XL Ciclo CALL Eng
XL Ciclo CALL Eng
XL Ciclo CALL Eng
A public selection is announced for admission to the Ph.D. courses of the XL cycle
a.y. 2024/2025 with administrative headquarters at the University of Perugia as
per Annex 1, which is an integral part of this call. Access to the Ph.D. courses is
governed according to the methods established and specified for each Ph.D.
course in the aforementioned Annex 1.
This call is issued pending the adoption by the MUR of the decree accrediting the
Ph.D. courses. Therefore, the effectiveness of the selections carried out under this
call is under condition on the accreditation by the MUR of the Ph.D. courses.
The allocation of scholarships under DD.MM. 629 and 630 of 24.04.2024, as
reported in Annex 1 to this call, is subject to the admission to funding of the
relevant project proposals by the MUR.
The allocation of scholarships funded or co-funded by third parties is subject to
the perfection of such funding within the terms indicated in Annex 1.
In order to ensure compliance with the timelines of the selection procedures and
the full use of resources in case of any additional funding measures by the Ministry
of University and Research, additional scholarships that become available beyond
the deadline of this call will be allocated within the Ph.D. Courses for the a.y.
2024/2025 (XL cycle) and assigned through the sliding of the respective rankings.
Admission Requirements
Anyone who holds one of the following degrees held by October 31, 2024, can
The specific required degrees for each Ph.D. course are indicated in Annex 1.
Application Submission
For each application, a fee of 20,00 Euros must be paid using the PAGOPA system
directly from the PICA portal, by the application deadline (July 4, 2024).
The payment of the fee is required under penalty of exclusion from the procedure.
If a candidate intends to apply for more than one Ph.D. course listed in Annex 1,
he or she must submit separate applications and the related documentation for
each, including the payment of the fee. Under no circumstances the above-
mentioned fee will be refunded.
Please, consider that the dates of the tests, set by each Evaluation Committee,
may coincide.
Candidates intending to apply for the position reserved for company employees
must indicate the relevant employment relationship in the application. Such
candidates will compete only for the reserved positions.
All candidates who complete the online application process according to Annex 2
are admitted to the selection with reservation of verification of the requirements
specified in the call. The Administration will also verify the truthfulness of the
self-certifications presented by the candidates. Following the necessary checks,
the Administration may exclude candidates from the selection process at any
Evaluation Committees
The Evaluation Committees for admission to the Ph.D. courses will be formed and
appointed in accordance with Article 15 of the Ph.D. Courses Regulations of this
The composition of the Committees will be announced starting from July 5, 2024,
at https://www.unipg.it/didattica/percorsi-post-laurea/dottorati-di-
Candidates may submit any objections to one or more members of the Evaluation
Committee to the Rector within 10 days of the publication of the appointment
decree on the University website, provided such objections are duly substantiated.
Selection Procedure
The selection procedure will be carried out according to the methods indicated
for each Ph.D. course in Annex 1 to this call, which should be read carefully.
The evaluation of the qualifications is carried out by the Evaluation Committee
before the selection tests according to the criteria and methods for assigning
scores indicated for each Ph.D. Course in Annex 1 to this call. Where the criteria
and methods for assigning scores are not specified in Annex 1, the Evaluation
Committee will identify the criteria and methods for assigning scores in the first
session before proceeding with the remaining selection procedures.
If a minimum score is required for admission to the course, the score assigned by
the Evaluation Committee for the qualifications will be published before the
selection tests at https://www.unipg.it/didattica/percorsi-post-laurea/dottorati-
di-ricerca/bandi-avvisi-e-modulistica. If a minimum score is not required, the
score obtained will be communicated to each candidate during the interview.
Failure to attend the selection tests (or failure to connect on the scheduled date
and time in the case of online interviews) will be considered an implicit
withdrawal from the selection process, regardless of the cause.
The Evaluation Committee will prepare a general merit ranking, including only
those candidates who have obtained a total score equal to or greater than the
minimum overall score required for qualification as indicated in Annex 1 to this
call. This score is the sum of the scores obtained in the evaluation of qualifications
and selection tests.
After the selection procedures, the Rector will approve the relevant documents
or return them to the Committee for any necessary corrections and additions.
Those who are successfully ranked will be admitted to the course as per Article
6. The rankings will be published on the website at
avvisi-e-modulistica and on the University’s online bulletin board (no personal
notifications will be sent).
Candidates have the right to access the documents in accordance with Law no.
241/1990 and the University’s Regulations on administrative procedures and
access to documents. The Administration may postpone access to the documents
until the end of the competition.
Admission to the Courses
Candidates are admitted to the courses according to the order of the merit ranking
until the places available for each Ph.D. course. In the case of a tie, the younger
candidate will prevail.
Reserved places for candidates with a degree obtained abroad will be assigned to
candidates who meet the required criteria and are in a useful position in the
general merit ranking. Any unassigned reserved places will be allocated to
candidates in a useful position in the general admission ranking for the same Ph.D.
course as per Article 17, paragraph 4 of the University Regulations for Ph.D.
Reserved places for company employees will be assigned only to those who have
indicated their status in the application as per Article 3 and in order of ranking
concerning the number of available reserved places.
In the event that the candidate has competed for a PhD course divided into
curricula, at the time of enrolment, he must exercise the option for one of them.
Candidates admitted to the course must enroll within the terms that will be
established with the document approval provision (published on the web page
notices-and-forms), exclusively through the procedure available from the SOL
following the instructions that will be made available on the web page:
https://www.unipg.it/didattica/percorsi-post-laurea/dottorati-di-ricerca, penalty
forfeiture of the right to register (no personal communications will be sent in this
regard). Similarly, any further admission in the ranking and deadline for
consequent enrollment will be published on the website
avvisi-e-modulistica on the dates which will be indicated in the aforementioned
decree approving the documents. No personal communications will be sent in this
regard and therefore all candidates found suitable are required to carefully
monitor the site in the weeks immediately following the completion of the tests.
Winners who have obtained the entrance qualification after 4th July 2024 or who
must obtain it (in any case no later than 31 October 2024) must send the relevant
documentation to [email protected] within 15 days of obtaining the
qualification and in any case no later than 15 November 2024, under penalty of
forfeiture of admission to the course for which one was successful/eligible.
At the end of the enrollment procedures, the Teaching Board (Collegio dei Docenti)
of each doctoral course arranges the formal assignment of scholarships to the
eligible candidates.
Doctoral students who have already renounced scholarships under the PNRR
within the XXXVIII cycle and XXXIX cycle cannot be assigned doctoral scholarships
referred to in the DD.MM. 629 and 630 of 24.4.2024.
Rights and Duties of Ph.D. Students
Enrollment in the first year involves the payment of the Regional tax for the right
to study and the stamp duty, for a total of Euro 156,00. Students enrolled in the
years following the PhD courses are required to pay the Regional tax for the right
to study for an amount equal to Euro 140,00.
The student who pays the Regional tax for the right to study and any stamp duty
late with respect to the scheduled deadline is required to pay an increase based
on the Regulations on student contributions.
Final dissertation and conferment of the Title
The title of Ph.D. is conferred by the Rector, in accordance with the provisions of
the University Regulations for Research Doctorate Courses of the University of
Processing of Personal Data
The processing of personal data required by this decree is aimed exclusively at all
activities related to the procedure. The information, provided pursuant to art.13 of
EU Regulation 2016/679 – General Data Protection Regulation, is available at the
following address: https://www.unipg.it/protezione-dati-personali/informative
Responsible for the procedure
Final Provisions
For anything not expressly provided for in this call, reference is made to the
current legislation on Ph.D. courses and the Regulations of the University of
Perugia, issued with D.R. n.620 of 11.3.2022.