Infect. Immun. 1986 Wray 43 9
Infect. Immun. 1986 Wray 43 9
Infect. Immun. 1986 Wray 43 9
0019-9567/86/100043-07$02 .00/0
Copyright 1986, American Society for Microbiology
Proteus mirabilis is a frequent cause of urinary tract infections in rehabilitation hospitals and among persons
with structural abnormalities of the urinary tract. Adherence to uroepithelial tissues may be an important
virulence determinant in these infections because most Proteus strains adhere to desquamated uroepithelial
cells. To identify the adherence factor responsible for this phenomenon, we sheared outer membrane material
Urinary tract infections are the most commonly acquired MATERIALS AND METHODS
nosocomial infections (26). Proteuts mirabilis is a frequent
cause of these infections, especially in rehabilitation hospi- Strains, media, buffers, and reagents. The uropathogenic
tals and in persons with structural abnormalities of the strains of P. mirabilis were obtained from the Ben Taub
urinary tract (5, 20, 27). These bacteria generally produce a County Hospital, Houston, Tex.
more severe disease than does Escherichia coli, owing to the Minimal medium or L medium was used for the cultivation
production of urease, which in turn leads to struvite stone of bacteria. L medium consisted of 10 g of tryptone, 5 g of
formation (10). Several bacterial determinants are associated yeast extract, and 5 g of NaCl per liter. Minimal medium
with uropathogenic strains of P. mirabilis, including hemo- consisted of 60 mM potassium phosphate (pH 7.4); 2 mM
lytic activity, invasiveness in tissue cultures, motility, and disodium citrate; 0.8 mM MgCl,; 15 mM NH4Cl; 0.08 mM
certain proticine types (22-24, 27). (NH4)2SO4; 0.02 mg each of glycine, serine, arginine, thre-
The capacity to adhere to uroepithelium is believed to be onine, histidine, isoleucine, valine, lysine, leucine, and
another bacterial determinant related to virulence in Proteuls tryptophan per ml; 0.4% glycerol; and 0.5 mg of yeast
strains. In other genera studied to date, this adherence is extract per ml.
mediated by structures present on the outer surfaces of the Buffered saline with gelatin (BSG) contained 0.15 M NaCl,
cells (glycolayxes, capsules, and fimbriae) (6). For example, 0.004 M potassium phosphate (pH 6.0), and 0.1% gelatin.
uropathogenic E. coli uses P fimbriae to attach to the P blood Carrier-free H2350S4 was obtained from ICN Radiochem-
group antigen on human tubule cells of the kidney (12). A icals, Irvine, Calif.
similar phenomenon probably occurs in Proteuts strains, as Bacterial cell adherence assay. Uroepithelial cells were
demonstrated by electron micrographs which show organ- isolated from the urine of three healthy female volunteers by
isms attached to rat renal epithelium by fimbriae of the type centrifugation at 400 x g for 10 min. The cells were washed
IV category (7 nm in diameter) (28). In human studies, in BSG, and pellets containing 2 x 105 cells were suspended
Proteus strains have been shown to adhere to desquamated in 1 ml of BSG containing 5 x 10' bacteria. Suspensions
uroepithelium; however, attempts to correlate virulence were rotated for 1 h at 37C. The cells were washed four
with adherence were unsuccessful, owing to the high fre- times in BSG and examined under a light microscope. The
quency of adherent strains among stool isolates used as number of bacteria adhering per cell was counted.
controls (29). Certainly, the contribution of adherence fac- Hemagglutination. Bacteria were grown in L broth, in
tors to the pathogenicity of Proteuts isolates is not well minimal broth, or on L agar for 16 h, washed, and suspended
understood. in BSG to an A600 of 1. Then, 0.2 ml of bacterial suspension
In this study, we identified a protein from a uropathogenic was mixed with a equal volume of a 2% suspension of fresh
isolate of P. mirabilis which adheres to desquamated human or tanned erythrocytes in BSG. The mixtures were rocked
uroepithelial cells. This protein was purified and found to be for 5 min at room temperature and examined for agglutina-
organized as flexible rods (fimbriae) by electron microscopy. tion.
In addition, these fimbriae were characterized as to N- Preparation of radiolabeled outer membrane material. Bac-
terminal amino acid sequence and amino acid composition. teria (1010) were harvested after 16 h of growth at 37C from
We suggest that these fimbriae are the adherence element 10 ml of minimal broth containing 50 pLCi of 35SO4 per ml and
responsible for binding uropathogenic Prcoteuis strains to washed with BSG. Bacteria were suspended in 1.0 ml of
uroepithelium. BSG, and outer membrane material was sheared from the
bacterial surface by passage through a 26-gauge needle.
Whole bacteria were removed by centrifugation for 10 min at
Corresponding author. 10,000 x g.
These studies identified a protein from a uropathogenic
strain of P. mirabilis which may be responsible for the
attachment of the bacteria to human uroepithelium. This
main characteristic of the UCA was its capacity to adhere to
uroepithelial cells. Furthermore, the UCA was seen orga-
nized as rod-shaped structures or fimbriae following purifi-
cation. Similar structures were seen radiating from intact
organisms. The expression of the fimbriae on the organisms
was greatest under conditions allowing maximal adherence
of the bacteria to uroepithelium. These data suggest that the
FIG. 4. (A) Electron micrograph of purified UCA. (B) Electron micrograph of P. mir' bilis HU1069 grown for 16 h in minimal broth.
5 10 15 2k ? 2r re f.
UCA Tyr Asp Gly Thr Thr Phe Thr Gly Lys ViJ Val Ala Gln h X Ser AnLThr Ast tAs s A Leu
i , h s 5a rt i 1e
K99 Asn Thr Gly Thr Asn Phe Asn Gly Lys Ile Thr Ser Ala Thr|Cys Thr I'e 'li pro -, Va' Asn st %i 'sn ?
CFAI Val Glu Lys Asn Ile IThrI Val IThrI Al a Se r ivalI Asp Pro Val Ile Asp Leu Le. G'In Ald Asp r,y Asn A a Le !4
K88 Trp Met1Th .lGly AspfPhe Asn ISe r Val IAsp Ile Gly Gly Ser Ile Thr Ala Asp Asp Tyr Arg Gin Lys
type I Ala AlaIThrjThr Val Asn GlyI6lylThrIVal His Phe Lys Gly Gluj Val EValj nAla Ala fys Al a VVal Asp Ir
P type Ala Pro Thr Ile Pro GIn G7y Gn IGlyILysIVal Thr Phe Asn Gly Thr Val |Val Asp Ala Pro Cys Ser lit Ser 2
t f ~~J
FIG. 5. N-terminal amino acid sequence of UCA from P. mircabilis. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of UCA is compared with those
pig, horse, human, and sheep erythrocytes). Unfortunately, possibility seems unlikely because flagella were not seen in
these experiments were hampered by the inability to isolate the fimbria preparations.
strains expressing only one type of fimbria. In the present P. mirabilis HU1069 was seen to be heavily flagellated.
study, these two types of fimbria were both excluded on the Even after growth in minimal medium, only a minority of the
Sepharose CL-4B column and could be observed in the cells expressed fimbriae. Despite this relatively low level of
electron micrographs. expression, the UCA fimbriae could be isolated by heat
Complete purification of the UCA required SDS-PAGE shock followed by gel filtration. The fimbrial subunit was not
because a contaminant of Mr-37,000 copurified with the detected by SDS-PAGE on cells grown on complex medium,
UCA during gel filtration. This larger protein was not a dimer due to reduced expression under these conditions. This
of the UCA subunit, as its N-terminal sequence was different relatively low level of expression of fimbriae in this strain
from that of the UCA (data not shown). The second protein may explain the inability to detect any agglutination of
may be the subunit of the second type of fimbria seen in the sheep, guinea pig, or human erythrocytes. Alternatively,
micrographs, although the molecular weight of the protein Adegbola et al. (1) reported that a small percentage of
appears to be large for a fimbrial subunit. Alternatively, this Proteus isolates agglutinate only fowl erythrocytes, which
contaminant may be a dimer of flagellin. Driver and Lambert were not tested here; strain HU1069 may be similar to these
(9) reported that the dimer of flagellin migrates in SDS- strains. We believe that this is a more plausible explanation
PAGE with an apparent molecular weight of 40,000, which is because strain HU1069 adhered well to uroepithelium, sug-
similar to the molecular weight of the contaminant. This gesting that sufficient fimbriae were present for interaction
with mammalian tissues if the appropriate receptors were
In summary, we have detected a protein from a uropath-
TABLE 2. Amino acid composition of P. mirabilis UCA' ogenic isolate of P. mirabilis which is related to the K99
fimbriae of enterotoxigenic E. (coli. The functional and
Amino Mol No. of physical characteristics of this protein suggest that it may be
acid Y residues
responsible for the attachment of P. mirabilis to human
Thr 0.158 25 uroepithelium during urinary tract infections.
Asx 0.146 23
Glx 0.086 14
Val 0.086 14 This work was supported by a research fellowship to S.K.W. from
Gly 0.074 12 the National Kidney Foundation and by Public Health Service
Leu 0.067 11 research grants Al 18462, Al 21009. and Al 17897 from the National
Ser 0.057 9 Institutes of Health.
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