Research Article: International Research Journal of Pharmacy

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Gowthami Saba et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm.

2017, 8 (6)

ISSN 2230 – 8407

Research Article
Gowthami Saba *, Thirumarimurugan M, Sivakumar V. M
Department of Chemical Engineering, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu, India
*Corresponding Author Email: [email protected]

Article Received on: 12/05/17 Approved for publication: 18/06/17

DOI: 10.7897/2230-8407.086108


This study investigates the tolerance potential of different species of indigenous fungi that isolated from solid waste at copper smelting industry. The
heavy metals concentration in the solid waste was characterized by using Atomic Absorption spectroscopy. The concentration of heavy metal in the
solid waste from copper smelting industry was found to be 220 ppm of copper (Cu) and 43 ppm of Iron (Fe). Two different species of fungi such as
Coprinellus xanthothrix and Alternaria tenuissima were isolated from this copper contaminated sample using dilution techniques. They were screened
for their resistance to copper (Cu) in potato dextrose agar plates amended with various concentrations ranging from 50-250 ppm of Cu. The isolates
were resistant to Cu, among these strain Coprinellus xanthothrix was the most tolerant against the tested heavy metal at higher concentration, shows
the tolerance index of 1, 0.738, 0.7, 0.355 and 0.288 and the species Alternaria tenuissima exhibit 1, 0.78, 0.59, 0.56 and 0.21 respectively. The
isolate Coprinellus xanthothrix exhibit higher colony diameter and better growth phase for 50-200 ppm of Cu, while compared to the isolate
Alternaria tenuissima. The results revealed that these initial adaptive behaviors are reflections of the strains tolerance development with increasing
metal concentration.

Keywords: Solid waste, Fungi, Heavy metals, 18S rRNA, Minimum Inhibitory Concentration.

INTRODUCTION techniques are too costly and their metal-binding properties are
non-specific8. Bioremediation is an integrated management of a
In today’s world Industrialization and urbanization is confronted polluted ecosystem where different organisms are employed to
with the contamination of soils, water sources and air with catalyze the natural process that decontaminates the
hazardous and toxic xenobiotics. Due to the need of generating environment. It is defined as “the utilization of microorganisms
cheap forms of energy, they cause the continuous release of to reduce or eliminate environmental contaminants using
various harmful chemicals into the Environment. The rapid chemical reactions or physical processes”9. These
development of many industries, such as mining, fertilizers, microorganisms convert toxic organic and inorganic compounds
surface finishing, energy and fuel production, pesticides, electric to harmless products, mostly carbon dioxide and water. The
appliance manufacture, and others activities, wastes containing removal of heavy metals is taken more into consideration while
metals are directly or indirectly discharged their waste into the using microbial biomass6. Further surface soil is a rich habitat of
biosphere, they producing a significant threat to the health of all major groups of microorganisms, i.e., bacteria,
humans and also posing a serious environmental pollution1,2. actinomycetes, fungi, and algae and are natural recyclers. The
The wastewater from metal processing industries is also contaminated sites are the provenance for heavy metal resistant
polluting the environment as well as from other pollutant routes. micro-organisms10. In naturally polluted environments, the
Virtually, any industrial activity using metals have a metal heavy metal toxicity of microbes depends largely on the
disposal problem3. Heavy metals have drastically increased in concentration and availability of metals 11. The most common
the environment and also found in nature. Elements or heavy metal tolerate microbes are fungi and yeast12,13. They are
compounds having different properties, such as Zn, Cu, Ni, Fe, a versatile group, as they can adapt and grow under various
and Mn are essential trace elements in living organisms and extreme conditions of pH, temperature and nutrient availability,
non-essential metals such as cadmium, lead, mercury, and nickel as well as high metal concentrations 14. They offer the advantage
they are toxic even at low concentration4,5. Heavy metals are of having cell wall materials which shows excellent metal-
non-biodegradable and persistent into the environment and binding properties15. In the same way researchers reported the
accumulate into living tissues and posing a serious threat to the promising biosorption for Cd and Cr by two filamentous fungi,
environment and public health. Due to this reason, they are not Aspergillus sp. and Rhizopus sp., isolated from metal-
able to purify by the environmental compartments (soil and contaminated agricultural soil 2. About 32 fungal species were
water). Theses harmful substances are cytogenic, carcinogenic tested for their resistance to metals, which was isolated from
and mutagenic in nature and are causing threats to the living polluted water in Egypt. In that, the species Cunninghamela
beings. Many conventional methods are used for the removal of echinulata biomass could be act as biosorbent of heavy metals
heavy metals including chemical precipitation and sludge in wastewater16. The laboratory study was conducted for finding
separation, chemical oxidation or reduction, ion exchange, the MIC of Aspergillus niger, Phanerochaete chrysosporium
reverse osmosis, filtration, adsorption using activated charcoal, and Trichoderma were from 75 to 100 mg L -1 chromium and
electrochemical treatment and evaporative recovery6,7. These for nickel (50 to 100 mg L-1), which depended on the fungal

Gowthami Saba et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2017, 8 (6)

isolate17. It has been shown that copper is toxic to most buffer such as RNAse A and B Cube of 4 μl and 250 μl were
microorganisms, Aspergillus niger,Penicillium chrysogenum added. The sample was shaked for 30 minutes at 65˚C in water
and Rhizopus stolonifer could able to sustain in a liquid medium bath using Vortex. Then the sample was Centrifuge for 15
containing up to 500 ug\ml of Cu. It appears that copper must minutes at 14,000 rpm at 10 ˚C. The supernatant were
have been transported in high amounts into the fungal cells that transferred into a new microcentrifuge tube. The DNA
the tested fungi can accumulate Cu upto 6000,5300 and 3250 ug concentrations were measured by running aliquots on 1%
g-1 respectively18. The fungi strains including such as agarose gel. Then the isolated DNA of 5 μL is added to the 20
Penicillium funiculosum, Aspergillus foetidus, Penicillium μL of PCR reaction solution (1.5 μL of Forward Prime and
simplicissimum were tolerant to heavy metals, which could be Riverse Primer, 5 μL of deionized water, and 12 μL of Taq
leached from nickel laterite ores (Ni, Co, Fe, Mg and Mn). Master Mix). The PCR is performed using the thermal cycling
These strains were exposed to heavy metals upto 2000 ppm. conditions. ITS1 and ITS4 were the two primers used to
Training and isolation of tolerant strains were conducted in plate amplify, the fungal DNA region segment. The sequencing
tests by repeated subculturing. The objective of this study is to conditions included a denaturation process carried out at 94°C
isolate and identify the fungal strains with various tolerance during 5 min, followed by a cycle at 94°C during 30 s, and an
towards heavy metals. In particular focusing on the effect of annealing step at 58°C (for ITS) and at 63°C (for 26S), both
various concentration of heavy metals and adaptive behavior of during 30 s. An extension was carried out at 72°C for 1 min for
each type of strains. a total of 36 cycles and a final extension at 72°C and 4°C for 7
and 5 min, respectively. The PCR product was sequenced using
MATERIAL AND METHODS the ITS1/ITS4 primers. Sequencing reactions were performed
Sampling Site using a ABI PRISM BigDyeTM Terminator Cycle Sequencing
Kits with AmpliTaq DNA polymerase (FS enzyme) (Applied
The solid wastes from copper smelting industry were collected Biosystems). The 18s r RNA sequence was done by using blast,
from thoothukudi, Tamilnadu. The solid waste sample was air NCBI blast similarity search tool. The program phyML 3.0
dried and sieved, to remove the homogeneity and stored in the aLRT and Tree Dyn 198.3 was used for phylogeny analysis and
plastic container for subsequent experiments. The chemical for tree rendering.
characterisation of the sample was carried out by using Energy-
dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The total heavy metal Screening For Heavy Metal Tolerant Fungi
concentration in the solid waste sample were determined by an
acid digestion method. In this method, the sample of 1.0 g was The tolerance potential among the isolated fungal strains were
treed with 15 ml HCl and 5 ml 5 ml HNO3 (ratio 3:1). The evaluated by the PDA medium and it was amended with various
mixture was heated until decomposition was complete and concentrations (50,100,150,200,250 ppm) of heavy metals.
volume reduced by evaporation to about 5ml. The digested Media was autoclaved and the plates were incubated at room
liquid was filtered through Whatman No. 42 paper and washed temperature for 7 days. The growth of fungi was monitored from
with distilled water, transferred quantitatively to a 100 ml the point of inoculation or centre of the colony. Tolerance of the
volumetric flask. The filtrate was analysed for the heavy metals fungi was measured by observing minimum inhibitory
content using an Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) concentration (MIC) and tolerance index. Streaking of fungal
. isolates on normal PDA medium served as control (normal
growth) for comparison of growth of fungal isolates on PDA
Isolation and Identification of Fungi medium containing different concentration of heavy metals.

The fungal strains were isolated from solid waste by serial 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑦 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑠
Tolerance = 𝐷𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑦 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑓 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑣𝑦 𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑠
dilution method using potato dextrose agar (PDA) in order to
avoid overlapping colonies. The dilution technique was made
by placing one gram of the sample in the test tube containing 10 Isolation and acclimatisation were conducted in petri plate, 9.0
ml of sterile distilled water and tenfold serial dilution was made cm in diameter. The growth was monitored by measuring the
by transferring 1 ml of the suspension to another test tube spread of the colony from the point of inoculation to the end of
containing 9 ml of distilled water. This step was repeated ten the longest hypha. The minimum inhibitory concentration of the
times to obtain a dilution of 10-10. An amount of 0.1 ml from the isolates was determined as the lowest concentration of metals
test tubes (10-3) was taken and placed on the plate containing that inhibits visible growth of the isolates. If there is no apparent
PDA20. Streptomycin was added to mediums after autoclaving at growth of fungi was observed after ten days on the plates, the
15 psi for 15 min and 121 oC to arrest bacterial growth. After metal concentration was considered as the highest metal
incubation distinct colonies were counted and identified. The concentration tolerated by the tested fungus.
isolated fungi were sent to YAAALLL for genomic
identification. Molecular identification of the isolates was RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
achieved by 18S rRNA sequence analysis. First, the fungi were Solid Waste Characteristics
grown in flasks containing Sabouraud’s dextrose broth and
incubated at 25∘C for several days. After colony growth, the Solid waste sample were collected from copper smelting
culture was filtered and the fungal mass was washed with industry at Thoothukudi, Tamilnadu. The pH of the sludge was
distilled water for several times and stored in a freezer (−20 oC) slightly alkaline (8.46). The elemental analysis were done by
for further processing. The frozen mycelium mass was smashed using EDS and found as O (44.39 wt %), Fe (31.29 wt %), Si
by mechanical pressure using sterile pounder and liquid (12.35 wt %), C (3.35 wt %), Al (2.51 wt %), Ca (1.47 wt %), Ti
nitrogen. Genomic DNA was extracted from colonies and mixed (1.01 wt %), Mg (0.89 wt %), K (0.88 wt %) and Cu (0.70 wt %)
with 450 μl of “B Cube” lysis buffer in a 2 ml microcentrifuge respectively. The heavy metals like total copper (220 ppm), total
tube and lyse the cells by repeated pipetting. The neutralization iron (43 ppm) were quantified in the dye industrial sludge.

Gowthami Saba et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2017, 8 (6)

Isolation of Heavy Metal Tolerant Fungi Alternaria tenuissima. In figure 6, reduction in mycelium
diameter were observed from 100-250 ppm of Cu concentration,
Two heavy metal tolerant fungus species were isolated from were due to the inhibition of copper at increasing concentration.
solid waste sample from copper smelting industry using Similarly, figure 7, is also depicts the same phenomena. Metals
standard method. Some of the most long time exposure of soil are able to exert harmful effects by their strong coordinating
fungi to heavy meals can lead to physiological adaptation or capabilities. Heavy metals affect microorganisms in natural
considerable modification of their microbial populations 21. The environment by reducing numbers and diversity of microbes and
identification of the isolate was carried out by 18S rRNA selecting a metal resistant population. It is also commonly
Sequencing were performed at Yaazh Xenomics Technologies assumed that metal exposure leads to the establishment of a
Pvt. Ltd., Tamilnadu, India. The 18S rRNA gene of selective resistant and tolerant microbial population10. There were
isolate of each tissue extract was sequenced and presented in morphological and physiological differences between fungal
FASTA format. Finally 18S rRNA sequence of the isolate was genera, species and strains, and therefore, their response was not
compared with that of other fungi sequence by way of BLAST same to the concentrations of the heavy metal ions. As Figure 6
( The result was depicts, that Coprinellus xanthothrix shows the strong radial
compared with the sequence of GenBank based on partial 18 S growth of 9, 6.65, 6.3, 3.2 and 2.6 cm for the various
rRNA sequence to check the relationship and similarity with the concentration of Cu ranges from 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 ppm.
isolates. BLAST and the phylogenetic trees were constructed for Similarly Alternaria tenuissima reveals the colony diameter of
the isolated fungus, were identified as Coprinellus xanthothrix, 7.4, 5.8, 4.4, 4.15 and 1.6 cm respectively.
Alternaria tenuissima respectively. The figure 2 and figure 4
revels the molecular sequencing of the strain Alternaria The morphology of strain Alternaria tenuissima was changed in
tenuissima and Coprinellus xanthothrix. the figure 3 and Figure the presence of copper. Several authors were observed the
5 shows the phylogenetic trees of the isolates Alternaria colorful mycelia in the presence of heavy metals on agar media
tenuissima and Coprinellus xanthothrix. due to the increase of copper concentration 25. Because of the
detoxification tolerance mechanisms of the each isolated strain,
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration the different morphological changes were occurred. The isolates
have different tolerance capacity against heavy metals, due to
The effect of heavy metals on the growth of fungus was assessed the incidence of different types of tolerance strategies or
on the basis of mycelia diameter. The MIC values suggested that resistance mechanisms exhibited by different fungi 2, 26.
the resistance level against individual metals was dependent on
the isolates. The isolated tested fungal species such as Isolates of the same genus could even show a difference in the
Coprinellus xanthothrix and Alternaria tenuissima showed the level of resistance to metals27. Fungi exhibiting high tolerance to
strong radial growth, which exhibit the high metal tolerance. At toxic metals may be useful in remediation process2. The
lower metal ions concentrations, the both the isolated fungal microorganism isolated from the heavy metal contaminated
species were found to be resistant and exhibit strong radial environments, which have the capacity to adapt to such
growth. While in higher metal ion concentrations, they caused a environments28. These results indicated that the isolated fungal
reduction in growth and increased the length of the lag phase strains were responded differently to different metal
compared to the control. A diminution in the growth rate is a concentration of copper. From figure 6 & 7, it reveals that the
typical response of fungi to toxicants22, whereas the lengthening strain, Coprinellus xanthothrix shows the higher colony
of the lag phase is not always present. MIC for heavy metals diameter, when compared to the strain Alternaria tenuissima . It
was determined and found to be in the range from 50 to 250 exhibit the tolerance potential of idegious fungus against heavy
ppm for two the isolated fungus. Copper is a co-factor in metals.
numerous enzymatic processes and represents the third most
abundant transition metal found in living organisms23. As shown Growth Behaviour On The Tolerance Development
in figure 6 and figure 7, Coprinellus xanthothrix and Alternaria
tenuissima strains showed the strong mycelia growth on Cu The growth pattern of the fungi is represented in Figure 1, which
media ranges from 50-250 ppm in comparison with control. The is characterized by five stages:
several strains of Antrodia vaillantii tested, some were able to (a) Lag phase which occurs at the beginning of the inoculation;
tolerate up to 40 mM of Cu, whereas others were not able to very little or no growth was observed.
grow at 3 mM of Cu in the medium. All the tested strains (b) Rapid growth in which the initial growth of fungi occurs.
showed strong colony growth on Cu media at 50 ppm in (c) Retarded growth in which the growth rate begins to decline.
comparison to the control24. Even at 50 ppm Cu concentration (d) Similar growth in which the rate of growth in the presence of
the strain grows equal to the length of control. Coprinellus heavy metals and control is similar.(e) Enhanced growth in
xanthothrix showed higher degree of Cu tolerance which could which the absolute growth rate often exceeds the control (TI >
show minimal growth in media with 250 Cu concentration. The 1)29.
next highest level of resistance exhibited by another strain

Gowthami Saba et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2017, 8 (6)

Figure 1: Growth phase of fungi


Figure 2: Identification of Alternaria tenuissima species based on 18S rRNA sequences

Figure 3: Phylogenetic tree of isolated fungi strains Alternaria tenuissima and related strains


Figure 4: Identification of Coprinellus xanthothrix based on 18S rRNA sequences

Figure 5: Phylogenetic tree of isolated fungi strains Coprinellus xanthothrix and related strains

Figure 6: Effect of Cu concentrations on growth of Coprinellus Figure 7: Effect of Cu concentrations on growth of Alternaria
xanthothrix strains isolated from contaminated sample, up to 7 days tenuissima strain isolated from contaminated sample, up to 7 days
in PDA medium in PDA medium

Gowthami Saba et al. Int. Res. J. Pharm. 2017, 8 (6)

Figure 8: Effects of growth phase of fungi Coprinellus xanthothrix in Figure 9: Effects of growth phase of Alternaria tenuissima fungi in
the presence of heavy metal (cu) the presence of heavy metal (cu)

This growth pattern depicts the tolerance potential of fungi. All CONCLUSION
these five stages are not exhibited in all fungi. In lag phase, the
tolerance index remain 0 for 1 or more days. It is evident that The present study concludes that solid waste from copper
the presence of heavy metals retarded the growth of fungi smelting industry contains the two heavy metal tolerant fungus.
strains. TI varies with time of exposure to the heavy metals and These fungus were screened for their tolerance towards two
type of strain. The slope of tolerance with time, give the rates of heavy metal (Cu) in PDA medium containing heavy metals from
growth and death of the microbes29. The growth rate at phase b 50 to 250 ppm. These fungi showed the various resistance
and the death rate at phase c are related to the tolerance index strategies towards the heavy metals of different concentration. It
developed at phase d. A high growth rate and a relatively low exhibits the potential growth in presence of Cu. Coprinellus
death rate led to a higher tolerance index at phase d, indicating a xanthothrix showed remarkably differed in detoxification
better adaptive tolerance behaviour of fungi in heavy metals. behavior of Cu from other isolated fungi in this study. Similarly
With an increase in metal concentration, the tolerance index at the strain Alternaria tenuissima showed the moderate tolerance
the d phase may begin to increase. This would indicate a towards the heavy metals. There was decrease in growth of the
development in fungi tolerance with increasing metal fungi, for their tolerance to heavy metal with increase in
concentration. In some cases, however a decrease in TI at phase concentration from 50 to 250 ppm. The growth pattern of fungi
d with an increasing concentration of heavy metal may be due to in the presence of heavy metals, characterised by five stages,
the poor adaptive nature of fungus, but it does not mean that it showed the toxic effects of heavy metals on fungi growth.
cannot tolerate high concentration of heavy metals. Among the strains acclimatized, Coprinellus xanthothrix was
the most tolerate species and show high growth rate even at high
From figure 8, The Coprinellus xanthothrix fungal strain concentration (250 ppm) of Cu. When compared to the growth
exhibits the better tolerance index and also shows the five stages rate of strain Alternaria tenuissima. If selection is based on
of growth phase in various concentrations of heavy metals (50- tolerance, this strain will be most suitable for the bioremediation
150 ppm). At the concentration of 200 ppm, and 250 ppm, the process. The adaptive behaviour of fungi strains to heavy metals
strain exhibiting a longer lag phase of 3 days. it revealed that, a reflected the growth and death rate of strains could be used to
higher concentration, the adaptive behavior of fungi in heavy indicate the tolerance behaviour or adaptation with increasing
metal were reduced. It can be concluded that by increasing metal concentration. Biological treatment based on living fungi,
copper concentration from 50-250 ppm, Coprinellus xanthothrix which is cheaper and more environmental friendly, has emerged
showed good tolerance index. The TI at phase d for as a good alternative technique to existing conventional methods
concentration of 50-150 ppm are higher than the Alternaria for metal removal.
tenuissima , so Coprinellus xanthothrix starin showed a higher
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Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared

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