lI 0
6 12 18 24 30 36 42
FIG. 1. Growth plotted as turbidity (A) or colony-forming units (B) for A. globiformis strain 8010. Cation-
complete medium (@); cation-complete medium with 7 mM Na4P207 (0); cation-deficient medium with 0.1
Mn (A); cation-deficient medium without added manganese (A).
for their effects on growth and morphology of concentration had a similar effect when it was
strain 8010. EGTA (0.2 to 7.8 mM) and citrate added to cation-complete medium containing
(15 to 60 mM) added to cation-complete medium either Na4P207, citrate, or EGTA.
caused the myceloid morphology along with par- Strain 8010 was grown in cation-deficient me-
tial growth inhibition. When the concentration dium, which contained low levels of several
of these agents was lower or higher than the metal ions, including Mn2+ (Fig. 1). Under these
range listed, normal growth and morphology or conditions the lag phase, based on turbidity, was
complete growth inhibition, respectively, was 6 to 9 h longer than it was in cation-complete
observed. The use of citrate as the sole carbon medium. The maximum turbidity obtained was
source also caused myceloid cell development. less than 50% of that observed in the complete
Based on all methods of measurement and ob- medium, although the generation time was ap-
servation, the growth patterns for cells treated proximately the same. Colony-forming units in
with EGTA or citrate were similar to those for the deficient medium (Fig. 1B) paralleled the
Na4P207. However, at the lowest active citrate turbidimetric measurements (Fig. 1A), but only
level (15 mM), some fragmentation of myceloid a 10-fold increase in colony-forming units per
cells was observed at the onset of the stationary milliliter occurred. The morphological cycle was
phase of growth. EDTA and 8-hydroxyquinoline as for growth in cation-complete medium, except
could not be used to produce myceloid cells. 8- that overall cell size was smaller. The limiting
Hydroxyquinoline completely inhibited growth cation in this deficient medium was iron. Thus,
at all concentrations tested (1.0 to 10 ,ug/ml). results similar to the above were obtained when
EDTA had no effect at concentrations below 0.8 we used cation-complete medium in which- the
mM but completely inhibited growth at greater iron level had been reduced to match that in
concentrations. cation-deficient medium. Morris (21) and Mid-
Stevenson (26) reported myceloid growth in dleton and Gunner (20) reported pigment pro-
the complex medium of Henderson and Snell. duction by A. globifonnis under conditions of
This medium happens to contain citrate. We iron limitation. We did not observe this pigmen-
repeated Stevenson's experiment and also ob- tation.
served myceloid growth. In addition, however, Growth of strain 8010 in cation-deficient me-
we found that the addition of 3 mM CaCl2 to dium without added manganese is shown in Fig.
this medium to tie up the citrate prevented 1. The effective level of residual manganese was
myceloid cell formation while still allowing the calculated to be approxiimately 1 nM, based on
normal morphological life cycle. CaCl2 at this the reported levels of contaminant manganese
prevented, and fragmentation could not be in-
duced if Ca2", Srt, Ni2", Fe3", or Ca2" plus Fe3+,
instead of Mn2", were added at 0.1 AM. Biotin or
vitamin B12 (both at 0.4 or 4.0 ng/ml) or yeast
extract (1 or 10 gg/ml) did not prevent myceloid
growth when Mn2+ was not added. Also, the
IfI addition of a 1/100 dilution of sterile culture
filtrate from a naturally reverting myceloid cul-
1 o ture had no effect.
Cells were grown for varying periods of time
17 in cation-complete medium without added Mn2+
(approximately 0.1 AM Mn2+ present due to trace
contamination from other salts); then they were
';r -,... I washed and added to cation-deficient medium
|E . X I-~~~~olo without added manganese to test for myceloid
cell formation. Cells harvested from the com-
plete medium at 24 h (short rods) gave 3 to 5 h
of myceloid growth in the deficient medium,
followed by a rapid reversion to the normal life
4; t. "' x .. cycle. With 48- to 72-h cells (coccoid), synchro-
nous outgrowth and prolonged myceloid devel-
22 28 opment (lasting at least 30 to 48 h before frag-
menting) were observed in the deficient medium,
. ~ ~ whereas 96- to 120-h coccoid cells demonstrated
SI' asynchronous outgrowth and prolonged myce-
loid development. Cystites of strain 8010, pro-
duced by growth in a minimal medium (14) or a
complex medium (3), responded to Mn2+ defi-
ciency with tripodal germination and prolonged
myceloid growth. All ofthe above cells of various
ages or types, however, produced myceloid cells
that did not fragment when added to cation-
complete medium containing EGTA, Na4P207,
t48 72 N\ or citrate.
A. globiformis strain ATCC 4336, A. oxydans
FIG. 2. Myceloid growth of A. globiformis strain strain ATCC 14358 (yellow and white biotypes),
8010 in cation-complete medium with added 7 mM and five Arthrobacter species soil isolates re-
Na4P207. Numbers on pictures are hour of incubation. sponded with myceloid growth (as for strain
Phase-contrast microscopy. 1,142-fold magnification.
8010) to Na4P207, EGTA, and citrate. In addi-
in the metal salts added to the medium. In this tion, strain 4336 (other species and strains not
case, the coccoid cells added as inoculum elon- tested) produced myceloid cells in cation-defi-
gated to give long filaments that demonstrated cient medium (manganese not added) containing
rudimentary branching (Fig. 4) and reached a 0.4 or 4.0 ng of biotin per ml. A. crystallopoietes
linear cell length 15 to 20 times that of normal strain ATCC 15481 did not grow well enough in
rod-shaped cells (cation-complete medium). the presence of citrate for testing. In the pres-
Thin sections appeared as for Fig. 3, but septa- ence of Na4P207 and EGTA, it grew only as
tion initiations were slightly less frequent. If somewhat. coccoid cells, although its growth was inhibited
Mn2" removal from this medium was complete,
the myceloid cells remained in this form
throughout growth without fragmenting to yield DISCUSSION
coccoid cells (as at 42 h, Fig. 4). Addition of 0.1 The polymorphic growth cycle of A. globifor-
,AM manganese to this medium after the myce- mis strain ATCC 8010 that occurred in cation-
loid cells had formed caused a slow fragmenta- complete medium without added metal-com-
tion to coccoid cells (over a period of 24 to 48 h) plexing agents was similar to that observed in
after an approximately 10- to 12-h delay. How- various media by other workers for this species
ever, addition of Mn2" at this level during the (6, 19, 26) and for other Arthrobacter species (2,
first 18 h of growth prevented formation of my- 18). Growth, however, occurred only as the my-
celoid cells. Formation of these cells was not celoid form without completing the cycle when
~ ~.
to~~ 1.J4'-
~~ s,
I1 tB
FIG. 3. Thin sections of 72-h cells grown as for Fig. 2. (A) Section showing branching myceloid cell. Bar
marker, 1 pim. (B) Magnified portion of a myceloid cell. Incomplete septation in the presence of septum
membranes shown by arrow. Abbreviations: W, thin cell wall; B, possible bud formation. Bar marker, 0.25
metal-complexing agents, such as Na4P207, edly to myceloid growth already occurring in
EGTA, or citrate were added to the cation-com- this medium. It would appear, therefore, that
plete medium. Growth in this form also occurred myceloid growth was regulated by Mn2" defi-
in a cation-deficient medium which contained ciency per se, or by metal-complexing agents
suboptimal levels of Mn2 . In this case polymor- which tied up Mn2".
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Anal. Chem. 31:249-256.
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from the U.S. Army Research Office and contract NGR 39- studies of soil microorganisms. V. Nutritional require-
009-180 with the National Aeronautics and Space Administra- ments of the predominant bacterial flora. Can. J. Mi-
tion. crobiol. 3:35-42.
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