Kpy Mam Asgn
Kpy Mam Asgn
Kpy Mam Asgn
yash Rof
Rote - 2M M8002 faudey Res Wo.- 21010026,
Bwbjeet Code - MMC 601
Stgsl_ Making 4aigmmst
VVacum Omygeu De Casburieatou (VoD) +
tig voD
a prDcess sed Tu
Decasbuitaion (voD)
Vaccunm Onyqeu educe. the cason
educ os ultra-low
Steel makig to uscgus for producing los
applcoions Soqued
T+ is potulany
steels, ushi eh are essenial koT
Such s aeYDspaa. tndustg
Canben and stoemgth, such
is traserd tuto
Procedune of voD + som previous procos
prDcOss linod
motten vacuwm-ig
)The vessel, uwich is
a vaD
Centunea, kom inside, creating
the ar
pump eva cuates
Vacem enviro
Vacclm ment
Co aud cO,
steol, koing gaseous
bon emoed
the then some, cQses
wieh a e ?n
be. added
of teal. throughot
malutaln the
tempenature 1e abration
5) The esuL propu the
pocess to
2ayer tormd ou
Duïng the proess a slag
67 molteh steel.
the. desled cabon tontent proess
s acheled, the VOD
$tDpped,and hnce. the steol ib seady jor fodien
mocessing ov easttng into final produetl.
vaceua to
agou gos instead o
Create n inet atwotphe.
steelo whee