years
Number of 6 positions, of which:
positions available - n. 2 positions with scholarship funded by IUSS on the following topic: “Cognitive,
clinical and experimental neuroscience”. Projects focus on understanding the
nature, organisation and neural processes underlying different aspects of
cognitive functioning through behavioural, neurophysiological, neurostimulation
and/or neuroimaging studies in healthy, neurodegenerative or psychiatric
populations. Characteristic topics include memory, language, executive
functions, decision-making, social cognition and nutritional neuroscience.