05 Fujimoto - Indd
05 Fujimoto - Indd
05 Fujimoto - Indd
Microcystins are a group of cyclic heptapeptide hepatotoxins produced by the
cyanobacteria. Two microcystin-degrading strains of bacteria (MG and MG ) were
isolated from a monoxenic culture of Monas guttula preying on Microcystis viridis. Both
strains were related to Sphingopyxis and Novosphingobium groups based on phylogenetic
analysis of S rDNA. Degradation of microcystin by these strains was tested under the
following conditions: temperature from to ℃, pH from . to . , three different
microcystin analogs and initial microcystin concentrations from to μg・l– . The rate
of microcystin RR degradation by strain MG significantly increased at ℃, whereas
the effect of temperature on the degradation rate by strain MG was small. Both strains
could degrade microcystin under alkaline pH. Both strains could degrade microcystin RR,
YR and LR. The degradation rate of microcystin RR by the two strains was faster than
the degradation rates of microcystin YR and LR. Both strains could degrade microcystin
LR at all initial concentrations.
No. NIES 102). This strain is axenic and of the filtrate containing the co-existing
known to produce three microcystins, bacteria were then inoculated into 8 ml
microcystin RR, YR and LR18). liquid medium9) (5 mg Ca(NO3)2・4H2O, 10 mg
M. viridis, prey of M. guttula, was KNO3, 5 mg NaNO3, 5 mg Na2SO4, 5 mg
cultivated in M 11 medium consisting of 100 MgCl2・6H2O, 0.5 mg Na2EDTA・2H2O, 0.05
mg of NaNO3, 75 mg of MgSO4・7H2O, 40 mg mg FeCl3・6H2O, 0.5 mg MnCl2・4H2O, 0.05
of CaCl2 2H2O, 20 mg of Na2CO3, 1 mg of mg ZnCl2, 0.5 mg CoCl2・6H2O, 0.5 mg
FeSO4・7H2O and 1 mg of Na2・EDTA・2H2O Na2MoO4・2H2O and 2mg H3BO3 in 1 liter of
in 1 liter of Milli Q water, for two weeks at Milli Q water) in a test tube. Subsequently,
30℃. The pH was adjusted to 8. Light was 1 ml of 10 mg・l–1 microcystin LR (Wako Pure
supplied continuously with fluorescent bulbs Chemical Industries, Ltd.) was added to the
at a photon fluence rate of 0.39×1016 quanta・ test tube. The bacteria in the liquid medium
cm–2・s–1 (2,000 lx). that contained microcystin were cultured at
Protozoa used in this study were isolated 30℃ with shaking (130 rpm, Monosin, Taitec).
from surface water of Lake Kasumigaura in The concentration of microcystin LR was
autumn. Droplets of lake water and sterilized determined by HPLC. When the microcystin
water were placed on a glass slide to isolate concentration decreased to less than 10% of
protozoa under the microscope. An individual the initial concentration, the culture was
protozoan cell in lake water on a glass slide diluted and streaked onto a solidified GYP
was drawn into a capillary pipette and medium plate, which consisted of 5 g of
transferred to a droplet of sterilized water. peptone, 2.5 g of yeast extract, 1 g of glucose
The individual protozoan cell in a droplet of and 15 g of agar in 1 liter of Milli Q water,
sterilized water was again drawn into a in order to isolate single colonies. To assess
capillary pipette and transferred to another the ability of the isolated bacterial strains to
droplet of sterilized water. This washing degrade microcystin, each colony was then
process was repeated a few times, and inoculated in liquid medium containing 1
ultimately the individual protozoan cell was mg・l–1 of microcystin LR, cultured at 30℃
transferred to a suspension of M. viridis in a and the microcystin LR concentration was
test tube. This culture was incubated at 30℃ monitored.
in total darkness. A clone culture in which
the protozoa grew from an individual cell Phylogenetic analysis PCR was per-
was subcultured periodically by transferring formed directly on bacterial colonies (colony
a small amount of culture at the stationary PCR). PCR amplification of the 16S rDNA
phase to a new suspension of M. viridis. gene was conducted using primers 20F (5’
Characteristics of the isolated protozoan were AGTTTGATCATGGCTCA 3’, positions 10 26)
consistent with those of M. guttula: spherical and 1540R (5’ AAGGAGGTGATCCAACGCA
to ovoid, 14–16 μm long, free-swimming or 3’, positions 1541 1522) (Escherichia coli
attached, longer flagellum about one to two numbering system20)), designed to generate
times the body length19). Thus, the isolated an amplification product of approximately
protozoan was identified as M. guttula. The 1500 base pairs21). For colony PCR, isolated
clone culture of M. guttula was used to colonies were picked from plates with a
isolate microcystin-degrading bacteria. bamboo stick and suspended in 20μl of PCR
reaction solution. A 20 μl reaction volume
Isolation of microcystin-degrading bacteria contained 1.6 μl of a 2.5 mM of dNTP, 2 μl
One milliliter of M. guttula culture was buffer, 2 μl (20 pmol) of each primer solution,
added to a 10 ml suspension of M. viridis 12.35 μl H2O, and 0.05 μl (0.25U) of TaKaRa
and was cultured at 30℃ in total darkness Ex Taq polymerase (Takara Bio, Inc.).
for ten days (to stationary-phase). The Thermal cycling was performed at 95℃ for 3
stationary-phase M. guttula culture was then min followed by 30 cycles of 95℃ for 30 s,
filtered through a membrane filter (pore size: 55℃ for 30 s, and 72℃ for 1 min (PTC 200,
5 μm, Minisart, Sartorius) to remove the M. MJ Research). The amplified products were
guttula from the suspension. Two milliliters purified using 20% polyethyleneglycol and
102 Japanese J. Wat. Treat. Biol. Vol.43 No.2
The above degradation experiments that Microcystins in the filtrates were analyzed
assessed the effects of temperature, pH, and by HPLC and a UV/VIS detector (239 nm,
microcystin analogs were performed in Waters 2417). A Symmetry C18 5μm column
triplicates. (Waters Co., 4.6 by 150 mm) was used. The
To investigate microcystin degradation toxins were identified and measured by
under various initial microcystin LR comparing their UV spectra and peak areas
concentrations, the bacterial suspension and with those of samples spiked with purified
microcystin LR solution were mixed to microcystin YR, RR and LR standards (Wako
achieve an initial microcystin concentration Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd.).
of 20 to 890 μg・l–1 for strain MG 15 and 17
to 917 μg・l–1 for strain MG 22. The test
tubes were shaken (130 rpm) in a water Isolation of microcystin-degrading bacteria
bath kept at a constant temperature of 25℃. from a M. guttula culture and phylogenetic
This experiment was repeated twice at each analysis of isolated bacteria Twenty-five
microcystin concentration. The pH was 7.6 in strains of bacteria were isolated from a M.
these samples. guttula culture. Colonies were randomly
In all degradation experiments, the selected from the media. These strains were
bacterial suspensions were removed from the named MG 1 through MG 25, and their
test tubes periodically and the residual ability to degrade microcystin LR was tested;
microcystin concentration was measured two strains, MG 15 and MG 22, degraded
using HPLC. Initial and final bacterial approximately 70% of the available micro-
numbers were determined by DAPI staining cystin LR in 7days. The other 23 strains of
and counting27) using fluorescence microscopy bacteria did not degrade microcystin LR in 7
(BZ 8000, Keyence). The bacterial suspension days.
was diluted with sterilized Milli Q water, The 16S rDNA gene sequences of strains
and DAPI stock solution (Sigma Co.; 10 MG 15 and MG 22 that we determined were
μg・ml–1 in sterilized Milli Q water) was continuous stretches of 1433 and 1402 bp,
added (final concentration, 1μg・ml–1). DAPI respectively. Searches for similarity with the
stained bacteria were trapped by vacuum FASTA sequence search program indicated
onto a black membrane filter (pore size: 0.2 that the closest relative of MG 15 and MG
μm, Advantec). Filters were then air-dried 22 was alpha proteobacterium F0813 (100.0%
and mounted on glass microscope slides with and 99.7% identity, respectively, GenBank
non-fluorescence immersion oil (Olympus accession number AF235997).
Co.). DAPI stained bacteria were enumerated The 16S rDNA similarity values of strains
under UV excitation. The rate of microcystin MG 15 and MG 22 with the type species of
degradation was calculated by dividing the the representative genera of the family
amount of microcystin degraded in the first Sphingomonadaceae were 93.2 and 93.3 with
30 min or 1 h by the initial cell count. Sphingobium chlorophenolicum ATCC 33790T
Statistically significant differences were (X87161), 94.6 and 94.3 with Novosphingobium
determined by one-way analysis of variance subarcticum KF1T (X94102), 94.4 and 94.1
(ANOVA) and Tukey’s honestly significant with Sphingopyxis terrae IFO 15098T
difference (HSD) post hoc test based on the (D13727), and 93.6 and 93.3 with
ANOVA using Kaleida Graph version 3.6 Sphingopyxis macrogoltabida IFO 15033T
(Synergy Software). (D13723), respectively. The 16S rDNA
similarity values of strains MG 15 and MG
Microcystin analysis Microcystins were 22 with the microcystin-degrading bacteria
analyzed using HPLC. The mobile phase were 93.2 and 92.9 with Sphingosinicella
consisted of 60% / 40% methanol / 0.05M microcystinivorans Y2 (AB084247), 93.6 and
phosphate buffer (pH 3.0). Water samples 93.4 with Sphingomonas sp. MD 1
obtained from the microcystin degradation (AB110635), and 92.4 and 92.3 with
test were filtered through a membrane filter Sphingomonas sp. MJ PV ACM 3962
(pore size: 0.2 μm, DISMIC 25cs, Advantec). (AF411072), respectively.
104 Japanese J. Wat. Treat. Biol. Vol.43 No.2
The phylogenic tree based on the sequences minutes of incubation, whereas the decrease
of the bacteria isolated in this study, the of microcystin RR by strain MG 22 was
microcystin-degrading bacteria isolated linear during 1 h of incubation. The initial
previously, and related strains, is shown in degradation rate of microcystin RR by strain
Fig. 1. The two strains MG 15 and MG 22 MG 15 increased as temperature increased
were nested in the clusters of Sphingopyxis (Table 1). An optical density of 0.3 corre-
species and Novosphingobium species. sponded to cell density of 6.5 × 108 cells・ml–1
for both strains. The degradation rates of
Effect of temperature on microcystin microcystin in all experiments were calculated
degradation by isolated bacteria Micro- by dividing the microcystin degradation rate
cystin RR degradation by the novel bacterial by the cell density. The rate of degradation
strains MG 15 and MG 22 was evaluated at 30℃ by strain MG 15 was significantly
between 20 and 30℃. Microcystin RR different from that at 20 and 25℃ (p<0.05).
decreased after the start of the experiment The initial degradation rate of microcystin
at each temperature assayed (Fig.2). Strain RR by strain MG 22 increased slightly with
MG 15 degraded microcystin RR faster than increasing temperature, but this apparent
strain MG 22. The decrease of microcystin increase was not statistically significant.
RR by strain MG 15 was linear during 30
Novosphingobium subarcticum KF1T (X94102)
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic relationships between isolated bacterial strains MG 15 and MG 22, currently known microcystin-
degrading bacteria7)9)11) and closely related strains. The tree is based on a distance matrix analysis of the 16S
rDNA sequences (accession numbers given in parentheses). Numbers at the nodes indicate bootstrap values,
derived from 1000 samples. Scale represents one substitution per 100 nucleotide positions. Strains in bold form
are microcystin-degrading bacteria.
Microcystin-Degrading Bacteria Isolated from Culture of Protozoa 105
initiated at pH 6.8 changed to 7.2 for both
strains). The initial degradation rate of
microcystin RR was calculated (Table 2). The
degradation rate was the highest at pH 7.6
and 8.8 for strain MG 15 and at pH 8.8 for
strain MG 22, and the rate was the lowest
at pH 10 for both strains. ANOVA showed
20 that the pH affected the degradation rate by
both strains (p<0.0001). The degradation
0 rate by strain MG 15 was significantly
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (h)
different at each pH (p<0.05, Table 2) except
for between the degradation rates at pH 7.6
b) MG-22
and 8.8. In the case of strain MG 22, the
Fig. 2 Degradation of microcystin RR from an initial degradation rate was significantly different
concentration of 1000 μg l–1 over a 9 h period at each pH (p<0.001) except for between the
by strains MG 15 and MG 22 as a function of
degradation rates at pH 6.8 and 10.
temperature (pH 7.6). Error bars indicate
standard deviations (n=3). Addition of 50 mM glycine did not affect
○ 20℃ ● 25℃ ◇ 30℃ the degradation rate of microcystin RR for
strain MG 15 (without glycine: 6.27 ± 0.58
(×10–4pg・cell–1・h–1), with glycine: 5.85±0.33
Table 1 Initial degradation ratea of microcystin RR by (×10–4pg・cell–1・h–1), but glycine significantly
strains MG 15 and MG 22 as a function of enhanced the degradation rate for MG 22
(p<0.0001) (without glycine: 5.0±0.18
20℃ 25℃ 30℃ (×10–4pg・cell–1・h–1), with glycine: 8.12±0.53
MG 15 9.81 ± 0.73 12.2 ± 0.83 26.4 ± 8.08b
MG 22 3.90 ± 1.14 5.58 ± 0.43 5.98 ± 2.64 Degradation of microcystin RR, microcystin
Rates are expressed as ×10–4 pg microcystin・cell–1・h–1 YR and microcystin LR This experiment
measured at pH 7.6 and represent the mean±standard examined the degradation rate of three
deviation (n=3).
Value is significantly different (p<0.05) from the other microcystin analogs by strains MG 15 and
values of MG 15. MG 22. Microcystin RR was degraded faster
than microcystin YR and microcystin LR by
both strains (Fig. 4). In the test for strain
MG 15, the degradation rates of microcystin
YR and microcystin LR were the same (Table
106 Japanese J. Wat. Treat. Biol. Vol.43 No.2
100 100
Microcystin RR remaining (%)
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (h) Time (h)
a) MG-15
a) MG-15
Microcystin RR remaining (%)
0 0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (h)
Time (h)
b) MG-22
b) MG-22
Fig. 3 Degradation of microcystin RR from an initial Fig. 4 Degradation of microcystin RR, YR and LR from
concentration of 1000 μg l–1 over a 9 h period an initial concentration of 1000 μg l–1 over a 9 h
by strains MG 15 and MG 22 as a function of period by strains MG 15 and MG 22 (25℃, pH
pH (25℃). Error bars indicate standard 7.6). Error bars indicate standard deviations
deviations (n=3). (n=3).
○ pH 6.8 ● pH 7.6 ○ microcystin RR ● microcystin YR
◇ pH 8.8 △ pH 10 ◇ microcystin LR
Table 2 Initial degradation ratea of microcystin RR by Table 3 Initial degradation ratea of microcystin RR, YR
strains MG 15 and MG 22 as a function of and LR by strains MG-15 and MG-22.
pH 6.8 pH 7.6 pH 8.8 pH 10
MG-15 12.2 ± 0.83 4.06 ± 1.07 4.06 ± 0.15
MG 15 6.99 ± 0.15b 8.75 ± 0.28c 8.19 ± 0.83c 4.43 ± 0.33d
MG-22 5.58 ± 0.43 3.27 ± 0.67 2.60 ± 0.24
MG 22 2.80 ± 0.25b 5.07 ± 0.19c 7.54 ± 0.18d 2.20 ± 0.5b aRates are expressed as ×10–4 pg microcystin・cell–1・h–1
aRates are expressed as ×10–4 pg microcystin・cell–1・h–1 measured at 25℃, pH 7.6 and represent the mean±standard
measured at 25℃ and represent the mean±standard deviation (n=3).
deviation (n=3).
b, c, d There is a significant difference (p<0.05) between
3). The degradation rate of microcystin RR l–1 for strain MG 15 and 17 to 917 μg・l–1 for
by MG 15 was three times higher than that strain MG 22. In all of the experiments, the
of microcystin YR and microcystin LR. In the microcystin LR concentration decreased (Fig.
test for strain MG 22, microcystin LR had 5). Microcystin LR degradation over time was
the lowest degradation rate. calculated as the average of results from two
experiments. The initial degradation rate of
Degradation of microcystin LR as a function microcystin LR was calculated based on
of initial microcystin concentration Micro- degradation during 1 h of incubation and
cystin LR degradation by the novel bacterial was plotted against the initial concentration
strains MG 15 and MG 22 was evaluated at (Fig. 6). The degradation rate of microcystin
initial concentrations between 20 to 890 μg・ LR increased as initial microcystin LR
concentration increased. The difference in
the degradation rate between strains MG 15
1000 and MG 22 also increased with concentration.
The microcystin LR degradation rate did not
800 plateau at the highest microcystin LR
Microcystin LR (µg L–1)
Degradation rate of microcystin LR
(×10–4 pg cell–1 h–1)
400 3
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (h)
b) MG-22
degrading strains Sphingomonas sp. MJ PV7) installed to remove algae and dissolved
and Sphingomonas sp. MD 19) were associated organic matter. In such biological processes,
with the Novosphingobium group. Strains a biofilm consisting of bacteria, protozoa and
MG 15 and MG 22 exhibited low similarity metazoa becomes attached to the media
values of less than 95% with the Sphingopyxis made of sand, plastic and ceramic and
and Novosphingobium groups. In the thereby purifies water. Saito et al. reported
phylogenetic tree, strains MG 15 and MG 22 that when the biofilm was sampled and then
were separated from the Sphingopyxis cluster added to M. viridis suspension, Monas spp.
with a low bootstrap value of 359. These low increased with a concominant decrease of M.
similarity values and low bootstrap value viridis; microcystin also decreased16). Thus,
could not specify the phylogenetic group, and Monas spp. and microcystin-degrading
it was shown that strains MG 15 and MG 22 bacteria might exist in the biofilm and
were related to the Sphingopyxis and contribute to the purification. Ho et al.
Novosphingobium groups. examined removal of 2 methylisoborneol,
Two of the 25 strains isolated were shown geosmin and microcystin LR by biological
to degrade microcystin, suggesting that many sand filtration. They reported that a homolog
bacterial species may be present in the M. of the gene mlrA was detected in the biofilm
guttula culture and that microcystin- forming on the sand15). These findings suggest
degrading bacteria such as strains MG 15 that when using biological processes to treat
and MG 22 may play an important role in lake and reservoir water contaminated with
microcystin degradation. Microcystis, protozoa such as M. guttula can
We previously studied growth of the prey upon Microcystis and that excreted
protozoan ciliate Trithigmostoma cucullulus microcystin can be degraded by microcystin-
preying on Planktothrix agardhii (PCC 7821, degrading bacteria.
obtained from Institut Pasteur) which
produces microcystin RR in cell. With growth Characteristics of microcystin degradation
of T. cucullulus, P. agardhii decreased due by the isolated bacteria Initial cell density
to predation. Simultaneously dissolved for each strain was 6.5 × 108 cells・ml–1.
microcystin RR increased (unpublished data). After 9 h, cell density tended to stay constant
Consequently, we surmised that T. cucullulus or decrease (data not shown). During
ingested trichomes of P. agardhii and that degradation experiments over 9 h, 1000 μg・l–1
microcystin RR was excreted intact by T. of microcystin may not have been sufficient
cucullulus after P. agardhii had been to support the bacteria because no growth
consumed. In the case of M. guttula used in was observed.
this study, it was presumed that M. guttula The effect of temperature on microcystin
prey on M. viridis and that microcystin was degradation differed for the two strains. The
excreted intact as was seen for T. cucullulus. rate of microcystin RR degradation by strain
M. guttula has been maintained for more MG 15 increased at 30℃, whereas no
than ten years in a microcystin-producing significant difference was observed in the
culture of M. viridis. In the M. guttula rate of degradation by strain MG 22 at each
culture, microcystins might be released from temperature. The difference in the effect of
M. viridis cells by predation and autolysis, temperature on microcystin degradation rate
so it is presumed that microcystin-degrading between the two strains might be due to
bacteria either survived or had accumulated activity of compounds involved in degradation
over a long period by utilizing microcystin. in cells. The degradation rate of microcystin
This hypothesis might be supported by the RR by strain Y2 increased with an increase
finding of Park et al. that the microcystin- in temperature from 5 to 30℃10). Generally,
degrading strain Y2 can use microcystin as a algal blooms occur at temperatures above
carbon and energy source10). 20℃. Indeed, both of the microcystin-
In water purification plants, biological degrading strains MG 15 and MG 22 could
treatments such as biological filtration and degraded microcystin at temperatures at
submerged filter bed processes have been which algal blooms occur.
Microcystin-Degrading Bacteria Isolated from Culture of Protozoa 109
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