Generation of Electricity by Electrogenic Bacteria
Generation of Electricity by Electrogenic Bacteria
Generation of Electricity by Electrogenic Bacteria
The present study aimed at isolation characterization and evaluation of electrogenic bacteria for
electricity generation using waste water. In this context, waste water samples were collected from
University of Nizwa waste water treatment plant. A total of eight distinct bacterial isolates were
isolated from these samples by serial dilution and plating on LB Agar medium. The bacterial iso-
lates were than grown at different temperatures and pH. DNA from bacterial samples was isolated
and 16S rRNA gene amplification was carried out. The 16S rRNA gene PCR products were directly
sequenced and the resulting sequence was blasted using BLASTn. Based on BLAST results, the
bacterial strains were identified. The bacteria were used in different combinations to generate
electricity from waste water in microbial fuel cells constructed using plastic bottles. The microbial
isolates were found to produce varying levels of currents and their electrogenic potential in waste
water was observed to increase with the passage of time.
Electricity Production, Electrogenic Bacteria, Waste Water, Microbial Fuel Cell
1. Introduction
The world energy demand and the corresponding need to find energy sources alternative to fossil fuels are on an
ongoing increase. Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC technology) powered by wastewater is one such effort to provide
Corresponding author.
How to cite this paper: Naureen, Z., Al Matani, Z.A.R., Al Jabri, M.N., Al Housni, S.K., Gilani, S.A., Mabood, F., Farooq, S.,
Hussain, J. and Al Harrasi, A. (2016) Generation of Electricity by Electrogenic Bacteria in a Microbial Fuel Cell Powered by
Waste Water. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 7, 329-335.
Z. Naureen et al.
an alternative inexpensive and eco-friendly energy source [1] [2]. Besides generating energy, MFCs offer a great
potential to utilize chemical energy in wastewater by converting to electrical energy through respiration of mi-
crobial inhabitants of wastewater [2]. Wastewater is an energy rich source for growth of several anaerobic and
facultative bacterial species which have the capability to transfer electrons to an anode, as a terminal electron
acceptor and thus are classified as electrogenic bacteria (EB; [3]-[6]). These EB have been documented to gen-
erate electricity by assimilating a variety of sources [7]-[10] like carbohydrates [11], textile effluents [12], waste
matter in land fill [1], sea sediments and waste water [1]; however a very few reports are available where waste
water is used as fuel for electrogenic bacteria which utilize organic and inorganic compounds in it as fuel to
generate electricity. The present study will focus on electrogenic potential of facultative anaerobic bacteria to
generate the electricity in a fabricated two-chambered MFC powered by waste water.
Z. Naureen et al.
3. Results
Waste water samples were collected from UoN waste water treatment plant and allowed to stand for 24 hrs. The
sediments were collected and diluted and directly plated on respective media for isolation of inhabiting bacteria.
The morphologically distinct colonies were selected for further studies.
Table 1. Physiological characteristics and 16S rRNA gene sequencing based identification of bacterial isolates obtained from
waste water samples.
seq1 Z1 Chromobacterium sp. 1 Gram negative KT347176
seq2 Z2 Amantichitinum ursilacus Gram negative KT347177
seq3 Z3 Chromobacterium sp Gram negative KT347178
seq4 Z4 Bacillus licheniformis Gram positive KT347179
seq5 Z5 Enterobacter sp Gram negative KT347180
seq6 Z6 Unidentified bacteria Gram negative NOT IDENTIFIED
seq7 Z7 Escherichia coli Gram negative KT347181
seq8 Z8 Citrobacter sp. Gram negative KT347182
Z. Naureen et al.
Bacterial isolates
Temperature Chromobacterium Amantichitinum ursilacus Chromobacterium Bacillus Enterobacter Unidentified Escherichia Citrobacter
sp. 1 Z1 Z2 sp. Z3 sp. Z5 bacteria Z6 coli Z7 sp. Z8
27˚C 1.53 × 109 1.25 × 109 1.07 × 109 1.55 × 109 3.0 × 109 3.26 × 108 2.96 × 109 1.49 × 109
30˚C 1.36 × 109 7.26 × 108 1.28 × 109 1.57 × 109 6.24 × 108 7.34 × 108 7.28 × 108 1.43 × 109
37˚C 1.45 × 109 5.3 × 108 1.34 × 109 1.42 × 109 2.98 × 108 3.52 × 108 3.99 × 108 1.6 × 109
55˚C 6.32 × 108 2.25 × 108 6.02 × 108 6.01 × 108 2.55 × 108 2.57 × 108 2.64 × 108 1.11 × 109
pH Bacteria isolates
Chromobacterium Amantichitinum ursilacus Chromobacterium Enterobacter Unidentified Escherichia Citrobacter sp.
sp. 1 Z1 Z2 sp. Z3 sp. Z5 bacteria Z6 coli Z7 Z8
4 1.20 × 109 1.03 × 108 5.37 × 108 1.03 × 108 1.51 × 108 3.26 × 108 1.32 × 108 1.31 × 108
5 3.75 × 108 1.26 × 109 1.17 × 108 7.08 × 108 9.32 × 108 1.31 × 108 2.87 × 108 5.35 × 108
9 5.37 × 108 7.34 × 108 1.03 × 108 1.65 × 109 5.35 × 108 3.52 × 108 1.60 × 109 1.6 × 109
11 1.11 × 108 3.75 × 108 1.43 × 108 1.36 × 109 1.88 × 108 2.57 × 108 3.35 × 108 6.47 × 108
Z. Naureen et al.
Electricity production
Bacteria isolates
First trial (mV) 1 days Second trial (mV) 7 days Third trial (mV) 21 days
Chromobacterium sp. 1 (Z1) 86 141 430
Amantichitinum ursilacus (Z2) 37 143 645
Chromobacterium sp. (Z3) 63 66 230
Bacillus licheniformis (Z4) 10 16 222
Enterobacter sp. (Z5) 114 135 420
Unidentified bacteria (Z6) 67 72 Not detected
Escherichia coli (Z7) 29 78 625
Citrobacter sp. (Z8) 16 17 460
4. Discussion
The present study states that microbial inhabitant of waste water have electrogenic potential and they can ma-
nifest this potential if they are properly re-inoculated into their habitat. This leads to the production of bioelec-
tricity in the fabricated MFCs. A total of 8 distinct bacterial isolates from waste water sediments were isolated
and their 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis showed that these belong to different genera. Bacterial isolate 6 did
not show specific resemblance to any known genera suggesting that it might be novel specie/genera. This will be
further studied by whole genome sequence analysis coupled with biochemical identification methods. Microbial
fuel cells constructed by using 1000 ml PVC bottles and connected with 15 cm long and 4 cm diameter salt
bridge were used to generate electricity by microbial cell suspension cultures in various concentrations of waste
water. Microbial cultures served as anodes while waste water concentrations served as cathodes. This analysis of
different salts for the Salt Bridge recommended the use of 10% NaCl concentration as optimized salt in the salt
bridge to facilitate easy ion flux. The sodium chloride in the salt bridge yielded good OCV might be because of
its good electrolytic property [16]. While 15 cm length of salt bridge proved better with 4 cm diameter might be
because of less density of agar in longer length and easy flow ions through wider diameter. This result is sup-
ported by similar observations by other researchers [16]. It was reported that most of the exogenous mediators
are toxic for the microbes [2]. Electricity generation from the 100% wastewater could not produce good yield
might be effect of ions present in both the electrolytes. An increase in the OCV was observed for all bacterial
isolates after 7 and 21 days of incubation suggesting that high flow of electrons through salt bridge with in-
creasing time period. The OCV of 645 mV was generated by the isolate Amantichitinum ursilacus (Z2) was
nearer to that of maximum OCV of 800 mV [16] reported until now. This implies that the bacterial isolate
Amantichitinum ursilacus (Z2) might have electrogenic properties like C-type cytochromes [17] or conductive
Z. Naureen et al.
5. Conclusion
The present study revealed that the potential electrogenic bacteria can be easily procured from waste water se-
diments and deployed in MFCs for an eco-friendly and economically viable method of electricity generation.
Bacterial isolates Z2 & Z7 can be further utilized to generate electricity from waste water. Bacterial isolate Z6
might prove to be potentially novel specie/genera and will be further investigated using conventional and mod-
ern microbial identification methods.
The present research has received FURAP Research Grant Funding from the Research Council of the Sultanate
of Oman (TRC). The authors would like to acknowledge support from TRC.
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