Bando Dottorati 40 Ciclo Versione ENG 2024 Signed 2
Bando Dottorati 40 Ciclo Versione ENG 2024 Signed 2
Bando Dottorati 40 Ciclo Versione ENG 2024 Signed 2
HAVING REGARD TO the Ministerial Decree no. 247 of February 23, 2022;
HAVING REGARD TO the Ministerial Decree n. 629 of April 24, 2024, which decreed the allocation,
for the year 2024/25, from the PNRR, Mission 4, Component 1 "Strengthening the supply of services
education: from kindergartens to universities' - Investment 3.4 'Teaching and advanced university
skills' and Investment 4.1 'Extending the number of PhDs and innovative PhDs for public
administration and the cultural heritage', of three-year doctoral scholarships for the attendance of
doctoral pathways in dedicated programmes and declined as follows:
a. digital and environmental transitions;
b. PNRR PhDs;
c. PhDs for Public Administration;
d. PhDs for cultural heritage;
HAVING REGARD TO the Ministerial Decree n. 630 of April 24, 2024, which decreed the allocation,
for the year 2024/25, from the PNRR, Mission 4, component 2 "From Research to Enterprise" -
investment 3.3 'Introduction of innovative doctorates that meet the needs innovation needs of
enterprises and promote the recruitment of researchers from enterprises', of three-year doctoral
scholarships for attending pathways for innovative doctorates;
HAVING REGARD TO the Statute of the University of Tuscia of Viterbo issued by R.D. no. 480 of 8
June 2012 and subsequent amendments;
HAVING REGARD TO the “Procedures for entry, residency and enrolment of international students
and the respective recognition of qualifications for higher education courses in Italy”, valid for the academic
year 2024-2025;
WITH THE CONDITION that all possible modifications, amendments and integrations to the present
call will only be communicated on the University website, under the label “Dottorati di Ricerca”;
Art. 1
Call for Applications
1 The University of Tuscia hereby announces a public selection for admission to following PhD
Programs for the XL cycle, academic year 2024/25:
2. In Annex A and B, which forms an integral part of this call, for each course the location, course
coordinator, research topics, name of the cooperating institutions, available positions and
scholarships, selection procedure and qualifications assessed and programs offered are specified.
3. The number of positions with scholarship could be increased depending on further funding by
external public or private entities, obtained both through competitive calls and through
agreements. In these cases, where the grant is funded on a specific theme or projects, the university
reserves the right to use new selection procedures.
4. The PhD courses activation is subject to the accreditation on going procedure completion or to
the verification of the requirements conservation by ANVUR. Therefore, the selections will be
carried out only for the PhD courses that have received the accreditation or its confirmation by the
5. The PhD Program Information Sheets (Annexes A and B) of each PhD Program are published on
the University website, under the label “Dottorati di Ricerca”, on the Euraxess website
( and on the website of the Ministry of University and Research.
Art. 2
Types of scholarships available to applicants
Art. 3
Admission requirements
1. The following people can apply in the selections, without age and citizenship restrictions:
a) those who, at the deadline of the Call, have obtained an Italian specialist degree (D.M. No.
509/1999), or alternatively, a Master's degree diploma (D.M. No. 270/2004), or a degree diploma
(old system), or a academic degree awarded abroad and recognised by the examining Committee
as being eligible for the selected PhD competition purpose only.
b) those who expect to receive the degree mentioned no later than October 31, 2024.
Failure to attain the degree no later than October 31, 2024, will result in candidates being excluded
from the PhD course. Such candidates, if successful, will be conditionally admitted and enrolled in
the PhD course and will be required to submit by e-mail ([email protected]) to the University PhD
Office, no later than October 31, 2024.
2. Students currently enrolled without a scholarship can participate to competitive exams for the
same PhD Programme they are already attending, but, if admitted, they cannot enrol unless they
formally resign their doctoral position.
3. Applicants who already had a PhD scholarship in Italy or abroad (even if partial) cannot benefit
from a scholarship.
4. Those who already hold a PhD are allowed to enrol, upon successfully passing the admission tests,
another PhD Programme without scholarship (if they have been already granted one in the previous
PhD), provided that topics and main scientific sectors are different from those related to the already
obtained PhD.
5. Applicants will be excluded or application will be rejected if:
- the application fee not payed within set out terms;
- the requested documents and information are not provided within the deadline and according to
the rules laid down in the Call;
- the academic qualification awarded abroad is not recognized as equivalent to an Italian
- the “Diploma Supplement” or the “Dichiarazione di valore” issued by the University or the Italian
embassy/consulate in the country where the degree was issued or a certification of eligibility issued
by CIMEA is not provided to the PhD Office within the prescribed term.
Art. 4
International qualifications
1. Applicants with an academic qualification awarded abroad can be admitted to a PhD course only
if the above mentioned qualification is equivalent to a second-cycle Italian degree (“Laurea
magistrale a ciclo unico”/”Laurea specialistica”/Laurea magistrale”) awarded at an officially
recognized foreign academic institution, which grants admission to a PhD course in the education
system/Country in which it was awarded (except for significant differences). Said qualification must
be comparable to the Italian degree required for the admission to a PhD course (i.e. Master’s Degree
or another equivalent second-cycle degree).
The suitability of the foreign qualification is ascertained by the Selection Board responsible for
admission to the PhD course (art. 9), in compliance with the relevant legislation in force in Italy, in
the country where the qualification was awarded and in accordance with any international treaties
or agreements on the recognition of qualifications for the pursuit of studies.
2. Applicants who hold international qualifications must therefore upload within the online
application procedure the following documents:
a) second cycle degree diplomas - Master’s Degree level - that allow admission to PhD level/3rd
cycle studies in the home country, awarded by a recognized academic Institution, with final mark;
b) academic qualification obtained abroad, of at least four years' duration, equivalent in terms of
level of study (Master's Degree) to the Italian qualifications specified above;
c) transcripts of records of Master’s Degree with complete grading;
d) any other document useful for the recognition of eligibility (such as the Diploma Supplement or
the “Dichiarazione di valore” issued by the University or the Italian embassy/consulate in the
country where the degree was issued, respectively; or a certification of eligibility issued by CIMEA.
3. Failure to provide the documents listed in points a) or b) and point c) will result in the exclusion
from the selection procedure.
International applicants who apply under the condition of receiving their qualification from the
University, shall submit only the transcript of records with the list of exams passed (all the exams in
their Master’s Degree Program), grades and credits.
The candidate may be required at any time to submit further documents, in order to verify the
eligibility of his/her degree.
4. Recognition results of eligibility will not be communicated to applicants. Results will be published
exclusively on the University website, under the label “Dottorati di Ricerca”.
Art. 5
PhD positions reserved to candidates employed by companies, institutes or public research centres
1. Employees of companies, institutes or public research centres in highly qualified positions may
be assigned, while keeping their job position and stipend, specific positions within a PhD course
accredited as industrial. For these positions, the training objectives and research activities are
arranged between the University and the company, institute or public research centre by means of
a specific agreement.
Candidates’ interviews will include a discussion of the research topics proposed by the company.
A separate ranking list is drawn up for these candidates.
2. Candidates interested in these positions must select the appropriate administrative category
during the application procedure, if available for their chosen PhD course.
Art. 6
Application and deadline
Art. 7
Disco Lazio benefits
1. PhD students, pursuant to D.P.C.M. of April 9, 2001, are entitled to enjoy, under the same
conditions of the other students, the benefits offered by the Institution for the Right to Study (Lazio
2. Applicants who wish to enjoy these benefits (scholarships, accommodation, etc.) must consult
the DiSCo Lazio website where the call for application for the above-mentioned benefits is
published. Applicants can apply before the PhD competition and before their possible enrolment In
the PhD course
Art. 8
Entrance examinations
1. The entrance examination, aimed at assessing applicant's attitude to scientific research, will be
carried out according to the criteria outlined in PhD Program Information Sheet (Annexes A and B).
Applicants have to prove the knowledge of a foreign language.
The evaluation of candidates will be based on:
- an evaluation of academic qualifications that will precede the oral exam;
- an oral examination.
2. The schedule for the admission exams to each PhD Course of the XL cycle will be published on the
University website, under the label “Dottorati di Ricerca”, with the indication of the way, day, month,
and time when they will take place and will be valid to all intents and purposes as the official
convocation of the candidates.
Candidates admitted to the oral examinations will bring with them an identity document considered
valid by the current legislation in force.
3. Oral exams will take place in person. Applicants living abroad can hold an interview by
videoconference only if the exam consists in the evaluation of the qualifications and in an interview.
The videoconference form is available on the University website. Applicants must communicate to
e-mail address [email protected] their account which will be used by the Selection Board to video
call the candidate.
Before the interview, candidates must show the ID they have attached to their application form for
the purpose of identification. Non-indication or incorrect indication of video conference address,
unavailability of the candidate on the day and hour established by the selection committee and non-
exhibition of the identity document will represent causes of exclusion from the selection procedure.
The Tuscia University declines all responsibility for any unpredicted technical problem impeding the
oral exam in the form of video conference interview.
4. If the number of candidates will not permit a single-day exam session, it will be continued over in
the following days; the schedule will be published on the University website.
5. Any change in the date, timetable or location of the exams will be published on the university
website mentioned above; applicants will not receive any convocation notice from the University.
Art. 9
Selection Boards
Art. 10
Selection and ranking
1. The Selection Boards will formulate a ranking list for each type of available positions (article 2,
paragraph 1, letters a - f).
The rankings will report the sum of the marks obtained in the admission tests. Candidates will be
admitted to PhD Programmes according to the ranking order until the number of positions available
is covered. The rankings are approved by Decree of the Rector. In case of PhD courses structured in
different curriculum, the Rector approves a final merit-based ranking list for each different
2. The positions without scholarship will be assigned according to the specific rankings for each
3. In the event of a tie between two or more candidates, the younger candidate will have priority in
the ranking.
4.A candidate admitted contemporarily to two or more PhD programmes must choose only one to
5. The merit-based ranking lists will be published on the University website , under the label
“Dottorati di Ricerca.
This publication is the sole official communication.
Art. 11
Enrolment Procedure
1. Once admission procedures have ended and have been approved, the candidate ranking will be
published on the University website, under the label “Dottorati di Ricerca”.
At the same time as the ranking is published, a notice will be sent to interested parties at the e-mail
address indicated during the application process.
The notice will include enrolment schedule and procedures.
Successful candidates who do not respect these procedures will lose the right to their place, which
will be offered to the next-ranked candidate.
To complete the registration, it is necessary to follow the instructions published on the University
website, under the label “Dottorati di Ricerca”.
If candidates withdraw from the course within one months from its beginning, the vacant places will
be reassigned to the next candidates in the merit ranking list. These candidates will be duly informed
by e-mail and, if interested, will have to enroll and pay the enrollment fee within the peremptory
deadline of 3 days from the receipt of the e-mail. After that time, the candidate will be considered
as having forsaken the position.
If candidate benefits of a fellowship, he will be required to pay back the installment already received.
The remaining part of the fellowship will be reassigned by the University to another PhD candidate
without a fellowship, already enrolled in the course, according to the ranking list.
2. Those who are waiting to graduate by October 31st, 2024 and, therefore, temporarily unable to
enrol, must communicate by writing to [email protected] no later than the deadline date
published in the ranking list, their will to enrol in the doctorate as soon as the required qualification
will have been obtained. A scan of the identity document must be attached to the above email,
under penalty of exclusion. In the absence of the aforementioned communication, failure to enrol
will be equivalent to waiving of the position.
4. Selected non-EU citizens resident abroad, once enrolled and paid the fee required, must submit
a photocopy of the permit of residence or a copy of the request made to the Offerta Formativa
Art. 12
Ph.D. Scholarships
1. The scholarship, pursuant to Ministerial Decree 247/2022, amounts to €16.243,00 gross per year
and it is paid on a monthly basis and includes National Insurance Contributions (INPS) which
scholarship recipients are required to pay.
The gross annual taxable income limit to be eligible for the PhD scholarship is set at € 14.000,00,
excluding the scholarship.
The frequency of payment of the scholarship is monthly.
2.The duration of the scholarship payment is equal to the entire duration of the PhD course.
Payment of scholarships financed by external bodies is subject to the payment of the amount owed
by the institution to Tuscia University.
3.The amount is increased by up to 50% for any authorised periods of research spent abroad for a
maximum of 12 months; the amount is increased for a maximum of 18 months for doctoral students
who start a joint thesis supervision agreement with Tuscia University and a foreign institution.
4.To each PhD student, with or without scholarship, a budget for research activity in Italy and abroad
is awarded, amounting to 10% of the scholarship, in accordance with the provisions of the
Ministerial Decree n. 226/2021, art. 9.
5. The cases of total or partial incompatibility for the use of the scholarship are established by
current legislation. In particular, scholarship cannot be combined with research grants or other
scholarships awarded for any reason, except with those granted by national or foreign institutions
useful for integrating, with stays abroad, the activity of training or research of fellows and with
funding from the MIUR Youth Fund. In case of incompatibility, students will have to reimburse the
amount of money unduly received. Reimbursements refer to an academic year or fraction thereof.
Students cannot be awarded the doctoral scholarship twice.
Art. 13
For what concerns any incompatibilities, candidates are invited to refer to the laws in force.
Art. 14
Ethical Code
PhD students will have to abide by the provisions of the University of Tuscia Code of Ethics, available
at the following link Code of Ethical Conduct.
Art. 15
Tuition fees
1. It is envisaged the total exemption from the payment of fees or grants to the University for the
PhD students who have a scholarship and other forms of equivalent support under the D.M.
It is also envisaged, pursuant to Law 11 December 2016, no. 232, paragraph 262, the total exemption
from paying taxes or grants to the University for PhD students who are not scholarship beneficiaries.
All doctoral students enrolled in the programs shall be required in any case to pay €16.00 per year
as revenue stamp duty and €140.00 per year as the Regional tax for the right to study.
2. The withdrawal or the exclusion from a PhD Program does not give you the right to a tax refund
of the fees paid.
Art. 16
Duties of Ph.D. students
1. The PhD courses will last no less than 3 year and will start on 01 November 2024.
Admission to the PhD programme entails an exclusive full-time commitment according to the
Regulation of PhD Courses at the University of Tuscia. PhD students are required to carry out their
curricular activities in accordance with the procedures and times established by the Professors's
Board of the PhD program.
For doctoral students from outside Europe, who require a Visa to enter Italy, the possibility of
starting research activities remotely is provided, subject to the positive opinion of the Coordinator
of the doctoral course. This possibility is granted upon proof of submission of the visa application at
the relevant Embassy or Consulate, to be made as soon as the application procedure is completed.
Arrival in Italy must take place by January 31, 2025.
2. The acceptance of scholarships labeled as PNRR implies the following obligations:
a. for basic PNRR scholarships, PhD students must spend a period of training and research abroad
of at least six months;
b. for scholarships labeled as “PNRR DM 629/2024 Public Administration, PhD students must spend:
i. a period of training and research abroad of at least six months, and
ii. periods of training and research in companies, research institutes or public administration from a
minimum of six months to a maximum of twelve months;
c. for scholarships labeled as “PNRR DM 630/2024”, PhD students must spend:
i. a period of training and research abroad of at least six months, and
ii. periods of study and research in companies from a minimum of six months to as maximum of
eighteen months.
3. PhD candidates who enroll with a PNRR scholarship must also undertake to:
- submit a report according to ministerial deadlines with the timesheet of their activities (organized
by month spent at the university, abroad or at a private company) and a summary of the most
important tasks. The reporting will be performed through an online platform using the template
provided by MUR;
- receive the scholarship avoiding causes of incompatibility with the receipt of the scholarship itself
(e.g. exceeding income more than € 14,000.00 , as regulated by art. 12.1);
- guarantee the respect of the obligations in terms of communication and information as provided
by the art. 34 of Regulation (EU) 2021/241, indicating in all the documents that the Program is
funded in the frame of the PNRR, with explicit reference to the funding by the European Union and
the NextGenerationEU initiative, including in the papers the EU logo;
- respect the principle of not doing significant harm (DNSH) to environment, in accordance with
Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852.
Art. 17
Final examination
At the end of the doctoral training, PhD students shall take a final examination in which they need
to demonstrate to have achieved results of scientific relevance by submitting a written thesis.
In order to be admitted to the final examination, candidates shall submit their doctoral thesis by
the set deadline. Terms and conditions for admission to the final examination and for thesis
submission are announced every year.
Art. 18
Intellectual property of research results and publications
1. Intellectual and industrial property rights to any findings of the PhD student are governed in
accordance with current legislation (Copyright Law - Legislative Decree 633/1941 - and Industrial
Property Code - Legislative Decree 30/2005), to the Regulations for the management of industrial
and intellectual property rights with reference to research activities carried out by university
personnel and, if necessary, according to what is established in individual agreements with
universities, companies or entities involved.
2. Applicants who are awarded scholarships funded by entities outside the University acknowledge
and accept the provisions regarding intellectual and industrial property contained in the agreement
between the University and the funding body. The doctoral students’ inalienable moral right to be
recognized as authors or inventors remains intact.
3. The Ph.D. student is, in any case, guaranteed the opportunity to carry out the normal publication
activities envisaged by the programme, which must be scheduled in a manner compatible with the
protection of any results
Art. 19
Processing of Personal Data
1. Pursuant to art. 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the information
supplied by candidates will be gathered by the PhD Office and used for the management of the
admission competitions and of the possible candidates’ academic career. Granting consent for the
handling of personal data is therefore obligatory and failure to do so will result in candidates'
exclusion from the competition.
2. The information provided by the candidates will be communicated to the Tuscia University
administrative offices and to the departments directly concerned with the legal and financial
positions of the successful candidates.
3. Candidates are entitled to the rights stated in art. 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation
(EU) 2016/679, including access to their personal data, its modification, updating, integration,
cancellation etc., and likewise reserve the right to oppose any use of the data other than the
institutional purposes stated above.
4. Personal information and documents provided by applicants will be treated by the University
respecting the discipline described at
Art. 20
Head of Administrative Procedures
1. The Manager of Administrative Procedures, under Law no. 241 of 7 August 1990 and subsequent
modifications and additions, is Mr Paolo Alfredo Capuani, Head of the Offerta Formativa Office, via
S. Maria in Gradi n. 4, Viterbo. For information please contact the email address [email protected].
Art. 21
Final regulations
1. For all matters that are not expressly disciplined by this call, please refer to the specific rules
governing this area and to the University PhD Regulation.
2. This is a translation of the Call for Application for PhD Courses. Its purpose is to provide foreign
students with necessary information.
Only the Italian version of this call for applications will be binding in case of controversies.
The Rector
Prof. Stefano Ubertini
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