Grade 5 DLL English 5 Q4 Week 4 Ok
Grade 5 DLL English 5 Q4 Week 4 Ok
Grade 5 DLL English 5 Q4 Week 4 Ok
H. Making generalizations and Closure Closure / Assessment Closure / Assessment Closure / Assessment Closure / Assessment
abstractions about the lesson How would you restate What is denotation? What is a compound How do we arrange events What are the different
sentence or statement? What connotation? sentence? that happened in a story? elements of multimedia and
To restate a sentence/ Denotation refers to the literal • A compound sentence is The order in which events how they contribute to the
statement heard you must listen meaning of a word, the made up of two or more happen in a story, or how meaning of the text?
carefully and "dictionary definition." independent clauses usually ideas are arranged in a
remember the main points. Connotation refers to the joined by the conjunctions composition is called
associations that are connected and, or andbut. And expresses sequence of events or ideas.
to a certain word or the addition, or tells choice, and This helps you understand
emotional suggestions related but shows contrast. Other what you are reading.
to that word. conjunctions that may be It is important to note time
used are yet, so and for. Yet signals such as In 1985, five
means but at the same time, years after, first, next , or
so means therefore, and for finally.
means because.
A comma is usually used
before the conjunction in a
compound sentence.
J. Additional activities for application or Learn some more • Give examples of denotation • Choose a selection you Read and learn • From the internet gather
remediation Teacher will tell something and connotation want. From the selection, List Rearrange the following some examples showing
about the picture. Listen down compound sentences sentences to form a good elements of multimedia.
carefully and write down at you can find story. Write them in
least 2-3 sentences you paragraph form.
remembered. - They applied the iodine test
and discovered which part
stores starch. (5)
- The pupils opened up the
corn grains and examined the
different parts. (4)
(Pls. refer to LM)