BANDO XL Definitivo EN
BANDO XL Definitivo EN
BANDO XL Definitivo EN
In consideration of Law No. 168 of May 9, 1989, with special reference to art. 6 and 16;
In consideration of Law No. 210 of July 3, 1998, with special reference to art.4 for Ph.D. regulation;
In consideration of Law No. 240 of December 30, 2010 "Norme in materia di organizzazione delle
università, di personale accademico e reclutamento, nonché delega al Governo per
incentivare la qualità e l'efficienza del sistema universitario" published in the Official
Gazette No.10 of 14 January 2011 - Ordinary Supplement no. 11;
In consideration of the Statute of the “Parthenope” University of Naples, issued with the Rector Decree
No. 283/23;
In consideration of DM No. 226 of 14 December 2021 from MUR on “Regolamento recante modalità di
accreditamento delle sedi e dei corsi di dottorato e criteri per la istituzione dei corsi
di dottorato da parte degli enti accreditati”;
Taking into account that the provisions of these regulations have been implemented by the University
and on March 9, 2022, with Dr No. 211, the University Regulations governing the
PhD adapted to the new provisions were prepared and issued, further updated with
DR No. 428/2022;
Provided that the deadline for entering doctoral courses for the XL cycle into the Cineca
database is June 7, 2024;
Taking into account that the MUR issued two decrees representing to universities the allocation of
funding for the provision of additional PhD scholarships from PNRR;
DM 629/2024 has assigned to University Parthenope for a.y. 2024/2025, based on PNRR funds:
The total funded by the MUR attached to this DM is 7 scholarships whose total cost is 490.000,000 euros so
each scholarship is expected to be funded at 70.000 euros;
DM 630/2024 has assigned to University Parthenope for a.y. 2024/2025, based on PNRR funds:
N. 23 scholarships for innovative doctorates that meet the innovation needs of enterprises, the total amount
for each scholarship being financed by the MUR to the value of 60,000 euro and co-financed by companies
for the excess amount as defined in the agreements concluded with the University;
In consideration of the proposals for the activation of doctoral courses presented by the
In consideration of the resolutions of the Academic Senate, meeting of May 28, 2024, approving the
activation of the XL cycle doctoral courses, the funding of scholarships as well as the
places without scholarships and the distribution of resources from PNNR DM 629 and
630, as well as Emergency Decree No. 546/24 for the additional place with
scholarship funded by ENEA for the PhD course in "Energy Science and Engineering”;
Taking into account that proposals for the establishment/renewal of doctoral courses have been entered
into the appropriate database for application for accreditation;
Taking into account that doctoral courses although established, can only be activated following ministerial
The exam tests are defined in the annexes Nos.1 -11 and will be held in September 2024
If there is additional funding, they are indicated in the attached Annexes or will be communicated by the
dates set for the selection tests by means of a notice published on the University website.
There may also be other positions reserved for other categories, eg. “Holders of research grants and winners
of EU projects”; these positions will be indicated in the Annexes and will related exclusively to the PhD
course to which they refer.
The validity of a foreign degree is assessed by the Examining Committee of the PhD program, in compliance
with the regulations in force in Italy and in the issuing country and international treaties or agreements on the
recognition of degrees for further study.
Applicants that will not obtain their degree by the date of the enrollment to the PhD program will be excluded.
In the event that the candidate participates to the competition before having obtained the degree, the
admission will be “conditional” and the applicant will be required to submit the relevant degree certificate by
the due date for course registration.
Applications for the call, to be made exclusively online by accessing the platform must be completed no later than the dates indicated in Article 2.
In case the day set for the deadline to receive the applications is not a working day, the deadline is extended
to the first following working day.
The application must be submitted expressly stating the doctoral course and type of position in
which one intends to participate under penalty of exclusion from selection.
It should be noted that, in accordance to DD.MM. 629/2024 and 630/2024, those who resigned PNRR
scholarships within the XXXVIII and XXXIX cycles cannot participate, since the latter cannot be
awarded the scholarships provided for by the aforementioned DDMMs
The application must be accompanied by all the documentation related to the chosen doctoral
course as specified in the individual sheets on doctoral courses attached to this notice, under
penalty of exclusion from selection.
The documentation and how to fill out the application can be found in the guide published at the
following link
The platform allows you to participate only for one position per doctoral course by indicating only
one category.
The submission of several applications for the same doctoral course, even if for different categories,
will be excluded.
The application prepared under the responsibility of the candidate himself or herself under penalty of
exclusion from the competition, must contain the following statements:
a) last name (maiden name for married women), first name, date and place of birth; country of citizenship;
country of residence and permanent address; National Identification Number (e.g., in Italy fiscal code; in USA
Social Security Number or Tax code);
b) the name of the selected PhD Program to which the applicant wants to apply;
c) the exact name of the qualification held, indicating the date it was obtained and the University that issued
it or the equivalent qualification obtained at a foreign University, as well as the date of the decree by which
the equivalence itself was declared. (In the event that the candidate has yet to acquire the degree on the
date of submission of the application, he/she must declare that such achievement will take place within the
deadlines stipulated in this notice, under penalty of exclusion from the selection and disqualification from any
Applicants with a foreign academic degree that has not yet been declared equivalent to one of the
required Italian degrees must attach to the application the following documents useful to enable the
Selection Committee to declare eligibility for participation in the doctoral program:
1. Copy of the academic degree obtained abroad comparable in duration, level and
topics to the Italian degree that enables access to the course;
2. Declaration of value on site or certificate of comparability of the ENIC-NARIC
centers and any other documentation useful for assessing the eligibility of the
degree held for the chosen course to be transmitted by the dates indicated
3. Certificate with exams taken and marks (transcript of records), possibly
indicating the value scale to which the marks refer;
4. Diploma supplement and/or translation of the documents indicated in points 1
and 3 into Italian or English, if issued in a different language.
Documents 1, 3, 4 must be attached to the application form, otherwise the candidate will be excluded.
The documentation referred to in item 2 if not yet in the possession of the candidate at the time of application
must be submitted under penalty of forfeiture of the doctorate itself by the date of registration for the course.
Please note that foreign citizens, before proceeding to enrolment, must also pre-enrol online via the
Universitaly portal:
In the application, she/he must indicate the University and the PhD course she/he has been awarded.
She/He must also indicate the Embassy/Consulate where she/he will apply for an entry visa to Italy. The
competent office will check, validate and forward to the indicated Embassy/Consulate the pre-enrolment
The Declaration of Value can be replaced by the Certificate of comparability of the foreign university
title issued by the ENIC-NARIC center in Italy (CIMEA) which contains all the information necessary
for the evaluation of the qualification.
a) to commit to full-time attendance of the doctoral course in accordance with the terms to be
determined by the board of teachers;
b) the foreign languages known and the foreign language chosen for the oral test, if any;
c) to take a leave of absence in case one is an employee of Public Administrations;
d) that she/he does not exceed the income limit provided for the use of the scholarship in case one
chooses the category place with scholarship or place with scholarship financed by DM 629/2024 or
e) to have/have not previously benefited from another scholarship (even for only one year) for a
doctoral course;
f) for PNRR positions, in accordance with DM 629 and DM 630, that they have not already withdrawn
from their PNRR programme within the XXXVIII and XXXIX cycle of PhD courses;
g) to commit to go abroad in case it is foreseen by the doctoral course, by the type of scholarship
chosen and by the faculty of the course itself;
h) to declare the type/category of position in which one intends to participate:
All requests for possible other funding schemes are considered after the merit ranking of
the competitive examination is published on the University website.
Under existing legislation, applicants with disabilities must specify in their application the
assistance required in relation to their handicap and the possible need for additional time for
the completion of the Competitive exams.
The Administration may in any stage of the recruitment process, with a reasoned rectoral decree, decide of
the exclusion of the candidate for lack of requirements.
The administration assumes no responsibility for the failure of the online platform dependent
on an error attributable to the candidate, or any mishaps attributable to the acts of a third
party, fortuitous event or force majeure.
The selection tests are designed to ascertain the candidate's preparation, aptitude for scientific research,
and knowledge of one or more foreign languages. The terms of the admission examination for the chosen
doctoral course are outlined in the relevant annex. The examinations will be held according to the days and
procedures indicated in the schedule for each Doctorate (Annexes Nos. 1 to 11 of this notice). This notice
shall have the legal value of notification for all legal purposes. The venue of the examinations, as well as any
other communications regarding the conduct of the competitive examinations, will be made known through
the official website of the University
Applicants participating in scholarships co-funded by DM 629 and 630 must register no later than
17 September 2024.
Those who, according to the order of ranking following the published notices, are in a useful position must
within 7 days of such publication confirm or not to the pec address: [email protected] or to the
e-mail address: [email protected] that they want to enroll in the doctoral course for which
they have competed (in the second case they must attach a photocopy of the ID Card).
The office after verifying, according to the order of the ranking list this possibility of sliding by
November 20 will publish another notice concerning the eligible admitted by sliding who must by November
30 finalize the enrollment.
In the event that there are no eligible candidates in the ranking in the posts with scholarship co-
funded by DM 629/630 2024, it will be possible to allocate the aforementioned post(s) with
scholarship and subsequent resolution of the teaching board, to the eligible candidates usefully
placed on the ranking list in the category of posts with scholarship funded by the University
according to the order of the ranking list.
In case there are still remaining places beyond these dates, the Academic Senate in the first useful session
may possibly further extend the application deadlines but not beyond December 31, unless the new posts
are derived from ministerial competitive calls.
Successful applicants must submit or have submitted - under penalty of forfeiture - to the PhD Office of the
University of Naples "Parthenope" - Palazzina Spagnola, I Piano Via Acton, 38, Naples from Monday to
Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., the application for enrollment in the course according to the form issued
by the administration itself and also available on the University's website
Those who have failed to regularize their enrollment within the above-mentioned peremptory deadlines will
be declared disqualified; those who have made false statements will be declared disqualified and the
vacancies will be assigned to other aspirants who follow in the
list of eligible candidates.
The University Administration has no responsibility for the case of loss of communications, dependent on
inaccurate information of domicile on the part of the candidate or failure or delay in communicating the
change thereof nor for any postal or telegraphic misunderstandings through no fault of the Administration
The scholarships, the annual amount of which provided for by Ministerial Decree 247 of February 23, 2022 is
€ 16,243.00 gross of social security charges borne by the recipient and will be subject to the payment of the
INPS contribution referred to in Article 2, paragraph 26, of Law August 8, 1995, no. 335 are awarded, after
comparative evaluation of merit and according to the order defined in the respective rankings formulated by
the Selection Boards.
Any additional scholarships due to funding granted by external public or private entities related to specific
projects or areas of research, may be granted to eligible students in the rankings according to the
procedures defined by the Academic Senate that will be announced through notices published on the
university website provided that there is capacity in the places provided by the doctoral course in the
It should be noted that the scholarships, whose funding already forfeited by the University that depend on EU
and international projects relevant to doctoral programs, may, within the first year of the course through
specific procedures, be allocated to the chosen doctoral course.
The winner(s) of such specific procedures, if it is not possible to enter the funding and increase the number
of places in the database, will be enrolled in the course of the year in the doctoral program as a
Any increase in the number of scholarships will be announced exclusively by notice on the University's
The duration of the scholarship is equal to the entire duration of the course.
Those who have used a scholarship for a doctoral course cannot apply for a second time Doctoral
scholarships cannot be combined with other scholarships for any reason conferred except with those granted
by national or foreign institutions useful for integrating the doctoral student's research activity with stays
The amount of the scholarship is increased for any period of stay abroad to the extent of 50%, and this
amount is also intended for winners of places without a scholarship.
For the purposes of the above increase, the faculty of the doctoral course must authorize the period of study
abroad and transmit this authorization to the Rector accompanied by a statement that the activity for which
the doctoral student's mobility is requested falls within the scope of the implementation of the study and
research program formulated at the time.
All doctoral students who are awarded positions with a fellowship or without a fellowship are assured an
annual research activity budget in the amount of 10% of the fellowship.
Payment of the scholarship is made in monthly installments for its use the limit of total annual personal
income, the amount of which is equal to the annual amount of the scholarship, which is 16,243.00 Euro.
Contributing to the determination of this income is income of patrimonial origin as well as emoluments of any
other nature of a recurring nature with the exclusion of those of an occasional nature.
Those who are entitled to the scholarship must also submit at the time of enrollment a presumptive
declaration regarding the total gross personal income and the absence of the causes of incompatibility
contained in this paragraph. This declaration must be repeated at the beginning of each subsequent year of
course attendance. Scholarship recipients must, in addition, arrange for the establishment of an INPS
contribution position, enrolling in the "Separate Management" of the same Institute.
The University guarantees doctoral students, in the performance of their teaching activities, against the
insurance risk arising from third-party liability.
It remains, on the other hand, the sole responsibility of the same to provide for the initiation of any insurance
coverage against the risk of accidents that may occur during the performance of the aforementioned
teaching activities.
The title of Ph.D. is conferred upon completion of the course by the Rector in accordance with the
procedures set forth in Articles 21, 22 and 24 of the University Regulations Governing Ph.D. degrees issued
by DR No. 428/2022.
This announcement (with facsimile of the application form) is available on the web site of the “Parthenope”
University of Naples