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Nome - yash

yash Rof
Rote - 2M M8002 faudey Res Wo.- 21010026,
Bwbjeet Code - MMC 601
Stgsl_ Making 4aigmmst
VVacum Omygeu De Casburieatou (VoD) +

tig voD

a prDcess sed Tu
Decasbuitaion (voD)
Vaccunm Onyqeu educe. the cason
educ os ultra-low
Steel makig to uscgus for producing los
applcoions Soqued
T+ is potulany
steels, ushi eh are essenial koT
Such s aeYDspaa. tndustg
Canben and stoemgth, such
is traserd tuto
Procedune of voD + som previous procos
prDcOss linod
motten vacuwm-ig
)The vessel, uwich is
a vaD
Centunea, kom inside, creating
the ar
pump eva cuates
Vacem enviro
Vacclm ment
Co aud cO,
steol, koing gaseous
bon emoed
the then some, cQses
wieh a e ?n
be. added
of teal. throughot
malutaln the
tempenature 1e abration
5) The esuL propu the
pocess to
2ayer tormd ou
Duïng the proess a slag
67 molteh steel.
the. desled cabon tontent proess
s acheled, the VOD
$tDpped,and hnce. the steol ib seady jor fodien
mocessing ov easttng into final produetl.

vaceua to
agou gos instead o
Create n inet atwotphe.
steelo whee

producing staindeoves Ateel aund othen alloyed

eanbon o
Composition and
&ontet prevet
precise. The angon atmorphere hales high-qulty steel.
necceysany pickup, usultingin
Cud miimies the' gas
obtalned mo e
primay steal making
process stat with transjesi0d into AoD voMel.
meta hro m BoF or moteu metal, creating a
prote ie
blown into the
2) Argon
iA uoithin
the veNel. is aloo ihyaated which
atmorp! coUboy cund othen impuutHes.
Teaets with bon, toms qaseos
ganeos lo aud to.
with caaon, fooms
3) The Teachon Crbon concenotien n gteel, to t
shich hel
deoired lavel
be, added to malntain th alloying elonents
4 compositidn.
coutrolled cau7uly thoughout
8) The teapehate composHon coß eOrbon is achieved,the ps
oOuce the desiyed
3toppad and seel as Teady tor tusthu cawting.
pantial procass2
cectie o Fumnee
(EAP), stainle Ateel makg
The reduchon Electaie r e
O Co paxhal predsune in an
furmance (EAf) duung stulnles teelmaling ares
achetving desired aeo! compositon. The otou"
the sQveral methods
for haducing pattal presure
Cau help
nto the. EAF
Tnjacheu +înjectiou onygn in
to odie cabon aud othe ruduting agent of
molten metal. This promotes the atmosphee.
aducing the patial'preus of co in the fumanee
2) faoten Melting + Shortening
Sho iening the mabing Hme wsingthehighCO
sero metal cau
pouoen Peheaing
jomatou. Jerap metal
lovel cu
to an optimied
Canbon au pretered. help poometing the
ime to EAf can
Lim Additiou t co, thw the eqlibium
CaD and
toomatio o to Co, komation, uduees the co patial
la Co, om
prosre. Optimed buven design
Deaign and PoeM ohol+
6) barneh injechom and
the contoe
aboo en hance implomenting advanced poDes
omouion, At &o, proes
proceM and reduoes
eBfeieney ot
optimdzing the eteicney
the co

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