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Protein Folding Instructions

Background: Proteins are the molecules that carry out most of the cell’s day-to-day
functions. While the DNA in the nucleus is "the boss" and controls the activities of the
cell, it is the proteins that "do the work." In this activity you will examine the structure of
proteins and how their structure is related to their function.

Proteins are made from a chain of amino acids and are folded into a variety of shapes. A
chain of amino acids is called a polypeptide chain. A protein may consist of one or more
polypeptide chains. The shape of the protein will determine its function.

The R groups on the amino acids determine the properties of that amino acid. The
properties of the amino acids also determine the final confirmation of the proteins.

1. If there are only 20 amino acids, how are there thousands of different proteins?

Because amino acids can be arranged in many different ways making it to where
we can have thousands of different proteins.

2. How does a protein's shape determine its function?

it is determined by the shape of the amino acids and the interaction between them.

Procedure: To help you understand how a protein is constructed and how its structure is
related to its function, you and your lab partner(s) will build a model of a protein. A
protein’s shape, and ultimately its function, is determined by four levels of structure.

1. Take a pipe cleaner and the following beads:

Number of Beads Color Amino acids

6 Blue Asn, Gln, Ser(2),

Thr, Tyr

8 Yellow Gly, Leu, Met, Phe,

Pro, Trp, Val(2)

2 Green Cys(2)

2 Pink Asp, Glu

2 Purple His, Lys

2. Place the beads in the following order on the pipe cleaner:

Met, Lys, His, Val, Ser, Leu, Asp, Glu, Cys, Asn, Tyr, Val, Phe, Trp, Pro, Ser,
Thr, Gln, Cys, Gly.
3. Leave a little of the pipe cleaner at each end free so that you can fold it back to prevent
the beads from falling off.) The beads represent the amino acid sequence in a
polypeptide that was specified by the DNA. Find the chart of amino acids in your
text. Look at the R group on each of the following amino acids, and Label each as
nonpolar, polar, negatively charged, or positively charged on your data sheet.
(You can find a chart to help you at the end of this document.)

4. The secondary structure of a protein results when parts of the polypeptide coil (alpha
helix) or fold (beta pleated sheet). Take your string of beads and either fold the
strand back and forth accordion style, or coil it around your pencil to form a
spiral, or do a little of both. You have now made the secondary structure.

5. The third level of organization is called the tertiary structure and this is created when
the folded, twisted chain of amino acids folds back on itself to form the overall
shape of the polypeptide. Take your polypeptide chain and fold it so that the free
ends meet.

6. Many proteins are made of more than one polypeptide chain. Take your polypeptide
chain and join it with the polypeptide chain of the students at your table. You now
have a protein model that is demonstrating quaternary (4 level) structure.

How does the final shape of your molecule determine its functioit determines it by
the sequence they are put in

Protein Folding Data Sheet

Step 1:

Find the chart of amino acids in your text. Look at the R group on each of the following
amino acids, and identify each as nonpolar, polar, negatively charged, or positively

Draw the structure of an amino acid and label the functional groups

What kinds of bonds hold this structure together? Covalent bonds

Step 2:

The polypeptide is now in the secondary conformation; the pleats and helices are due to
Hydrogen bonds.
Step 3:

The tertiary conformation is where the peptide looks like a globular protein. Here are the
rules to follow when forming the tertiary structure

a. In a watery environment, polar amino acids want to have contact with water

b. In a watery environment, nonpolar amino acids want to be near each other and away
from water

c. Positively charged amino acids are attached to negatively charged amino acids

d. When you think you have folded the protein correctly, raise your hand to show your

Using a spare sheet of paper given to you by Mrs. Craft, draw a picture of your folding
protein, color in the amino acids in their correct colors.

What determines how a protein folds?

the sequence that the aminoacids are in

Step 4:

For some proteins, the tertiary conformation is its functional form. However, for some
proteins to function, they need to associate with other tertiary structures (called subunits)
creating what is called the protien conformation.

Why are some of the structures formed in the class different? How does this relate to
chaperonins? Google chaperonin and provide the definition below.

a family of heat shock proteins.


1. Why are proteins such important molecules in living cells?

because thy make enzymes in living cells

2. If we use an analogy that compares a cell to a factory, why could DNA be called "the
boss" and proteins be called "the factory workers"?

because cells have dna

3. Egg white is normally a thick clear liquid containing protein. When heated, it turns into
a white semi-solid. Explain why and how you think this happens.

because the heat makes it more solid than the liquid because it absorbs it

4. Why are proteins among the most diverse macromolecules?

The functions of proteins are very diverse because there are 20 different chemically
distinct amino acids that form long chains, and the amino acids can be in any order.

5.How does the structure of a protein determine its function?

by the order the amino acids are in.

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